Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 29.748
NA - Nord America 16.606
AS - Asia 4.387
SA - Sud America 254
AF - Africa 171
OC - Oceania 66
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 23
Totale 51.255
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 15.547
IT - Italia 13.014
DE - Germania 5.403
GB - Regno Unito 4.129
FR - Francia 2.635
CN - Cina 1.534
UA - Ucraina 1.141
CA - Canada 1.039
SG - Singapore 804
TR - Turchia 553
IE - Irlanda 503
SE - Svezia 483
NL - Olanda 458
RU - Federazione Russa 405
KR - Corea 382
CH - Svizzera 279
BE - Belgio 262
MY - Malesia 224
FI - Finlandia 217
BR - Brasile 196
AT - Austria 193
IN - India 156
JP - Giappone 113
ES - Italia 108
HK - Hong Kong 108
IR - Iran 98
ID - Indonesia 89
RO - Romania 87
SN - Senegal 64
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 63
EU - Europa 63
TW - Taiwan 62
JO - Giordania 53
AU - Australia 46
BG - Bulgaria 42
IL - Israele 41
EG - Egitto 38
PK - Pakistan 38
PL - Polonia 37
PT - Portogallo 31
VN - Vietnam 31
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 29
NO - Norvegia 26
PH - Filippine 24
CL - Cile 23
GR - Grecia 23
ZA - Sudafrica 22
HR - Croazia 20
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 20
DK - Danimarca 18
CO - Colombia 17
LB - Libano 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
MC - Monaco 12
CI - Costa d'Avorio 11
HU - Ungheria 10
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
TH - Thailandia 10
UZ - Uzbekistan 10
MX - Messico 9
KZ - Kazakistan 8
EE - Estonia 7
LT - Lituania 7
RS - Serbia 7
SI - Slovenia 7
ME - Montenegro 6
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 5
BY - Bielorussia 5
CY - Cipro 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
NG - Nigeria 5
VE - Venezuela 5
AL - Albania 4
CR - Costa Rica 4
DZ - Algeria 4
EC - Ecuador 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MD - Moldavia 4
MU - Mauritius 4
PA - Panama 4
PE - Perù 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
TN - Tunisia 4
A1 - Anonimo 3
AR - Argentina 3
LY - Libia 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BJ - Benin 2
BO - Bolivia 2
CU - Cuba 2
ET - Etiopia 2
GH - Ghana 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MA - Marocco 2
MT - Malta 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SC - Seychelles 2
AM - Armenia 1
Totale 51.246
Città #
Ashburn 3.614
Turin 3.324
Southend 2.748
Seattle 1.180
Torino 1.018
Chandler 991
Munich 955
Montréal 836
Mcallen 762
Milan 682
Princeton 647
Ann Arbor 621
Singapore 569
Jacksonville 530
Fairfield 476
Boardman 467
Shanghai 444
Dublin 442
Rome 413
San Ramon 401
Berlin 396
Houston 335
Chicago 325
Izmir 311
Woodbridge 283
Wilmington 277
Council Bluffs 245
Brussels 242
Frankfurt 237
Beijing 231
Bern 209
San Donato Milanese 206
Cambridge 200
Des Moines 183
Helsinki 183
Vienna 169
Zhengzhou 158
San Francisco 155
Naples 139
Hangzhou 138
Zaporozhye 131
Bologna 120
Mountain View 113
Monopoli 112
Baltimore 101
Padua 100
Amsterdam 93
Buffalo 92
Pennsylvania Furnace 92
Istanbul 88
Overberg 88
Guangzhou 85
Fremont 82
Florence 78
George Town 78
Redwood City 78
Santa Clara 78
Dearborn 77
Genova 73
Salerno 73
Herkenbosch 71
New York 70
Ottawa 70
Jakarta 69
Saint Petersburg 67
Atlanta 65
Palermo 62
Catania 61
Toronto 60
Nanjing 59
Seoul 59
Malatya 58
Bari 56
Falls Church 56
Galati 55
London 55
Grugliasco 52
Aosta 48
Fortaleza 46
Redmond 44
Rivoli 43
Trento 43
Valfenera 42
Venice 40
Andover 39
Verona 39
Cupertino 38
Taipei 38
Sofia 37
Bremen 34
Paris 34
Norwalk 33
Parma 33
Shenzhen 33
Chieri 32
Reggio Emilia 32
Overland Park 31
San Diego 31
Washington 31
Fossano 30
Totale 29.470
Nome #
BIM Methodology Approach to Infrastructure Design: Case Study of Paniga Tunnel 1.566
A BIM-based infrastructural project approach for time and cost estimation 1.267
Structural calculations by horizontal and vertical interoperability for the redevelopment of existing buildings 1.087
Building Information Modeling (BIM) e l’interoperabilita delle informazioni - Building Information Modeling (BIM) and data interoperability 823
BIM-GIS Modelling for Sustainable Urban Development 799
Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per Ingegneri e Architetti / The Future of Drawing with BIM for Engineers and Architects 722
HBIM and Virtual Tools: A New Chance to Preserve Architectural Heritage 719
The energy efficiency management at urban scale by means of integrated modelling 704
Building Information Modelling, Gegraphic Information System, Augmented Reality per il Facility Management 701
Problemi di normativa nel rilievo del "moderno": l'evoluzione della norma UNI 7310/74 684
Building energy modelling and monitoring by integration of IoT devices and Building Information Models 661
Information Modeling for Virtual and Augmented Reality 633
Cultural Heritage Management Tools: The Role of GIS and BIM 599
IoT software infrastructure for Energy Management and Simulation in Smart Cities 587
DIMCloud: a distributed framework for district energy simulation and management 583
Augmented reality as means to communicate building heritage data in urban setting 571
BIM and Interoperability for Cultural Heritage through ICT 568
Energy saving in existing buildings by an intelligent use of interoperable ICTs 561
Multidisciplinary team activity using BIM and interoperability. A PhD course Experience at Politecnico di Torino 555
null 540
DIMCloud – a distributed infrastructure for district energy management 536
Energy consumption management using CAFM and BIM 527
District Information Modeling and Energy Management 517
BIM and GIS for district modeling 515
La centralità della Rappresentazione con il BIM 470
Increasing energy efficiency in existing public buildings through the implementation of a Building Management System based on interoperable networks 467
From the architectural model to the energy model: the use of BIM for the evaluation of the energy performance of buildings 466
Lighting control and monitoring for energy efficiency: a case study focused on the interoperability of building management systems 448
"Il BIM orientato al Facility Management" 446
Interoperability between building information models and software for lighting analysis 441
Information interoperability and interdisciplinarity: the BIM approach from SEEMPubS project to DIMMER project 434
BIM and Interoperability: a database to collect data errors and solutions 432
Augmented and virtual reality for smart cities users' awareness 430
From historical buildings to smart buildings via middleware and interoperability 426
BIM-based Energy Analysis Using Edilclima EC770 Plug-in, Case Study Archimede Library EEB Project 425
Web and cloud management for building energy reduction: toward a smart district information modeling 417
Buiding Information Modelling, Gegraphic Information System, Augmented Reality per il Facility Management 405
BIM: verso Il catasto del futuro. Conoscere, digitalizzare, condividere. Il caso studio della Città di Torino 402
Calcoli strutturali ed energetici per la riqualificazione degli edifici esistenti. Structural and energy calculations for the redevelopment of existing buildings 391
3D project: Politecnico di Torino is moving to BIM 380
A Service Oriented Solution for Interoperable Networks in Smart Public Spaces 374
Leveraging BIM Interoperability for UWB-Based WSN Planning 367
District data management, modelling and visualization via interoperability 364
InfraBIM. Il BIM per le infrastrutture 354
Middleware Services for Network Interoperability in Smart Energy Efficient Buildings 351
A scalable middleware-based infrastructure for energy management and visualization in city districts 346
The DIMMER project user awareness: Innovative Gamification approach through Augmented Reality 333
Lighting control and monitoring for energy efficiency: a case study focused on the interoperability of building management systems 330
Il BIM per il patrimonio edilizio storico: realizzazione di un database per la manutenzione BIM for architectural heritage: implementation of a database for maintenance 326
A Methodology to Virtualize Technical Engineering Laboratories: MastrLAB-VR 318
Ipotesi di recupero e valorizzazione della cascina Morantone nel Canavese 309
Architecture data and energy efficiency simulation: BIM and interoperability standards 299
