Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.617
EU - Europa 8.965
AS - Asia 2.071
SA - Sud America 77
AF - Africa 55
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 20.800
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.507
DE - Germania 2.016
IT - Italia 1.980
FR - Francia 1.465
GB - Regno Unito 1.223
CN - Cina 914
UA - Ucraina 555
NL - Olanda 405
SG - Singapore 396
SE - Svezia 253
TR - Turchia 215
IE - Irlanda 204
RU - Federazione Russa 203
KR - Corea 176
CH - Svizzera 145
FI - Finlandia 118
BE - Belgio 101
CA - Canada 89
ID - Indonesia 85
ES - Italia 71
IN - India 65
BR - Brasile 61
AT - Austria 40
JP - Giappone 38
IL - Israele 34
VN - Vietnam 31
HK - Hong Kong 30
BG - Bulgaria 27
IR - Iran 21
MX - Messico 20
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
PL - Polonia 18
UZ - Uzbekistan 18
TW - Taiwan 16
EU - Europa 15
PT - Portogallo 15
EE - Estonia 14
ZA - Sudafrica 14
CI - Costa d'Avorio 13
JO - Giordania 13
RO - Romania 13
MY - Malesia 12
AU - Australia 11
CL - Cile 11
RS - Serbia 11
EG - Egitto 10
NO - Norvegia 9
ET - Etiopia 7
GR - Grecia 6
TH - Thailandia 6
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 5
DK - Danimarca 5
HR - Croazia 5
LT - Lituania 5
DZ - Algeria 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
PE - Perù 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NP - Nepal 2
SI - Slovenia 2
YE - Yemen 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GH - Ghana 1
GT - Guatemala 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
SO - Somalia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 20.800
Città #
Ashburn 1.966
Southend 1.052
Seattle 999
Fairfield 706
Beijing 549
Chandler 452
San Ramon 426
Woodbridge 420
Turin 396
Torino 385
Houston 365
Cambridge 328
Princeton 323
Singapore 295
Herkenbosch 271
Ann Arbor 261
Jacksonville 254
Wilmington 251
Boardman 244
Des Moines 229
Santa Clara 200
Berlin 198
Dublin 179
Izmir 154
Chicago 150
San Donato Milanese 132
Bern 121
New York 116
Buffalo 112
Frankfurt 110
Helsinki 101
Brussels 99
Jakarta 76
Council Bluffs 72
San Francisco 70
Zaporozhye 68
Baltimore 64
Bologna 62
Pennsylvania Furnace 59
Shanghai 59
Zhengzhou 57
Milan 53
Katy 49
Valfenera 48
Paris 46
Amsterdam 42
Bremen 41
Saint Petersburg 40
Imola 39
Lecce 39
Vienna 38
Overberg 36
Hangzhou 35
Toronto 35
Redwood City 34
Mountain View 33
Seoul 31
Istanbul 28
San Diego 28
Dong Ket 26
Rome 26
Monopoli 25
Hefei 24
Shenzhen 24
Sofia 24
Cupertino 23
Fremont 23
Washington 23
London 21
Tavagnasco 21
Las Vegas 20
Zhitomir 20
Guangzhou 19
Maringa 19
Nanjing 19
Redmond 18
Madrid 17
Melun 17
Gilroy 16
Lucca 16
Montréal 16
Malatya 15
Monza 14
Norwalk 14
Yubileyny 14
Abidjan 13
Frankfurt am Main 13
Lappeenranta 13
Muizenberg 13
Padua 13
Phoenix 13
Taipei 13
Tallinn 13
Aosta 12
Olomouc 12
Palermo 12
Seville 12
Verona 12
Andover 11
Borgosesia 11
Totale 13.826
Nome #
Anisotropic linear elastic properties of fractal-like composites 551
Brittle Materials and Stress Concentrations: are they able to withstand? 476
An Accurate Thermoviscoelastic Rheological Model for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Based on Fractional Calculus 414
Numerical modelling of microcracking in PV modules induced by thermo-mechanical loads 369
A coupled stress and energy criterion within finite fracture mechanics 364
Adsorption–desorption phenomena and diffusion of neutral particles in the hyperbolic regime 361
Analytical Stress Intensity Factors for cracks at blunted V-notches 346
Wave propagation in nonlocal elastic continua modelled by a fractional calculus approach 345
The use of fractional calculus to model the experimental creep-recovery behavior of modified bituminous binders 343
A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to the asymptotic behaviour of U-notched structures 330
A coupled FFM model to interpret fracture toughness values for brittle materials 328
