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Parallelization of hierarchical matrix algorithms for electromagnetic scattering problems / Larsson, E.; Zafari, A.; Righero, M.; Francavilla, M. A.; Giordanengo, G.; Vipiana, F.; Vecchi, G.; Kessler, C.; Ancourt, C.; Grelck, C. (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)[s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2019. - ISBN 978-3-030-16271-9. - pp. 36-68 [10.1007/978-3-030-16272-6_2] 1-gen-2019 Righero M.Francavilla M. A.Giordanengo G.Vipiana F.Vecchi G. + -
STUDY OF RECONFIGURABLE LEAKY WAVE ANTENNAS BASED ON LIQUID CRYSTALS FOR CONTINUOUS BEAM SCANNING WITH A SINGLE CONTROL / Martini, E.; Pavone, S. C.; Albani, M.; Martorelli, V.; Giordanengo, G.; Sozio, V.; Ferraro, A.; Beccherelli, R.; Caminita, F.; Francavilla, M. A.; Vernì, F.; Bandinelli, M.; Toso, G.; Vecchi, G.; Maci, S.. - (2018). (Intervento presentato al convegno 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on Innovative Antenna Systems and Technologies for Future Space Missions tenutosi a Noordwijk, The Netherlands nel 02-05 October 2018). 1-gen-2018 G. GiordanengoM. A. FrancavillaF. VernìG. Vecchi + -
$\mathcal O(N)$ Nested Skeletonization Scheme for the Analysis of Multiscale Structures Using the Method of Moments / Bautista, Mario Alberto Echeverri; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Martinsson, Per Gunnar; Vipiana, Francesca. - In: IEEE JOURNAL ON MULTISCALE AND MULTIPHYSICS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES. - ISSN 2379-8793. - 1:(2016), pp. 139-150. [10.1109/JMMCT.2016.2645838] 1-gen-2016 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVIPIANA, Francesca + -
Dual-Surface Electric Field Integral Equation Solution of Large Complex Problems / Zubair, Muhammad; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Zheng, Deping; Vipiana, Francesca; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. - ISSN 0018-926X. - 64:6(2016), pp. 2577-2582. [10.1109/TAP.2016.2552549] 1-gen-2016 ZUBAIR, MUHAMMADFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROZHENG, DEPINGVIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, Giuseppe -
Hierarchical Bases Preconditioner to Enhance Convergence of CFIE With Multiscale Meshes / Righero, Marco; Bulai, IULIA MARTINA; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Vipiana, Francesca; Bercigli, M.; Mori, A.; Bandinelli, M.; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. - ISSN 1536-1225. - 15:(2016), pp. 1901-1904. [10.1109/LAWP.2016.2542878] 1-gen-2016 RIGHERO, MARCOBULAI, IULIA MARTINAFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
A domain decomposition framework for the solution of multi-scale problems using integral equation formulations / Bautista, M. A. Echeverri; Vipiana, Francesca; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015), pp. 297-299. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2015 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2015 tenutosi a City University of Hong Kong, hkg nel 2015) [10.1109/COMPEM.2015.7052640]. 1-gen-2015 VIPIANA, FrancescaFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Design and implementation of a cloud computing platform for electromagnetic modelling / Caragnano, Giuseppe; Mossucca, Lorenzo; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Ruiu, Pietro; Terzo, Olivier. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND NETWORKING. - ISSN 1740-0562. - 8:3(2015), pp. 248-258. [10.1504/IJHPCN.2015.071259] 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDRORUIU, PIETROTERZO, OLIVIER + IJHPCN080305.pdf
Domain decomposition for integral equation formulations for the analysis of complex open/closed structures / Echeverri, M. A.; Vipiana, Francesca; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Righero, Marco; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015), pp. 851-854. (Intervento presentato al convegno 17th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015 tenutosi a "Torino Incontra" Congress Center, Via Nino Costa 8, ita nel 2015) [10.1109/ICEAA.2015.7297233]. 1-gen-2015 VIPIANA, FrancescaFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDRORIGHERO, MARCOVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Empirical study of a Reduced Order Model for electromagnetic scattering problems / Caragnano, G.; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Giordanengo, Giorgio; Righero, Marco; Ruiu, Pietro; Terzo, Olivier; Vipiana, Francesca; Zubair, Muhammad; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015), pp. 686-687. (Intervento presentato al convegno 17th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015 tenutosi a "Torino Incontra" Congress Center, Via Nino Costa 8, ita nel 2015) [10.1109/ICEAA.2015.7297201]. 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROGIORDANENGO, GIORGIORIGHERO, MARCORUIU, PIETROTERZO, OLIVIERVIPIANA, FrancescaZUBAIR, MUHAMMADVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Frequency interpolation in the method of moments using the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method / Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Giordanengo, Giorgio; Righero, Marco; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Vipiana, Francesca. - ELETTRONICO. - 2015:(2015), pp. 1154-1155. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APS 2015 tenutosi a Westin Bayshore Vancouver Hotel, can nel 2015) [10.1109/APS.2015.7304965]. 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROGIORDANENGO, GIORGIORIGHERO, MARCOVECCHI, GiuseppeVIPIANA, Francesca -
