Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 20.108
NA - Nord America 12.320
AS - Asia 2.921
AF - Africa 158
SA - Sud America 105
OC - Oceania 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 35.657
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.208
IT - Italia 11.109
DE - Germania 2.163
FR - Francia 1.962
GB - Regno Unito 1.875
CN - Cina 1.139
UA - Ucraina 689
SG - Singapore 590
NL - Olanda 341
RU - Federazione Russa 333
TR - Turchia 318
KR - Corea 293
IE - Irlanda 277
SE - Svezia 245
CH - Svizzera 192
BE - Belgio 185
FI - Finlandia 125
IN - India 114
CA - Canada 103
RO - Romania 100
AT - Austria 90
CI - Costa d'Avorio 72
ES - Italia 69
HK - Hong Kong 68
ID - Indonesia 65
JP - Giappone 57
HU - Ungheria 53
BG - Bulgaria 51
BR - Brasile 46
VN - Vietnam 43
PK - Pakistan 42
JO - Giordania 41
EU - Europa 40
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 34
IR - Iran 34
CL - Cile 28
PL - Polonia 28
MY - Malesia 27
SN - Senegal 26
AU - Australia 24
PT - Portogallo 22
DK - Danimarca 21
TW - Taiwan 21
AL - Albania 19
ZA - Sudafrica 19
PH - Filippine 14
NG - Nigeria 13
RS - Serbia 13
GR - Grecia 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
NO - Norvegia 11
VE - Venezuela 11
EE - Estonia 10
IL - Israele 10
HR - Croazia 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
MX - Messico 8
TH - Thailandia 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
EG - Egitto 7
AR - Argentina 6
LT - Lituania 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
MA - Marocco 5
MT - Malta 5
AM - Armenia 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
CO - Colombia 4
EC - Ecuador 4
LB - Libano 4
OM - Oman 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TN - Tunisia 4
DZ - Algeria 3
GE - Georgia 3
MC - Monaco 3
NA - Namibia 3
PE - Perù 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BJ - Benin 2
CY - Cipro 2
ET - Etiopia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
ME - Montenegro 2
QA - Qatar 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
ER - Eritrea 1
IQ - Iraq 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 35.657
Città #
Ashburn 2.923
Southend 1.603
Turin 1.451
Seattle 941
Fairfield 710
Chandler 633
Torino 619
Milan 575
Ann Arbor 483
Singapore 453
Beijing 429
Rome 424
Des Moines 421
Princeton 418
Boardman 392
Houston 378
Woodbridge 358
Jacksonville 341
Wilmington 315
Cambridge 282
Santa Clara 280
Berlin 252
Dublin 246
San Ramon 218
Izmir 200
Bologna 164
Naples 163
Bern 150
Buffalo 149
Brussels 148
Herkenbosch 129
San Donato Milanese 125
Shanghai 113
Saint Petersburg 110
San Francisco 108
Helsinki 106
Chicago 90
Wenzhou 87
Frankfurt 86
Zhengzhou 86
Hangzhou 80
Florence 77
Guangzhou 76
Zaporozhye 74
Abidjan 72
Palermo 72
Fremont 71
Baltimore 69
Council Bluffs 68
Genova 68
Vienna 68
Lecce 67
Padua 67
Genoa 66
Mountain View 65
Pennsylvania Furnace 63
Verona 63
Jakarta 62
Trento 60
Bari 59
Galati 59
Catania 58
Redwood City 58
Seoul 55
Cagliari 51
Faenza 51
Imola 51
Varese 49
Monopoli 48
Shenzhen 46
Valdagno 46
Istanbul 44
San Diego 44
Overberg 43
Modena 42
Sofia 42
Amsterdam 41
London 39
New York 39
Pescara 39
Bolzano 37
Ferrara 37
Dearborn 36
Salerno 36
Bergamo 34
Toronto 34
Udine 34
Las Vegas 33
Trieste 33
Andover 32
Nashua 32
Paris 32
Malatya 31
Venice 31
Los Angeles 30
Taranto 29
Valfenera 29
Nanjing 28
Busto Arsizio 27
Padova 27
Totale 20.113
Nome #
Atlante nazionale dei ponti termiciconforme alle norme UNI EN ISO 14683 e UNI EN ISO 10211 5.693
Vacuum Insulation Panels: Analysis of the Thermal Performance of Both Single Panel and Multilayer Boards 516
Il calcolo dettagliato delle dispersioni di calore attraverso i ponti termici. Un atlante nazionale dei ponti termici conforme alla normativa nazionale. 506
Fault detection analysis of building energy consumption using Data Mining techniques 484
Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings through innovative data analytics technologies 482
From the architectural model to the energy model: the use of BIM for the evaluation of the energy performance of buildings 475
Review on Performance Metrics for Energy Efficiency in Data Center: The Role of Thermal Management 463
The Overall Architecture of a Decision Support System for Public Buildings 458
Vacuum Insulation Panels: Thermal Bridging Effects and Energy Performance in Real Building Applications 423
Discovering Knowledge from a Residential Building Stock through Data Mining Analysis for Engineering Sustainability 413