OpenBIM methods and tools for schedule and cost management 297
"Casa Bossi a Novara", approccio HBIM per la gestione semi-automatica del cantiere di conoscenza/“The Yard of Beauty” in Novara, H-Bim approach to a knowledge building site 289
Smart Energy Efficiency Control in Existing Building by a BIM Interoperable Process 288
Cleaning Management at Politecnico di Torino 287
Turin smart city: BIM and interoperability for data management 280
S.Marco’s church in Vercelli: the shape model for the reutilize - LIDAR project in a simple architectural space survey 274
‘Translation’ and fruition of an ancient book through virtual reality in the case of lost cultural heritage case study: “inscriptiones” by emmanuel thesaurus 269
3D roof model generation and analysis supporting solar system positioning 269
Survey and representation methodologies in teaching experience 256
S. Marco's Church in Vercelli: the shape model for the reutilize. LIDAR project in a simple architectural space survey 252
Methods and tools for Management of buildings. The Polytechnic of Turin case study.. 250
BIM, Virtual and Augmented Reality for citizen involvement in the evaluation of the urban transformation 249
District Information Models. The DIMMER project: BIM tools for the urban scale 248
Elementi teorici ed applicativi per il passaggio dal CAD al BIM 245
Preservation of Industrial Heritage: a BIM Methodology 242
Il BIM per la gestione dei dati alla scala edilizia e urbana 238
Il "risanamento" di via Roma a Torino tra rilievo e progetto: da piazza Castello a piazza San Carlo 231
The Building Information Model 228
BIM and GIS for the DIMM(ER) methodology 228
Survey and representation methodologies in teaching experience 224
Il disegno di luoghi e mercati in Piemonte 218
BIM ed efficienza energetica nella progettazione integrata basata sul database INNOVance con il formato IFC 211
Nuove figure professionali - New professional figures 210
Indoor Air-Temperature Forecast for Energy-Efficient Management in Smart Buildings 209
I fronti della Piazza San Carlo (ex Piazza Reale) di Torino 208
La rappresentazione della dinamica del degrado nella lettura dei territori colpiti dall’alluvione del novembre 1994: il quartiere Orti in Alessandria 206
Innovazione tra ricerca e didattica 206
Survey and representation methodologies in teaching experience 205
Il "risanamento" del secondo tratto di via Roma a Torino tra rilievo e progetto 203
Il rilievo e la rappresentazione di Piazza San Carlo 202
Dal rilievo all’ipotesi meta progettuale: un possibile utilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche 200
Il BIM per il Facility Management al Politecnico di Torino 198
Nuovo Palazzo San Carlo in via Roma a Torino. Storia e innovazione 197
Le proiezioni quotate 196
IoT Platforms and Technologies Driving Spatial Planning and Analytics 193
BIM and interoperability for energy simulations 192
All’infinito, dalla ricerca alla didattica su esperienze di rilievo e progetto della città 185
Le proiezioni ortogonali 184
BIM model uses through BIM methodology standardization 181
Sei itinerari accessibili per Torino 180
Il disegno di luoghi e mercati a Torino 180
Un portale internazionale dedicato all’e-learning e alla condivisione dell’informazione in rete: Autodesk Student Community & Autodesk Campus 179
Il rilievo del moderno. I sotterranei della “via Roma Nuova” a Torino 177
Una strategia 5D BIM per la gestione dei costi | A 5D BIM strategy for cost management 176
Il disegno e l’ingegnere. Disegno e Geometria 174
Totale 38.722
Categoria #
all - tutte 114.500
article - articoli 21.382
book - libri 4.821
conference - conferenze 56.084
curatela - curatele 3.011
other - altro 1.763
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 27.439
Totale 229.000

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.760 0 0 0 0 583 595 404 665 562 345 385 221
2020/20214.483 577 553 288 426 293 385 210 241 496 671 223 120
2021/20223.132 123 167 105 234 211 224 164 222 211 194 618 659
2022/20234.725 407 643 166 432 512 558 453 253 446 84 310 461
2023/20242.808 205 153 195 240 351 201 141 333 150 213 252 374
2024/20252.477 225 663 479 957 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 51.767