Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 21.580
EU - Europa 18.025
AS - Asia 3.670
AF - Africa 62
SA - Sud America 58
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
GeoIP Country Edition - ???statistics.table.value.continent.GeoIP Country Edition??? 2
Totale 43.421
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 21.479
IT - Italia 3.710
GB - Regno Unito 3.510
DE - Germania 3.330
FR - Francia 2.916
CN - Cina 1.683
UA - Ucraina 1.444
SG - Singapore 641
RU - Federazione Russa 615
NL - Olanda 545
TR - Turchia 522
IE - Irlanda 457
SE - Svezia 383
CH - Svizzera 357
KR - Corea 310
FI - Finlandia 231
IN - India 151
BE - Belgio 124
JP - Giappone 94
CA - Canada 90
ID - Indonesia 65
ES - Italia 57
GR - Grecia 51
HK - Hong Kong 49
AT - Austria 44
RO - Romania 38
IR - Iran 32
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 30
BR - Brasile 30
MY - Malesia 30
ZA - Sudafrica 30
EU - Europa 28
VN - Vietnam 26
IL - Israele 24
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 17
AU - Australia 17
PT - Portogallo 16
JO - Giordania 15
CL - Cile 14
SN - Senegal 14
PL - Polonia 13
TW - Taiwan 12
BY - Bielorussia 11
NO - Norvegia 11
PK - Pakistan 11
LT - Lituania 10
BG - Bulgaria 9
NG - Nigeria 9
HU - Ungheria 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
QA - Qatar 7
AR - Argentina 6
TH - Thailandia 6
DK - Danimarca 5
EE - Estonia 5
EG - Egitto 5
MX - Messico 5
CY - Cipro 4
HR - Croazia 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
EC - Ecuador 3
GT - Guatemala 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
AL - Albania 2
CO - Colombia 2
LB - Libano 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PE - Perù 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GF - Guiana Francese 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JE - Jersey 1
JM - Giamaica 1
MA - Marocco 1
NI - Nicaragua 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZW - Zimbabwe 1
Totale 43.419
Città #
Ashburn 6.065
Southend 3.160
Seattle 1.983
Fairfield 1.877
Houston 1.113
Woodbridge 946
Chandler 768
Princeton 743
Jacksonville 699
Wilmington 699
Turin 697
Cambridge 673
Ann Arbor 623
San Ramon 493
Singapore 453
Berlin 434
Beijing 433
Dublin 426
Izmir 418
Torino 356
Boardman 331
Chicago 312
Bern 306
Shanghai 275
Zhengzhou 253
Hangzhou 247
Frankfurt 234
Helsinki 207
San Donato Milanese 207
Milan 203
Zaporozhye 182
Herkenbosch 180
Buffalo 167
Santa Clara 167
Pennsylvania Furnace 165
Baltimore 164
Bologna 161
Overberg 155
Saint Petersburg 138
San Francisco 134
Monopoli 117
Brussels 114
Council Bluffs 107
Mountain View 107
Des Moines 106
Padua 101
Powai 93
San Diego 88
Norwalk 86
Redwood City 81
Shenzhen 66
Jakarta 61
Rome 61
New York 59
Paris 56
Amsterdam 53
Falls Church 53
Malatya 53
Seoul 52
Andover 50
San Jose 49
Toronto 48
Moscow 46
Guangzhou 45
Athens 43
Vienna 43
Las Vegas 42
London 42
Karlsruhe 41
Gilroy 40
Washington 39
Verona 38
Atlanta 37
Frankfurt Am Main 37
Berkeley 36
Yubileyny 34
Modena 33
Melun 32
Indiana 31
Fremont 30
Valfenera 30
Austin 28
Istanbul 28
Phoenix 27
Carpi 26
Muizenberg 26
Ningbo 26
Rotterdam 26
Tokyo 26
Zurich 26
Zhitomir 24
Xian 23
Barcelona 22
Bousson 22
San Mauro Torinese 21
Clearwater 20
Dallas 20
Frankfurt am Main 20
Asti 19
Changsha 19
Totale 30.076
Nome #
Towards a Hand Exoskeleton for a Smart EVA Glove 487
Direct Data-Driven Portfolio Optimization with Guaranteed Shortfall Probability 472
Convex Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels via Alternate Subgradient Iterations 470
The Scenario Approach to Robust Control Design 437
Lagrangian Duality in 3D SLAM: Verification Techniques and Optimal Solutions 421
Robust Model Predictive Control via Scenario Optimization 418
A Distributed Technique for Localization of Agent Formations from Relative Range Measurements 384
Subgradient Techniques for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Device and Interconnect Macromodels 380
Robust localization methods for passivity enforcement of linear macromodels 374
Noisy range network localization based on distributed multidimensional scaling 373
Model Predictive Control of stochastic LPV Systems via Random Convex Programs 372
Stochastic model predictive control of LPV systems via scenario optimization 369
A guaranteed-convergence framework for passivity enforcement of linear macromodels 367
Efficient Localization Methods for Passivity Enforcement of Linear Dynamical Models 365
Sparse identification of posynomial models 348
Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty 342
Repetitive Scenario Design 339
Passive macromodeling of one-port immittances via direct rational fitting of spectral factors 329
Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation with Lower Partial Moments Criteria and Affine Policies 326
Analysis and optimization of a wire actuated, single effect n-R robotic structure 324
Robust Model Predictive Control via Random Convex Programming 319
Optimization Models 318
Distributed Linear Estimation over Sensor Networks 316
On Mixed-Integer Random Convex Programs 306
Multi-Period Asset Allocation with Lower Partial Moments Criteria and Affine Policies 299
Topic Analysis in News Via Sparse Learning: A Case Study on the 2016 US Presidential Elections 296
Leading impulse response identification via the Elastic Net criterion 295
Distributed Maximum Likelihood Estimation over Unreliable Sensor Networks 294
Optimal Matching of Three-Dimensional Features under Geometrical Constraints 290
Sparse Identification of Polynomial and Posynomial Models 289
Research on probabilistic methods for control system design 286
APSEplus: a MATLAB Toolbox for Parametric Energy Simulation of Reference Buildings 285
