Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.970
NA - Nord America 6.236
AS - Asia 1.767
SA - Sud America 93
AF - Africa 83
OC - Oceania 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 18.165
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.144
IT - Italia 5.307
GB - Regno Unito 1.586
DE - Germania 912
FR - Francia 685
CN - Cina 577
SG - Singapore 477
IE - Irlanda 241
BE - Belgio 179
TR - Turchia 176
NL - Olanda 171
UA - Ucraina 140
RU - Federazione Russa 108
SE - Svezia 101
AT - Austria 91
ID - Indonesia 89
CA - Canada 84
HK - Hong Kong 74
JO - Giordania 73
KR - Corea 72
CH - Svizzera 71
ES - Italia 67
BG - Bulgaria 61
FI - Finlandia 60
BR - Brasile 59
IN - India 52
MY - Malesia 47
PL - Polonia 43
PT - Portogallo 33
RO - Romania 32
CI - Costa d'Avorio 30
IR - Iran 26
CO - Colombia 23
PK - Pakistan 22
TW - Taiwan 22
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 17
JP - Giappone 15
SN - Senegal 15
VN - Vietnam 15
GR - Grecia 14
DZ - Algeria 9
NO - Norvegia 9
EU - Europa 8
LT - Lituania 8
LU - Lussemburgo 7
HR - Croazia 6
ZA - Sudafrica 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
AR - Argentina 5
DK - Danimarca 5
ET - Etiopia 5
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 4
AU - Australia 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
BW - Botswana 4
IL - Israele 4
MX - Messico 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
EC - Ecuador 3
HN - Honduras 3
KE - Kenya 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MU - Mauritius 3
NP - Nepal 3
OM - Oman 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CL - Cile 2
EG - Egitto 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PH - Filippine 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AL - Albania 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
FJ - Figi 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LB - Libano 1
MA - Marocco 1
MK - Macedonia 1
ML - Mali 1
PE - Perù 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 18.165
Città #
Turin 1.426
Southend 1.374
Torino 846
Ashburn 831
Chandler 545
Singapore 341
Fairfield 322
Houston 296
Ann Arbor 280
Boardman 249
Santa Clara 234
Seattle 234
Dublin 233
Princeton 224
Council Bluffs 220
Woodbridge 186
Wilmington 176
Brussels 172
Cambridge 170
Milan 169
San Francisco 135
Berlin 133
Beijing 118
Istanbul 90
Rome 89
Jakarta 88
San Ramon 80
Vienna 78
San Donato Milanese 73
Fremont 67
Redmond 61
Sofia 57
Izmir 55
Wenzhou 52
Guangzhou 50
Falls Church 49
Des Moines 46
Jacksonville 46
Helsinki 45
Bern 40
Borgosesia 39
Hangzhou 39
New York 39
Bremen 37
Rotterdam 36
Amsterdam 35
Redwood City 35
Shanghai 34
Buffalo 31
Kraków 31
Abidjan 30
Frankfurt am Main 28
Settimo Torinese 25
Grafing 24
Montréal 24
Aachen 23
Dearborn 23
London 23
Norwalk 23
Toronto 23
Cupertino 22
Mountain View 22
Padova 22
Collegno 20
Moncalieri 20
Chicago 18
Lake Forest 18
Paris 18
Washington 18
Delft 17
Hong Kong 16
Phoenix 16
Zurich 16
Genoa 15
Nanjing 15
San Diego 15
Brno 14
Dong Ket 14
Gießen 14
Mcallen 14
Zhengzhou 14
Ankara 13
Aosta 13
Overland Park 13
Saint Petersburg 13
Valdagno 13
Valfenera 13
Varese 13
Vicenza 13
Aci Catena 12
Munich 12
Ottawa 12
Palermo 12
Pinerolo 12
San Antonio 12
Bari 11
Herkenbosch 11
Lappeenranta 11
Naples 11
Rovigo 11
Totale 11.171
Nome #
The energy efficiency management at urban scale by means of integrated modelling 709
Building energy modelling and monitoring by integration of IoT devices and Building Information Models 666
A Novel Integrated Real-time Simulation Platform for Assessing Photovoltaic Penetration Impacts in Smart Grids 666
A tool-chain to foster a new business model for photovoltaic systems integration exploiting an Energy Community approach 590
The Energy Center Initiative at Politecnico di Torino: Practical experiences on energy efficiency measures in the municipality of Torino 566
Energy Signature Analysis: Knowledge at Your Fingertips 561
A Flexible Distributed Infrastructure for Real-Time Co-Simulations in Smart Grids 553
Distributed software infrastructure for evaluating the integration of photovoltaic systems in urban districts 491
Estimating photovoltaic energy potential from a minimal set of randomly sampled data 454
GIS-Based Optimal Photovoltaic Panel Floorplanning for Residential Installations 450
PVInGrid: A Distributed Infrastructure for evaluating the integration of Photovoltaic systems in Smart Grid 449
