Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 44.259
NA - Nord America 30.054
AS - Asia 7.034
AF - Africa 398
SA - Sud America 263
OC - Oceania 102
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 82.116
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 29.785
IT - Italia 14.003
DE - Germania 9.982
FR - Francia 6.781
GB - Regno Unito 5.407
CN - Cina 2.641
UA - Ucraina 1.881
SG - Singapore 1.580
RU - Federazione Russa 1.119
TR - Turchia 928
IE - Irlanda 786
NL - Olanda 766
KR - Corea 672
SE - Svezia 665
CH - Svizzera 555
BE - Belgio 475
FI - Finlandia 425
AT - Austria 328
JO - Giordania 260
CA - Canada 230
IN - India 172
ID - Indonesia 169
HK - Hong Kong 145
RO - Romania 145
MY - Malesia 142
SN - Senegal 139
ES - Italia 138
CI - Costa d'Avorio 112
JP - Giappone 112
AU - Australia 89
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 87
BR - Brasile 87
IR - Iran 87
BG - Bulgaria 73
PL - Polonia 72
PH - Filippine 65
CL - Cile 60
EU - Europa 58
DK - Danimarca 57
VN - Vietnam 51
CO - Colombia 46
PT - Portogallo 45
GR - Grecia 41
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 38
IL - Israele 36
ZA - Sudafrica 36
NG - Nigeria 32
HR - Croazia 31
AR - Argentina 29
TW - Taiwan 29
EG - Egitto 24
NO - Norvegia 23
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 23
LT - Lituania 22
MX - Messico 22
EC - Ecuador 18
EE - Estonia 18
PE - Perù 18
TH - Thailandia 18
DZ - Algeria 15
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 14
AL - Albania 13
BJ - Benin 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 13
PK - Pakistan 12
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 10
BY - Bielorussia 9
KZ - Kazakistan 9
MD - Moldavia 9
BH - Bahrain 8
BD - Bangladesh 7
MA - Marocco 7
SI - Slovenia 7
HU - Ungheria 6
RE - Reunion 6
LV - Lettonia 5
SC - Seychelles 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
VE - Venezuela 5
AM - Armenia 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
GH - Ghana 3
IQ - Iraq 3
IS - Islanda 3
LB - Libano 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
PA - Panama 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
GE - Georgia 2
OM - Oman 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TN - Tunisia 2
CY - Cipro 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
Totale 82.107
Città #
Ashburn 7.262
Southend 4.567
Turin 2.488
Seattle 2.406
Chandler 1.905
Milan 1.332
Princeton 1.201
Singapore 1.194
Fairfield 1.147
Beijing 1.101
Santa Clara 1.020
Torino 947
Ann Arbor 940
Jacksonville 922
Boardman 793
Des Moines 784
Berlin 745
Dublin 740
San Ramon 726
Houston 691
Chicago 619
Woodbridge 598
Izmir 575
Cambridge 513
Wilmington 492
Bern 471
Rome 465
Brussels 409
San Donato Milanese 357
Helsinki 341
Council Bluffs 325
Vienna 314
Saint Petersburg 262
Monopoli 228
Mountain View 226
Zaporozhye 223
Zhengzhou 215
Bologna 209
Baltimore 196
Buffalo 194
Shanghai 194
Amsterdam 188
Pennsylvania Furnace 186
Frankfurt 164
Grafing 163
Padua 162
Jakarta 157
San Francisco 151
Herkenbosch 144
Overberg 144
Guangzhou 143
Fremont 137
Redwood City 137
Sakarya 135
Seoul 134
London 114
Paris 114
Abidjan 111
Galati 106
New York 104
Hangzhou 103
Naples 98
Falls Church 97
Moscow 96
Toronto 96
Istanbul 95
Norwalk 92
Valfenera 92
San Mauro Torinese 88
Malatya 83
Shenzhen 83
Atlanta 76
Dearborn 67
San Diego 67
Verona 66
Florence 62
Rotterdam 61
Bari 60
Modena 59
Catania 58
Ivrea 58
Yubileyny 58
Fuzhou 57
Genova 57
Bolzano 55
Padova 53
Palermo 51
Redmond 49
Melun 48
Ferrara 47
Las Vegas 47
Trieste 47
Andover 46
East Lansing 46
Hong Kong 46
Aachen 45
Dallas 45
Indiana 44
Nanjing 41
San Mateo 41
Totale 45.611
Nome #
Intelligibilità del parlato nel rumore: un nuovo protocollo standardizzato internazionale di audiometria vocale competitiva (versione italiana) 1.158
SounBe. Metodo e strumento per l'analisi sensoriale acustica di materiali 937
SounBe - banca dati - presso la SIAE - n° 2011002364 698
An Italian matrix sentence test for the evaluation of speech intelligibility in noise 618
Voice Care®: un “Holter vocale” per il monitoraggio dei professionisti della voce 552
HYPERCOMFORT: uno strumento per la progettazione del benessere 543
Subjective and objective assessment of acoustical and overall environmental quality in secondary school classrooms 523
Subjective and objective speech intelligibility investigations in primary school classrooms 492
Investigations into vocal doses and parameters pertaining to primary school teachers in classrooms 484
