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A blended physics-based and black-box identification approach for spacecraft inertia estimation / Mammarella, Martina; Donati, Cesare; Dabbene, Fabrizio; Novara, Carlo; Lagoa, Constantino. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 8282-8287. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) tenutosi a Milano (ITA) nel December, 16-19 2024) [10.1109/cdc56724.2024.10886338]. 1-gen-2024 Mammarella, MartinaDonati, CesareDabbene, FabrizioNovara, Carlo + -
Model Predictive Control for underactuated spacecraft equipped with two reaction wheels in the presence of a residual angular momentum / Avanzini, Giulio; Luigi de Angelis, Emanuele; Giulietti, Fabrizio; Novara, Carlo; Pagone, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024). (Intervento presentato al convegno 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) tenutosi a Milano (Ita) nel 14-18 October 2024) [10.52202/078368-0002]. 1-gen-2024 Carlo NovaraMichele Pagone + IAC_2024_MPC_UnderAct_SC_with_momentum_bias (1).pdf
One-shot backpropagation for multi-step prediction in physics-based system identification / Donati, Cesare; Mammarella, Martina; Dabbene, Fabrizio; Novara, Carlo; Lagoa, Constantino. - ELETTRONICO. - 58:(2024), pp. 271-276. (Intervento presentato al convegno SYSID 2024 - 20th IFAC Symposium on System Identification tenutosi a Boston (USA) nel July 17-18, 2024) [10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.08.540]. 1-gen-2024 Donati, CesareMammarella, MartinaDabbene, FabrizioNovara, Carlo + Donati-OneShot.pdf
Scheduling of Satellite Constellation Operations in EO Missions Using Quantum Optimization / Marchioli, Vinicius; Boggio, Mattia; Volpe, Deborah; Massotti, Luca; Novara, Carlo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 227-242. (Intervento presentato al convegno OL2A: International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications tenutosi a San Cristóbal de La Laguna (SPA) nel July 24-26, 2024) [10.1007/978-3-031-77432-4_16]. 1-gen-2024 Marchioli, ViniciusBoggio, MattiaVolpe, DeborahMassotti, LucaNovara, Carlo Scheduling_of_Satellite_Constellation_Operations_in_EO_Missions_Using_Quantum_Optimization.pdf
Set Membership identification for NMPC complexity reduction / Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Taragna, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - 58:(2024), pp. 217-222. (Intervento presentato al convegno SYSID 2024 - 20th IFAC Symposium on System Identification tenutosi a Boston (USA) nel July 17-18, 2024) [10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.08.531]. 1-gen-2024 Boggio, MattiaNovara, CarloTaragna, Michele Set_Membership_identification_for_NMPC_complexity_reduction.pdf
A Minimum-propellant Pontryagin-based Nonlinear MPC for Spacecraft Rendezvous in Lunar Orbit / Bucchioni, Giordana; Alfino, Francesco; Pagone, Michele; Novara, Carlo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno The 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control tenutosi a Singapore, Singapore nel 13-15 December 2023) [10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383572]. 1-gen-2023 Michele PagoneCarlo Novara + A Minimum_propellant Pontryagin_based Nonlinear MPC for Spacecraft Rendezvous in Lunar Orbit.pdfPagone-AMinimum.pdf
A Pontryagin-based Game-theoretic Approach for Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control / Pagone, Michele; Zino, Lorenzo; Novara, Carlo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control tenutosi a Singapore, Singapore nel 13-15 December 2023) [10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384002]. 1-gen-2023 Michele PagoneLorenzo ZinoCarlo Novara A Pontryagin_based Game_theoretic Approach for Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.pdfPagone-Apontryagin.pdf
Control of underactuated spacecraft by dynamic implementation of a sequence of feasible rotations / Avanzini, Giulio; Luigi De Angelis, Emanuele; Giulietti, Fabrizio; Novara, Carlo; Pagone, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference tenutosi a Big Sky, Montana (USA) nel 13-17/08/2023). 1-gen-2023 Carlo NovaraMichele Pagone + CONTROL OF UNDERACTUATED SPACECRAFT BY DYNAMIC IMPLEMENTATION OF A SEQUENCE OF FEASIBLE ROTATIONS.pdf
Design of Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Observer for LISA Mission Micro-Meteoroid Impact / Ruggiero, D.; Capello, E.; Novara, C.; Grzymisch, J.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 4814-4819. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2023 American Control Conference (ACC) tenutosi a San Diego, CA, USA nel 31 May 2023 - 02 June 2023) [10.23919/acc55779.2023.10155814]. 1-gen-2023 D. RuggieroE. CapelloC. Novara + ACC2023_LISASlidingModeObserver.pdfRuggiero-Design.pdf
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: an Optimal Search Domain Reduction / Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Taragna, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - 56:(2023), pp. 6253-6258. (Intervento presentato al convegno 22nd IFAC World Congress tenutosi a Yokohama, Japan nel July 9-14, 2023) [10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.768]. 1-gen-2023 Boggio, MattiaNovara, CarloTaragna, Michele Nonlinear_Model_Predictive_Control_an_Optimal_Search_Domain_Reduction.pdf
