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A refined output-only modal identification technique for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures / Cardoni, Alessandro; Elahi, Amir Reza; Cimellaro, Gian Paolo. - In: ENGINEERING STRUCTURES. - ISSN 0141-0296. - 323:(2025), pp. 1-25. [10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.119210] 1-gen-2025 Cardoni, AlessandroElahi, Amir RezaCimellaro, Gian Paolo 1-s2.0-S0141029624017723-mini.pdf
Modelling infrastructure interdependencies and cascading effects using temporal networks / Cimellaro, Gian Paolo; Cardoni, Alessandro; Reinhorn, Andrei. - In: RESILIENT CITIES AND STRUCTURES. - ISSN 2772-7416. - 3:3(2024), pp. 28-42. [10.1016/j.rcns.2024.05.002] 1-gen-2024 Cimellaro, Gian PaoloCardoni, Alessandro + Modelling infrastructure interdependencies and cascading effects using temporal networks.pdf
Numerical and Experimental Dynamic Analysis of 3D-Printed Pierced Vault / Cucuzza, R.; Manuello Bertetto, A.; Domaneschi, M.; Tarantini, R.; Cardoni, A.; Cimellaro, G.. - 437:(2024), pp. 269-278. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2nd Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures (IWSS) tenutosi a Turin (ITA) nel June 26-28, 2023) [10.1007/978-3-031-44328-2_28]. 1-gen-2024 Cucuzza R.Domaneschi M.Tarantini R.Cardoni A.Cimellaro G. + Numerical_and_Experimental_Dynamic_Analysis_of__3D_IWSS_2023.pdf
Numerical and Experimental Dynamic Analysis of 3D-Printed Pierced Vault / Cucuzza, Raffaele; MANUELLO BERTETTO, AMEDEO DOMENICO BERNARDO; Domaneschi, Marco; Tarantini, Raffaele; Cardoni, Alessandro; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO (LECTURE NOTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING). - In: Shell and Spatial StructuresELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-031-44327-5. - pp. 269-278 [10.1007/978-3-031-44328-2_28] 1-gen-2024 Raffaele CucuzzaAmedeo Manuello BertettoMarco DomaneschiRaffaele TarantiniAlessandro CardoniGian paolo Cimellaro Numerical_and_Experimental_Dynamic_Analysis_of__3D_IWSS_2023.pdfIWSS Proceedings Completo.pdf
Progressive Collapse Analysis of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida / Pellecchia, Cosimo; Cardoni, Alessandro; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO; Domaneschi, Marco; Ansari, Farhad; Khalil, Ahmed Amir. - In: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. - ISSN 0733-9445. - 150:1(2024), pp. 1-13. [10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-12485] 1-gen-2024 Cosimo, PellecchiaAlessandro, CardoniGian Paolo, CimellaroMarco, DomaneschiFarhad, Ansari + 230725_PAPER_ChamplainTowers_R1-Plain Text.pdfpellecchia-et-al-2023-progressive-collapse-analysis-of-the-champlain-towers-south-in-surfside-florida.pdf
Resilience and safety of civil engineering systems and communities: A bibliometric analysis for mapping the state-of-the-art / De Iuliis, Melissa; Cardoni, Alessandro; Paolo Cimellaro, Gian. - In: SAFETY SCIENCE. - ISSN 0925-7535. - 174:(2024), pp. 1-18. [10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106470] 1-gen-2024 Cardoni, AlessandroPaolo Cimellaro, Gian + Resilience and safety of civil engineering systems and communities- A bibliometric analysis for mapping the state-of-the-art.pdf
Automating the Frequency Domain Decomposition Technique Using the Modal Assurance Criterion / Elahi, A. R.; Cardoni, A.; Domaneschi, M.; Cimellaro, G. P.. - 309:(2023), pp. 1063-1073. (Intervento presentato al convegno 17th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, WCSI 2022 tenutosi a ita nel 2022) [10.1007/978-3-031-21187-4_92]. 1-gen-2023 Elahi A. R.Cardoni A.Domaneschi M.Cimellaro G. P. -