The modern use of ancient theatres related to acoustic and lighting requirements: stage design guidelines for the Greek theatre of Syracuse 472
Limiti e prospettive della progettazione acustica assistita da computer 471
Duration of voicing and silence periods of continuous speech in different acoustic environments 455
Indici di comfort acustico per gli ambienti destinati all’ascolto della parola: selezione, analisi e discussione sulla loro applicabilità 449
Variabilità intra e inter-soggetto della misura del livello di pressione sonora 445
INTESA System: A New High-performance and Highly Integrated Drywall Façade 428
Drawing the city with the ears. Urban spaces comprehension and design through auditory perception 417
Validation of calibration procedures and uncertainty estimation of contact-microphone based vocal analyzers 414
Accuracy of the random-incidence scattering coefficient measurement 407
Effetti della correzione acustica in aule di scuola elementare sui parametri vocali delle insegnanti 399
Between the archaeological site and the contemporary stage: an example of acoustic and lighting retrofit with multifunctional purpose in the ancient theatre of Syracuse 396
The modern use of ancient theatres related to acoustic and lighting requirements: Stage design guidelines for the Greek theatre of Syracuse 391
Il fantasma del Regio 391
ITAMatrix: presentazione di un nuovo protocollo di audiometria vocale adattiva, in condizioni di rumore competitivo 387
Influence of classroom acoustics on the vocal behavior of teacers 381
L’acustica del Teatro Regio di Torino prima e dopo il restauro 379
Esplorazione Multi Obiettivo nella Progettazione Acustica Architettonica 377
Livingscape: A Multi-sensory Approach to Improve the Quality of Urban Spaces 374
Construction and first evaluation of the Italian Matrix Sentence Test for the assessment of speech intelligibility in noise 369
Acoustic monitoring of underground instabilities in an old limestone quarry 368
Long-term vocal parameters of primary school teachers and classroom acoustics with and without an acoustical treatment 367
A Phonatory System Simulator for testing purposes of voice-monitoring contact sensors 366
Subjective indices related to speech transmission in classrooms – an appraisal 360
Applicazioni di Illuminazione e Acustica 356
EDT, C80 and G Driven Auditorium Design 355
Livingscape approach to improve urban historical places 350
A portable analyzer for vocal signal monitoring 349
Intra-speaker and inter-speaker variability in speech sound pressure level across repeated readings 349
Livingscape multi-sensory experience in urban historical places: subjective assessment from the local people and quality of the urban environment 347
Detection of underground instabilities in an old limestone quarry through acoustic monitoring 343
Progettazione e validazione di un “Holter Vocale”: dispositivo indossabile per il monitoraggio continuo della voce 343
Effetto del rumore e della riverberazione sullo sforzo vocale degli insegnanti di scuola primaria 343
Multi-Objective Search in the Early Phase of Architectural Design 340
Design Issues for a Portable Vocal Analyzer 335
Un’applicazione del modello EN 12354-5: possibilità di previsione del comportamento acustico di rivestimenti resilienti per pavimenti 335
Effects of the distance from a diffusive surface on the objective and perceptual evaluation of the sound field in a small simulated variable-acoustics hall 334
Good acoustical quality in restaurants: a compromise between speech intelligibility and privacy 333
Architectural, Acoustic and Structural Form 329
Investigation of subjective acoustical attributes by performers through ranking data analyses 328
The effect of walking sounds from different walked-on materials on the soundscape of urban parks 328
Valutazione oggettiva della diffusione sonora in un ambiente acustico virtuale simulato con tre diversi software. 327
Acoustic simulations for the modern use of ancient theatres 327
Cepstral Peak Prominence Smoothed distribution as discriminator of vocal health in sustained vowel 325
Dispositivo e procedimento di misurazione sonora e segnalazione 324
Uncertainty of facade sound insulation by a Round Robin Test. Evaluations of low-frequency procedure and single numbers 324
The prediction of the vibration reduction index Kij for brick and concrete rigid junctions 323
Effect of vegetation on sound fields in idealised urban open spaces 323
NURBS and Mesh geometry in Room Acoustic Ray-tracing Simulation 322
Management of truncated data in speech transmission evaluation for pupils in classrooms 322
