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Collaborative forecasting of influenza-like illness in Italy: The Influcast experience / Fiandrino, Stefania; Bizzotto, Andrea; Guzzetta, Giorgio; Merler, Stefano; Baldo, Federico; Valdano, Eugenio; Urdiales, Alberto Mateo; Bella, Antonino; Celino, Francesco; Zino, Lorenzo; Rizzo, Alessandro; Li, Yuhan; Perra, Nicola; Gioannini, Corrado; Milano, Paolo; Paolotti, Daniela; Quaggiotto, Marco; Rossi, Luca; Vismara, Ivan; Vespignani, Alessandro; Gozzi, Nicolò. - In: EPIDEMICS. - ISSN 1755-4365. - STAMPA. - 50:(2025). [10.1016/j.epidem.2025.100819] 1-gen-2025 Zino, LorenzoRizzo, Alessandro + influcast_2324 (1).pdfEPI_2025.pdf
Neural adaptive MPC with online metaheuristic tuning for power management in fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles / Calogero, Lorenzo; Pagone, Michele; Cianflone, Francesco; Gandino, Edoardo; Karam, Carlo; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1545-5955. - ELETTRONICO. - (2025). [10.1109/TASE.2025.3534402] 1-gen-2025 Calogero, LorenzoPagone, MicheleRizzo Alessandro + 2025-J - TASE - NA-MPC with Online Metaheuristic Tuning for Power Management in FCHEVs (Postprint).pdfNeural_Adaptive_MPC_with_Online_Metaheuristic_Tuning_for_Power_Management_in_Fuel_Cell_Hybrid_Electric_Vehicles.pdf
Robust adaptive control for aggressive quadrotor maneuvers via SO(3) and backstepping techniques / Gu, Weibin; Primatesta, Stefano; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. - ISSN 0921-8890. - ELETTRONICO. - 188:(2025), pp. 1-12. [10.1016/j.robot.2025.104942] 1-gen-2025 Gu, WeibinPrimatesta, StefanoRizzo, Alessandro 1-s2.0-S0921889025000284-main.pdf
Correction to the Euler Lagrange multirotor model with Euler angles generalized coordinates / Martini, Simone; Valavanis, Kimon P.; Stefanovic, Margareta; Rutherford, Matthew J.; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. - ISSN 0921-0296. - STAMPA. - 110:1(2024). [10.1007/s10846-023-02040-9] 1-gen-2024 Rizzo, Alessandro + 2024_JINT_Martini_EulerEquivalence.pdf
Enhanced Quadratic Programming via Pseudo-Transient Continuation: An Application to Model Predictive Control / Calogero, Lorenzo; Pagone, Michele; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. - ISSN 2475-1456. - ELETTRONICO. - 8:(2024), pp. 1661-1666. [10.1109/LCSYS.2024.3410895] 1-gen-2024 Lorenzo CalogeroMichele PagoneAlessandro Rizzo Calogero-Enhanced.pdfCalogero-Enhanced.VoR.pdf
Koopman operator based modeling and control of quadrotors / Martini, Simone; Rizzo, Alessandro; Stefanovic, Margareta; Livreri, Patrizia; Rutherford, Matthew; Valavanis, Kimon. - 40:(2024), pp. 253-266. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2023 IUTAM Symposium on Optimal Guidance and Control for Autonomous Systems) [10.1007/978-3-031-39303-7]. 1-gen-2024 Rizzo, Alessandro + 2023_IUTAM_Conference_Martini_KoopmanPOSTPRINT.pdf2023_IUTAM_Conference_Martini_Koopman.pdf
On a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Epidemic Model with Reactive Behavioral Response on Higher-Order Temporal Networks / Zino, Lorenzo; Rizzo, Alessandro. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 3912-3917. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control tenutosi a Milano (Ita) nel 16-19 Dicembre 2024) [10.1109/cdc56724.2024.10886121]. 1-gen-2024 Zino, LorenzoRizzo, Alessandro CDC_2024 (epidemics).pdfcdc2024_epi.pdf
Optimal Control of Endemic Epidemic Diseases With Behavioral Response / Parino, Francesco; Zino, Lorenzo; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF CONTROL SYSTEMS. - ISSN 2694-085X. - ELETTRONICO. - 3:(2024), pp. 483-496. [10.1109/ojcsys.2024.3488567] 1-gen-2024 Parino, FrancescoZino, LorenzoRizzo, Alessandro Zino-OptimalControl.pdfOptimal_Control_of_Endemic_Epidemic_Diseases_With_Behavioral_Response.pdf
Output‐based enhanced closed‐loop model reference adaptive control and its application to direct yaw moment control / Montanaro, Umberto; Chen, Chen; Rizzo, Alessandro; Sorniotti, Aldo. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. - ISSN 1049-8923. - (2024), pp. 9471-9500. [10.1002/rnc.7471] 1-gen-2024 Chen, ChenRizzo, AlessandroSorniotti, Aldo + Intl J Robust Nonlinear - 2024 - Montanaro - Output‐based enhanced closed‐loop model reference adaptive control and its.pdf
Physics-informed Neural Network for Quadrotor Dynamical Modeling / Gu, Weibin; Primatesta, Stefano; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. - ISSN 0921-8890. - ELETTRONICO. - 171:(2024). [10.1016/j.robot.2023.104569] 1-gen-2024 Gu, WeibinPrimatesta, StefanoRizzo, Alessandro 1-s2.0-S0921889023002087-main.pdf
