Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.381
EU - Europa 10.211
AS - Asia 2.438
AF - Africa 66
SA - Sud America 59
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
Totale 28.193
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 15.048
IT - Italia 2.739
GB - Regno Unito 1.983
DE - Germania 1.810
FR - Francia 1.590
CN - Cina 1.074
SG - Singapore 477
CA - Canada 332
UA - Ucraina 330
RU - Federazione Russa 253
TR - Turchia 229
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 227
IE - Irlanda 222
SE - Svezia 194
NL - Olanda 189
BE - Belgio 169
KR - Corea 161
FI - Finlandia 114
CH - Svizzera 99
ID - Indonesia 83
IN - India 80
DK - Danimarca 66
JO - Giordania 64
HK - Hong Kong 63
AT - Austria 45
ES - Italia 42
UZ - Uzbekistan 41
JP - Giappone 40
BR - Brasile 39
BG - Bulgaria 35
PK - Pakistan 29
ZA - Sudafrica 28
EU - Europa 25
IR - Iran 20
PL - Polonia 20
TW - Taiwan 20
MY - Malesia 16
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 15
KW - Kuwait 13
RO - Romania 13
DZ - Algeria 12
GR - Grecia 12
VN - Vietnam 12
IQ - Iraq 8
CO - Colombia 7
EG - Egitto 7
HR - Croazia 7
LT - Lituania 7
EE - Estonia 6
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
AU - Australia 5
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 4
AR - Argentina 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
CL - Cile 4
IL - Israele 4
PE - Perù 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
SD - Sudan 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
QA - Qatar 3
SN - Senegal 3
TN - Tunisia 3
KE - Kenya 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
UG - Uganda 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
LY - Libia 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 28.193
Città #
Ashburn 3.314
Boardman 2.972
Southend 1.563
Seattle 1.028
Fairfield 721
Turin 689
Chandler 688
Ann Arbor 523
Fremont 504
Woodbridge 467
Houston 435
Torino 379
Singapore 341
Princeton 289
Wilmington 289
Cambridge 274
Shanghai 244
Des Moines 233
Chicago 227
Beijing 219
Dublin 219
Prague 204
Berlin 178
Montréal 165
Santa Clara 165
Brussels 162
Jacksonville 156
Buffalo 153
Zhengzhou 147
Council Bluffs 141
Mcallen 132
Munich 132
San Francisco 130
Toronto 130
San Ramon 127
Izmir 109
Milan 104
Istanbul 99
Helsinki 96
Bologna 87
San Donato Milanese 82
Bern 81
Jakarta 81
Washington 76
Las Vegas 72
Herkenbosch 69
Saint Petersburg 65
Seoul 61
Guangzhou 59
Nuremberg 59
Wuhan 57
Hangzhou 50
Mountain View 48
Norwalk 46
Zaporozhye 45
Redwood City 43
Shenzhen 43
San Jose 42
New York 40
Rome 39
Baltimore 36
London 36
Vienna 36
Bremen 35
Cupertino 35
Frankfurt 35
Austin 34
Falls Church 32
Sofia 32
San Diego 29
University Park 29
Amsterdam 27
Muizenberg 26
Dearborn 25
Nanjing 25
Pennsylvania Furnace 25
Piscataway 24
Dallas 23
Denver 22
Overberg 22
Staten Island 22
Tokyo 21
Brno 20
Pollone 20
Barcelona 19
Hong Kong 19
Clearwater 18
Kraków 18
Monopoli 18
Malatya 17
Roncadelle 16
Trento 16
Venaria Reale 16
Yubileyny 16
Lecce 15
Ottawa 15
Palermo 15
Paris 14
San Mateo 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
Totale 20.323
Nome #
HPC4AI, an AI-on-demand federated platform endeavour 778
Time-Driven Priority Router Implementation: Analysis and Experiments 721
Locating Equivalent Servants over P2P Networks 688
CLOSER: A Collaborative Locality-aware Overlay SERvice 681
An Efficient Data Exchange Algorithm for Chained Network Functions 672
Robustness analysis of an unstructured overlay for media communication 663
The EcoThermo project: key and innovative aspects 660
Formal verification of Virtual Network Function graphs in an SP-DevOps context 630
Scalable Fractional Lambda Switching: a Testbed 630
Time-Driven Access and Forwarding for Industrial Wireless Multihop Networks 630
Pipeline Forwarding of Packets based on a Low Accuracy Network-distributed Common Time Reference 615
Distributed connectivity service for a SIP infrastructure 615
Introducing Network-Aware Scheduling Capabilities in OpenStack 579
