Dipartimento Energia  


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Energy, SBS symptoms, and productivity in Swiss open-space offices: Economic evaluation of standard, actual, and optimum scenarios / Khovalyg, D; Berquand, Ca; Vergerio, G; Barthelmes, Vm; Chatterjee, A; Becchio, C; Licina, D. - In: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT. - ISSN 0360-1323. - 242:(2023), pp. 110565-110579. [10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110565] 1-gen-2023 Vergerio, GBarthelmes, VMBecchio, C + 1-s2.0-S0360132323005929-main_compressed.pdf
Practical differences in operating buildings across countries and climate zones: Perspectives of building managers/operators / Andre, M.; Bandurski, K.; Bandyopadhyay, A.; Bavaresco, M.; Buonocore, C.; de Castro, L.; Hahn, J.; Kane, M.; Lingua, C.; Pioppi, B.; Piselli, C.; Spigliantini, G.; Vergerio, G.; Lamberts, R.. - In: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. - ISSN 0378-7788. - 278:(2023), p. 112650. [10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112650] 1-gen-2023 Lingua C.Spigliantini G.Vergerio G. + Andre et al (2023) - Practical differences in operating buildings across countries and climate.pdf
Supporting sustainability projects at neighbourhood scale: Green visions for the San Salvario district in Turin guided by a combined assessment framework / Dell’Anna, Federico; Pederiva, Giulia; Vergerio, Giulia; Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, Marta. - In: JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. - ISSN 0959-6526. - STAMPA. - 384:(2023), p. 135460. [10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135460] 1-gen-2023 Dell’Anna, FedericoVergerio, GiuliaBecchio, CristinaBottero, Marta + DellAnnaetal_JCP_2023.pdf
A Multicriteria and Multi-domain Model to Support the Comprehensive Assessment of Building Performance / Vergerio, Giulia; Cavana, Giulio; Dell’Anna, Federico; Becchio, Cristina; Viazzo, Sara; Bottero, Marta. - STAMPA. - (2022), pp. 1752-1761. (Intervento presentato al convegno INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives) [10.1007/978-3-031-06825-6_169]. 1-gen-2022 Giulia VergerioGiulio CavanaFederico Dell’AnnaCristina BecchioSara ViazzoMarta Bottero Vergerioetal_NMP22_AAM.pdfVergerio et al_A MulticriteriaAndMulti-domain.pdf
Data-driven building performance evaluation at different scales. Innovative metrics and methodological insights / Vergerio, Giulia. - (2022 Nov 07), pp. 1-318. 7-nov-2022 VERGERIO, GIULIA conv_phd_thesis_vergerio_final.pdfconv_summary_vergerio.pdf
Pursuing occupants' health and well-being in building management: Definition of new metrics based on indoor air parameters / Vergerio, Giulia; Becchio, Cristina. - In: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT. - ISSN 0360-1323. - ELETTRONICO. - 223:(2022), pp. 109447-109459. [10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109447] 1-gen-2022 Vergerio, GiuliaBecchio, Cristina Becchio_Pursuing occupants’ health and well-being in building management.pdfBecchio_Pursuing occupants’ health and well-being in building management_.pdf
Review of health and well-being aspects in Green Certification Protocols / Berquand, Cécile; Barthelmes, Verena M.; Spigliantini, Giorgia; Vergerio, Giulia; Becchio, Cristina; Corgnati, Stefano P.; Khovalyg, Dolaana. - 1:(2022), pp. 1-8. (Intervento presentato al convegno Proceedings CLIMA2022 | 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress tenutosi a Rotterdam nel 22-25 May 2022) [10.34641/clima.2022.322]. 1-gen-2022 Verena M. BarthelmesGiorgia SpigliantiniGiulia VergerioCristina BecchioStefano P. Corgnati + Corgnati et al_Review+of+health+and+well-being+aspects+in+Green.pdf
