Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 22.555
NA - Nord America 18.479
AS - Asia 4.108
AF - Africa 226
SA - Sud America 152
OC - Oceania 68
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 45.603
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 18.360
IT - Italia 7.984
DE - Germania 3.506
GB - Regno Unito 3.255
FR - Francia 3.128
CN - Cina 1.638
UA - Ucraina 1.138
SG - Singapore 749
NL - Olanda 587
TR - Turchia 517
IE - Irlanda 515
RU - Federazione Russa 460
KR - Corea 401
SE - Svezia 386
AT - Austria 286
CH - Svizzera 272
FI - Finlandia 205
ES - Italia 140
IN - India 139
BE - Belgio 135
CA - Canada 97
HK - Hong Kong 87
IR - Iran 81
TW - Taiwan 80
JO - Giordania 79
JP - Giappone 74
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 71
BR - Brasile 70
CI - Costa d'Avorio 70
ID - Indonesia 68
NO - Norvegia 68
PT - Portogallo 63
AU - Australia 56
RO - Romania 56
CL - Cile 49
EU - Europa 46
VN - Vietnam 44
PL - Polonia 36
EG - Egitto 35
ZA - Sudafrica 35
GR - Grecia 32
MY - Malesia 30
SN - Senegal 28
BG - Bulgaria 25
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 24
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 23
EE - Estonia 22
IL - Israele 21
DK - Danimarca 20
HU - Ungheria 20
PH - Filippine 20
RS - Serbia 20
HR - Croazia 19
MX - Messico 19
BJ - Benin 14
LU - Lussemburgo 13
AR - Argentina 12
NG - Nigeria 11
PK - Pakistan 11
VE - Venezuela 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
TH - Thailandia 10
AL - Albania 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
CO - Colombia 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
CM - Camerun 6
BY - Bielorussia 5
CY - Cipro 4
GH - Ghana 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
LT - Lituania 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MK - Macedonia 4
NE - Niger 4
DZ - Algeria 3
IQ - Iraq 3
KE - Kenya 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TN - Tunisia 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
AO - Angola 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
EC - Ecuador 2
MA - Marocco 2
MM - Myanmar 2
OM - Oman 2
PA - Panama 2
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 2
BH - Bahrain 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GA - Gabon 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LY - Libia 1
MG - Madagascar 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
Totale 45.597
Città #
Ashburn 4.299
Southend 2.782
Seattle 1.612
Turin 1.267
Chandler 1.138
Des Moines 1.021
Fairfield 874
Beijing 782
Torino 690
Princeton 671
Ann Arbor 595
Jacksonville 560
Singapore 555
Woodbridge 478
Boardman 468
Cambridge 454
Berlin 421
Houston 419
San Ramon 409
Santa Clara 407
Wilmington 378
Dublin 373
Milan 367
Izmir 362
Vienna 266
Herkenbosch 259
Bern 231
San Donato Milanese 196
Helsinki 189
Rome 187
Chicago 177
Buffalo 164
Frankfurt 143
Council Bluffs 141
Bologna 137
Baltimore 134
Zhengzhou 134
Zaporozhye 132
San Francisco 120
Saint Petersburg 118
Shanghai 108
Amsterdam 107
Pennsylvania Furnace 107
Brussels 104
Mountain View 102
Fremont 100
Monopoli 92
Menlo Park 88
Overberg 88
Hangzhou 87
Padua 86
Redwood City 84
Lecce 79
Guangzhou 74
Abidjan 70
Creighton 68
Sarno 67
Almese 64
Falls Church 64
Atlanta 63
Jakarta 62
London 60
Trondheim 56
Istanbul 52
Bremen 51
New York 51
Malatya 49
Florence 47
San Diego 47
Naples 46
Catania 43
Imola 43
Norwalk 41
Cumiana 40
Robilante 40
Seoul 40
Bari 39
Nanjing 39
Paris 39
Cupertino 38
Dong Ket 38
Shenzhen 38
Ivrea 37
Parma 37
Toronto 37
Washington 37
Bolzano 36
Valfenera 36
Genova 35
Los Angeles 35
Moscow 35
Genola 34
San Antonio 34
Andover 33
Palermo 33
Aosta 31
Madrid 31
Melun 31
Cuneo 30
Collegno 29
Totale 27.422
Nome #
Calcolo dell’ombreggiamento sull’involucro dell’edificio 731
Light versus Energy Performance of Office Rooms with Curtain Walls: A Parametric Study 524
NATURWALL© - A Solar Timber Façade System for Building Refurbishment: Optimization Process through in Field Measurements 506
The cost optimal methodology for evaluating the energy retrofit of an ex-industrial building in Turin. 503
Improving thermal comfort conditions by means of PCM glazing systems 471
A Novel Concept of a Responsive Transparent Façade Module: Optimization of Energy Performance through Parametric Design 471
Energy Assessment of A PCM–Embedded Plaster: Embodied Energy Versus Operational Energy 456
Development of Vegetal Based Thermal Plasters with Low Environmental Impact: Optimization Process through an Integrated Approach 454
A lightweight panel for platform steel frames: An integrated optimization process 452
Dynamic Insulation Systems: Experimental Analysis on a Parietodynamic Wall 429
INTESA System: A New High-performance and Highly Integrated Drywall Façade 428
Embodied Energy and Operational Energy Assessment in the Framework of Nearly Zero Energy Building and Building Energy Rating 420
Towards an active, responsive, and solar building envelope 417
Wood fiber vs synthetic thermal insulation for roofs energy retrofit: a case study in Turin, Italy 408