GIS-based Software Infrastructure to Model PV Generation in Fine-grained Spatio-temporal Domain 431
A compound of feature selection techniques to improve solar radiation forecasting 372
A Distributed Multi-Model Platform to Cosimulate Multi-Energy Systems in Smart Buildings 358
Forecasting short-term solar radiation for photovoltaic energy predictions 326
A Compact PV Panel Model for Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Cities 310
Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and Co-simulation in Urban Districts 259
Realistic Multi-Scale Modelling of Household Electricity Behaviours 246
A Grey-box Model Based on Unscented Kalman Filter to Estimate Thermal Dynamics in Buildings 233
Non-linear Autoregressive Neural Networks to Forecast Short-Term Solar Radiation for Photovoltaic Energy Predictions 230
A Smart Meter Infrastructure for Smart Grid IoT Applications 229
Battery-Aware Operation Range Estimation for Terrestrial and Aerial Electric Vehicles 223
Indoor Air-Temperature Forecast for Energy-Efficient Management in Smart Buildings 213
A SGAM-Based Test Platform to Develop a Scheme for Wide Area Measurement-Free Monitoring of Smart Grids under High PV Penetration 209
A User-Centric View of a Demand Side Management Program: From Surveys to Simulation and Analysis 209
Design and development of a co-simulation platform for Multi-Energy System analysis 204
Planning and real-time management of smart grids with high PV penetration in Italy 199
IoT Platforms and Technologies Driving Spatial Planning and Analytics 199
Forecasting Heating Consumption in Buildings: A Scalable Full-Stack Distributed Engine 196
A Distributed Software Solution for Demand Side Management with Consumer Habits Prediction 196
A Distributed Multimodel Cosimulation Platform to Assess General Purpose Services in Smart Grids 196
A Distributed Platform for Multi-modelling Co-simulations of Smart Building Energy Behaviour 195
An agent-based framework for smart grid balancing exploiting thermal flexibility of residential buildings 195
GAMES: a General-purpose Architectural model for Multi-Energy System engineering applications 183
A Non-Linear Autoregressive Model for Indoor Air-Temperature Predictions in Smart Buildings 181
Modelling and simulation infrastructure for smart energy and renewable technologies integration in urban districts 180
Design of District-level Photovoltaic Installations for Optimal Power Production and Economic Benefit 175
Manufacturing as a Data-Driven Practice: Methodologies, Technologies, and Tools 174
Stability and Accuracy Analysis of a Real-time Co-simulation Infrastructure 173
A win-win algorithm for aggregated residential energy management: resource optimisation and user acceptance learning 167
Urban Sustainability: a holistic approach for energy planning and operational dimensions 164
Analysis of Rooftop Photovoltaics Diffusion in Energy Community Buildings by a Novel GIS- and Agent-Based Modeling Co-Simulation Platform 163
A Win-Win Algorithm for Learning the Flexibility of Aggregated Residential Appliances 163
Combining BIM, GIS, and IoT to Foster Energy Management and Simulation in Smart Cities 161
A Microservices-based Framework for Smart Design and Optimization of PV Installations 160
Exploring Stability and Accuracy Limits of Distributed Real-Time Power System Simulations via System-of-Systems Cosimulation 154
Assessing Optimal U-value in Residential Buildings in Temperate Climate Conditions Considering Massive Dynamic Simulation and Statistical Uncertainty 151
Load Profiles Clustering and Knowledge Extraction to Assess Actual Usage of Telecommunication Sites 146
Optimal Configuration and Placement of PV Systems in Building Roofs with Cost Analysis 143
IoT-Enabled Real-Time Management of Smart Grids with Demand Response Aggregators 143
Stability and Accuracy Analysis of a Distributed Digital Real-Time Co-simulation Infrastructure 143
Digital Real-Time Power System Co-simulation via Distributed Transmission Line Model 138
Implementing Air Pollution and Health Damage Costs in Urban Multi-Energy Systems Modelling 134
An automated tool for Urban Building Energy Modelling: from sparse datasets to CityJSON 131
Strategies for demand-side management in an office building integrated with rooftop façade PV installations. 129