Experiments on stock trading via feedback control 272
MatTrader: An Automated Trading and Financial Data Analysis Framework for Matlab and Java 267
Optimal passivity enforcement of state-space models via localization methods 263
Drag free control for the European satellite GOCE. Part I: modelling 260
Parallel block coordinate minimization with application to group regularized regression 258
Distributed Centroid Estimation from Noisy Relative Measurements 256
Distributed Random Convex Programming via Constraints Consensus 254
Observer design with guaranteed RMS gain for linear parameter varying jump systems 250
Scenario Optimization Methods in Portfolio Analysis and Design 249
Robot Dynamic Identification: Optimal Excitation Trajectories and Experimental Parameter Estimation 249
Data-Driven Asset Allocation with Guaranteed Short-Fall Probability 248
Distributed Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Time-Varying Network Topology 246
Observer Design with Guaranteed RMS Gain for Discrete-Time LPV Systems with Markovian Jumps 246
An Affine Control Method for Optimal DynamicAsset Allocation with Transaction Costs 246
Position estimation from relative distance measurements in multi-agents formations 242
Stochastic Algorithms for Exact and Approximate Feasibility of Robust LMIs 240
Calibrazione Dinamica di Manipolatori Robotici 237
Drag free control for the European satellite GOCE. Part II: digital control 237
On the Expected Probability of Constraint Violation in Sampled Convex Programs 235
Robot Dynamic Calibration: Optimal Excitation Trajectories and Experimental Parameter Estimation 231
Elementi di Automatica, seconda edizione 230
Identification of Reliable Predictor Models for Unknown Systems: a Data-Consistency Approach based on Learning Theory 227
A distributed gradient method for localization of formations using relative range measurements 226
Uncertain Convex Programs: Randomized Solutions and Confidence Levels 225
Constrained Optimal Fitting of Three-dimensional Vector Patterns 224
Distributed optimization techniques for range localization in networked systems 224
Metodi a Sottogradiente per L’imposizione della Passivita’ in Macromodelli Concentrati 223
Network localization from range measurements: algorithms and numerical experiments 223
Optimized Dynamic Calibration of a SCARA Robot 222
Leading Impulse Response Identification Via the Weighted Elastic Net Criterion 221
Experiment Design for Robot Dynamic Calibration 219
A probabilistic analytic center cutting plane method for feasibility of uncertain LMIs 218
Planar Pose Graph Optimization: Duality, Optimal Solutions, and Verification 217
Robust Filtering for Discrete-Time Systems with Bounded Noise and Parametric Uncertainty 217
Linear programming with probability constraints – part 1 217
Linear programming with probability constraints – part 2 216
Triggering long-short trades on indexes 216
Structural interpretation of transmission zeros for matrix second order systems 216
Multi Agent Localization from Noisy Relative Pose Measurements 215
A reduced vertex set result for interval semidefinite optimization problems 215
Random Convex Programs: Dealing with the Non-existing Solution Nuisance 214
A distributed Gauss-Newton approach for range-based localization of multi agent formations 213
Set-Membership Nonlinear Filtering with Second-Order Information 212
New results on the scenario design approach 212
Ambiguous Risk Measures and Optimal Robust Portfolios 211
Sensor Fusion for Position Estimation in Networked Systems 210
Robust Calibration and Control of Robotic Manipulators 208
A convex relaxation approach for 2D pose graph optimization with large noise and outliers 207
Esercizi di Automazione I: sistemi continui e sistemi ad eventi discreti 206
Set Simulations for Quadratic Systems 206
Reliable localization using set-valued nonlinear filters 206
Learning noisy functions via interval models 205
Random Walks for Probabilistic Robustness 204
A Linear Reaction Technique for Dynamic Asset Allocation in the Presence of Transaction Costs 204
Random Convex Programs 204
Robust Model Predictive Control: the Random Convex Programming approach 204
Notes on the Scenario Design Approach 203
Passivity Enforcement Of State-Space Models Via Nonsmooth Localization Schemes 203
Approximate solutions to convex optimization problems under stochastic uncertainty 202
Random Convex Programs - Part 1 202
Randomized Algorithms for Probabilistic Robustness with Real and Complex Structured Uncertainty 202
A Distributed Algorithm for Random Convex Programming 202
A New Bound on the Generalization Rate of Sampled Convex Programs 201
Randomized Model Predictive Control for Stochastic Linear Systems 200
A note on the expected probability of constraint violation in sampled convex programs 199
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems 199
Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Design of Truss Structures 198
Totale 26.462
Categoria #
all - tutte 119.012
article - articoli 43.600
book - libri 4.804
conference - conferenze 63.511
curatela - curatele 682
other - altro 300
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.670
Totale 237.579

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.177 0 0 0 0 0 669 567 697 664 295 173 112
2020/20213.585 495 404 172 414 266 365 146 277 216 420 264 146
2021/20222.782 165 161 81 177 107 234 171 146 280 170 437 653
2022/20233.429 391 600 70 208 317 490 327 213 273 34 165 341
2023/20241.116 55 124 90 42 103 61 105 70 31 45 173 217
2024/20251.627 88 582 243 454 258 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 43.786