DAMAGE PATTERN ANALYSIS OF THE BASILICA DI COLLEMAGGIO USING AEM MICRO-MODELING / Pellecchia, Cosimo; Cardoni, Alessandro; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO; Amir Khalil, Ahmed. - 1:(2023), pp. 1921-1931. (Intervento presentato al convegno COMPDYN 2023 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Athens (Greece) nel 12-14 June 2023) [10.7712/120123.10531.21426]. 1-gen-2023 Cosimo PellecchiaAlessandro CardoniGian Paolo Cimellaro + C23_21426.pdf
Dynamic Characterisation and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Masonry Port Structures / Tarantini, R.; Cardoni, A.; Marasco, S.; Merlin, J.; Pribaz, E.; Rupolo, G.; Domaneschi, M.; Cimellaro, G. P.. - 309:(2023), pp. 1032-1042. (Intervento presentato al convegno 17th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, WCSI 2022 tenutosi a ita nel 2022) [10.1007/978-3-031-21187-4_90]. 1-gen-2023 Tarantini R.Cardoni A.Marasco S.Domaneschi M.Cimellaro G. P. + sfghdndfghj.pdf10-09_17th WCSI - ASSISi XVII (2022)_Raffaele TARANTINI_md.pdf
DYNAMIC CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CIRCUS MAXIMUS ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE / Reza Elahi, Amir; Cardoni, Alessandro; Pellecchia, Cosimo; Buonfiglio, Marialetizia; Michela Rossi, Federica; Federico, Elena; Pacciani, Fabio; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO. - (2023), pp. 4030-4043. (Intervento presentato al convegno COMPDYN 2023 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Athens, Greece, nel 12-14 June 2023) [10.7712/120123.10700.21972]. 1-gen-2023 Amir Reza ElahiAlessandro CardoniCosimo PellecchiaGian Paolo Cimellaro + C23_21972.pdf
Dynamic identification of a historical masonry building: the case study of palazzo Rosciano / Tarantini, Raffaele; Cardoni, Alessandro; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO; Domaneschi, Marco; Pribaz, Enrico; Rupolo, Gianluca. - ELETTRONICO. - 2:(2023), pp. 3700-3707. (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Athens (Greece) nel 12-14 June 2023) [10.7712/120123.10673.22019]. 1-gen-2023 Raffaele TarantiniAlessandro CardoniGian Paolo CimellaroMarco Domaneschi + COMPDYN_2023_Palazzo Rosciano_Final Contribution_Post print.pdfC23_22019.pdf
Generating ground motions using the Fourier amplitude spectrum / Baglio, Marco; Cardoni, Alessandro; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO; Abrahamson, Norman. - In: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS. - ISSN 0098-8847. - 52:15(2023), pp. 4884-4899. [10.1002/eqe.3986] 1-gen-2023 Marco BaglioAlessandro CardoniGian Paolo Cimellaro + 0_EQE_Generating ground motions using the Fourier amplitude spectrum.pdfACCEPTED_GENERATING GROUND MOTIONS USING THE FOURIER AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM.pdf
Indoor tracking using unmanned aerial vehicles / Cardoni, Alessandro; Tarantini, Raffaele; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO. - ELETTRONICO. - 2:(2023), pp. 4632-4640. (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Athens (Greece) nel 12-14 June 2023) [10.7712/120123.10746.22021]. 1-gen-2023 Alessandro CardoniRaffaele TarantiniGian Paolo Cimellaro COMPDYN_2023_Indoor tracking using UAV_Post print.pdfC23_22021.pdf
