Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale  


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Unified hexahedral finite elements for large strains analysis of compressible and nearly incompressible materials / Pagani, A.; Chiaia, P.; Filippi, M.; Cinefra, M.. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Advanced Topics in Mechanics of Materials, Structures and Constructions (AToMech1) tenutosi a Khobar, Saudi Arabia nel March 12-14, 2023). 1-gen-2023 A. PaganiP. ChiaiaM. FilippiM. Cinefra -
Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) for the analysis of disbonds in Single Lap Joints (SLJ) / Nicassio, Francesco; Cinefra, Maria; Scarselli, Gennaro; Filippi, Matteo; Pagani, Alfonso; Carrera, Erasmo. - 12047:(2022), p. 1204702. (Intervento presentato al convegno SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation tenutosi a Long Beach, California, United States nel 2022) [10.1117/12.2616542]. 1-gen-2022 Maria CinefraMatteo FilippiAlfonso PaganiErasmo Carrera + 1204702 (1)_compressed.pdf
SEA analysis in the cabin of a regional turboprop with metamaterial lining panels / Cinefra, Maria; Petrone, Giuseppe. - (2019). (Intervento presentato al convegno AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum tenutosi a San Diego nel Jenuary 7-11, 2019) [10.2514/6.2019-1806]. 1-gen-2019 MARIA CINEFRA + main.pdf
Acoustic metamaterial for noise reduction in aircraft / Cinefra, M.; Petrone, G.; Carrera, E.; DE ROSA, S.. - (2018). (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th International Conference DeMEASS2018 Design Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems tenutosi a Sesimbra (Portugal) nel September 30 - October 3, 2018). 1-gen-2018 CINEFRA M.CARRERA E.DE ROSA S. + Abstract - Acoustic metamaterial for noise reduction in aircraft.pdf
FEM-Aided Structural Design of a Natural Fiber Composite Made Skiff / Moscoloni, Claudio; Fontana, Marco; Passione, Biagio; Cinefra, Maria; Mattiazzo, Giuliana. - ELETTRONICO. - (2018), pp. 434-443. (Intervento presentato al convegno NAV 2018 tenutosi a Trieste (IT) nel 20 - 22 giugno 2018) [10.3233/978-1-61499-870-9-434]. 1-gen-2018 MOSCOLONI, CLAUDIOFONTANA, MARCOPassione BiagioCinefra MariaMattiazzo Giuliana STAL9781614998709-0434.pdf
Hybrid-Mixed Refined Beam Elements Based on Hu-Washizu Variational Principle / Li, G.; Cinefra, M.; Carrera, E.; Kulikov, G. M.; Pagani, A.. - (2018). (Intervento presentato al convegno 1st International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures (ICOMP 2018) tenutosi a Wuhan, China nel 23-25 May, 2018). 1-gen-2018 G. LiM. CinefraE. CarreraA. Pagani + -
Overview on metamaterials for acoustical applications / Bellezza, Giulia; D'Amico, Giuseppe; Cinefra, Maria; Petrone, Giuseppe; DE ROSA, Sergio. - (2018). (Intervento presentato al convegno First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures - ICMAMS 2018 tenutosi a Torino nel June 17-20, 2018) [10.5281/zenodo.1308076]. 1-gen-2018 GIUSEPPE D'AMICOMARIA CINEFRASERGIO DE ROSA + ICMAMS_Cinefra_metamaterial_modificato.pdf
Acoustic analysis of passive metamaterial panels using the finite element method and homogenized properties / Cinefra, M.; De Miguel, A. G.; Filippi, M.; Houriet, C.; Pagani, A.; Carrera, E.. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno XXIV International Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics - AIDAA 2017 tenutosi a Palermo - Enna nel 18-22 Settembre 2017). 1-gen-2017 M. CinefraA. G. De MiguelM. FilippiA. PaganiE. Carrera + -
ADVANCED NUMERICAL METHODS FOR FAILURE ANALYSIS OF METALLIC AND COMPOSITE AEROSPACE STRUCTURES / Carrera, E.; Cinefra, M.; Filippi, M.; Pagani, A.; Petrolo, M.; Zappino, E.; Garcia, A.; Kaleel, I.; Manish, N.; Li, G.; Guarnera, D.; Viglietti, A.; Valvano, S.. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE MEETING (TIM) ON FRACTURE CONTROL OF SPACECRAFT, LAUNCHERS AND THEIR PAYLOADS AND EXPERIMENTS tenutosi a Noordwijk, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC nel 2-3 November 2017). 1-gen-2017 E. CarreraM. CinefraM. FilippiA. PaganiM. PetroloE. ZappinoI. KaleelG. LiD. GuarneraA. VigliettiS. Valvano + Mul2rs-ESA-Sinnema-2017.pdf
