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Citazione Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Enhancing Security of Smart Cities with “Signal for Help” Recognition System / Buccellato, Federico; De Sio, Corrado; Vacca, Eleonora; Azimi, Sarah. - ELETTRONICO. - (In corso di stampa). (Intervento presentato al convegno 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference tenutosi a Pattaya, Thailand nel 29/10/24-1/11/24). In corso di stampa Buccellato, FedericoDe Sio, CorradoVacca, EleonoraAzimi, Sarah ISC_Plito_CameraReasdy.pdf
On Assessing the Robustness of RISC-V Soft Cores for Space Systems by Mission-Tailored SEU Analysis / Vacca, Eleonora; De Sio, Corrado; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca. - ELETTRONICO. - (In corso di stampa). (Intervento presentato al convegno 31st IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems tenutosi a Nancy (FRA) nel 18-20 November 2024). In corso di stampa Vacca, EleonoraDe Sio, CorradoAzimi, SarahSterpone, Luca ICECS24_CAMERA_READY.pdf
A New Reliability Analysis of RISC-V Soft Processor for Safety-Critical Systems / Cora, Giorgio; De Sio, Corrado; Rizzieri, Daniele; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 31-36. (Intervento presentato al convegno 27th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems tenutosi a Kielce (POL) nel 03-05 April 2024) [10.1109/DDECS60919.2024.10508921]. 1-gen-2024 Cora, GiorgioDe Sio, CorradoRizzieri, DanieleAzimi, SarahSterpone, Luca DDECS2024.pdfA_New_Reliability_Analysis_of_RISC-V_Soft_Processor_for_Safety-Critical_Systems.pdf
A Novel Robust Core for Detecting Node Failures in FPGA Clusters / Cora, Giorgio; DE SIO, Corrado; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca. - (2024), pp. 328-329. (Intervento presentato al convegno CF' 24: 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers tenutosi a Ischia (ITA) nel May 7 - 9, 2024) [10.1145/3649153.3653001]. 1-gen-2024 Giorgio CoraCorrado De SioSarah AzimiLuca Sterpone cf24_robust_core.pdf3649153.3653001.pdf
CNN-Oriented Placement Algorithm for High-Performance Accelerators on Rad-Hard FPGAs / Sterpone, L.; Azimi, S.; De Sio, C. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS. - ISSN 0278-0070. - 43:4(2024), pp. 1079-1092. [10.1109/TCAD.2023.3331976] 1-gen-2024 Sterpone, L.Azimi, S.De Sio, C TCAD_2023.pdfCNN-Oriented_Placement_Algorithm_for_High-Performance_Accelerators_on_Rad-Hard_FPGAs.pdf
Enhancing the Robustness of System on FPGA by Routing Isolation / Nicolini, Davide; DE SIO, Corrado; Vacca, Eleonora. - (2024), pp. 326-327. (Intervento presentato al convegno CF' 24: 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers tenutosi a Ischia (ITA) nel May 7 - 9, 2024) [10.1145/3649153.3653000]. 1-gen-2024 Davide NicoliniCorrado De SioEleonora Vacca cf24-final_rout.pdf3649153.3653000.pdf
Exploring the Resiliency of Hardware CNN for Aerospace Application / De Sio, C.; Cora, G.; Azimi, S.; Vacca, E.; Sterpone, L.. - (2024). (Intervento presentato al convegno 20th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) tenutosi a Volos (GRC) nel July 2-5, 2024) [10.1109/SMACD61181.2024.10745391]. 1-gen-2024 C. De SioG. CoraS. AzimiE. VaccaL. Sterpone paper_86.pdfExploring_the_Resiliency_of_Hardware_CNN_for_Aerospace_Application.pdf
On the Fault Tolerance of Self-Supervised Training in Convolutional Neural Networks / Milazzo, Rosario; De Marco, Vincenzo; De Sio, Corrado; Fosson, Sophie; Morra, Lia; Sterpone, Luca. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 110-115. (Intervento presentato al convegno 27th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems tenutosi a Kielce (Polonia) nel 3-5 April 2024) [10.1109/DDECS60919.2024.10508923]. 1-gen-2024 Milazzo, RosarioDe Marco, VincenzoDe Sio, CorradoFosson, SophieMorra, LiaSterpone, Luca 2024050425.pdfOn_the_Fault_Tolerance_of_Self-Supervised_Training_in_Convolutional_Neural_Networks.pdf
Scalable K-Nearest Neighbors Implementation using Distributed Embedded Systems / DE SIO, Corrado; Avignone, Andrea; Sterpone, Luca; Chiusano, Silvia. - (2024), pp. 314-315. (Intervento presentato al convegno CF' 24: 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers tenutosi a Ischia (ITA) nel May 7-9, 2024) [10.1145/3649153.3652994]. 1-gen-2024 Corrado De SioAndrea AvignoneLuca SterponeSilvia Chiusano cf24-final_knn.pdf3649153.3652994.pdf
Toward Fault-Tolerant Applications on Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip / DE SIO, Corrado; Sterpone, Luca. - (2024), pp. 197-206. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2024 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC) tenutosi a San Diego, CA (USA) nel 03-08 November 2024) [10.1109/ITC51657.2024.00039]. 1-gen-2024 Corrado De SioLuca Sterpone itc_Toward_Fault-Tolerant_Applications_on_Reconfigurable_Systems-on-Chip.pdf
