Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 18.807
NA - Nord America 17.074
AS - Asia 5.822
AF - Africa 138
SA - Sud America 105
OC - Oceania 21
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 20
Totale 41.987
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 16.955
IT - Italia 5.067
GB - Regno Unito 3.521
CN - Cina 3.496
DE - Germania 3.402
FR - Francia 2.246
UA - Ucraina 1.150
SG - Singapore 717
RU - Federazione Russa 623
IE - Irlanda 593
TR - Turchia 521
NL - Olanda 448
SE - Svezia 374
CH - Svizzera 345
KR - Corea 329
FI - Finlandia 275
BG - Bulgaria 213
BE - Belgio 169
JP - Giappone 145
AT - Austria 131
CA - Canada 108
JO - Giordania 97
IN - India 89
MY - Malesia 83
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 77
CI - Costa d'Avorio 75
IR - Iran 72
BR - Brasile 66
HK - Hong Kong 65
ID - Indonesia 62
VN - Vietnam 34
EU - Europa 30
IL - Israele 29
PT - Portogallo 28
SN - Senegal 26
EG - Egitto 20
ES - Italia 20
AU - Australia 17
BY - Bielorussia 17
CL - Cile 17
RO - Romania 17
TW - Taiwan 14
PL - Polonia 13
GR - Grecia 12
VE - Venezuela 12
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 10
HR - Croazia 10
MX - Messico 10
PH - Filippine 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
KZ - Kazakistan 9
PK - Pakistan 9
AL - Albania 8
EE - Estonia 8
DK - Danimarca 7
PE - Perù 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
LT - Lituania 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
NG - Nigeria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
RS - Serbia 4
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
LV - Lettonia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AM - Armenia 2
AR - Argentina 2
BO - Bolivia 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
NO - Norvegia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZM - Zambia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CO - Colombia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NP - Nepal 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
QA - Qatar 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
Totale 41.987
Città #
Ashburn 4.087
Southend 2.954
Beijing 2.310
Seattle 1.471
Chandler 1.136
Des Moines 1.130
Turin 803
Princeton 752
Fairfield 586
Dublin 563
Jacksonville 551
Singapore 518
San Ramon 505
Ann Arbor 481
Santa Clara 467
Berlin 462
Torino 447
Boardman 377
Houston 365
Council Bluffs 342
Izmir 331
Milan 319
Shanghai 317
Chicago 315
Woodbridge 311
Zhengzhou 285
Wilmington 276
Helsinki 252
Bern 228
San Donato Milanese 205
Cambridge 188
Bologna 171
Herkenbosch 165
Manchester 152
Brussels 150
Baltimore 139
Zaporozhye 137
Pennsylvania Furnace 135
Rome 133
Saint Petersburg 130
Overberg 126
Grafing 114
Vienna 111
Sofia 106
Istanbul 103
Fremont 101
Monopoli 98
Redwood City 98
Padua 90
Abidjan 75
Brescia 68
Frankfurt 67
Mountain View 65
Moscow 60
San Francisco 60
Jakarta 57
Guangzhou 56
Hangzhou 55
London 55
New York 55
Zurich 49
Atlanta 48
Malatya 48
Kodaira 47
Menlo Park 44
Toronto 43
San Mauro Torinese 39
Redmond 38
Washington 37
Falls Church 36
Norwalk 35
Frankfurt am Main 34
San Antonio 34
Andover 33
Tokyo 33
Perugia 32
Nanjing 31
Yubileyny 31
Bremen 30
Amsterdam 29
Chengdu 28
Piscataway 27
San Diego 27
Seoul 27
Shenzhen 27
Frankfurt Am Main 26
Genova 25
Dong Ket 23
Verona 23
Kiev 22
Dearborn 21
Florence 21
Lappeenranta 21
Los Angeles 21
Paris 21
Buffalo 20
San Mateo 20
Hong Kong 19
Monza 19
Melun 18
Totale 27.473
Nome #
Bioreactors as engineering support to treat cardiac muscle and vascular disease 535
Bladder tissue passive response to monotonic and cyclic loading 487
Image-Based Three-Dimensional Analysis to Characterize the Texture of Porous Scaffolds 474
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture: A Multi-Body Analysis Comparing Corrective Tibial Osteotomies 434
A survey of quantitative descriptors of arterial flows 430
Radiograph-based femur morphing method 420
A Survey of Microchannel Geometries for Mixing of Species in Biomicrofluidics 419
Bioreactors as Engineering Support for Cardiac Regenerative Medicine 378
Amateur football pitches: Mechanical properties of the natural ground and of different artificial turf infills and their biomechanical implications 375
Dermis mechanical behaviour: influence of cells removal treatment 326
Mock-up in hip arthroplasty pre-operative planning 317
Multiscale Modelling for investigating single molecule effects on the mechanics of actin filaments 313
