Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 38.092
NA - Nord America 25.531
AS - Asia 5.614
SA - Sud America 231
AF - Africa 229
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 53
OC - Oceania 50
Totale 69.800
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 25.199
IT - Italia 16.391
DE - Germania 5.873
FR - Francia 4.705
GB - Regno Unito 4.312
CN - Cina 2.032
UA - Ucraina 1.423
SG - Singapore 1.331
NL - Olanda 787
IE - Irlanda 732
TR - Turchia 706
RU - Federazione Russa 633
SE - Svezia 527
KR - Corea 456
AL - Albania 421
CH - Svizzera 407
FI - Finlandia 332
CA - Canada 314
BE - Belgio 298
RO - Romania 213
AT - Austria 210
IN - India 186
BR - Brasile 164
JO - Giordania 147
HK - Hong Kong 140
IR - Iran 139
BG - Bulgaria 121
JP - Giappone 113
ID - Indonesia 101
EU - Europa 99
SN - Senegal 92
ES - Italia 79
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 68
PT - Portogallo 67
NO - Norvegia 66
DK - Danimarca 65
MY - Malesia 51
SI - Slovenia 48
VN - Vietnam 43
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 41
AU - Australia 39
PL - Polonia 36
PK - Pakistan 34
TH - Thailandia 31
IL - Israele 29
EE - Estonia 26
GR - Grecia 26
TW - Taiwan 26
ZA - Sudafrica 24
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 21
CL - Cile 21
CI - Costa d'Avorio 20
NG - Nigeria 18
HR - Croazia 16
CO - Colombia 15
GH - Ghana 15
DZ - Algeria 13
MX - Messico 13
EG - Egitto 12
PH - Filippine 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
LT - Lituania 10
NP - Nepal 10
BD - Bangladesh 9
BH - Bahrain 8
EC - Ecuador 8
HU - Ungheria 8
LV - Lettonia 8
MA - Marocco 8
PE - Perù 8
RS - Serbia 7
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
AR - Argentina 6
MU - Mauritius 6
PS - Palestinian Territory 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
KZ - Kazakistan 5
MD - Moldavia 5
MT - Malta 5
TG - Togo 5
BO - Bolivia 4
LB - Libano 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
SD - Sudan 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
VE - Venezuela 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MC - Monaco 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AM - Armenia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
GE - Georgia 2
KW - Kuwait 2
MK - Macedonia 2
OM - Oman 2
Totale 69.782
Città #
Ashburn 6.073
Southend 3.414
Turin 2.614
Houston 2.258
Seattle 1.785
Chandler 1.507
Torino 1.471
Princeton 1.005
Singapore 958
Fairfield 940
Woodbridge 901
Boardman 861
Milan 846
Cambridge 782
Santa Clara 746
Ann Arbor 716
Jacksonville 716
Dublin 671
Berlin 602
Beijing 555
Wilmington 471
Izmir 463
San Ramon 432
Aosta 418
Durrës 413
Chicago 391
Rome 370
Bern 332
San Donato Milanese 316
Helsinki 299
Brussels 276
Frankfurt 271
Venice 264
Council Bluffs 250
Shanghai 238
Bologna 236
Mountain View 216
Zhengzhou 209
Des Moines 193
Vienna 190
Zaporozhye 186
Katy 172
Guangzhou 167
Hangzhou 165
Pennsylvania Furnace 160
Baltimore 149
Naples 146
Amsterdam 141
Overberg 126
Redwood City 126
Monopoli 124
Lecce 121
Saint Petersburg 121
Dallas 112
Padua 111
Dearborn 107
Messina 105
Gura Humorului 103
Fremont 101
Bremen 96
Toronto 95
Pietra Ligure 94
Sofia 93
Legnano 85
Catania 84
Nanjing 84
Florence 81
Reggio Calabria 81
Valfenera 81
Galati 79
Herkenbosch 76
Monteveglio 76
Paris 75
Jakarta 74
Napoli 73
Seoul 73
San Francisco 72
Genova 71
Buffalo 67
Palermo 65
London 64
Malatya 63
Norwalk 63
Bari 61
Moscow 61
Carmagnola 60
Overland Park 60
Atlanta 57
Istanbul 56
Falls Church 55
Verona 49
Parma 46
Shenzhen 46
Trento 46
New York 44
Padova 44
Lonate Pozzolo 42
Andover 40
Novara 40
Modena 39
Totale 40.923
Nome #
Assessing socio-economic sustainability of urban regeneration programs: An integrated approach 1.642
A Dominance-based Rough Set Approach Model for Selecting the Location for a Municipal Solid Waste Plant 716
Approccio metodologico per la valutazione di progetti per la realizzazione di impianti idroelettrici nei bacini montani. 634
A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for Designing Complex Urban Scenarios: Application for the T.I.T. Area (China) 598
Valutazione e sostenibilità: piani, programmi, progetti 592
The Energy Center Initiative at Politecnico di Torino: Practical experiences on energy efficiency measures in the municipality of Torino 566
Dominance-based rough set approach and analytic network process for assessing urban transformation scenarios 556
Towards smart and sustainable communities 543
Utilizzo dell’Analytic Network Process nelle valutazioni di sostenibilità degli interventi di trasformazione del territorio: un’applicazione del modello di indicatori ambientali DPSIR 529
The Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) for sustainability assessment: the evaluation of alternative transport links between two Italian cities 501
Processi decisionali e "impianti indesiderati": applicazione dell'integrale di Choquet per la localizzazione di un inceneritore di rifiuti 494
