Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.461
EU - Europa 10.771
AS - Asia 1.957
AF - Africa 93
SA - Sud America 53
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 27.351
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.393
GB - Regno Unito 2.555
DE - Germania 1.850
FR - Francia 1.798
IT - Italia 1.715
UA - Ucraina 918
CN - Cina 851
IE - Irlanda 335
NL - Olanda 302
SG - Singapore 290
TR - Turchia 290
CH - Svizzera 257
RU - Federazione Russa 244
KR - Corea 192
SE - Svezia 186
FI - Finlandia 151
AT - Austria 126
MY - Malesia 75
BE - Belgio 71
JP - Giappone 65
IN - India 60
GR - Grecia 47
CA - Canada 46
ZA - Sudafrica 42
SN - Senegal 36
RO - Romania 35
VN - Vietnam 35
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 31
CL - Cile 28
JO - Giordania 27
ES - Italia 23
PL - Polonia 22
TW - Taiwan 22
EU - Europa 20
IL - Israele 18
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
BG - Bulgaria 13
IR - Iran 13
BR - Brasile 12
HK - Hong Kong 12
HN - Honduras 12
NO - Norvegia 10
AU - Australia 9
PT - Portogallo 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
MX - Messico 7
EG - Egitto 5
HU - Ungheria 5
LT - Lituania 5
LV - Lettonia 5
VE - Venezuela 5
AR - Argentina 4
CO - Colombia 3
EE - Estonia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
MA - Marocco 3
PK - Pakistan 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
GP - Guadalupe 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
OM - Oman 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TH - Thailandia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AL - Albania 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 27.351
Città #
Ashburn 3.720
Southend 2.159
Seattle 1.361
Fairfield 1.227
Woodbridge 554
Chandler 512
Jacksonville 500
Cambridge 457
Houston 450
Wilmington 433
Ann Arbor 424
Princeton 420
Des Moines 338
Buffalo 329
Dublin 319
San Ramon 312
Berlin 257
Turin 248
Izmir 227
Bern 226
Singapore 205
San Jose 201
Chicago 194
Boardman 176
Beijing 173
San Francisco 165
Zhengzhou 159
Bologna 151
Helsinki 144
San Donato Milanese 142
Pennsylvania Furnace 125
Overberg 123
Vienna 122
Baltimore 119
Zaporozhye 103
Torino 91
Hangzhou 89
Monopoli 88
Saint Petersburg 80
Norwalk 74
Phoenix 70
Shanghai 69
Rome 67
Mountain View 66
Milan 63
Las Vegas 61
Redwood City 57
Padua 55
Brussels 54
San Diego 51
Malatya 49
New York 45
Amsterdam 44
Athens 41
Atlanta 39
Indiana 38
Seoul 37
Strassbourg 36
Muizenberg 35
Santa Clara 35
Clearwater 31
Costa Mesa 30
London 30
Putian 29
Melun 27
Frankfurt 25
Shenzhen 25
Guangzhou 24
Paris 24
Riva 24
Toronto 24
University Park 23
Fremont 21
Verona 21
Dong Ket 20
Los Angeles 20
Bangalore 19
Moscow 18
Collegno 17
Renton 17
Andover 16
Dallas 16
Munich 16
Yellow Springs 16
Austin 15
Carshalton 15
Easton 15
Frankfurt Am Main 15
Hanoi 15
Kemerovo 15
Kuala Lumpur 15
Seongnam 15
Naples 14
Nürnberg 14
Boulder 13
Henderson 13
Zurich 13
Delft 12
Taipei 12
Zhitomir 12
Totale 18.965
Nome #
Two-port network analyzer calibration using an unknown 'thru' 565
A Comprehensive Mixed-Mode Time-Domain Load- and Source-Pull Measurement System 519
A Novel Calibration Algorithm for a Special Class of Multiport Vector Network Analyzers 428
A new class of nonuniform, broadband, nonsymmetrical rectangular coaxial-to-microstrip directional couplers for high power applications 420
Further Improvements in Real-Time Load-Pull Measurement Accuracy 392
Accuracy evaluation of on-wafer load-pull measurements 385
A Complete Noise- and Scattering-Parameters Test-Set 378
Accuracy Improvement of Real-Time Load-Pull Measurements 375
Broad Band Coaxial Directional Couplers for High Power Applications 368
A new implementation of a multiport automatic network analyzer 368
Generalized mixed-mode S-parameters 364
A Comparison of Uncertainty Evaluation Methods for On-Wafer S-Parameter Measurements 357
Conformal Mapping Design Tools for Coaxial Couplers with Complex Cross Section 353
Accuracy of a multiport network analyzer 347
Multiport vector network analyzer calibration: a general formulation 344
A Microwave System for Relative Humidity Measurement 343
Accurate coaxial standard verification by multiport vector network analyzer 343
Simple technique for measuring source reflection coefficient while characterizing active devices 340
Time domain reflectometry applied to MMIC passive component modeling 339
A simple NWA calibration algorithm based on a transfer standard 338
Recent Advances in Real-Time Load-Pull Systems 337
Microwave Multiport Measurements for the Digital World 336
A new, simple, test-set for on-wafer characterization of millimeter-wave electro-optic devices 334
Design of a broadband multiprobe reflectometer 328
On-Wafer Calibration Algorithm for Partially Leaky Multiport Vector Network Analyzers 327
Novel hardware and software solutions for a complete linear and non-linear microwave device characterization 324
A simplified algorithm for leaky network analyzer calibration 320
A new approach to the design of wide-band multiprobe reflectometers 318
Testing microwave devices under different source impedances: a novel technique for on-line measurement of source and device reflection coefficients 317
Harmonic load/source pull strategies for high efficiency PAs design 316
An automated N-port network analyzer for linear and non linear multi-port RF and digital circuits 298
Multiport network analyzer self-calibration: a new approach and some interesting results 296
Simple Technique for source reflection coefficient measurement while characterizing active devices 296
Design and realization of an on-wafer two port transfer standard 285
