Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.809
NA - Nord America 6.878
AS - Asia 1.956
SA - Sud America 98
OC - Oceania 39
AF - Africa 38
GeoIP Country Edition - ???statistics.table.value.continent.GeoIP Country Edition??? 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 20.821
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.768
IT - Italia 5.105
DE - Germania 2.143
FR - Francia 1.450
GB - Regno Unito 1.213
CN - Cina 906
UA - Ucraina 459
SG - Singapore 274
IE - Irlanda 239
TR - Turchia 210
KR - Corea 204
NL - Olanda 183
SE - Svezia 182
CH - Svizzera 129
RU - Federazione Russa 125
CA - Canada 99
FI - Finlandia 86
AT - Austria 81
BE - Belgio 69
RO - Romania 69
HK - Hong Kong 65
JP - Giappone 59
BR - Brasile 58
ES - Italia 57
JO - Giordania 52
PH - Filippine 46
IN - India 40
HR - Croazia 34
PT - Portogallo 32
EU - Europa 29
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 28
AU - Australia 25
MY - Malesia 23
CO - Colombia 20
IR - Iran 20
BG - Bulgaria 17
ID - Indonesia 17
SN - Senegal 17
TW - Taiwan 17
GR - Grecia 14
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 14
CL - Cile 13
VN - Vietnam 12
MX - Messico 11
DK - Danimarca 10
IL - Israele 10
BY - Bielorussia 7
NO - Norvegia 7
PK - Pakistan 7
PL - Polonia 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
EE - Estonia 5
TH - Thailandia 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 4
EG - Egitto 4
MU - Mauritius 4
PE - Perù 4
AL - Albania 3
DZ - Algeria 3
HU - Ungheria 3
AR - Argentina 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
LT - Lituania 2
MA - Marocco 2
NG - Nigeria 2
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 20.819
Città #
Ashburn 1.648
Turin 1.015
Southend 995
Chandler 532
Seattle 470
Beijing 433
Milan 413
Princeton 317
Torino 261
Jacksonville 225
Dublin 217
Ann Arbor 206
Berlin 190
Boardman 184
Singapore 184
Rome 161
San Ramon 160
Council Bluffs 154
Des Moines 139
Izmir 138
Fairfield 131
Chicago 113
Houston 111
Bern 108
Wilmington 103
Mountain View 83
Cambridge 82
San Donato Milanese 81
Florence 74
Vienna 74
Frankfurt 70
Woodbridge 68
Helsinki 64
Brussels 62
Seoul 61
Wenzhou 60
Guangzhou 57
Genoa 56
Shanghai 53
Saint Petersburg 48
Pennsylvania Furnace 47
Shenzhen 47
Amsterdam 46
Toronto 45
Zaporozhye 44
Monopoli 43
Baltimore 42
Bologna 41
Gura Humorului 40
Redwood City 40
Rivarolo Canavese 37
Zhengzhou 37
Asti 36
Herkenbosch 35
Overberg 34
Padua 34
Zagreb 34
Bari 32
Atlanta 31
Dearborn 30
Pietra Ligure 29
London 27
Paris 26
Naples 25
New York 25
Novara 25
Santa Clara 23
Falls Church 21
San Francisco 21
Barcelona 20
Malatya 20
Melun 19
Valfenera 19
Washington 19
Bresso 18
Istanbul 18
San Antonio 18
Fremont 17
Norwalk 16
Ottawa 16
Provo 16
Sakarya 16
San Juan 16
Andover 15
Grafing 15
Moncalieri 15
Overland Park 15
San Diego 15
Treviso 15
Verona 15
Boise 14
Cerrione 14
Dallas 14
Genova 14
Osaka 14
Sofia 14
Moscow 13
Nanjing 13
South Royalton 13
Venice 13
Totale 11.087
Nome #
SounBe. Metodo e strumento per l'analisi sensoriale acustica di materiali 926
Leggere il packaging: modelli di valutazione ergonomica per l’analisi delle bottiglie di vino 778
The taste of the sound or the sound of the taste? How sounding packaging influence food perception 771
SounBe - banca dati - presso la SIAE - n° 2011002364 690
Food, design, users: how to design food interaction modes 545
Design e materiali. Sensorialità_sostenibilità_progetto 541
Perceptive Adjectives and Eco-Efficiency Indicators: A Methodology to Choose Good Materials for a SustainableProject 436
From ecodesign guidelines to materials guidelines for a sustainable product. Qualitative and quantitative multicriteria environmental profile of a material. 411
Could Black Be the New Gold? Design-Driven Challenges in New Sustainable Luxury Materials for Jewelry 400
Sustainable food packaging: a case study of chocolate products 367
Sensory Evolution: sensory and sustainable design strategies 344
Interaction modalities with food: proposal of a new design method. Analysis on chocolate products 310
Sensory evaluation of the sound of rolling office chairs: An exploratory study for sound design 309
SounBe, a toolkit for designers dealing with sound projects 308
Sustainable luxury: the new black gold. Materials, coatings and processes for sustainable jewels 302
Environmental and perception properties of materials for industrial product. How to select the materials for pursuing the product life cycle eco-compatibility? 302
Design and materials. Sensory perception_sustainability_ project 291
Design without a customer: the Exploring Design path 287
From exigential hypothesis to cognitive ergonomics: a discipline in support of sensory and sustainable design 287
