Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 32.247
NA - Nord America 19.174
AS - Asia 4.390
AF - Africa 173
SA - Sud America 150
OC - Oceania 43
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 56.178
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 18.881
IT - Italia 12.545
DE - Germania 4.563
FR - Francia 4.460
GB - Regno Unito 4.346
UA - Ucraina 1.683
CN - Cina 1.492
RU - Federazione Russa 1.025
SG - Singapore 917
NL - Olanda 745
TR - Turchia 615
IE - Irlanda 582
SE - Svezia 452
KR - Corea 410
CH - Svizzera 393
RO - Romania 316
FI - Finlandia 295
CA - Canada 276
BE - Belgio 168
IN - India 138
IR - Iran 136
JP - Giappone 134
HK - Hong Kong 129
AT - Austria 97
MY - Malesia 89
ID - Indonesia 85
PT - Portogallo 78
ES - Italia 77
BR - Brasile 73
BG - Bulgaria 64
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 58
TW - Taiwan 51
EG - Egitto 50
DK - Danimarca 44
JO - Giordania 40
VN - Vietnam 40
GR - Grecia 39
IL - Israele 38
ZA - Sudafrica 34
AU - Australia 32
EU - Europa 30
CO - Colombia 26
CI - Costa d'Avorio 25
CL - Cile 24
PL - Polonia 20
HR - Croazia 19
SN - Senegal 19
NO - Norvegia 16
PK - Pakistan 16
KZ - Kazakistan 15
EE - Estonia 14
PE - Perù 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
MX - Messico 13
PH - Filippine 12
LU - Lussemburgo 11
MD - Moldavia 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
DZ - Algeria 9
IQ - Iraq 9
HU - Ungheria 8
LT - Lituania 8
RS - Serbia 8
TH - Thailandia 8
TN - Tunisia 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
AL - Albania 6
GH - Ghana 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
QA - Qatar 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
AR - Argentina 5
CY - Cipro 5
MA - Marocco 5
BH - Bahrain 4
BY - Bielorussia 4
KE - Kenya 4
SI - Slovenia 4
VE - Venezuela 4
ZW - Zimbabwe 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AM - Armenia 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GE - Georgia 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
HN - Honduras 2
KW - Kuwait 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
GT - Guatemala 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
Totale 56.173
Città #
Ashburn 5.258
Southend 3.491
Turin 2.075
Seattle 1.622
Chandler 916
Princeton 893
Jacksonville 838
Fairfield 724
San Ramon 658
Singapore 655
Torino 650
Milan 626
Beijing 609
Ann Arbor 594
Boardman 553
Dublin 548
Santa Clara 548
Berlin 540
Houston 527
Chicago 525
Izmir 439
Bern 366
Woodbridge 352
Wilmington 331
Cambridge 284
Rome 282
Venice 278
Helsinki 266
Gura Humorului 261
San Donato Milanese 260
Herkenbosch 226
Bologna 224
Manchester 216
Zaporozhye 209
Pietra Ligure 207
Shanghai 200
Zhengzhou 185
Pennsylvania Furnace 183
Council Bluffs 181
Baltimore 175
Overberg 170
Des Moines 152
Padua 149
Brussels 145
Monopoli 138
Amsterdam 134
Naples 116
Mountain View 109
Saint Petersburg 97
Redwood City 95
Buffalo 92
Vienna 84
Catania 81
Napoli 80
San Francisco 74
Genova 71
Jakarta 69
Malatya 64
Hangzhou 59
Frankfurt 58
Toronto 57
Norwalk 55
Istanbul 54
Andover 52
Atlanta 51
Yubileyny 51
Cupertino 50
Guangzhou 50
San Diego 50
San Jose 49
Moscow 46
London 43
Verona 43
Washington 43
Florence 41
Fremont 39
Palermo 37
Collegno 36
Melun 36
New York 35
Novara 34
Falls Church 33
Lecce 33
Monmouth Junction 33
Sofia 33
Bari 32
Paris 32
Modena 31
Nanjing 31
Seoul 31
Valfenera 31
San Antonio 28
Taipei 27
Frankfurt am Main 26
Ningbo 26
Shenzhen 26
Abidjan 25
Athens 25
Las Vegas 25
Varese 24
Totale 31.516
Nome #
Modelling the smart cities performances 858
BIM-GIS Modelling for Sustainable Urban Development 806
TORINO 2030. A prova di futuro 610
Augmented reality as means to communicate building heritage data in urban setting 573
Beyond energy efficiency in evaluating sustainable development in planning and the built environment 557
Low-carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective 510
The Role of Nearly-zero Energy Buildings in the Definition of Post- Carbon Cities 488
Widening the Disciplinary Scope of eParticipation. Reflections after a Research on Tourism and Cultural Heritage 486
Il valore di mercato: note di lavoro per la stima di un immobile urbano 467
True green and sustainable university campuses? Toward a clusters approach 438
e-Participation Model for Sustainable Cultural Tourism Management: a Bottom-up Approach 432
A GIS-Statistical Approach for Assessing Built Environment Energy Use at Urban Scale 424
Strategic Management Plan Evaluation of a River Basin District 421
New challenges in the evaluation of Smart Cities 420
Web and cloud management for building energy reduction: toward a smart district information modeling 420
Analytic Network Process. La valutazione di scenari di trasformazione urbana e territoriale 410
An Advanced Triple-Helix Network Model for Smart Cities Performance 402
Towards a New Integrated Spatial Decision Support System in Urban Context 398
Le valutazioni per il piano strategico di Trieste 394
The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements 391
Intangibles: enhancing access to cities’ cultural heritage through interpretation 387
valutare la sostenibilità dello sviluppo urbano 383
Valutazione dei servizi di e-governement 375
Riuso edilizio e rigenerazione urbana. Innovazione e partecipazione 371
Future challenges in evaluating and managing sustainable development in the built environment, 370
Urban energy planning procedure for sustainable development in the built environment: A review of available spatial approaches 367
An advanced triple helix network framework for smart cities performance 349
Social Housing Allocation: A Problem Structuring approach 345
Sustainable University Campus Assessment 340
The role of nearly-zero energy buildings in the transition towards Post-Carbon Cities 326
Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment 326
Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support Systems for Future Urban Energy Retrofitting Scenarios 319
Cities & Sustainability. Sustaining our cultural heritage 317
Evaluating the Smart and Sustainable Built Environment in Urban Planning 313
Intangibles - enhancing access to cities cultural heritage through interpretation 306
L'estimo e l'economia 299
L’approccio MACBETH per la definizione di distretti urbani sostenibili 294
Evaluating sustainable development in the built environment 294
An Analytic Network Model for Smart Cities 293
“A vision and methodology for integrated sustainable urban development: BEQUEST” 291
The role of prosumers in supporting renewable energies sources 290
Architetti alla finestra 287
Managing the green IT agenda 285
A framework for understanding sustainability in the cultural built environment 285
A Mixed Methodology for Defining a New Spatial Decision Analysis towards Low Carbon Cities 283
MuSIC - A multi-scalar index for evaluating sustainability in cities 278
Towards the establishment of a District Information Modeling 275
GIS-Based Energy Consumption Model at the Urban Scale for the Building Stock 275
Transition Towards a Post Carbon City – Does Resilience Matter? 274
Towards Sustainable Urban district: a MACBETH approach 271
The IntelCities community of practice 268
New Spatial Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Urban and Regional Development 259
Valutazione e sostenibilità 251
Indicatore di sostenibilità energetica, un confronto tra eco-distretti urbani europei 248
Valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale attraverso la definizione di strategie interpretative per il turismo sostenibile 247
Critical issues in spatial distribution of public housing estates and their implications on urban renewal in Hong Kong 247
Sustainability indicators in urban planning evaluation 242
La valutazione della sostenibilità nei processi di rigenerazione urbana: alcuni risultati del progetto europeo SURPrISE 242
A spatial energy consumption assessment for building stock supporting low carbon scenarios development 241
Analysis of main trends in European energy policy and of European geographies of energy security, technology and economics (MILESECURE 2050 D1.3 – Report on key methodological approaches in multidimensional analysis) 240
Challenging the energy security paradigm 240
News from the Front of Sustainable University Campuses 240
A smart cities vision of the future: an evaluation approach 237
“Sustainable Urban Development: the Framework and Directory of Assessment Methods” 236
Smart city as a mobile technology: critical perspectives on urban development policies 234
Supporting sustainable urban planning process based on scenarios development 233
Participatory Tools for Sustainable Cultural Tourism Management Linking Local Cultural Identities with Web-based City Services, 232
Application of the analytic network process and the multimodal thinking to an urban upgrading case study 230
Toward a low carbon, citizens driven Europe's energy security agenda 230
Evaluating sustainable development (Special reprint G8 University Summit) 229
A spatial decision support system for strategic urban re-development. The case study of Turin Central Station, Italy 228
Riqualificazione urbana sostenibile 226
“BEQUEST: Sustainability Assessment, the Framework and Directory of Methods” 225
The Analytic Hierarchy Process 225
Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Redevelopment Scenarios 224
Evaluation in the Built Enviroment fro Sustainability 222
Creative Urban Design and Development. Editorial Introduction 222
Valutazione della sostenibilità alla scala urbana: il Protocollo Itaca Urban 222
Misurare la sostenibilità nei processi di rigenerazione urbana 222
“Il progetto BEQUEST per la Valutazione dello Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile” 220
Local experiences in energy transition. 216
Itinerari, networking e liste di eccellenza 215
Map-based multicriteria analysis to support stakeholder-oriented urban energy scenarios 214
La centralità degli strumenti di valutazione 212
The IntelCities Community of Practice: the Capacity-building, Co-design, Evaluation and Monitoring of eGov Services 210
Scenari di trasformazione urbana: il caso di Porta Nuova a Torino 210
Valutazione con il metodo AHP di un progetto integrato di riqualificazione urbana nella periferia torinese: il quartiere 16-IACP di Torino. 208
Toward A Multiscale Sustainability Assessment of Urban District Projects 208
Cultural heritage strategies: embracing user-generated content 208
Envisioning green solutions for reducing the ecological footprint of a university campus 208
Sustainable Development Goals and Current Sustainability Actions at Politecnico di Torino 208
Toward a new rating system for logistic settlements 206
Environmental Sustainability and Information Systems, Systems Practice 204
Totale 31.194
Categoria #
all - tutte 145.459
article - articoli 57.787
book - libri 6.021
conference - conferenze 38.462
curatela - curatele 5.779
other - altro 3.818
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 33.592
Totale 290.918

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.951 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 602 508 315 194 108
2020/20215.826 542 402 107 394 103 322 101 236 159 2.970 283 207
2021/20223.708 166 286 104 523 235 109 190 214 152 128 694 907
2022/20234.705 451 740 94 296 422 670 446 251 417 130 294 494
2023/20243.305 175 283 185 194 288 210 222 229 151 705 262 401
2024/20253.158 257 770 390 685 435 472 149 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 56.683