The effect of different materials joint in Vacuum Insulation Panels 409
Data mining for energy analysis of a large data set of flats 406
Il progetto e la verifica in esercizio di un edificio a energia quasi zero 403
A sensitivity analysis of the shading factor for building energy performance 403
Building fan coil electric consumption analysis with fuzzy approaches for fault detection and diagnosis 393
A building thermal bridges sensitivity analysis 392
Model Predictive Control for Building Active Demand Response Systems 387
Coupling VIPs and ABPs: Assessment of Overall Thermal Performance in Building Wall Insulation 379
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Modeling of the Creaming of mPCM Slurry 378
VIPs Thermal Conductivity Measurement: Test Methods, Limits and Uncertainty 369
Cooling Systems in Data Centers: State of Art and Emerging Technologies 369
Fault detection analysis using data mining techniques for a cluster of smart office buildings 356
Thermal Metrics for Data Centers: A Critical Review 353
Thermal characterization of green roofs through dynamic simulation 350
Mining typical load profiles in buildings to support energy management in the smart city context 341
The Effect of Temperature on Thermal Performance of Fumed Silica Based Vacuum Insulation Panels for Buildings 339
Potentialities of a Low Temperature Solar Heating System Based on Slurry Phase Change Materials (PCS) 335
Total energy use in buildings. Analysis and evaluation methods. Final report Annex 53. Statistical analysis and prediction methods. 320
Measuring energy efficiency in data centers 320
Thermal bridges in vacuum insulation panels at building scale 318
The early design stage of a building envelope: Multi-objective search through heating, cooling and lighting energy performance analysis 315
Exploring energy certificates of buildings through unsupervised data mining techniques 306
Building Energy Management Through Fault Detection Analysis Using Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied on Residual Neural Networks 301
Optimisation analysis of PCM-enhanced opaque building envelope components for the energy retrofitting of office buildings in Mediterranean climates 295
A validation of the quasi-steady state building energy model by a dynamic numerical analysis 289
Data analytics for occupancy pattern learning to reduce the energy consumption of HVAC systems in office buildings 288
Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal bridging effects of jointed Vacuum Insulation Panels 288
Parametric Analysis of Energy Behaviour of Sunspaces Adjacent to Conditioned Spaces Through Dynamic Simulation 287
Calcolo dettagliato dello scambio termico attraverso i ponti termici 284
Use of the ANOVA approach for sensitive building energy design 284
A coupled numerical approach on museum air conditioning: Energy and fluid-dynamic analysis 281
Indoor lighting fault detection and diagnosis using a data fusion approach 276
Validazione del metodo semplificato (UNI/TS 11300) mediante applicazione dell’analisi numerica in regime dinamico 276
Estimation models of heating energy consumption in schools for local authorities planning 271
Desiccant wheel regenerated by thermal energy from a microcogenerator:Experimental assessment of the performances 269
Valutazione della trasmittanza termica lineare dei ponti termici: analisi di sensibilità per un caso studio 268
The Effect of Occupancy Patterns on the Energy Performance of Hotel Guestroom Area 266
Il progetto e la verifica di un edificio a energia quasi zero: analisi critica delle prestazioni per un caso di studio 262
Experimental Analysis on Advanced Insulation System 261
Renewable Energy Resources & Energy Demand: State of the Art and Future Developments 255
A comparison of HVAC systems for artwork conservation 254
Design and verification of a Zero Energy Building: evaluation of real energy performance and comparison with a tailored calculation 250
Le specifiche tecniche UNI/TS 11300 241
A critical review on forward and data driven methods for building energy analysis 239
Air-conditioning in museum environment: energy saving and thermal-hygrometric control 235
A novel methodology for energy performance benchmarking of buildings by means of Linear Mixed Effect Model: The case of space and DHW heating of out-patient Healthcare Centres 235