A methodological framework for socio-economic impacts assessment of ict solutions to improve ieq, health and well-being / Vergerio, G.; Becchio, C.; Bottero, M. C.; Corgnati, S. P.. - (2021), pp. 1-1. (Intervento presentato al convegno ROOMVENT2020 - 15th ROOMVENT Conference - Energy efficient ventilation for healthy future buildings tenutosi a Torino nel 15 febbraio 2021). 1-gen-2021 G. VergerioC. BecchioM. C. BotteroS. P. Corgnati Corgnati et al_Methodological_framework_for_socio-economic_impacts_assessment.pdf
A methodological framework for the economic assessment of ict-tools for occupants’ engagement / Vergerio, G.; Becchio, C.; Bottero, M.; Corgnati, S. P.. - ELETTRONICO. - 178:(2021), pp. 1198-1207. (Intervento presentato al convegno INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives NMP 2020) [10.1007/978-3-030-48279-4_111]. 1-gen-2021 Vergerio G.Becchio C.Bottero M.Corgnati S. P. Corgnati et al.A Method Framework for the Econc Asses of ICT Tools for Occup Engagem.pdfCorgnati et al_AAM_A methodological framework _final.pdf
Energy Audit and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis to Identify Sustainable Strategies in the University Campuses: Application to Politecnico di Torino / Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, Marta; Corgnati, Stefano; Dell’Anna, Federico; Vergerio, Giulia. - STAMPA. - 178:(2021), pp. 1187-1197. (Intervento presentato al convegno New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP 2020) [10.1007/978-3-030-48279-4_110]. 1-gen-2021 Cristina BecchioMarta BotteroStefano CorgnatiFederico Dell’AnnaGiulia Vergerio 26_Becchioetal_NMP2021 2021.pdfBecchio et al_AAM_version.pdf
Proposal for an Integrated Approach to Support Urban Sustainability: The COSIMA Method Applied to Eco-Districts / Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, Marta Carla; Corgnati, Stefano Paolo; Dell’Anna, Federico; Pederiva, Giulia; Vergerio, Giulia (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. SSPCR 2019STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer International Publishing, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-030-57331-7. - pp. 37-47 [10.1007/978-3-030-57332-4_3] 1-gen-2021 Becchio, CristinaBottero, Marta CarlaCorgnati, Stefano PaoloDell’Anna, FedericoVergerio, Giulia + 28_Becchio et al_2021_SSPCR2019.pdf
Electrify Italy / Bompard, E.; Botterud, A.; Corgnati, S. P.; Leone, P.; Mauro, S.; Montesano, G.; Papa, C.; Profumo, F.; Grosso, D.; Huang, T.; Delmastro, C.; Jafari, M.; Crespi, G.; Abbà, I.; Becchio, C.; Vergerio, G.; Viazzo, S.; Rosciarelli, L.; Battocchio, T.; Gaidano, M.; Fragno, M. S.; Armiento, M.; Napoli, C.; Di Rosa, D.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2020), pp. 1-238. 1-gen-2020 E. BompardS. P. CorgnatiP. LeoneS. MauroF. ProfumoD. GrossoT. HuangC. DelmastroG. CrespiI. AbbàC. BecchioG. VergerioS. ViazzoL. RosciarelliT. BattocchioM. Gaidano + Corgnati et al_ELECTRIFY ITALY_ebook.pdf
Integrated Assessments and Energy Retrofit: The Contribution of the Energy Center Lab of the Politecnico di Torino / Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Bravi, Marina; Corgnati, STEFANO PAOLO; Dell'Anna, Federico; Mondini, Giulio; Vergerio, Giulia - In: Values and Functions for Future Cities / Mondini, G., Oppio, A., Stanghellini, S., Bottero, M., Abastante, F.. - STAMPA. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-23784-4. - pp. 365-384 [10.1007/978-3-030-23786-8_21] 1-gen-2020 Cristina BecchioMarta BotteroMarina BraviStefano CorgnatiFederico Dell’AnnaGiulio MondiniGiulia Vergerio Becchio et al. 2020_VFFC_Int_ass_En_Ret.pdf