Identification of landmarks on lower limb joint from CT images for kinematics studies. A totally semi-automatic procedure 310
Multilevel experimental and modelling techniques for bioartificial scaffolds and matrices 307
A novel perfusion bioreactor for 3D cell culture in microgravity conditions 305
Biomechanical dental implants comparison by means of numerical models and nuclear medicine 301
Articolazione d'anca: biomeccanica e protesizzazione 299
Biomeccanica e metodi di analisi strutturale 299
Stretchable and conformable metal–polymer piezoresistive hybrid system 293
Analisi del rimodellamento tramite l’elemento finito ‘osso’ e validazione dei risultati mediante radiografia 292
Predicting stress fractures using a probabilistic model of damage, repair and adaptation 292
Dermis mechanical behaviour after different cell removal treatments 289
Analisi biomeccanica sulle superfici per il gioco del calcio in erba artificiale e analisi statistica del questionario FIFA-UEFA relativo alle valutazioni dei giocatori 288
Biomeccanica dell'articolazione d'anca 280
Effect of idealized versus measured inlet velocity profiles on image-based CFD of aortic hemodynamics 280
Dedicated Image Analysis Software Tool for the Evaluation of the Resorption Activity of Cultured Osteoclasts 278
Outflow conditions for image-based hemodynamic models of the carotid bifurcation. Implications for indicators of abnormal flow 276
Strumenti endocanalari rotanti in Ni-Ti: modellizzazione FEM di un utensile e studio delle leghe 273
Bladder tissue passive response to monotonic and cyclic loading 271
Photoelastic measurements and computation of the stress field and contact pressure in a pneumatic lip seal 271
A bioreactor-based model system for cardiac tissue investigation and culture 266
Bladder tissue response to physiological static and dynamic loads 261
Human pelvis loading rig for static and dynamic stress analysis 259
Inflow boundary conditions for image-based computational hemodynamics: impact of idealized versus measured velocity profiles in the human aorta 256
A preliminary in vivo trial of load transfer in mandibular implant-retained overdentures anchored in 2 different ways: allowing and counteracting free rotation 255
Biomeccanica della protesi di gomito 254
Influence of cell removal treatment on dermis mechanical behaviour 253
Acquisizione real-time delle accelerazioni articolari nel gioco del calcio 253
Caratterizzazione biomeccanica di campi da calcio in erba sintetica: sperimentazione su zolla e confronto con terreno naturale 252
Structural analysis for pre-surgery planning: two applications in dentistry and urology 251
Bone mineral density and Singh Index predict bone mechanical properties of human femur 247
Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering 245
A finite element model for the wear analysis of polyethylene inserts in total knee joints 244
Analisi biomeccanica sulle superfici per il gioco del calcio in erba artificiale e analisi statistica del questionario FIFA-UEFA relativo alle valutazioni dei giocatori 244
Cytoskeleton filament mechanics by means of molecular modeling 244
Adhesion, friction and wear on the nanoscale of MWNT tips and SWNT and MWNT arrays 244
Simulazione della fase di inserimento di una protesi press-fit e studio del contatto 242
Biomeccanica del rachide nei disordini sagittali dorso-lombari e lombari: elaborazione e risultati di un modello agli elementi finiti 242
Contributo biomeccanico alla pianificazione pre-operatoria dell'artroplastica dell’anca 240
Autologous cartilage fragments in a composite scaffold for one stage osteochondral repair in a goat model 238
Influenza del coefficiente di Poisson nell'analisi delle sollecitazioni in strutture ossee 238
Nanoindentation on conch shells of Gastropoda and Bivalvia molluscs reveal anisotropic evolution against external attacks 232
A finite element model for the wear analysis of polyethylene inserts in total knee joints 230
Biomeccanica della protesi di spalla 230
Compact and tunable stretch bioreactor advancing tissue engineering implementation. Application to engineered cardiac constructs 230
The role of DNA interaction in microcantilever deflection: a molecular dynamic approach 229
A structural numerical model for the optimization of double pelvic osteotomy in the early treatment of canine hip dysplasia 227
Friction properties of Artificial Turf Pitches: Macro and nano characterisation 226