A Machine Learning Based Methodology for Load Profiles Clustering and Non-Residential Buildings Benchmarking 127
A comparison study of co-simulation frameworks for multi-energy systems: the scalability problem 126
An Hybrid Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Approach for HVAC Control 125
Parametric optimization of window-to-wall ratio for passive buildings adopting a scripting methodology to dynamic-energy simulation 124
An Online Grey-Box Model Based on Unscented Kalman Filter to Predict Temperature Profiles in Smart Buildings 124
Multiple-Regression Method for Fast Estimation of Solar Irradiation and Photovoltaic Energy Potentials over Europe and Africa 119
Human daily activity behavioural clustering from Time Use Survey 113
Supporting Telecommunication Alarm Management System with Trouble Ticket Prediction 110
Modelling and techno-economic analysis of Peer-to-Peer electricity trading systems in the context of Energy Communities 108
Comparative analysis of neural networks techniques to forecast Global Horizontal Irradiance 108
Temperature efficiency analysis in photovoltaics using basic geodata: application to Europe 103
Real-Time Control of Power Exchange at Primary Substations: An OPF-Based Solution 103
Effectiveness of neural networks and transfer learning for indoor air-temperature forecasting 101
A Multi-Agent Framework for Smart Grid Simulations: Strategies for power-to-heat flexibility management in residential context 98
Peak shaving in district heating exploiting reinforcement learning and agent-based modelling 98
LSTM for Grid Power Forecasting in Short-Term from Wave Energy Converters 97
Solar radiation forecasting based on convolutional neural network and ensemble learning 95
A Multi-Agent framework to evaluate energy flexibility in District Heating networks 94
A Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection Framework for Building Electricity Consumption Data 87
A GIS Open-Data Co-Simulation Platform for Photovoltaic Integration in Residential Urban Areas 84
A hierarchical and modular agent-oriented framework for power systems co-simulations 83
An online reinforcement learning approach for HVAC control 79
A Framework for Economic and Environmental Benefit Through Renewable Energy Community 79
COMET: Co-simulation of Multi-Energy Systems for Energy Transition 78
Streamlined Deployment of a Distributed and Scalable Co-Simulation Platform for Integrated Energy Systems 74
A Distributed Software Platform for Additive Manufacturing 72
Synthetic Ground Truth Generation of an Electricity Consumption Dataset 69
Facilitating Smart Grids Integration through a Hybrid Multi-Model Co-Simulation Framework 67
OP-TEE powered OpenSSL Engine enhancing Digital Signature security for ARM Architectures 65
Effectiveness of neural networks and transfer learning to forecast photovoltaic power production 62
A comparative analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for short-term grid power forecasting and uncertainty analysis of Wave Energy Converters 60
Neural network-based energy signatures for non-intrusive energy audit of buildings: Methodological approach and a real-world application 59
A Neural Network-based Methodology for Non-Intrusive Energy Audit of Telecom Sites 57
Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation of Industrial Cooling Demand with LSTM Neural Network 51
A Modular Co-Simulation Platform for Comparing Flexibility Solutions in District Heating Under Variable Operating Conditions 50
null 50
Modeling technology retrofit scenarios for the conversion of condominium into an energy community: An Italian case study 44
A Simulation Framework for Urban Electric Mobility Based on Limited Widespread Data and Spatial Information 39
Totale 18.720
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.915
article - articoli 22.458
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 18.421
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.692
Totale 85.486

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020950 0 0 0 0 0 207 158 208 162 80 104 31
2020/20212.381 213 189 90 148 101 123 91 124 158 899 139 106
2021/20222.429 147 109 276 119 190 236 187 134 192 208 318 313
2022/20232.564 190 296 161 263 254 285 201 182 252 153 142 185
2023/20241.903 158 245 159 210 184 233 84 167 83 67 169 144
2024/20252.267 191 411 287 737 395 246 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.720