MITC9 shell elements based on RMVT and CUF for the analysis of anisotropic structures / Cinefra, M.; Chinosi, C.; Della Croce, L.; Carrera, E.. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno 3rd International Conference of Mechanics of Composite (Mechcomp3) tenutosi a Bologna nel 4-7 Luglio 2017). 1-gen-2017 M. CinefraC. ChinosiL. Della CroceE. Carrera -
Node-Dependent Kinematic One-dimensional FEM Models for the Analysis of Beams with Piezo-patches / Carrera, Erasmo; Cinefra, Maria; Li, Guohong; Zappino, Enrico. - ELETTRONICO. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno 8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials tenutosi a Madrid (ES) nel 5-8 June, 2017). 1-gen-2017 CARRERA, ErasmoCINEFRA, MARIALI, GUOHONGZAPPINO, ENRICO -
Preliminary vibroacoustic analysis about the use of metamaterials in the fuselage of a regional turboprop aircraft / Cinefra, M.; Filippi, M.; Pagani, A.; Passabi', Sebastiano; Carrera, E.. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno XXIV International Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics - AIDAA 2017 tenutosi a Palermo - Enna nel 18-22 Settembre 2017). 1-gen-2017 M. CinefraM. FilippiA. PaganiPASSABI', SEBASTIANOE. Carrera -
MITC9 Shell Finite Elements with Miscellaneous Through-the-thickness Approximating Functions for the Analysis of Laminated Structures / Carrera, E.; Cinefra, M.; Li, G.; Kulikov, G. M.. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno 19th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS19) tenutosi a Porto nel 5-9 September 2016). 1-gen-2016 E. CarreraM. CinefraG. Li + -
MITC9 Shell Finite Elements with Various Through-the-thickness Approximating Functions For the Analysis of Laminated Structures, / Cinefra, Maria; Carrera, Erasmo. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno XIX International Conference on Composite Structures tenutosi a Porto, Portugal nel 5-9 September 2016). 1-gen-2016 CINEFRA, MARIACARRERA, Erasmo -
Refined 2D finite elements for composite plates and shells accounting for hygrothermal effects / Cinefra, Maria; Li, Guohong; Petrolo, Marco; Carrera, Erasmo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016) tenutosi a Crete Island, Greece nel 5-10 June 2016). 1-gen-2016 CINEFRA, MARIALI, GUOHONGPETROLO, MARCOCARRERA, Erasmo -
A Finite Element with Continous Transverse Electric Displacement for Static and Free-Vibration Analysis of Piezoelectric Shells / Cinefra, Maria; Valvano, Stefano; Carrera, Erasmo. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials tenutosi a Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal nel 3-6 June 2015). 1-gen-2015 CINEFRA, MARIAVALVANO, STEFANOCARRERA, Erasmo CinefraValvanoCarrera_SMART2015.pdf
Aeroelastic Instabilities of FGM Panels under Thermo-Mechanical Loads / Carrera, Erasmo; Zappino, Enrico; Cinefra, Maria. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles tenutosi a Lisbon, Portugal nel 2-6 March). 1-gen-2015 CARRERA, ErasmoZAPPINO, ENRICOCINEFRA, MARIA 90332_Carrera_Zappino_Cinefra.pdf
Best Shell Models for Multilayered Structures / Cinefra, Maria; Petrolo, Marco. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference tenutosi a Madrid nel July 6-10, 2015). 1-gen-2015 CINEFRA, MARIAPETROLO, MARCO -
Free-Vibration Analysis of Delaminated Shells via Unified Formulation / Cinefra, Maria; Carrera, Erasmo; Valvano, Stefano. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 18th International Conference on Composite Structures tenutosi a Lisbon, Portugal nel 15-18 June 2015). 1-gen-2015 CINEFRA, MARIACARRERA, ErasmoVALVANO, STEFANO CinefraCarreraValvanoICCS18.pdf
Hygro-thermal analysis of multilayered structures by means of MITC9 shell finite elements based on the CUF / Cinefra, Maria; Carrera, Erasmo. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics - AIDAA2015 tenutosi a Politecnico di Torino, Italy nel November 17-19, 2015). 1-gen-2015 CINEFRA, MARIACARRERA, Erasmo AIDAA2015_TORINO_Cinefra_Carrera.pdf