Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.060
EU - Europa 13.592
AS - Asia 4.134
SA - Sud America 161
AF - Africa 81
OC - Oceania 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 33.055
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.953
IT - Italia 3.313
DE - Germania 3.057
CN - Cina 2.324
GB - Regno Unito 2.055
FR - Francia 1.920
UA - Ucraina 867
SG - Singapore 846
NL - Olanda 452
TR - Turchia 363
RU - Federazione Russa 340
CH - Svizzera 316
SE - Svezia 294
IE - Irlanda 274
KR - Corea 232
FI - Finlandia 204
AT - Austria 115
BR - Brasile 107
CA - Canada 96
BE - Belgio 79
RO - Romania 66
JP - Giappone 58
HK - Hong Kong 55
IN - India 53
ID - Indonesia 46
IR - Iran 39
BG - Bulgaria 30
CL - Cile 28
ES - Italia 25
IL - Israele 20
AU - Australia 18
PL - Polonia 18
ZA - Sudafrica 18
EU - Europa 17
JO - Giordania 17
PH - Filippine 17
PT - Portogallo 16
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 15
DZ - Algeria 15
MY - Malesia 15
TW - Taiwan 15
GQ - Guinea Equatoriale 13
LT - Lituania 13
TH - Thailandia 13
GR - Grecia 12
BY - Bielorussia 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
DK - Danimarca 11
NG - Nigeria 11
NO - Norvegia 11
VN - Vietnam 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 9
AR - Argentina 9
MX - Messico 9
CO - Colombia 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 7
EE - Estonia 6
HR - Croazia 6
SN - Senegal 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
PE - Perù 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
IQ - Iraq 4
LB - Libano 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
EG - Egitto 3
LV - Lettonia 3
GH - Ghana 2
HU - Ungheria 2
PK - Pakistan 2
QA - Qatar 2
SC - Seychelles 2
VE - Venezuela 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AO - Angola 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GT - Guatemala 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
SZ - Regno dello Swaziland 1
TG - Togo 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 33.055
Città #
Ashburn 3.153
Southend 1.778
Beijing 1.751
Seattle 1.625
Des Moines 1.346
Fairfield 678
Council Bluffs 659
Turin 620
Chandler 589
Singapore 465
Jacksonville 446
Princeton 438
Ann Arbor 354
Woodbridge 351
Wayne 347
Houston 346
Boardman 343
Chicago 299
Izmir 274
Dublin 266
Berlin 259
Wilmington 242
San Ramon 240
Torino 234
Cambridge 217
Helsinki 196
Herkenbosch 168
Bern 156
Santa Clara 156
Milan 152
San Francisco 137
Buffalo 136
San Donato Milanese 124
Frankfurt 118
New York 117
Zaporozhye 115
Bologna 112
Saint Petersburg 111
Shanghai 107
Pennsylvania Furnace 106
Overberg 93
Padua 85
Baltimore 84
Rome 83
Vienna 77
Monopoli 75
Brussels 73
Mountain View 72
San Jose 68
Zhengzhou 66
Amsterdam 59
Gilroy 57
Norwalk 52
Galati 50
Lausanne 48
Fremont 47
Cuneo 46
San Diego 46
Dearborn 45
Toronto 42
Jakarta 40
London 39
Paris 38
Redwood City 38
Savona 36
Aosta 34
Hangzhou 33
Las Vegas 33
Lecce 33
Malatya 32
Istanbul 31
Piscataway 30
Valfenera 30
Hong Kong 29
Guangzhou 28
Seoul 28
Shenzhen 28
Nanjing 27
Dallas 26
Naples 23
Yubileyny 23
Indiana 22
Modena 21
Phoenix 20
Bremen 19
Austin 18
Lonate Pozzolo 17
Rotterdam 17
Seongnam 17
Sofia 17
Andover 16
Carignano 16
Florence 16
Latina 16
Melun 16
Moscow 16
Overland Park 16
Wuhan 16
Frankfurt am Main 15
Genova 15
Totale 21.584
Nome #
The cohesive frictional crack model applied to the analysis of the dam-foundation joint 854
Lifetime evaluation of concrete structures under sustained post-peak loading 749
"An innovative bio-engineering retaining structure for supporting unstable soil" 650
Comportamento di una palificata prefabbricata per il contenimento delle terre: studi sperimentali 612
Cohesive Crack Model Description of Ductile to Brittle Size-scale Transition: Dimensional Analysis vs. Renormalization Group Theory 587
Analisi dell'interazione tra colate detritiche e opere di difesa: il caso del torrente Grand Valey (Valle d'Aosta) 555
A new experimental snow avalanche test site at Seehore peak in Aosta Valley (NW Italian Alps) – Part II: Engineering aspects 541