A penalty function approach to constrained Pontryagin-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control / Pagone, Michele; Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Proskurnikov, Anton; Calafiore, Giuseppe. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE Conference on Decision and Control tenutosi a Cancún, Mexico nel 6-9 December, 2022) [10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992438]. 1-gen-2022 Michele PagoneMattia BoggioCarlo NovaraAnton ProskurnikovGiuseppe Calafiore A penalty function approach to constrained Pontryagin-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.pdfPagone-APenalty.pdf
NMPC-based guidance and control for autonomous high-thrust non-coplanar LEO-GEO missions / Pagone, Michele; Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Massotti, Luca. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno 73nd International Astronautical Congress tenutosi a Paris, France nel 18-22 September, 2022). 1-gen-2022 Michele PagoneMattia BoggioCarlo NovaraLuca Massotti NMPC-based guidance and control for autonomous high-thrust non-coplanar LEO-GEO missions.pdf
A Pontryagin-based NMPC approach for autonomous rendez-vous proximity operations / Pagone, Michele; Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Vidano, Simone. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 42nd IEEE Aerospace Conference nel 6-13 March 2021) [10.1109/AERO50100.2021.9438226]. 1-gen-2021 Michele PagoneMattia BoggioCarlo NovaraSimone Vidano A Pontryagin-based NMPC approach for autonomous rendez-vous proximity operations.pdfA Pontryagin-based NMPC approach for autonomous rendez-vous proximity operations_POST_PRINT_AUTORE.pdf
A Supervisor Αgent-Based on the Markovian Decision Process Framework to Optimize the Behavior of a Highly Automated System / Castellano, A.; Karimshoushtari, M.; Novara, C.; Tango, F.. - ELETTRONICO. - 12776:(2021), pp. 351-368. (Intervento presentato al convegno 15th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, AC 2021, held as part of the 23rd International Conference, HCI International 2021 nel 2021) [10.1007/978-3-030-78114-9_24]. 1-gen-2021 Karimshoushtari M.Novara C. + HCI_2021.pdfHCI_2021_Springer.pdf
Guidance and Control in Autonomous Debris Removal Space Missions via Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Control / Scaffidi Lallaro, Marco; Novara, Carlo; Vidano, Simone. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 72nd International Astronautical Congress tenutosi a Dubai nel 25 - 29 October 2021). 1-gen-2021 Novara, CarloVidano, Simone + IAC-21,C1,3,3,x63869.pdf
NMPC-Based Guidance and Control for Earth Observation Missions / Pagone, Michele; Boggio, Mattia; Novara, Carlo; Massotti, Luca; Vidano, Simone. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 11st International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems 2021 tenutosi a Virtual Edition nel 22-25 June 2021). 1-gen-2021 Michele PagoneMattia BoggioCarlo NovaraLuca MassottiSimone Vidano NMPC Based Guidance and Control for Autonomous Earth Observation Missions.pdf
NMPC-Based Orbit and Formation Control for an Earth-Gravity Monitoring Mission / Boggio, M.; Cotugno, P.; Perez Montenegro, C.; Pagone, M.; Novara, C.; Massotti, L.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno International Astronautical Congress tenutosi a Dubai nel 25-29 October 2021). 1-gen-2021 M. BoggioC. Perez MontenegroM. PagoneC. NovaraL. Massotti + NMPC-Based Orbit and Formation Control for an Earth-Gravity Monitoring Mission.pdf
Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3 / Druml, N; Ryabokon, A; Schorn, R; Koszescha, J; Ozols, K; Levinskis, A; Novickis, R; Nigussie, E; Isoaho, J; Solmaz, S; Stettinger, G; Diaz, S; Marcano, M; Villagra, J; Medina, J; Schwarz, M; Artunedo, A; Comi, M; Beekelaar, R; Ozcelik, O; Tasdelen, Ea; Gurbuz, Y; Saijets, J; Kyynarainen, J; Morits, D; Debaillie, B; Rykunov, M; Escamilla, J; Vanne, J; Korhonen, T; Holma, K; Matzhold, Em; Novara, C; Tango, F; Burgio, P; Calafiore, G; Karimshoushtari, M; Boulay, E; Dhaens, M; Praet, K; Zwijnenberg, H; Palm, H; Ortega, Da; Kalali, E; Pensala, T; Kyytinen, A; Larsen, M; Veledar, O; Macher, G; Lafer, M; Giraudi, L; Reckenzaun, J; Hammer, D; Mohan, N; Schmid, J; Hoss, A; Ophir, S; Dubey, A; Fuchs, J; Lubke, M; Anghel, A; Ristea, Nc; Torngren, M; Musralina, A; Harter, M; Jose, Jm; Dimitrakopoulos, G. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 268-277. (Intervento presentato al convegno 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) tenutosi a Palermo, Italy nel 01-03 September 2021) [10.1109/DSD53832.2021.00049]. 1-gen-2021 Novara, CCalafiore, GKarimshoushtari, M + Programmable_Systems_for_Intelligence_in_Automobiles_PRYSTINE_Final_results_after_Year_3.pdf
The LISA DFACS: effects of micrometeoroid impacts in the drag-free mode / Virdis, Mario; Vidano, Simone; Pagone, Michele; Ruggiero, Dario; Novara, Carlo; Grzymisch, Jonathan; Preda, Valentin; Punta, Elisabetta. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 72nd International Astronautical Congress tenutosi a Dubai nel 25-30 October 2021). 1-gen-2021 Mario VirdisSimone VidanoMichele PagoneDario RuggieroCarlo Novara + The LISA DFACS effects of micrometeoroid impacts inthe drag-free mode.pdf
The LISA DFACS: Overview of the Control Design Activities for the Drag-Free Mode / Vidano, Simone; Novara, Carlo; Grzymisch, Jonathan; Pagone, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems tenutosi a Virtual Edition nel 22 - 25 June 2021). 1-gen-2021 Vidano, SimoneNovara, CarloPagone, Michele + Vidano - The LISA DFACS Overview of the Control Design Activities for the Drag-Free Mode.pdf