Lo studio di fattibilità: evoluzioni normative e recenti sviluppi nel settore delle opere pubbliche 475
Using the Analytic Network Process for addressing a transport decision problem 471
Integrating multicriteria evaluation and data visualization as a problem structuring approach to support territorial transformation projects 456
Valutazione dei benefici connessi al risparmio energetico degli edifici: un approccio econometrico 451
La valutazione ambientale negli interventi di trasformazione del territorio: il caso dell'area di Porta Susa a Torino 446
A Dominance-based Rough Set Approach Model for Selecting the Location for a Municipal Solid Waste Plant 443
Microtunnelling o scavo a cielo aperto: l’applicazione dell’Analisi di Gerarchia per il confronto tra le due tecnologie 443
Verso una pianificazione ambientalmente compatibile: i Piani Territoriali di Coordinamento 443
Dominance-based rough set approach and analytic network process for assessing urban transformation scenarios 443
Valutazioni strategiche e Analisi Multicriteri: un'applicazione del metodo PROMETHEE per l'analisi di scenari di rigenerazione urbana 442
L'Analisi Costi Benefici nelle valutazioni ambientali 439
The role of Analytic Network Process and Dominance-based RoughSet Approach in strategic decisions for territorial transformations 436
L'eredità di un grande evento. Monitoraggio territoriale ex-post delle Olimpiadi di Torino 2006. 436
Lo spazio sotterraneo: nuove sfide per la pianificazione urbana e territoriale 429
Addressing the location of undesirable facilities through the Dominance based Rough Set Approach . 428
Invito: an integrated approach for supporting the evaluation of transport scenarios 427
Decision making and cultural heritage: An application of the Multi-Attribute Value Theory for the reuse of historical buildings 424
Valuing the Impact of Social Housing Renovation Programs: An Application of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) 418
Valori ambientali, equità intergenerazionale e sostenibilità: una riflessione a partire dall'Analisi Costi Benefici 415
A mixed methods approach for the integration of urban design and economic evaluation: Industrial heritage and urban regeneration in China 414
Analytic Network Process. La valutazione di scenari di trasformazione urbana e territoriale 410
Analisi Multicriteriale e trasformazioni urbane: recenti sperimentazioni 405
Le valutazioni di fattibilità 401
A multi-methodological approach for assessing sustainability of urban projects 399
Decision Support Systems for Evaluating Urban Regeneration 396
Analisi Multicriteri e valutazioni strategiche 395
Constructing multi-attribute value functions for sustainability assessment of urban projects 388
Sustainable Healthcare: how to assess and improve healthcare structures’ sustainability 375
nZEB Design: Challenging between Energy and Economic Targets 373
An Integrated Approach for Supporting the Evaluation of Transport Scenarios: The Area of Bellinzona (CH) 367
L'analisi SWOT 365
The application of a Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System (MCSDSS) for the assessment of biodiversity conservation in the Province of Varese (Italy). 363
An integrated approach for exploring opportunities and vulnerabilities of complex territorial systems 363
The Influence of Energy Targets and Economic Concerns in Design Strategies for a Residential Nearly-Zero Energy Building 355
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Analytic Network Process for the assessment of different wastewater treatment systems 354
From indicators to composite indexes: an application of the Multi-Attribute Value Theory for assessing sustainability 353
Exploring the environmental value of ecosystem services for a river basin through a spatial multicriteria analysis 349
Landscape Economic Value for Territorial Scenarios of Change: An Application for the Unesco Site of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato 348
Decision-making tools for urban regeneration processes: from Stakeholders Analysis to Stated Preference Methods 347
Analisi multicriteri nella pianificazione di un bacino fluviale. 346
Addressing the location of undesirable facilities through the dominance-based rough set approach 343
Energy, economic and environmental modelling for supporting strategic local planning 340
A MCDA-Based Approach for Evaluating Alternative Requalification Strategies for a Net-Zero Energy District (nZED) 339
Integrating multicriteria evaluation and stakeholders analysis for assessing hydropower projects 335
Giving space to multicriteria analysis for complex cultural heritage systems: the case of the castles in the Valle d'Aosta Region, Italy 332
Sustainable Cities: A Reflection on Potentialities and Limits based on Existing Eco-Districts in Europe 326
Exploring the resilience of urban systems using fuzzy cognitive maps 325