Crack deflection in brittle materials by Finite Fracture Mechanics 305
A fractional viscoelastic approach to model the rheological behavior of bituminous binders 298
A coupled cohesive zone model for transient analysis of thermoelastic interface debonding 296
The problem of the critical angle for edge and center V-notched structures 290
Diffusion phenomenon in the hyperbolic and parabolic regimes 288
Wave propagation in nonlocal elastic continua modelled by a fractional calculus approach 281
A fractional calculus approach to nonlocalelasticity 279
A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to V-notched elements subjected to mixed-mode loading 278
Fractional calculus in solid mechanics: Local versus non-local approach 277
Fracture initiation at re-entrant corners: Experiments and finite fracture mechanics predictions 276
Static-kinematic fractional operators for fractal and non-local solids 274
Blunt V-notch Brittle Fracture: An Improved Finite Fracture Mechanics Approach 274
Diffusion problems in fractal media defined on Cantor sets 271
Finite Fracture Mechanics Vs. Cohesive Crack Modelling: An Analytical Comparison Based On Case Studies 268
Finite Fracture Mechanics: a deeper investigation on negative T-stress effects 268
Fracture initiation and size effect in V-notched structures under mixed mode loading 264
Fractals to Model Hierarchical Biomaterials 263
A finite fracture mechanics approach to structures with sharp V-notches 256
Investigation on brittle fracture in rounded V-notched structures by Finite Fracture Mechanics 255
Nonlocal diffusion in porous media: A spatial fractional approach 254
Generalized fracture toughness for specimens with re-entrant corners: Experiments vs. theoretical predictions 253
Fractals to model hierarchical materials and structures 252
Dynamic response of damped von Koch antennas 250
Wave Propagation in Fractional Nonlocal Elastic Continua 249
A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to the asymptotic behaviour of U-notched structures 248
V-notched elements under mode II loading conditions 246
Strength of hierarchical materials. 244
An explicit mechanical interpretation of Eringen non-local elasticity by means of fractional calculus 244
Asymptotic analysis of a von Koch beam. 244
Brittle failures at rounded V-notches: A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach 239
Anisotropic linear elastic properties of fractal-like composites 239
High Temperature Austenitizing of Low Alloy Steels: What Is Left After 40 Years? 239
Nonlocal elasticity: an approach based on fractional calculus 239
Diffusions problems in fractional and standard nonlocal media 234
An improved Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to blunt V-notch brittle fracture mechanics: Experimental verification on ceramic, metallic, and plastic materials 230
A Fractional Approach to Nonlocal Elasticity 228
Free vibration analysis of a von Koch Beam 227
Cracks at rounded V-notch tips: an analytical expression for the stress intensity factor 223
Brittle fracture in V-notched elements under mixed-mode loading conditions 221
T-stress effects on crack deflection: Straight vs. curved crack advance 220
Mode mixity and size effect in V-notched structures 219
T-stress effects on crack kinking in Finite Fracture Mechanics 219
Fractional calculus in continuum mechanics: local vs. non-local approach 218
Dynamic analysis of fractal antennas 217
Diffusion problems on fractional nonlocal media 215
Fractal modelling of hierarchical resistant materials 210
The problem of the critical angle for edge and center V-notched structures 210
Fractional Viscoelastic Modeling of Antirutting Response of Bituminous Binders 203
Is the edge crack the most dangerous V-notch? 199
Finite fracture mechanics predictions on the apparent fracture toughness of as-quenched Charpy V-type AISI 4340 steel specimens 197