On the Numerical Simulation of Metasurfaces With Impedance Boundary Condition Integral Equations / Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; E., Martini; S., Maci; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. - ISSN 0018-926X. - 63:(2015), pp. 2153-2161. [10.1109/TAP.2015.2407372] 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVECCHI, Giuseppe + Metasurf_FINAL.pdfVecchi-Onthenumerical.pdf
Parametric interpolation using physics-based basis functions / Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Giordanengo, Giorgio; Righero, Marco; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Vipiana, Francesca. - ELETTRONICO. - 2015:(2015), pp. 497-500. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 2015 tenutosi a International Congress Center Dresden, deu nel 2015) [10.1109/ISEMC.2015.7256212]. 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROGIORDANENGO, GIORGIORIGHERO, MARCOVECCHI, GiuseppeVIPIANA, Francesca -
Wideband Fast Kernel-Independent Modeling of Large Multiscale Structures Via Nested Equivalent Source Approximation / M., Li; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; R., Chen; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. - ISSN 0018-926X. - 63:(2015), pp. 2122-2134. [10.1109/TAP.2015.2402297] 1-gen-2015 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVECCHI, Giuseppe + wnesa_final_submission.pdfVecchi-Wideband.pdf
A Doubly Hierarchical MoM for High-Fidelity Modeling of Multiscale Structures / Li, M.; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Vipiana, Francesca; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Fan, Z.; Chen, R.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. - ISSN 0018-9375. - 56:5(2014), pp. 1103-1111. [10.1109/TEMC.2014.2306691] 1-gen-2014 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
A Hierarchical Fast Solver for EFIE-MoM Analysis of Multiscale Structures at Very Low Frequencies / Echeverri Bautista, M. A.; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Vipiana, Francesca; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. - ISSN 0018-926X. - 62:3(2014), pp. 1523-1528. [10.1109/TAP.2013.2296327] 1-gen-2014 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Evaluation of the Modeling of an Aircraft Cable-Harness Submitted to an EM Illumination / Arianos, Sergio; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Righero, Marco; Vipiana, Francesca; Savi, Patrizia; S., Bertuol; M., Ridel; J. P., Parmantier; L., Pisu; M., Bozzetti; Vecchi, Giuseppe. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. - ISSN 0018-9375. - 56:4(2014), pp. 844-853. [10.1109/TEMC.2014.2312752] 1-gen-2014 ARIANOS, SERGIOFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDRORIGHERO, MARCOVIPIANA, FrancescaSAVI, PatriziaVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Nested Equivalent Source Approximation for the Modeling of Multiscale Structures / Li, M.; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Vipiana, Francesca; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Chen, R.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. - ISSN 0018-926X. - 62:7(2014), pp. 3664-3678. [10.1109/TAP.2014.2321139] 1-gen-2014 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROVIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, Giuseppe + -
Non overlapping Domain Decomposition based on Discontinuous Galerkin and enhanced transmission conditions for multi-scale structures / Echeverri Bautista, M. A.; Vipiana, Francesca; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO. - (2014), pp. 1387-1388. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI) tenutosi a Memphis (TN, US) nel July 2014) [10.1109/APS.2014.6905019]. 1-gen-2014 VIPIANA, FrancescaVECCHI, GiuseppeFRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDRO + -
On dealing with low frequency problems using MoM and dielectrics in a simplified IEMI scenario / Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Righero, Marco; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Vipiana, Francesca. - (2014), pp. 1228-1231. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility tenutosi a Gotheburg (Sweden) nel Sept. 2014) [10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931092]. 1-gen-2014 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDRORIGHERO, MARCOVECCHI, GiuseppeVIPIANA, Francesca -
Parametric interpolation of IEMI effects in a simplified scenario / Francavilla, MATTEO ALESSANDRO; Giordanengo, Giorgio; Righero, Marco; Vecchi, Giuseppe; Vipiana, Francesca. - (2014), pp. 1224-1227. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility tenutosi a Gotheburg (Sweden) nel Sept. 2014) [10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931091]. 1-gen-2014 FRANCAVILLA, MATTEO ALESSANDROGIORDANENGO, GIORGIORIGHERO, MARCOVECCHI, GiuseppeVIPIANA, Francesca -