Interest Flooding Attack Countermeasures Assessment on Content Centric Networking 578
High-Priority First Transmission to Efficiently Support Service Differentiation in Just-In-Time OBS Networks 574
Time Driven Priority Router Implementation and First Experiments 573
Design and implementation of locality-aware P2P system 567
Formal Verification of LTE-UMTS Handover Procedures 555
A Scalable Solution for Engineering Streaming Traffic in the Future Internet 542
Resource Management Policies for Cloud-based Interactive 3D Applications 513
PIT Overload Analysis in Content Centric Networks 512
Service Providers Indexing Using P2P Systems 476
Scalable Switching Testbed not 'Stopping' the Serial Bit Stream 461
Measuring and Reducing the Impact of the OS Kernel on End-to-End Latencies in Synchronous Packet Switched Networks 455
Formal verification of LTE-UMTS and LTE–LTE handover procedures 452
On the Deployment of Pipeline Forwarding in a Nation-wide Internet Service Provider Network 449
A Scalable Approach for Supporting Streaming Media: Design, Implementation and Experiments 448
Impact of Fiber Types and Raman Pumping in Reconfigurable DWDM Transparent Optical Networks 448
A Transmission Layer Aware Network Design for Fixed and Flexible Grid Optical Networks 434
Exploring the Effects of Physical Layer Parameters in WDM based Fixed and Flexible-Grid Networks 431
On the Importance of the Detailed Transmission Layer Modelling in Optical Network Design 425
Impact of fiber type and Raman pumping in NyWDM flexible-grid elastic optical networks 414
Push applications and dynamic content generation over content-centric networking 406
First Video Streaming Experiments on a Time Driven Priority Network 396
An efficient data exchange mechanism for chained network functions 379
Minimizing Preemption Probability toEfficiently Support Service Differentiation in Just-In-Time based OBS Networks 368
Ultra Scalable UTC-based Pipeline Forwarding Switch for Streaming IP Traffic 366
Raman Pumping as an Energy Efficient Solution for NyWDM Flexible-grid Elastic Optical Networks 357
A framework for user-friendly verification-oriented VNF modeling 356
Efficient slice-aware H.264/AVC video transmission over Time-Driven Priority networks 344
Wireless for the factory: The Wi-Fact analysis 335
Merit of Raman pumping in fixed-grid all-optical network exploiting multi-rate transponders 317
A Proposal for End-to-End QoS Provisioning in Software-Defined-Networks 313
Exploiting the transmission layer in logical topology design of flexible-grid optical networks 309
A blocking probability study for the Aethereal network-on-chip 308
Service Provider DevOps 303
Design of a Deterministic Service Switch for Avionics Networks 299
In-Network Support For Over-The-Top Video Quality of Experience 273
Owl: Congestion Control with Partially Invisible Networks via Reinforcement Learning 228
Automated firewall configuration in virtual networks 194
Formally verified latency-aware VNF placement in industrial Internet of things 183
(User-friendly) formal requirements verification in the context of ISO26262 179
Towards a fully automated and optimized network security functions orchestration 178
A Federated Learning Approach to Routing in Challenged SDN-Enabled Edge Networks 150
A Formal Approach to Verify Connectivity and Optimize VNF Placement in Industrial Networks 148
Improving the formal verification of reachability policies in virtualized networks 145
Automated optimal firewall orchestration and configuration in virtualized networks 141
RoPE: An Architecture for Adaptive Data-Driven Routing Prediction at the Edge 139
Short Paper: Automatic Configuration for an Optimal Channel Protection in Virtualized Networks 136
Automated End to End Carrier Ethernet Provisioning over a Disaggregated WDM Metro Network with a Hierarchical SDN Control and Monitoring Platform 135
Sustainable Task Offloading in UAV Networks via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 130