Ex Vivo Dermis Mechanical Behavior in Relation to Decellularization Treatment Length 225
Retention of luting agents on implant abutments of different height and taper 224
Analisi biomeccanica di sistemi implantari 224
Effect of screw insertion torque on push-out and cantilever bending properties of five different angle-stable systems 223
Techniques for usability risk assessment during medical device design 223
Numerical study of different constructs for the external fixation of the pelvis 222
Structural analysis of skeletal body elements: numerical and experimental methods 219
FEM analysis of bone-implant system by using videodensitometric measurements 219
Realizzazione, applicazione e verifica di un modello numerico agli elementi finiti per lo studio del pavimento pelvico. Risultati preliminari 219
The shoulder joint system: biomechanics and instability 217
Progettazione e valutazione di endoprotesi 217
Ruolo e prospettive dei biomateriali nella progettazione e costruzione di impianti: ricerche al Politecnico di Torino 216
Biomeccanica dei mezzi di sintesi utilizzati per fratture del collo femorale 215
Experimental study of pelvic fixation: development and realization of a loading system 215
Dispositivo di misura delle pressioni esercitate dai corsetti ortopedici 215
Studio delle caratteristiche meccaniche della vescica umana e applicazione in un modello agli elementi finiti per lo studio del pavimento pelvico 211
Optimizing femoral tunnel and interference screw alignment in ACL reconstruction: A mathematical model 211
One stage osteochondral repair: a mechanical evaluation 210
Caratterizzazione biomeccanica di campi da calcio in erba sintetica: sperimentazione su zolla e confronto con terreno naturale 209
Verify the position of implants in master casts for implant-supported prostheses with stone devices 209
Allometric scaling and mechanical behaviour of the bone tissue: an experimental interspecific biomechanical investigation 209
Biomechanics needs FEM 208
A 3-dimensional biomechanical model and analysis of femoral loads 206
Biomechanical laboratory analysis of artificialturf and comparison to natural turf 206
Osseous resective surgery with and without fibre retention technique in the treatment of shallow intrabony defects: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial 205
Experimental and numerical analysis of patello-femoral contact mechanics in TKA 204
Comparative study of nanomechanical properties of cements used inteeth restoration 204
A method to improve passive fit of frameworks on implant-supported prostheses: an in vivo study 203
Verifica non invasiva della correzione della curva scoliotica ottenuta mediante l’uso di corsetti ortopedici 203
Bioreactor Platform for Biomimetic Culture and in situ Monitoring of the Mechanical Response of in vitro Engineered Models of Cardiac Tissue 202
Overdenture mandibolare ancorata a singolo impianto: studio numerico e studio sperimentale in vitro e in vivo 200
Femur-prosthetic stem system: videodensitometric measurements and personalised finite element modelling 199
Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 196
Three-dimensional analysis of bone remodeling following ridge augmentation of compromised extraction sockets in periodontitis patients: A randomized controlled study 196
Method to improve passive fit of frameworks on implant-supported prostheses: An in vitro study 191
Mechanical analysis of stem length in hip prostheses 190
Lightweight mesh in abdominal wall: a preliminary model 190
Nanomechanical properties of conch shell 187
Friction properties of Artificial Turf Pitches: Macro and nano characterisation 187
Conus Mediterraneus conch anisotropic structure and its effect on nanomechanical properties 187
Biomechanical evaluation of an intramedullary nailing device by multibody analysis 184
Totale 25.635
Categoria #
all - tutte 121.167
article - articoli 53.515
book - libri 1.358
conference - conferenze 52.920
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 13.374
Totale 242.334

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.312 0 0 0 0 0 262 145 431 396 314 359 405
2020/20212.667 447 462 79 241 144 300 116 206 128 233 231 80
2021/20223.110 144 121 243 356 137 226 127 128 242 115 538 733
2022/20235.349 382 691 152 366 422 665 1.357 198 525 66 177 348
2023/20242.212 73 306 230 220 210 201 107 204 160 99 173 229
2024/20252.734 205 813 252 716 520 228 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 42.375