Experimenting community impact evaluation (CIE) for assessing urban regeneration programmes: The case study of the area 22@ Barcelona 322
Evaluation of the tourist demand in Management Plans for UNESCO sites: The case of the Cinque Terre Park (Italy) 318
How to support strategic decisions in territorial transformation processes 316
A Choquet integral-based approach for assessing the sustainability of a new waste incinerator 311
An Analytic Network Process-based Approach for Location Problems: the Case of a New Waste Incinerator Plant in the Province of Torino (Italy) 308
An ANP-based approach for addressing sustainability in urban transformation projects 308
Turin 2006 Olympic Winter Games: impacts and legacies from a tourism perspective 306
Un set di indicatori di paesaggio: una sperimentazione per la Regione Piemonte 303
L’analisi del costo ottimale per la definizione di strategie di progettazione energetica: il caso di un “nearly-Zero Energy Building” 301
Calculating composite indicators for sustainability 299
Economia ed estimo dei beni culturali ed ambientali 298
Towards an integrated economic assessment of landscape 290
Of comfort and cost: Examining indoor comfort conditions and guests’ valuations in Italian hotel rooms 289
La valutazione delle politiche turistiche: un’applicazione del visitor management al caso dei paesaggi piemontesi 288
A Spatial Decision Support Tool to Study Risks and Opportunities of Complex Environmental Systems 287
Multi-criteria approach to transmission expansion planning in Europe 287
Choice Experiments: An application for the Corona Verde landscape in Turin (Italy) 285
Integrating the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and the Driving force- Pressure- State-Impact- Responses (DPSIR) Model for the Sustainability Assessment of Territorial Transformations 279
An appraisal of analytic network process and its role in sustainability assessment in Northern Italy 279
Public and private interests in urban regeneration programs: The case study of trieste historic centre 278
Valutazione delle ipotesi di trasformazione di un’area ferroviaria a Torino attraverso l’Analytic Network Process 277
Building Energy Performance and Real Estate Market Value: an Application of the Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) Model 276
An application of the Analytic Network Process for assessing the sustainability of different transport infrastructures. 273
Analytic Network Process and sustainable mobility: an application for the assessment of different scenarios 273
Assessing the sustainability of alternative transport infrastructures 272
Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for urban and territorial planning: an application for siting an urban waste landfill 267
Assessing urban requalification scenarios by combining environmental indicators with the Analytic Network Process 266
The combined use of Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation and stakeholders analysis for supporting the ecological planning of a river basin 265
An extension of ELECTRE III for dealing with a multiple criteria environmental problem with interaction effects between criteria 265
Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS): strumenti per la valutazione della sostenibilità delle trasformazioni territoriali 264
Environmental analysis and territorial planning: a Multicriteria - Spatial Decision Support System for assessing the quality of a river basin 263
L’eredità olimpica di Torino 2006 259
Sustainability assessment of large dams: the case of a hydropower plant in Bulgaria 259
Partecipazione pubblica e perequazione urbanistica: l'esperienza del piano di governo del territorio del comune di Volta Mantovana 259
Scelta di un sito per la localizzazione di un inceneritore di rifiuti nella Provincia di Torino 258
Assessing different possibilities for the reuse of an open-pit quarry using the Choquet integral 258
Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for Urban and Territorial Planning: an application for siting an urban waste landfill 257
Conflicting values in designing adaptive reuse for cultural heritage. A case study of social multicriteria evaluation 257
La Valutazione Ambientale Strategica per il Piano Particolareggiato Debouchè a Nichelino (TO) 255
Totale 38.172
Categoria #
all - tutte 168.563
article - articoli 73.737
book - libri 1.772
conference - conferenze 48.579
curatela - curatele 3.911
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 40.564
Totale 337.126

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.193 0 0 0 0 0 994 528 762 620 354 370 565
2020/20216.027 639 455 170 463 269 402 191 301 360 2.200 383 194
2021/20224.773 225 245 207 539 220 248 273 192 240 252 972 1.160
2022/20236.958 647 1.010 206 542 661 802 952 395 779 125 350 489
2023/20243.344 204 314 248 232 261 254 295 241 262 198 394 441
2024/20254.656 364 1.080 540 1.135 822 715 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 70.663