Energy in cultural heritage: the case study of Monasterio de Santa Maria de Monfero in Galicia 407
A sensitivity analysis of the shading factor for building energy performance 403
Thermal insulating plaster as a solution for refurbishing historic building envelopes: First experimental results 390
Embodied Energy Versus Operational Energy in a Nearly Zero Energy Building Case Study 388
Experimental Analysis of an External Dynamic Solar Shading Integrating PCMs: First Results 387
Characterization of the optical properties of a PCM glazing system 384
Phase Change Materials in Glazing: Implications on Light Distribution and Visual Comfort. Preliminary Results 377
Involucri opachi e trasparenti di ultima generazione: prestazioni energetiche e soluzioni tecniche - Next generation building envelope components: energy performance and technical solution 375
Experimental evaluation of a climate façade: Energy efficiency and thermal comfort performance 368
The actress concept: a new façade module for low energy buildings 361
Thermal and Optical Properties of a Thermotropic Glass Pane: Laboratory and In-Field Characterization 358
Improving energy performance of buildings through the use of lighting control systems: an overview of assessment tools 355
The cost-optimal methodology for the energy retrofit of an ex-industrial building located in Northern Italy 342
Energy Performance Assessment of and Advanced Integrated Façade through Experimental Data Analysis 340
Progetto Sicuro (in cd) 340
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of an advanced responsive multifunctional façade module 337
Timber solar facade: A responsive façade for the refurbishment of existing buildings 336
Experimental analysis of the energy performance of a full-scale PCM glazing prototype 334
Un nuovo concept di facciata per edifici nZEB: il modulo ACTRESS (ACTive RESponsive and Solar) 330
A novel vertical greenery module system for building envelopes: The results and outcomes of a multidisciplinary research project 329
Thermal Performance Assessment of an Opaque Ventilated Façade in the Summer Period: Calibration of a Simulation Model through in-field Measurements 328
Experimental Analysis of an Advanced Dynamic Glazing Prototype Integrating PCM and Thermotropic Layers 327
La valutazione dell'ombreggiamento per il calcolo del guadagno solare 326
Energy consumption assessment of lighting installations equipped with control systems through the European Standard EN 15193 approach: a first comparison with measured data 323
Caratterizzazione delle proprietà meccaniche ed acustiche di pareti verdi di tipo modulare 313
A numerical model to evaluate the thermal behaviour of active transparent façades 312
Energy performance assessment of an advanced responsive multifunctional facade module: first results of an experimental campaign 308
Energy consumption for electric lighting in buildings : the European Standard EN 15193 and its application 307
Thermal effectiveness of low emissivity coatings in hollow bricks: a numerical analysis for different cavity concentration 305
Thermal insulating plasters as a solution to refurbish historic building envelope: first experimental results - Intonaci termoisolanti come soluzione per il retrofit energetico di edifici storici: primi risultati sperimentali 303
Vertical Greening Systems and Urban Heat Island related aspects: outcomes of a research project 299
Switching from static to adaptable and dynamic building envelopes: A paradigm shift for the energy efficiency in buildings 298
Consumi energetici per l’illuminazione artificiale negli edifici: la norma europea UNI EN 15193-2008 e sue applicazioni 297
Tecnologie innovative per l'involucro edilizio 296
Calculation procedure of the shading factor under complex boundary conditions 294
Low-E paints enhanced building components: Performance, limits and research perspectives 291
A detailed analysis of the effects of external shading systems on window solar gain 289
Acoustic performance of a Green Modular System 289
Experimental assessment of a green wall modular system: effects on heat transfer and internal surface temperature control 288
Development of aerogel based internal thermal plasters for the energy retrofit of existing buildings: First results 285
A simplified hourly model for energy characterisation of transparent active façades. A comparison between simulation results and monitored data 282
Spectral and angular solar properties of a PCM-filled double glazing unit 280
Simulating Switchable Glazing with EnergyPlus: An Empirical Validation and Calibration of a Thermotropic Glazing Model 277
Schede di climatizzazione (Dispensa per il corso di Climatizzazione) 276
Experimental analysis of the energy performance of an ACTive, RESponsive and Solar (ACTRESS) façade module 271
Monitoring energy and comfort performance of transparent adaptive façades 271
Light and energy performance of an active transparent façade: an experimental study in a full scale office room mock-up 270