Pseudo-Transient Continuation for Enhanced Quadratic Programming and Optimal Control / Calogero, Lorenzo; Pagone, Michele; Rizzo, Alessandro. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 155-156. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2024 Automatica.it Conference tenutosi a Bolzano (Italy) nel 11/09/2024-13/09/2024). 1-gen-2024 Calogero, LorenzoPagone, MicheleRizzo, Alessandro 2024-C - SIDRA - PTC for Enhanced QP and Optimal Control (Published).pdf
Smooth and collision-free trajectory planning for redundant 3D laser cutting machines / Ding, Zhipeng; Indri, Marina; Rizzo, Alessandro; Soccio, Pietro. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024). (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE ETFA - IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation tenutosi a Padova (Italy) nel 10th-13th September, 2024) [10.1109/ETFA61755.2024.10710913]. 1-gen-2024 Zhipeng DingMarina IndriAlessandro Rizzo + ETFA24_Zhipeng.pdfETFA24_Zhipeng_AuthorsVersion.pdf
Through hole-cutting conic posture optimization for a redundant 3D laser cutting machine / Ding, Zhipeng; Soccio, Pietro; Indri, Marina; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. - ISSN 1433-3015. - STAMPA. - (2024). [10.1007/s00170-024-13252-0] 1-gen-2024 Ding, ZhipengIndri, MarinaRizzo, Alessandro + 2024_IJAMT_Zhipeng_redundant_cutting.pdf
A model predictive control approach to optimally devise a two-dose vaccination rollout: A case study on COVID-19 in Italy / Parino, F.; Zino, L.; Calafiore, G. C.; Rizzo, A.. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. - ISSN 1049-8923. - STAMPA. - 33:9(2023), pp. 4808-4823. [10.1002/rnc.5728] 1-gen-2023 Parino F.Zino L.Calafiore G. C.Rizzo A. IJRNC (vaccine).pdf
Auction-Based Task Allocation and Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Systems with Human Supervision / Galati, Giada; Primatesta, Stefano; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. - ISSN 0921-0296. - ELETTRONICO. - 109:24(2023). [10.1007/s10846-023-01935-x] 1-gen-2023 Galati, GiadaPrimatesta, StefanoRizzo, Alessandro s10846-023-01935-x.pdf
Dynamic planning of a two-dose vaccination campaign with uncertain supplies / Calafiore, Giuseppe Carlo; Parino, Francesco; Zino, Lorenzo; Rizzo, Alessandro. - In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. - ISSN 0377-2217. - STAMPA. - 304:3(2023), pp. 1269-1278. [10.1016/j.ejor.2022.05.009] 1-gen-2023 Calafiore, Giuseppe CarloParino, FrancescoZino, LorenzoRizzo, Alessandro Rizzo-Dynamic.pdf
Exploring a COVID-19 Endemic Scenario: High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling of Multiple Variants / Truszkowska, A; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Zp; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M. - In: ADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONS. - ISSN 2513-0390. - ELETTRONICO. - 6:1(2023). [10.1002/adts.202200481] 1-gen-2023 Zino, LRizzo, A + Advcd Theory and Sims - 2022 - Truszkowska - Exploring a COVID‐19 Endemic Scenario High‐Resolution Agent‐Based Modeling of.pdfATS_TwoStrains_REV (6).pdf
La teoria dei giochi per migliorare l'interazione tra robot ed esseri umani / Rizzo, Alessandro; Galati, Giada; Simone Macrì, E. - In: NOTIZIARIO DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ. - ISSN 1827-6296. - ELETTRONICO. - 36:9(2023), pp. 7-10. 1-gen-2023 Alessandro RizzoGiada Galati + La teoria dei giochi per migliorare l’interazione tra robot ed esseri umani.pdf
Multi-Auctioneer Market-based Task Scheduling for Persistent Drone Delivery / Rinaldi, Marco; Primatesta, Stefano; Guglieri, Giorgio; Rizzo, Alessandro. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 790-797. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) tenutosi a Warsaw (PL) nel 6-9 Giugno 2023) [10.1109/ICUAS57906.2023.10155855]. 1-gen-2023 Rinaldi, MarcoPrimatesta, StefanoGuglieri, GiorgioRizzo, Alessandro paper_ICUAS_2023_version_of_record.pdf
Network Science and Automation / Zino, Lorenzo; Barzel, Baruch; Rizzo, Alessandro (SPRINGER HANDBOOKS). - In: Springer Handbook of Automation / Nof, S.Y.. - STAMPA. - Cham, Svizzera : Springer, Cham, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-030-96728-4. - pp. 251-274 [10.1007/978-3-030-96729-1_11] 1-gen-2023 Zino, LorenzoRizzo, Alessandro + HandbookChapterNets.pdfHandbook of automation-288-311.pdf