Cellular-Automata model for dense-snow avalanches 534
Principi di dimensionamento della palificata loricata "Terrasafe" 529
Creep and Fracture in Concrete: A Fractional Order Rate Approach 526
Analysis of Fracture Mechanics Tests on Opalinus Clay 526
An apparatus for in-situ direct shear tests on snow 513
"Caratterizzazione fisica-chimico di tailings invecchiati artificialmente" 486
Stiffening effect of bolt-on transducers on strain measurements 467
Fracture Mechanics Characterization of an AnisotropicGeomaterial 450
Influence of the Tunnel Shape on Shotcrete Lining Stresses 439
Fuzzy modelling of powder snow avalanches 436
Modeling water penetration at dam-foundation joint 433
Geomechanical modeling to study the effects of slope instability on buildings: a case study in northern Italy 425
Numerical modelling of ground-tunnel support interaction using bedded-beam-spring model with fuzzy parameters 421
"Caratterizzazione fisico-chimica di tailings invecchiati artificialmente" 393
Snow Pressure on a Semiflexible Retaining Structure 384
Healing of snow surface-to-surface contacts by isothermal sintering 380
Asymptotic fields at the tip of a cohesive crack growing at bi-material interface 372
Dinamica delle valanghe: distacco e interazione flusso/ostacoli. 372
A Fractional Order Rate Approach for Modeling Concrete Structures Subjected to Creep and Fracture 349
Sub-critical cohesive crack propagation with hydro-mechanical coupling and friction 344
Fuzzy Parameters Analysis of Time--Dependent Fracture of Concrete Dam Models 310
A new experimental snow avalanche test site at Seehore peak in Aosta Valley (NW Italian Alps)—part I: Conception and logistics 309
Sub-critical cohesive crack propagation with hydro-mechanical coupling and friction 292
Il distacco artificiale a Punta Seehore: metodologie impiegate e campagna sperimentale. 289
Aging Simulation of the Tailings from Stava Fluorite Extraction by Exposure to Gamma Rays 278
"Cohesive frictional crack at bi-material interface" 277
Lifetime of concrete dam models under constant loads 266
Numerical Simulation of Prenotched Gravity Dam Models 263
Subcritical crack propagation under cyclic load of concrete structures 261
A new experimental site for the study of snow avalanches in the Aosta Valley (NW-Italy) 259
A note on the design of fibre-reinforced shotcrete linings for underground support 258
Prove sperimentali al sito della Punta Seehore nelle stagioni 2010 e 2011 258
Impact Behaviour of Concrete: a Computational Approach 256
Size-effects induced bifurcation phenomena during multiple cohesive crack propagation 255
An integrated system to assess snow forces on avalanche defense structures from snow-gliding: La Tour test site - Aosta Valley (IT) 255
A large time increment method applied to an interface cohesive crack growing in compression-shear conditions 254
The Belidor bascule bridge design 252
Time-dependent fracture of concrete dam models with fuzzy parameters 244
Interferenza valanghiva con le costruzioni: misure e analisi di impatto valanghivo sull'ostacolo strumentato della Punta Seehore. 243
Monitoraggio del sito sperimentale della Punta Seehore. 243
The level set method applied to avalanches 237
Failure lifetime of concrete structures under creep and fracture 237
A comparison between three avalanche test sites in northwestern Alps as developed in the DYNAVAL-Alcotra project 230
Il sito sperimentale della Punta Seehore. 229
Hydromechanical coupling at dam-foundation joint 225
Instability of a broadcasting plant induced by a landslide 224
Fatigue fracture in concrete structure 220
Conception et fonctionnement d'un site-test pour l'analyse de la dynamique des avalanches et de l'interaction écoulement-obstacle 220
Concezione e uso di un sito sperimentale per lo studio della dinamica di una valanga di neve 216
Measurements at Seehore test site in winters 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 211
