Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.100
NA - Nord America 4.779
AS - Asia 1.434
SA - Sud America 36
AF - Africa 30
OC - Oceania 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 12.392
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.740
IT - Italia 1.999
DE - Germania 1.157
FR - Francia 909
CN - Cina 847
GB - Regno Unito 800
UA - Ucraina 422
SG - Singapore 241
IE - Irlanda 201
NL - Olanda 111
RU - Federazione Russa 95
TR - Turchia 94
KR - Corea 92
SE - Svezia 79
CH - Svizzera 59
FI - Finlandia 54
BE - Belgio 53
AT - Austria 48
CA - Canada 36
JP - Giappone 33
ES - Italia 26
IN - India 25
ID - Indonesia 23
JO - Giordania 19
SN - Senegal 18
IL - Israele 15
HK - Hong Kong 12
IR - Iran 12
RO - Romania 12
AU - Australia 11
BG - Bulgaria 10
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 9
BR - Brasile 9
EU - Europa 9
AR - Argentina 8
GR - Grecia 8
HR - Croazia 8
PT - Portogallo 8
CL - Cile 7
CO - Colombia 6
SI - Slovenia 6
VN - Vietnam 6
EC - Ecuador 4
PK - Pakistan 4
PL - Polonia 4
TG - Togo 4
TW - Taiwan 4
EE - Estonia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BZ - Belize 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LB - Libano 2
LT - Lituania 2
PE - Perù 2
TH - Thailandia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GH - Ghana 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RE - Reunion 1
Totale 12.392
Città #
Ashburn 1.271
Southend 653
Putian 466
Turin 420
Seattle 337
Chandler 312
Fairfield 288
Torino 235
Dublin 192
Singapore 188
Princeton 186
Las Vegas 172
Ann Arbor 168
Santa Clara 156
Jacksonville 143
Woodbridge 121
Houston 117
Beijing 115
Wilmington 114
Berlin 112
Boardman 110
Council Bluffs 101
Grafing 70
Cambridge 69
Milan 69
Izmir 67
Rome 61
Xiamen 61
San Ramon 60
Bremen 57
Valfenera 53
Bern 52
Brussels 52
Chicago 51
San Donato Milanese 50
Helsinki 49
Vienna 45
Shanghai 44
Zaporozhye 35
Zhengzhou 33
Frankfurt 31
Baltimore 30
Bologna 28
New York 28
Paris 28
Pennsylvania Furnace 27
Overberg 25
Saint Petersburg 25
Palermo 24
San Francisco 23
Jakarta 22
Bari 21
Rogliano 21
Toronto 21
Guangzhou 20
Monopoli 20
Amsterdam 17
Cranfield 17
Istanbul 17
Mountain View 17
Manchester 16
Naples 16
Redwood City 16
Fuzhou 15
San Diego 15
Santa Maria Di Licodia 15
Clarks Summit 14
Exeter 13
Hangzhou 13
Padua 12
Atlanta 11
Fremont 11
San Antonio 11
Avezzano 10
Buffalo 10
Catania 10
Des Moines 10
Genoa 10
Herkenbosch 10
Madrid 10
Norwalk 10
Trieste 10
Washington 10
Dearborn 9
Sofia 9
Andover 8
Borgosesia 8
Malatya 8
Melun 8
Nanjing 8
Seoul 8
Shenzhen 8
Zagreb 8
Dallas 7
Fiesso D'artico 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Ivry-sur-seine 7
Novara 7
Nürnberg 7
Osaka 7
Totale 7.826
Nome #
Identificazione dinamica sperimentale di edifici strategici sotto sisma 1.235
Assessment of structural reliability: a dynamic monitoring approach 369
Dynamic validation of post-earthquake safety interventions in Mirandola, 2012 Emilia earthquake 352
Unscented Kalman Filter for Non-Linear Identification of a New Prototype of Bidirectional Tuned Vibration Absorber: A Numerical Investigation 338
Experimental and numerical analysis of a two-span model masonry arch bridge subjected to pier scour 301
Assessment of Structural Reliability of Bridge Beams Based on Measured Symptoms 296
Multi-domain feature selection aimed at the damage detection of historical bridges 295
Non-linear characterisation of the physical model of an ancient masonry bridge 292
Experimental Testing of a Masonry Arch Bridge Model Subject to Increasing Level of Damage 289
Amplitude dependence of equivalent modal parameters in monitored buildings during earthquake swarms 281
Dynamic investigation on the Mirandola bell tower in post-earthquake scenarios 280
Model updating of strategic building structures under real earthquake loading 270
On‐line identification of time‐varying systems equipped with adaptive control 268
Identificazione dinamica di un ponte ad arco in muratura 256
Experimental dynamic identification of strategic building structures under real seismic loading 254
Rilievo 3D e monitoraggio strutturale per l'analisi post-sisma del complesso di S. Nicola a Tolentino (MC) 248
Vibration tests on dismounted bridge beams and the effects of deterioration 244
Innovative technique for the base isolation of existing buildings 239
Experimental testing of a masonry arch bridge model subject to increasing level of damage 230
Unscented Kalman Filter for the Identification of Passive Control Devices 230
Valutazione della sicurezza sismica di tubazioni di impianti industriali 217
Damage detection in elastic properties of masonry bridges using coda wave interferometry 217
Instantaneous modal parameters estimation for real-time damage detection 212
Experimental and numerical analysis of a two-span model masonry arch bridge subjected to pier scour 209