Ecocompatibility materials project. Approach for materials selection in order to pursue the eco-compatibility of the product life cycle 286
Design and Product. Eco-compatibility Perception of the Materials and Product 284
Designed scent: tools and methods for olfactory analysis in automotive field 280
Packaging, sostenibilità, sensorialità / Packaging, sustainability and the senses 280
Advanced Design issues: a strategic and investigating research approach to design without a market 275
Design and product. Ecocompatibility perception of the materials and product 268
Design ed Ecoefficienza: approccio semplificato alla lettura dei parametri ambientali dei materiali coinvolti nel ciclo di vita di un prodotto 267
Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food / Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo 267
The sound of future objects: Designers providing innovating tools for Design 257
Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food / Prospettive sonore nell'analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo 245
Towards conscious design. Research, environmental sustainability, local development. The Intra-regional Alcotra – EDEN EcoDesign Network project / Verso una progettazione consapevole. Ricerca, sostenibilità ambientale, sviluppo locale. Il Progetto EDEN EcoDesign Network – Interreg Alcotra 243
SounBe, a toolkit for designers dealing with sound projects 237
Environmental & perception properties of materials for pursuing the eco-compatibility of the industrial product 236
The critical exploration of materials for the design project. A method of analysis below the levels of consciousness 235
Il wayfinding nei luoghi della cultura. Un progetto per il Castello del Valentino 229
Material (and product) sensoriality: Can perceptive evaluations strengthen the meta-design phase? / Sensorialitat dels materials (i dels productes): Es pot reforçar la fase del metadisseny mitjançant les avaluacions perceptives? / Sensorialidad de los materiales (y de los productos): ¿Se puede reforzar la fase del metadiseño mediante las evaluaciones perceptivas? 228
Materials to boost companies innovation. Systemic production network and technological crossbreed 224
Frontiers of Sound in Design. A Guide for the Development of Product Identity Through Sounds. Prefazioni di Flaviano Celaschi, Patrick Susini e Olivier Houix 221
Materials ecoefficiency and perception 221
Sensory analysis as a support for strengthening the meta-design phase. Friendliness, affordance and experience 220
New products and processes from sustainable waste management 217
New products and industrial processes from waste 212
SounBe, an innovative sound project tool involving sensory analysis: new possible applications in food consumption 211
La sostenibilità alla seconda. La percezione della sostenibilità e il ruolo del designer / Sustainability to the power of two. The perception of sustainability and the role of the designer 201
The Future Sound of Design 197
Esploratore 1, 2, 3: applicazioni del metodo / Explorer 1, 2, 3: method applications 195
Rifugi Ripari Rimedi / Refuges Shelters Remedies 195
Eco-sustainable production networks. From the choice of zero-mile resources to new uses of output. Materials, source and production / Network produttivi ecosostenibili. Dalla scelta di risorse km zero a nuovi impieghi degli output di processo. Materiali, provenienza e produzione 189
I nuovi scenari tecnologici e materici nel food packaging / New technological and material scenarios in the food packaging 186
Voce di Glossario: Requisito / Requisite 184
The Material Side of Design. The Future Material Design Cultures 182
Materials in sustainable design. Characteristics and potential of materials for low environmental impact design / I materiali nel progetto sostenibile. Caratteristiche e potenzialità dei materiali al servizio della progettazione a ridotto impatto ambientale 180
Ask to Design. Percorso guidato tra consapevolezza e design 177
The Sustainability and Quality of a Typical Food Product: a Multicriteria Model of Evaluation 175
DIY: polar fleece as a new material for handmade artefacts 173
The Sustainability and Quality of a Typical Food Product: a Multicriteria Model of Evaluation 171
Voce di Glossario: Biodiversità 168
Material to boost companies innovation. Systemic production network and technological crossbreed 166
Giuseppe Raimondi e Gufram: nuove espressioni materiche 165
Voce di Glossario: Concept / New Concept 154
Innovative materials and multisensoriality 145
Voce di Glossario: Utenza / Use 145
Frontiers of Sound in Design. A Guide for the Development of Product Identity Through Sounds. Prefazioni di Flaviano Celaschi, Patrick Susini e Olivier Houix 145