New evaluation metrics: the H2020 Mobistyle project contribution / Vergerio, Giulia; Becchio, Cristina; Tisov, Ana. - In: REHVA JOURNAL. - ISSN 1307-3729. - STAMPA. - 57:1(2020), pp. 11-15. 1-gen-2020 Giulia, VergerioCristina, Becchio + Vergerio et al. (2020)_New evaluation metrics_ the H2020 Mobistyle project contribution.pdf
A composite decision support system for assessing transformation scenarios at the district level / Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, Marta; Corgnati, Stefano; Dell'Anna, Federico; Pederiva, Giulia; Vergerio, Giulia. - ELETTRONICO. - (2019), pp. 1-5. (Intervento presentato al convegno 4th Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing a Sustainable Future tenutosi a Torino (IT) nel 24-26 Luglio 2019). 1-gen-2019 becchio cristinabottero martacorgnati stefanodell'anna federicovergerio giulia + Becchio et al_A_comp_dec_supp_sys.pdf
A Cost-Benefit Analysis based model to evaluate the retrofit of a reference district / Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Corgnati, Stefano P.; Dell'Anna, Federico; Delmastro, Chiara; Pesce, Elisa; Vergerio, Giulia. - ELETTRONICO. - (2019), pp. 3516-3523. (Intervento presentato al convegno 16th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) tenutosi a Rome, Italy nel 2-4 September 2019) [10.26868/25222708.2019.210694]. 1-gen-2019 Cristina BecchioMarta BotteroStefano P. CorgnatiFederico Dell’AnnaChiara DelmastroGiulia Vergerio + BS2019_210694.pdf
A methodological framework to motivate and assess behavioral change: Insights into an interdisciplinary user awareness campaign / Barthelmes, V. M.; Becchio, C.; D’Oca, S.; Litiu, A. V.; Tisov, A.; Vergerio, G.; Corgnati, S. P.. - (2019), pp. 1-16. (Intervento presentato al convegno 51st AiCARR International Conference tenutosi a Venice (Italy) nel February 20–22, 2019). 1-gen-2019 V. M. BarthelmesC. BecchioS. D’ocaG. VergerioS. P. Corgnati + -
A new price list for retrofit intervention evaluation on some archetypical buildings / Dell'Anna, Federico; Vergerio, Giulia; Corgnati, Stefano; Mondini, Giulio. - In: VALORI E VALUTAZIONI. - ISSN 2036-2404. - STAMPA. - 22:(2019), pp. 3-17. 1-gen-2019 dell'anna federicovergerio giuliacorgnati stefanomondini giulio Dell'Annaetal2019.pdf
An energy-financial decision-making tool for planning building retrofit based on basic input data / Vergerio, G.; Viazzo, S.; Becchio, C.; Corgnati, S. P.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2019), pp. 1-5. (Intervento presentato al convegno 4th Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing a Sustainable Future nel 24-26 Luglio 2019). 1-gen-2019 G. VergerioS. ViazzoC. BecchioS. P. Corgnati Corgnati et al_An energy financ dec mak tool for plan build retr bas on basic input data.pdf
Graphical visualization of behavioural patterns in relation to indoor environment quality and energy use / Lițiu, Andrei Vladimir; Barthelmes, Verena Marie; Becchio, Cristina; Fabi, Valentina; Tarantini, Mariantonietta; Vergerio, Giulia; Corgnati, Stefano Paolo; Martinac, Ivo. - In: E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES. - ISSN 2267-1242. - ELETTRONICO. - 111:(2019), pp. 1-8. (Intervento presentato al convegno CLIMA 2019 Congress tenutosi a Bucharest, Romania nel 26-29 May) [10.1051/e3sconf/201911104060]. 1-gen-2019 Barthelmes, Verena MarieBecchio, CristinaFabi, ValentinaTarantini, MariantoniettaVergerio, GiuliaCorgnati, Stefano Paolo + Corgnati et al_Grap vis of beh pat in rel to ind envir qual and ener use.pdf