Monitoring of existing masonry buildings during constructions of an innovative base-isolation system 208
Characterisation of transient actions induced by spectators on sport stadia 207
Using non-linear identification from shaker tests for structural reliability assessment 206
Challenges in the reuse and upgrade of Pier Luigi Nervi 's structures 203
Tuned mass dampers for the mitigation of impulsive ground motions 200
A framework for experimental determination of localised vertical pedestrian forces on full-scale structures using wireless attitude and heading reference systems 192
Structural system identification in the presence of resonant non-structural appendages 192
Footbridge system identification using wireless inertial measurement units for force and response measurements 189
Improvement of Time-Frequency domain identification through PCA 184
Non-Linearity Detection in a Masonry Arch Bridge Subject to Artificial Settlements 180
Reliability issues in vibration-based system identification: lessons from the JETPACS case study 178
Monitoraggio dinamico post-sisma della Basilica di San Nicola da Tolentino 172
Smart reinforcement steel bars embedded with MEMS sensors for low-cost structural health monitoring 171
Equivalent modal parameters in monitored buildings during the recent Italian seismic events 167
Structural identification of the experimental model of a masonry arch bridge 166
Rilievo 3D multisensore e indagini diagnostiche per lo studio della vulnerabilità sismica del Santuario di Santa Maria delle Grazie (località Varoni, Amatrice) 159
Smart reinforcement steel bars embedded with low-cost MEMS sensors for strain monitoring 155
Using inertial measurement units originally developed for biomechanics for modal testing of civil engineering structures 150
Non-linearity detection in a masonry arch bridge model subject to artificial settlements 142
Dynamic investigations on the health state and seismic vulnerability of Morandi's Pavilion V of Turin Exhibition Center 140
Rilievo 3D e monitoraggio dinamico della Torre degli Smeducci e del campanile del Duomo vecchio a San Severino Marche 136
Time-dependent spectral analysis of interactions within groups of walking pedestrians and vertical structural motion using wavelets 125
In-Operation Experimental Modal Analysis of a Three Span Open-Spandrel RC Arch Bridge 118
"Studio e monitoraggio del patrimonio costruito alla scala dei beni: modellazione 3D per l’analisi sismica della basilica di San Nicola a Tolentino. Architectural scale studies and monitoring of built heritage: 3D modelling for the seismic analysis of the basilica of San Nicola in Tolentino" 117
Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica della chiesa di sant’Agostino ad Amatrice tramite analisi multitemporali 108
Condition Assessment of an Early Thin Reinforced Concrete Vaulted System 95
Smart reinforcement steel bars with low-cost MEMS sensors for the structural health monitoring of RC structures 85
Experimental Program and Full-Scale Load Tests on PC Deck Beams 78
Dynamic Identification of Damaged PC Bridge Beams 76
Dynamic response of PC bridge beams under different damages 60
Large-Scale Experimental Static Testing on 50-Year-Old Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders 58
Large-scale experimental testing of 50-year-old prestressed concrete bridge girder 58
Dynamic tests and modal identification of Corso Grosseto viaduct decks before the dismounting 50
Experimental test on an RC beam equipped with embedded barometric pressure sensors for strains measurement 46
Load tests on dismantled 50-year-old prestressed concrete bridge deck beams 45
Full-scale testing and analysis of 50-year old prestressed concrete bridge girders 41
Experimental evaluation of the effect of controlled damages on the dynamic response of PC bridge beams 37
Structural health monitoring of historic masonry Towers: The Case of Ghirlandina Tower, Modena 35
Dynamic response of damaged precast bridge girders 33
Dynamic measurements for assessing bridge response to foundation scour 21
The Halls of Turin Exhibition Center by Pier Luigi Nervi: a multi-disciplinary approach for diagnosis and preservation 17
Totale 12.533
Categoria #
all - tutte 31.511
article - articoli 10.063
book - libri 26
conference - conferenze 19.627
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.057
Totale 62.284

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020599 0 0 0 0 0 101 73 133 114 121 40 17
2020/2021779 133 108 58 78 47 61 35 50 50 79 44 36
2021/2022788 43 40 6 74 45 117 43 26 32 33 146 183
2022/20231.291 123 176 27 98 178 184 82 93 177 19 64 70
2023/2024572 18 68 123 32 42 70 32 43 22 24 16 82
2024/2025795 73 183 90 218 156 75 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.533