Analisi e validazione dei valori precalcolati di trasmittanza termica lineare per alcune tipologie di ponte termico 233
Temperature field real-time diagnosis by means of infrared imaging in Data Elaboration Center 233
The influence of thermal bridges on the building energy performance: a Sensitivity Analysis 226
Tecnologie per l’efficienza energetica del sistema edificio-impianto. Realizzazione di una casa dimostrativa itinerante. 225
Efficienza energetica 224
Hybrid HVAC systems with chemical dehumidification for supermarket applications 223
Modelli di calcolo per la certificazione energetica a confronto: UNI/TS 11300 e CENED con riferimento al periodo estivo. 221
Exploring energy performance certificates through visualization 219
Energy saving strategies in air-conditioning for museums 218
Statistycal analysis of total energy use 215
VIPs thermal performance in buildings: research experience and roadmap 214
Building energy consumption modeling with Neural Ensembling Approaches for fault detection analysis 205
Batterie di scambio termico 203
Guida alla valutazione dei ponti termici. Conforme alle norme UNI EN ISO 14683 e UNI EN ISO 10211. 201
Impianti di climatizzazione con deumidificazione chimica per supermercati 200
Potenzialità, limiti e problematiche di controllo termoigrometrico in ambienti museali: risulati di esperienze in campo 200
Impacts of architectural design choices on building energy performance. Applications of uncertainty and sensitivity techniques 197
Le batterie di scambio termico 193
L'impianto di climatizzazione in ambiente museale 193
Towards an Automated, Fast and Interpretable Estimation Model of Heating Energy Demand: A Data-Driven Approach Exploiting Building Energy Certificates 190
A data-driven energy platform: from energy performance certificates to human-readable knowledge through dynamic high-resolution geospatial maps 188
Gli umidificatori a vapore 186
A glance about the Big Data Analytics in the Oil&Gas industry 179
I più recenti sviluppi della normativa nazionale in tema di climatizzazione estiva, risparmio energetico e incentivi 174
Optimization and Multicriteria Evaluation of Carbon-neutral Technologies for District Heating 173
Potenzialità, limiti e problematiche di controllo igrometrico in ambienti museali: risultati di esperienze in campo 167
HVAC systems to control microclimate in the museums 166
Automated load pattern learning and anomaly detection for enhancing energy management in smart buildings 165
Theoretical and experimental characterization of thermal dynamic wall performance 162
Il controllo dell'umidità negli ambienti museali 161
Energy saving strategies in the museum environment air conditioning 160
Deep reinforcement learning to optimise indoor temperature control and heating energy consumption in buildings 156
Gli umidificatori adiabatici ad acqua liquida 155
Uso razionale dell’energia e risparmio energetico 151
Energia solare ed involucro edilizio: incidenza delle finiture superficiali esterne e dell’inerzia termica sulle richieste energetiche nell’edilizia residenziale urbana 150
Controllo termoigrometrico ed impianti: gli ambienti museali 148
Prestazioni energetiche e termoigrometriche di impianti di climatizzazione per ambienti museali 148
Transfer learning for smart buildings: A critical review of algorithms, applications, and future perspectives 147
HVAC systems: air diffusion performance in the museum environment 146
Recognition and classification of typical load profiles in buildings with non-intrusive learning approach 146
Umidificatori e deumidificatori 142
A data analytics-based energy information system (EIS) tool to perform meter-level anomaly detection and diagnosis in buildings 138
Centrali di trattamento dell'aria 134
Totale 32.446
Categoria #
all - tutte 81.931
article - articoli 42.023
book - libri 9.589
conference - conferenze 24.108
curatela - curatele 605
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.606
Totale 163.862

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.582 0 0 0 0 0 321 202 359 321 172 125 82
2020/20212.987 300 261 124 223 128 257 185 220 182 736 221 150
2021/20222.799 127 178 158 125 145 192 176 210 190 231 578 489
2022/20233.669 297 447 79 292 277 371 645 213 356 121 256 315
2023/20242.680 195 155 149 244 233 302 204 208 121 254 301 314
2024/20252.319 202 493 231 628 407 358 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 36.061