Materiali, ecoefficenza e multisensorialità. Progetto di metodologia d'approccio alla valutazione dei materiali per il rafforzamento del progetto 144
Nuovi materiali. Tecnologie e approcci per l’infrastrutturazione dell’ambiente montano 142
Materials and multisensoriality. A methodology to approach thesensory evaluation of materials to strengthen metaproject, paying particular attention to eco-compatibility. 140
Voce di Glossario: Target 139
The dark side of high tech precious materials recovery. Overview on the critical issues, opportunities and best practices from a material library point of view 138
Sostenibilità implicita vs sostenibilità comunicata 126
Material culture(s). Research paths in an evolving material design culture, and the connected future designer’s attitudes 120
I materiali del futuro e la sostenibilità. Il ruolo del progetto consapevole 116
Le sfide dell’aria in piccola scala 112
Nurturing Competence on Innovative Materials through New Media: The Case Study of Public Engagement of MATto, The Material Library of Politecnico di Torino 110
Design-driven Industrial conversion during COVID-19 Global Outbreak. A systemic business strategy and design approaches to face a complex market crisis 110
Merchandising as a strategic tool to enhance and spread intangible values of cultural resources 106
Modernità e declino: il design senza committenza / Modernity and decline: design without customer 97
Nurturing Competence on Innovative Materials through New Media: The Case Study of Public Engagement of MATto, The Material Library of Politecnico di Torino 91
Natural materials. A family on the move, but where is the last stop? 88
The sounding side of materials and products. A sensory interaction revaluated in the user-experience. 86
In equilibrio tra protezione del contenuto e impatti ambientali 86
RICONVERSIONE INDUSTRIALE NEI CLUSTER PRODUTTIVI Design e conservazione attiva del know-how locale 82
La cultura dei materiali e il lato sensoriale del progetto / The material cultures and the sensory side of the project 80
Immersions in materials for packaging. The case study of a digital festival on analogic materials 80
Proteggersi tra “materiale” e “immateriale” / “Material” and “immaterial” ways of protecting ourselves 78
The Contribution of Design Discipline in Business Decisions through Design-Oriented Production Diversification: A Case Study in Italian Furniture Sector 78
A balance between content protection and environmental impact 75
Flow wrap packaging: the most with the least. High protection, low impact. Openings by Jim Pittas, Riccardo Cavanna, Alberto Palaveri; Foreword by Luca Maria De Nardo 75
Flowpack: il massimo col minimo. Alta protezione a basso impatto. Aperture di Jim Pittas, Riccardo Cavanna, Alberto Palaveri; Prefazione di Luca Maria De Nardo 69
(Poster) Flow wrap packaging: the most with the least. High protection, low impact 66
Le nuove sfide del packaging flessibile 61
The new challenges of flexible packaging 57
MATeriali per il design. A misura di progetto 52
How Natural Are the “Natural” Materials? Proposal for a Quali-Quantitative Measurement Index of Naturalness in the Environmental Sustainability Context 48
Immersions in Materials for Packaging. The Case Study of a Digital Festival on Analogic Materials 46
Presentazione. Design&Multidisciplinarietà. Il valore dei metodi qualitativi della ricerca 45
Planning for the Unknown: Case Studies of Design-Driven Industrial Conversion in the Automotive Sector as a Way to Overcome Crises and Uncertainties 40
Identità, fruizione, e narrazione del patrimonio culturale. Ricerca e progetto per la segnaletica del Castello del Valentino 39
Il valore dell'imballaggio flessibile in termini di leggerezza e sostenibilità 39
New design-oriented directions for the regional economy: proposal of a framework for classifying industrial conversions and product diversification cases in mature industries 36
How a Technology Identity Can Enhance the Diffusion of Good Design Practices in Product Sound Design 32
Totale 21.167
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.852
article - articoli 10.404
book - libri 2.841
conference - conferenze 21.049
curatela - curatele 1.633
other - altro 2.024
patent - brevetti 1.558
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 9.343
Totale 97.704

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020933 0 0 34 108 139 96 40 156 185 98 34 43
2020/20211.666 133 149 32 97 61 93 40 98 68 720 120 55
2021/20221.606 50 72 99 193 36 107 58 113 133 32 313 400
2022/20232.653 195 524 84 211 256 279 348 163 223 46 161 163
2023/20241.512 94 168 86 84 141 146 153 116 61 116 145 202
2024/2025717 133 402 182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.218