Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.249
NA - Nord America 1.115
AS - Asia 529
OC - Oceania 16
SA - Sud America 16
AF - Africa 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 2.938
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.077
IT - Italia 566
GB - Regno Unito 164
SG - Singapore 148
DE - Germania 138
CN - Cina 136
BE - Belgio 84
IE - Irlanda 65
KR - Corea 46
ID - Indonesia 39
CA - Canada 38
TR - Turchia 36
RU - Federazione Russa 34
BG - Bulgaria 33
HK - Hong Kong 31
FR - Francia 30
ES - Italia 27
FI - Finlandia 26
NL - Olanda 24
SE - Svezia 23
IN - India 19
IR - Iran 16
JO - Giordania 16
JP - Giappone 15
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 15
BR - Brasile 13
CH - Svizzera 13
TW - Taiwan 11
UA - Ucraina 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
AT - Austria 5
SD - Sudan 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
LT - Lituania 3
VN - Vietnam 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
KE - Kenya 2
PT - Portogallo 2
PY - Paraguay 2
UG - Uganda 2
AU - Australia 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 2.938
Città #
Turin 177
Chandler 151
Southend 116
Houston 113
Singapore 113
Boardman 84
Brussels 84
Santa Clara 71
Princeton 65
Dublin 61
Nuremberg 47
Berlin 45
Council Bluffs 40
Jakarta 39
Istanbul 36
Milan 35
Torino 34
Sofia 33
Seoul 32
Beijing 31
Las Vegas 31
Ann Arbor 30
Wilmington 29
Ashburn 27
Woodbridge 23
Rome 19
Falls Church 18
Helsinki 18
Piscataway 16
Redwood City 16
Shanghai 16
Staten Island 16
Toronto 16
Barcelona 15
Fairfield 13
Fremont 12
Guangzhou 12
Palermo 12
Amsterdam 11
Collegno 11
Bern 10
New York 10
Chicago 9
Shenzhen 9
Kharagpur 8
London 8
Miami 8
Montréal 8
Tokyo 8
Carignano 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Nanjing 7
St Louis 7
Taipei 7
Trento 7
Auckland 6
Melito Di Napoli 6
Wellington 6
Yubileyny 6
Cartagena 5
Chesterfield 5
Costigliole Saluzzo 5
Genoa 5
Lappeenranta 5
Mozzanica 5
San Donato Milanese 5
San Jose 5
Seattle 5
Stockholm 5
Valparaiso 5
Vercelli 5
Bremen 4
Cagliari 4
Chengdu 4
Dearborn 4
Khartoum 4
Lake Forest 4
Lucca 4
Ottawa 4
Saint-genis-pouilly 4
Vienna 4
Washington 4
Andover 3
Bagheria 3
Cambridge 3
Changsha 3
Columbia 3
Dallas 3
Dhaka 3
Dong Ket 3
Hong Kong 3
Jacksonville 3
Lexington 3
Orange 3
Oulu 3
Paris 3
Porto Alegre 3
Rotterdam 3
Sacramento 3
San Mateo 3
Totale 2.070
Nome #
Owl: Congestion Control with Partially Invisible Networks via Reinforcement Learning 228
A Federated Learning Approach to Routing in Challenged SDN-Enabled Edge Networks 150
RoPE: An Architecture for Adaptive Data-Driven Routing Prediction at the Edge 139
Sustainable Task Offloading in UAV Networks via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 130
A Policy-Based Architecture for Container Migration in Software Defined Infrastructures 127
Supporting Sustainable Virtual Network Mutations with Mystique 118
A Self-Learning Strategy for Task Offloading in UAV Networks 117
An architecture for adaptive task planning in support of IoT-based machine learning applications for disaster scenarios 113
LiveMicro: An Edge Computing System for Collaborative Telepathology 111
Towards Autonomous Computer Networks in Support of Critical Systems 110
A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Energy and Congestion-Aware Edge Networks 102
APRON: an Architecture for Adaptive Task Planning of Internet of Things in Challenged Edge Networks 102
NLP4: An Architecture for Intent-Driven Data Plane Programmability 101
Partially Oblivious Congestion Control for the Internet via Reinforcement Learning 89
On Control and Data Plane Programmability for Data-Driven Networking 86
EdgeEcho: An Architecture for Echocardiology at the Edge 85
Resource Inference for Task Migration in Challenged Edge Networks with RITMO 84
A Collaborative and Distributed Learning-Based Solution to Autonomously Plan Computer Networks 80
P4FL: An Architecture for Federating Learning with In-Network Processing 75
On Edge Computing for Remote Pathology Consultations and Computations 74
Resource Inference for Sustainable and Responsive Task Offloading in Challenged Edge Networks 73
Handling Privacy-Sensitive Medical Data With Federated Learning: Challenges and Future Directions 72
Load Profiling via In-Band Flow Classification and P4 With Howdah 71
Routing with ART: Adaptive Routing for P4 Switches With In-Network Decision Trees 69
Inferring Visibility of Internet Traffic Matrices Using eXplainable AI 67
Work-in-Progress: A Formal Approach to Verify Fault Tolerance in Industrial Network Systems 66
Completing and Predicting Internet Traffic Matrices Using Adversarial Autoencoders and Hidden Markov Models 63
Towards Autonomous Computer Networks in Support of Critical Systems 58
Howdah: Load Profiling via In-Band Flow Classification and P4 57
RLVNA: a Platform for Experimenting with Virtual Networks Adaptations over Public Testbeds 56
Restoring Application Traffic of Latency-Sensitive Networked Systems using Adversarial Autoencoders 55
Latency-aware Scheduling in the Cloud-Edge Continuum 49
HINT: Supporting Congestion Control Decisions with P4-driven In-Band Network Telemetry 44
Hide & Seek: Traffic Matrix Completion and Inference Using Hidden Information 38
NAIL: A Network Management Architecture for Deploying Intent into Programmable Switches 36
A Survey on Intelligent Internet of Things: Applications, Security, Privacy, and Future Directions 36
Delay-Aware Routing in Software-Defined Networks via Network Tomography and Reinforcement Learning 31
ROAR: Routing Packets in P4 Switches With Multi-Agent Decisions Logic 26
Recovering Missing Monitoring Data to Enhance Service Provisioning in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum 23
Totale 3.211
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.812
article - articoli 5.645
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 6.803
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.260

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202089 0 0 0 0 0 42 3 6 17 1 16 4
2020/2021481 6 80 10 4 5 18 25 64 53 72 94 50
2021/2022507 46 45 69 6 21 35 33 59 28 16 23 126
2022/2023697 57 101 35 82 83 79 29 32 62 31 55 51
2023/2024666 35 70 64 51 43 57 35 40 20 43 76 132
2024/2025690 23 251 62 236 114 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.211