A Policy-Based Architecture for Container Migration in Software Defined Infrastructures 127
A novel approach for security function graph configuration and deployment 127
Supporting Sustainable Virtual Network Mutations with Mystique 118
A Self-Learning Strategy for Task Offloading in UAV Networks 117
Introducing programmability and automation in the synthesis of virtual firewall rules 116
A Framework for Verification-Oriented User-Friendly Network Function Modeling 114
Multipoint passive monitoring in packet networks 113
An architecture for adaptive task planning in support of IoT-based machine learning applications for disaster scenarios 113
LiveMicro: An Edge Computing System for Collaborative Telepathology 111
A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Energy and Congestion-Aware Edge Networks 102
APRON: an Architecture for Adaptive Task Planning of Internet of Things in Challenged Edge Networks 102
NLP4: An Architecture for Intent-Driven Data Plane Programmability 101
Automation for network security configuration: state of the art and research trends 99
Partially Oblivious Congestion Control for the Internet via Reinforcement Learning 89
A VNF modeling approach for verification purposes 88
On Control and Data Plane Programmability for Data-Driven Networking 86
Resource Inference for Task Migration in Challenged Edge Networks with RITMO 84
A Collaborative and Distributed Learning-Based Solution to Autonomously Plan Computer Networks 80
Multi-Objective Function Splitting and Placement of Network Slices in 5G Mobile Networks 77
P4FL: An Architecture for Federating Learning with In-Network Processing 75
On Edge Computing for Remote Pathology Consultations and Computations 74
Virtual Network Embedding with Formal Reachability Assurance 73
Resource Inference for Sustainable and Responsive Task Offloading in Challenged Edge Networks 73
Handling Privacy-Sensitive Medical Data With Federated Learning: Challenges and Future Directions 72
Load Profiling via In-Band Flow Classification and P4 With Howdah 71
ADELE: An Architecture for Steering Traffic and Computations via Deep Learning in Challenged Edge Networks 70
Routing with ART: Adaptive Routing for P4 Switches With In-Network Decision Trees 69
Inferring Visibility of Internet Traffic Matrices Using eXplainable AI 67
Work-in-Progress: A Formal Approach to Verify Fault Tolerance in Industrial Network Systems 66
Metodo di identificazione di traffico streaming video, e relativo dispositivo 63
Completing and Predicting Internet Traffic Matrices Using Adversarial Autoencoders and Hidden Markov Models 63
Towards Autonomous Computer Networks in Support of Critical Systems 58
Howdah: Load Profiling via In-Band Flow Classification and P4 57
RLVNA: a Platform for Experimenting with Virtual Networks Adaptations over Public Testbeds 56
Restoring Application Traffic of Latency-Sensitive Networked Systems using Adversarial Autoencoders 55
Steering Traffic via Recurrent Neural Networks in Challenged Edge Scenarios 54
Latency-aware Scheduling in the Cloud-Edge Continuum 49
HINT: Supporting Congestion Control Decisions with P4-driven In-Band Network Telemetry 44
Performance measurements of QUIC communications 41
Totale 28.598
Categoria #
all - tutte 64.157
article - articoli 29.416
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 33.482
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 250
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.009
Totale 128.314

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.588 0 0 0 0 0 372 324 266 348 103 116 59
2020/20212.287 177 264 143 164 150 210 158 246 152 294 202 127
2021/20221.596 130 142 102 54 74 121 113 109 100 111 199 341
2022/20232.582 193 358 84 284 279 295 316 100 229 51 182 211
2023/20241.435 56 222 114 83 122 144 74 121 49 75 136 239
2024/20251.613 60 497 192 567 282 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 28.790