A Framework for Uniformly Analyze and Mitigate Radiation-effects on FPGAs for Aerospace / Sterpone, Luca; Azimi, Sarah; DE SIO, Corrado. - (2023), pp. 257-262. (Intervento presentato al convegno 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers tenutosi a Bologna (IT) nel May 9 - 11, 2023) [10.1145/3587135.3592768]. 1-gen-2023 Luca SterponeSarah AzimiCorrado De Sio 3587135.3592768.pdf
Assessing Convolutional Neural Networks Reliability through Statistical Fault Injections / Ruospo, Annachiara; Gavarini, Gabriele; De Sio, Corrado; Guerrero Balaguera, Juan David; Sterpone, Luca; Sonza Reorda, Matteo; Sanchez, Ernesto; Mariani, Riccardo; Aribido, Joseph; Athavale, Jyotika. - (2023), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) tenutosi a Antwerp (Belgium) nel 17 - 19 April 2023) [10.23919/DATE56975.2023.10136998]. 1-gen-2023 Ruospo, AnnachiaraGavarini, GabrieleDe Sio, CorradoGuerrero Balaguera, Juan DavidSterpone, LucaSonza Reorda, MatteoSanchez, Ernesto + date_2023_acceptedVersion.pdfAssessing_Convolutional_Neural_Networks_Reliability_through_Statistical_Fault_Injections.pdf
Assessing the Robustness of Real-Time Operating System on Soft Processor against Multiple Bit Upset / Portaluri, Andrea; DE SIO, Corrado; Sterpone, Luca. - (2023), pp. 207-208. (Intervento presentato al convegno 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers tenutosi a Bologna (IT) nel May 9 - 11, 2023) [10.1145/3587135.3592188]. 1-gen-2023 Andrea PortaluriCorrado De SioLuca Sterpone 3587135.3592188.pdf
Enhanced Video Surveillance Systems for “Signal For Help” Detection on Edge Devices / Azimi, Sarah; De Sio, Corrado; Sterpone, Luca. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 1-4. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS23) tenutosi a Swansea, Wales (UK) nel 13-15 September 2023) [10.1109/ISTAS57930.2023.10305989]. 1-gen-2023 Azimi,SarahDe Sio, CorradoSterpone, Luca ISTAS_2023.pdfEnhanced_Video_Surveillance_Systems_for_Signal_for_Help_Detection_on_Edge_Devices.pdf
Evaluating Reliability against SEE of Embedded Systems: A Comparison of RTOS and Bare-metal Approaches / DE SIO, Corrado; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca. - In: MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY. - ISSN 0026-2714. - 150:(2023). [10.1016/j.microrel.2023.115124] 1-gen-2023 Corrado De SioSarah AzimiLuca Sterpone MicRel_V2.2_CD.pdf1-s2.0-S002627142300224X-main.pdf
Exploring the Impact of Soft Errors on the Reliability of Real-Time Embedded Operating Systems / Azimi, Sarah; DE SIO, Corrado; Portaluri, Andrea; Rizzieri, Daniele; Vacca, Eleonora; Sterpone, Luca; Merodio Codinachs, David. - In: ELECTRONICS. - ISSN 2079-9292. - 12:1(2023), p. 169. [10.3390/electronics12010169] 1-gen-2023 Sarah AzimiCorrado De SioAndrea PortaluriDaniele RizzieriEleonora VaccaLuca Sterpone + electronics-12-00169.pdf
Fighting for a Future Free from Violence: A Framework for Real-time Detection of “Signal for Help” / Azimi, Sarah; De Sio, Corrado; Carlucci, Francesco; Sterpone, Luca. - In: INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. - ISSN 2667-3053. - 17:(2023), pp. 1-24. [10.1016/j.iswa.2022.200174] 1-gen-2023 Azimi, SarahDe Sio, CorradoCarlucci, FrancescoSterpone, Luca ISwA_2023.pdf
High-Performance SET Hardening Technique for Vision-Oriented Applications / DE SIO, Corrado; Sterpone, Luca. - (2023), pp. 1-4. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) tenutosi a Funchal (PRT) nel 03-05 July 2023) [10.1109/SMACD58065.2023.10192201]. 1-gen-2023 Corrado De SioLuca Sterpone SMACD2023_V3_SS.pdfHigh-Performance_SET_Hardening_Technique_for_Vision-Oriented_Applications.pdf
Programmable SEL Test Monitoring System for Radiation Hardness Assurance / Rizzieri, Daniele; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca; DE SIO, Corrado; Borel, Thomas; Gupta, Viyas; Cardi, Marghertia. - (2023), pp. 217-223. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks tenutosi a Porto (PRT) nel 27 - 30 June 2023) [10.1109/DSN-S58398.2023.00061]. 1-gen-2023 Daniele RizzieriSarah AzimiLuca SterponeCorrado De Sio + DSN2023_Camera Ready.pdfProgrammable_SEL_Test_Monitoring_System_for_Radiation_Hardness_Assurance.pdf
PyXEL: Exploring Bitstream Analysis to Assess and Enhance the Robustness of Designs on FPGAs / DE SIO, Corrado; Azimi, Sarah; Sterpone, Luca; Merodio Codinachs, David; Decuzzi, Filomena. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) tenutosi a Funchal (PRT) nel 03-05 July 2023) [10.1109/SMACD58065.2023.10192116]. 1-gen-2023 Corrado De SioSarah AzimiLuca Sterpone + pyxel_CAMERA_READY.pdfPyXEL_Exploring_Bitstream_Analysis_to_Assess_and_Enhance_the_Robustness_of_Designs_on_FPGAs.pdf