Modern RF and microwave measurement techniques 276
Accurate on-wafer power and harmonic measurements of mm-wave amplifiers and devices 273
A Unified Theory for S-Parameter Uncertainty Evaluation 272
Novel software techniques for automatic microwave measurements 268
In-fixture calibration of an S-parameter measuring system by means of time domain reflectometry 268
Large signal 2nd harmonic on wafer MESFET characterization 254
Comparison between a vector multiport network analyzer and the national S-parameter measurement system 254
Ottimizzazione della transizione tra linea coplanare e microstriscia per misure su wafer 240
Advanced load-pull techniques–From single-ended to multiport/differential measurement systems 229
Microwave Measurements – Part III. Advanced Non-Linear Measurements 227
Harmonic Load-Pull Techniques: An Overview of Modern Systems 226
Load- and source-pull techniques 225
A microwave interferometer system for humidity measurement 219
Multiport VNA Measurements 215
Multiport and differential S-parameter measurements 212
Fabrication and nonlinear characterization of GaN HEMTs on SiC and sapphire for high-power applications 212
Radio frequency and microwave linear and nonlinear characterization 211
A novel active differential/common-mode load for true mixed-mode load-pull systems 208
Miglioramento dell'accuratezza delle misure di load-pull real-time 207
Testing devices under different source impedances: a novel technique for on-line measurement of source and device reflection coefficients 206
Fabrication and non-linear load-pull characterization of GaN HEMT on SiC for high power applications 203
Software Solutions for Linear and Non-Linear Microwave Measurements and Calibrations 198
Active, closed-loop, harmonic source- and load-pull systems 197
Accuracy evaluation of on-wafer load-pull measurements 194
Active and Passive Load Pull systems: from the basic to the future of variable impedance device characterization 192
A Comprehensive GaN HEMT Characterization for Power Amplifier Design 192
An improved calibration technique for on-wafer large signal characterization 191
A complete measurement test-set for non-linear device characterization 191
Save the "THRU" in the A.N.A. calibration 189
A unified calibration algorithm for scattering and load pull measurement 188
QSOLT: a new fast calibration algorithm for two port S-parameter measurements 188
A novel pulsed load-pull and S-parameter integrated measurement system 185
A Generalized Time-Domain Waveform Test-Set 182
A Simple Calibration Alghorithm for Partially Leaky Model Multiport Vector Network Analyzers 181
Recent Improvements in Real-Time Load-Pull Systems 180
Caratterizzazione, progetto e misura di accoppiatori direzionali a larga banda per misure di potenza a microonde 176
Three port network analyzer: an original implementation with a simplified calibration procedure 176
From the foundry to the model - A fully automated system for on-wafer MESFET characterization 175
Uncertainty in multiport S-parameters measurements 175
Recent technological advances for modular active harmonic load-pull measurement systems 172
Modello di taratura per una nuova classe di analizzatori di reti multiporta 168
Active, closed-loop, harmonic load- and source-pull systems 166
Load pull techniques for millimetre-wave device characterization 164
Overview of Modern Load-Pull and Other Non-Linear Measurement Systems 162
Accuracy Improvement of on-wafer load-pull measurements 162
Large-Signal Characterization of an 870MHz Inverse Class-F CrossCoupled Push-Pull PA using Active Mixed-Mode Load-Pull 161
The S-matrix Method for High Frequency Capacitance Calibration 157
A microwave environmental humidity sensor 156
A generalized harmonic load pull system 154
An improved calibration technique for on-wafer large signal device chracterization suitable up to millimeter waves 154
Experimental comparison of active and passive load-pull measurement technologies 153
Three port device S-parameter characterization by means of an original three port test set 153
Un nuovo metodo per un controllo rapido del carico armonico in presenza di un tuner passivo 152
A new microwave multiport NWA dynamic calibration 150
Approccio multimediale sulla didattica sperimentale nelle Misure Elettroniche 149
Development and implementation of a new multiport calibration alghoritm 149
Active harmonic differential / common-mode load-pull with time-domain waveform capabilities 147
Incertezza di parametri scattering multiporta 147
Un nuovo sistema di load-pull attivo mixed-mode 147
Caratterizzazione sperimentale di dispositivi attivi alle microonde in regime non lineare 146
Un Sistema Completo per Misure di Dispositivi a Microonde nel Dominio del Tempo 144
Load-Pull Techniques 142
New perspectives in non linear device and amplifier characterization 142
An unconventional VNA-based time-domain waveform load-pull test bench 142
Microwave Measurements 141
Totale 24.540
Categoria #
all - tutte 74.985
article - articoli 23.804
book - libri 725
conference - conferenze 46.941
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 444
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.071
Totale 149.970

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.058 0 0 0 419 478 467 412 487 417 189 125 64
2020/20212.490 334 367 184 262 121 234 82 214 178 215 163 136
2021/20221.536 74 136 3 26 49 230 143 50 77 145 281 322
2022/20232.554 225 368 43 187 227 283 424 135 205 18 181 258
2023/2024402 39 24 15 15 59 25 21 17 8 19 64 96
2024/2025640 55 467 102 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 27.639