Experimental Investigation of the Static and Dynamic behaviors of 3D-Printed Shell Structures / Cucuzza, R.; Cardoni, A.; Manuello, A.; Domaneschi, M.; Cimellaro, G.; Marano, G.. - ELETTRONICO. - 900:(2022), pp. 1-12. (Intervento presentato al convegno 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics: Pursuing the Infinite Potential of Computational Mechanics, WCCM-APCOM 2022 tenutosi a Yokohama, Japan nel 31 July 2022 through 5 August 2022) [10.23967/wccm-apcom.2022.049]. 1-gen-2022 Cucuzza, R.Cardoni, A.Manuello, A.Domaneschi, M.Cimellaro, G.Marano, G. Experimental_Investigation_of_the_Static_and_Dynamic_behaviors_of_3D_Printed_Shell_Structures (3).pdf
Managing debris clearance from road transportation networks after earthquakes / Cardoni, A.; Marasco, S.; Domaneschi, M.; Cimellaro, G. P.. - 1:(2022), pp. 948-955. (Intervento presentato al convegno Lifelines 2022 Conference: 1971 San Fernando Earthquake and Lifeline Infrastructure tenutosi a Los Angeles (Usa) nel 31 January 2022 through 11 February 2022) [10.1061/9780784484432.084]. 1-gen-2022 Cardoni A.Marasco S.Domaneschi M.Cimellaro G. P. Versione editoriale.pdfLIFELINES 20-21 debris management.pdf
Research project of an automatic wireless monitoring system of buildings, road and industrial infrastructures / De Stefano, A.; Cardoni, A.; Kather, M.; Domaneschi, M.; Cimellaro, G. P.; Fenoglio, T. M.; Fantinuoli, G. L.; Morino, A.; Taverna, G.; Putetto, C.. - (2022), pp. 35-38. (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2022 tenutosi a Montreal (Can) nel 8 August 2022 through 12 August 2022). 1-gen-2022 De Stefano A.Cardoni A.Domaneschi M.Cimellaro G. P. + -
Seismic vulnerability and resilience assessment of urban telecommunication networks / Cardoni, Alessandro; Lucco Borlera, Simone; Malandrino, Francesco; Cimellaro, GIAN PAOLO. - In: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY. - ISSN 2210-6707. - 77:(2022), p. 103540. [10.1016/j.scs.2021.103540] 1-gen-2022 Alessandro CardoniFrancesco MalandrinoGian Paolo Cimellaro + 1-s2.0-S2210670721008064-main.pdf
Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing port buildings: parameters identification toward numerical simulations / Cardoni, A.; Cimellaro, G. P.; Domaneschi, M.; Merlin, J.; Tarantini, R.; Pribaz, E.; Rupolo, G.. - 2022-August:(2022), pp. 470-473. (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2022 tenutosi a Montreal (Can) nel 8 August 2022 through 12 August 2022). 1-gen-2022 Cardoni A.Cimellaro G. P.Domaneschi M.Tarantini R. + SHMII-11_T09-07__July26_SHMII_BUILDINGS_Iris.pdfSHMII-11_T09-07__July26_SHMII_BUILDINGS.pdf
A new framework to estimate the probability of fire following earthquake / Marasco, Sebastiano; Zamani Noori, Ali; Cardoni, Alessandro; Domaneschi, Marco; Cimellaro, Gian Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 1-12. (Intervento presentato al convegno The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Sendai, Japan nel September 27 to October 2, 2021). 1-gen-2021 Marasco, SebastianoZamani Noori, AliCardoni, AlessandroDomaneschi, MarcoCimellaro, Gian Paolo 2c-0191.pdf
A simplified method to assess the seismic vulnerability of school buildings / Zamani Noori, Ali; Pietropinto, Maria Vittoria; Cardoni, Alessandro; Marasco, Sebastiano; Domaneschi, Marco; Cimellaro, Gian Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 1-12. (Intervento presentato al convegno The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering tenutosi a Sendai, Japan nel September 27 to October 2, 2021). 1-gen-2021 Zamani Noori, AliPietropinto, Maria VittoriaCardoni, AlessandroMarasco, SebastianoDomaneschi, MarcoCimellaro, Gian Paolo 3g-0017.pdf