Thermal behaviour assessment of a novel vertical greenery module system: first results of a long-term monitoring campaign in an outdoor test cell 270
Energy Performance Assessment of Advanced Integrated Façades by Means of Synthetic Metrics 268
Phase change materials in transparent building envelopes: A Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis 266
Energy performance assessment of advanced glazed façades in office buildings 264
Involucro trasparente a carattere dinamico e adattativo tramite l’integrazione di Phase Change Materials in elementi schermanti, ai fini della riduzione della domanda energetica per raffrescamento e illuminazione artificiale 263
Efficienza energetica di facciate trasparenti attive: valutazioni attraverso misure in laboratorio 262
Energy performance evaluation of an innovative active envelope: results from a year round field monitoring 260
Sistemi di integrazione della luce naturale e artificiale applicati a diverse tipologie edilizie. Rapporto sugli esiti di simulazioni numeriche e sperimentali in campo 259
Light transmission efficiency of daylight guidance systems: An assessment approach based on simulations and measurements in a sun/sky simulator 257
An integrated design approach to the development of a vegetal-based thermal plaster for the energy retrofit of buildings 255
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of an advanced responsive multifunctional façade module 255
Involucro trasparente. Oltre il concetto di isolamento termico. Dalle Double Skin Façade alle facciate altamente integrate 254
Building Envelope Test CELL: development of an indoor test cell for advanced façade systems thermal performance assessment 253
Guidelines for sustainable Olympic Villages in Torino 2006 250
Un modello numerico per la valutazione del comportamento termofluidodinamico di facciate trasparenti attive 249
Experimental assessment of the performance of an active transparent façade during actual operating conditions 246
Experimental evaluation of a climate façade: energy efficiency and thermal comfort performance 245
Analisi sperimentale di un componente vetrato responsivo con materiali a cambiamento di fase 244
Analisi sperimentale di una facciata trasparente ventilata a doppio involucro: un caso studio 243
Development of a software tool for the evaluation of the shading factor under complex boundary conditions 242
Analisi del comportamento termofluidodinamico di un involucro trasparente innovativo: risultati di una campagna di monitoraggio 237
Experimental facilities for adaptive façades characterization 235
Energy performance evaluation of an innovative active envelope: results from an year round field monitoring 235
Impact on thermal comfort of conventional and advanced glazed façades in office buildings 234
Innovative technologies for transparent building envelopes: experimental assessment of energy and thermal comfort data to facilitate the decision-making process 230
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of an advanced ventilated clay bricks façade 230
Performance assessment of an active transparent façade through a year round field monitoring 230
Facciate trasparenti a doppia pelle: risultati da un monitoraggio 226
Performance assessment of innovative transparent active envelopes through measurements in test cells 226
Energy performance assessment of a responsive buildingenvelope component: results from a numerical analysis 225
Schoolyards as case study to implement UHI mitigation measures under a socially inclusive perspective 222
Facciate trasparenti attive a ventilazione meccanica e ibrida: valutazione della prestazione energetica tramite misure in test cells 221
Insulating coat to prevent mold growth in thermal bridges 221
Implementare processi di qualità per la verifica prestazionale del sistema edificio-impianto: verso il Commissioning dell'involucro edilizio 220
Energy performance evaluation of an innovative active envelope: results from an year round field monitoring 219
Monitoraggio del comportamento termico di un tetto verde: primi risultati sperimentali 216
Experimental and numerical analyses on thermal performance of different typologies of PCMs integrated in the roof space 215
Totale 31.484
Categoria #
all - tutte 114.158
article - articoli 43.654
book - libri 5.013
conference - conferenze 59.041
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.667
patent - brevetti 397
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.386
Totale 228.316

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.319 0 0 0 0 0 443 282 544 536 243 177 94
2020/20213.469 429 364 93 284 166 268 115 260 200 954 201 135
2021/20222.836 154 186 70 214 133 189 131 93 120 185 669 692
2022/20235.051 444 734 130 388 395 583 1.185 179 431 57 212 313
2023/20241.865 140 167 67 205 187 246 113 177 96 84 155 228
2024/20252.259 71 567 279 650 429 263 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 46.055