A new test site in Aosta Valley (northwestern Italian Alps) for measuring the effects of snow-gliding on avalanche defence structures 210
Analysis of the dam-foundation joint through the cohesive frictional crack model 208
The Morgex avalanche - a comparative study 206
Mixed-mode pressurized fracture at the dam-foundation joint 206
Cracked concrete structures under cyclic load 205
Time-Dependent Fracture of Concrete using Fractional Order Rate Laws 203
Nuovi modelli per l’innesco e la propagazione delle valanghe di neve 203
Preliminary measurements and survey at the Italian avalanche test site Punta Seehore 203
Some issues in the application of the frictional cohesive crack model to dam-foundation joints 200
Crack propagation under constant load: constitutive laws for the process zone 200
Hydro-mechanical characterization of silty tailings in unsaturated conditions 199
Interazione tra il comportamento viscoso del calcestruzzo e la crescita della fessura 197
Teaching experience at the Politecnico di Torino with web 2.0 technologies for the improvement of homework study 196
The contribution of continuum-mechanics based numerical model to the design of debris flow barriers 195
Size-effects induced bifurcation phenomena during multiple cohesive crack propagation 194
Experimental and numerical evaluation of gravity dam models failure lifetime 193
Scale effects in the cohesive process zone and structural response 193
Modelli Numerici per lo Studio dei Fenomeni Fessurativi nelle Dighe 191
A note on the design of fibre-reinforced shotcrete linings for underground support 191
Evaluation of the critical temperature decrease in a cracked buttress dam through the cohesive crack model 191
Quarry-Induced Slope Instability at a Broadcasting Transmission Plant near Valcava, Lombardia, Italy 190
Effetto del tempo sulla propagazione della fessura nel calcestruzzo 186
Creep induced cohesive crack propagation in mixed-mode 185
Size-effects on time-dependent concrete fractures 183
Healing of snow interfaces: cold laboratory experiments on isothermal snow sintering 182
Sui punti di biforcazione del percorso di equilibrio durante la crescita di una fessura coesiva 182
Fluid driven cohesive crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials 181
Hydraulic fracture at dam-foundation joint 177
Time-dependent fracture of concrete in mixed mode 176
Subcritical crack propagation in concrete structures under cyclic load 176
Subcritical crack propagation in concrete structure 175
Creep Rupture in Concrete Structures: a New Space and Time IntegrationScheme 175
Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth in Concrete 175
Influence of Fuzzy Parameters during Time-Dependent Fracture of Concrete 174
Fuzzy Parameters Analysis of Powder Snow Avalanches 174
Failure lifetime prediction of cracked concrete structures 174
Pedestrian Bridge Application in a Fundamentals of Structural Analysis Course Inside an Architecture Bachelor Program 174
On singular points in mixed-mode cohesive crack propagation 173
Crack Growth in Concrete under Cyclic Loading 172
Long time behaviour of concrete: creep fracture and size effects 172
Numerical methods for failure lifetime evaluation in concrete structures: mode I and mixed mode crack propagation 172
Sui punti di biforcazione del percorso di equilibrio durante la crescita di una fessura coesiva 172
On bifurcation points in mixed-mode cohesive crack propagation 171
Totale 28.953
Categoria #
all - tutte 84.299
article - articoli 38.475
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 42.573
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 915
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.336
Totale 168.598

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 293 168 71 46
2020/20211.917 279 262 74 237 73 211 82 167 92 236 155 49
2021/20221.563 54 105 70 102 88 102 92 67 45 79 371 388
2022/20234.018 218 384 36 195 276 317 1.472 107 223 37 179 574
2023/20241.219 180 147 44 57 81 176 47 61 42 65 156 163
2024/20252.443 101 567 209 430 160 130 260 327 259 0 0 0
Totale 33.321