Short cracks and V-notches: Finite Fracture Mechanics vs. Cohesive Crack Model 184
A finite fracture mechanics approach to delamination in composites 184
Investigation on brittle fracture in rounded V-notched structures by Finite Fracture Mechanics 183
On the most dangerous V-notch 180
Study of of thermoelastic effects in laminated composites by the cohesive zone model 178
Size effects on brittle fracture of Brazilian disk samples containing a circular hole 174
Blunt notch failure behavior of low alloy steels, as quenched from high or conventional austenitizing temperatures: An investigation through FFM 158
Size-effect on the apparent tensile strength of brittle materials with spherical cavities 141
Finite Fracture Mechanics crack initiation from a circular hole 138
Analytical Modeling of Debonding Mechanism for Long and Short Bond Lengths in Direct Shear Tests Accounting for Residual Strength 109
Finite Fracture Mechanics versus Phase Field: a case study on the crack onset from circular holes under biaxial loading conditions 102
Spherical voids by finite fracture mechanics 99
Penny-shaped cracks by Finite Fracture Mechanics 97
Fatigue limit: Crack and notch sensitivity by Finite Fracture Mechanics 92
Brittle crack initiation from a circular hole: From FFM theory to experiments 90
An analytical study for debonding in single-lap shear test by considering the residual strength 89
Mode I fatigue limit of notched structures: A deeper insight into Finite Fracture Mechanics 87
Brittle failure of nanoscale notched silicon cantilevers: A finite fracture mechanics approach 86
Non-local criteria for the borehole problem: Gradient Elasticity versus Finite Fracture Mechanics 86
Crack onset and propagation stability from a circular hole under biaxial loading 83
Circular holes under remote tensile load: From experiments to FFM theory 80
Finite Fracture Mechanics: Size effects on spheroidal voids and corrosion pits 77
Brazilian disk tests: Circular holes and size effects 77
Nonlinear implementation of Finite Fracture Mechanics: A case study on notched Brazilian disk samples 76
Size effect on flexural strength of notched and un-notched concrete and rock specimens by Finite Fracture Mechanics 74
Finite Fracture Mechanics versus Phase Field models of fracture: A case study on the crack onset from circular holes under biaxial loadings 73
A FFM analysis on mode III static and fatigue crack initiation from sharp V-notches 71
Experimental and theoretical characterization of mixed mode brittle failure from square holes 69
Comparison between two nonlocal criteria: A case study on pressurized holes 69
Finite Fracture Mechanics extension to dynamic loading scenarios 61
Finite fracture mechanics assessment in moderate and large scale yielding regimes 61
Fatigue crack onset by Finite Fracture Mechanics 59
Structural design criteria for safety by monitoring of the architectural heritage damage: new proposal 59
Penny-shaped cracks: A comparison between FFM and CZM 59
Finite fracture mechanics and cohesive crack model: Weight functions vs. cohesive laws 56
Mode I fatigue limit of V- and U-notches 56
Finite Fracture Mechanics predictions: From circular holes to penny-shaped cracks 54
Finite Fracture Mechanics: stress weight functions, friction, stability and symmetry 52
Totale 20.472
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.155
article - articoli 30.737
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 22.876
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 542
Totale 108.310

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.338 0 0 0 0 0 207 179 311 270 247 68 56
2020/20211.469 232 188 66 183 85 144 126 116 58 112 95 64
2021/20221.265 85 71 7 13 34 129 75 21 125 127 210 368
2022/20232.101 223 303 53 130 215 225 361 83 175 50 111 172
2023/2024940 70 83 114 27 59 164 62 53 37 35 102 134
2024/20251.118 24 362 103 337 165 127 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.154