EDT, C80 and G driven auditorium design 320
Acoustic comfort in high-school classrooms for students and teachers 320
SounBe, a toolkit for designers dealing with sound projects 319
A low-cost platform for voice monitoring 319
Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall. 319
Dosi vocali e disturbi vocali in insegnanti di scuola primaria 318
Sensory evaluation of the sound of rolling office chairs: An exploratory study for sound design 316
Comparison between measured and calculated parameters for the acoustical characterization of small classrooms 313
Sound-Strength Driven Parametric Design of an Acoustic Shell in a Free Field Environment 312
Valutazione clinico-strumentale della voce degli insegnanti ai fini della diagnosi precoce e della prevenzione delle patologie vocali 312
Soundscape characterization in selected areas of Turin to differentiate between pleasant and unpleasant urban areas 312
Acustica delle aule scolastiche. Requisiti prestazionali, soluzioni di progetto, verifiche a calcolo e in opera. 312
Acoustic characterization of the ancient theatre of Tyndaris: Evaluation and proposals for its reuse 311
A hypertextual tool for comfort design 308
Sound perception of different materials for the footpaths of urban parks 307
Noise sources characterization inside and outside a factory 306
Long-term vocal parameters in semi-anechoic and reverberant rooms 305
Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall through three different algorithms 304
Acoustical measurements in ancient theatres: uncertainty in prediction models 304
Monitoraggio del segnale vocale per i professionisti della voce 303
Comfort design in practice 302
Valutazione della qualità acustica del golfo mistico del Teatro Regio di Torino tramite misure e questionari 302
An experimental study on the influence of soundscapes on people’s behaviour in an open public space 302
Traceability and uncertainty of vocal parameters estimated through a contact microphone 300
Evaluation objective de la charge vocale 298
Interactive Design Methods for Complex Curved Reflectors in Concert Halls 297
Sul calcolo puntuale della temperatura media radiante in ambienti di forma qualsiasi 297
Il livello di pressione sonora di calpestio: confronto fra dati in opera, dati di laboratorio e modelli previsionali 296
One-year longitudinal study on teachers’ voice parameters in secondary-school classrooms: relationships with voice quality assessed by perceptual analysis and voice objective measures 295
Acoustics of the Teatro Regio in Turin before and after refurbishment 293
The technical prevention of chronic acoustic trauma / La prevenzione tecnica del trauma acustico cronico 292
Un analizzatore portatile per il monitoraggio del segnale vocale 291
Valutazione dell'intelligibilità del parlato in aule di scuola elementare 290
Il livingscape come strumento per riqualificare gli spazi urbani delle città storiche 290
On the ability to correlate perceived sound to urban space geometries 290
Long-term voice monitoring with smartphone applications and contact microphone 287
Speech sound pressure level distributions and their descriptive statistics in successive readings for reliable voice monitoring 286
Il problema della misura del potere fonoisolante alle basse frequenze (50-100 Hz) 286
Influence of a volume scale factor on the scattering coefficient effects on the prediction of room acoustic parameters. 282
Multi-Objective Acoustic and Structural design of shell structures for concert halls. 282
Associations between objectively-measured acoustic parameters and occupational voice use among primary school teachers 282
Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food / Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo 279
Totale 36.641
Categoria #
all - tutte 204.419
article - articoli 60.611
book - libri 1.551
conference - conferenze 128.689
curatela - curatele 226
other - altro 1.997
patent - brevetti 2.713
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.632
Totale 408.838

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.700 0 0 0 0 0 638 523 853 744 461 328 153
2020/20214.859 658 679 179 532 198 501 204 321 311 684 367 225
2021/20225.259 238 286 133 204 232 454 197 173 294 405 1.291 1.352
2022/20238.703 757 1.376 281 661 803 1.010 1.221 403 987 122 439 643
2023/20243.852 243 452 231 311 306 275 216 285 311 198 461 563
2024/20255.630 420 1.386 716 1.413 1.201 494 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 83.067