Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio  


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Machine Learning Framework for Evaluating Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Effectiveness in Real Estate: The Case Study of Turin’s Private Residential Market / Dell'Anna, Federico. - In: ENERGY POLICY. - ISSN 1873-6777. - ELETTRONICO. - 198:(2025), pp. 1-17. [10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114407] 1-gen-2025 Federico Dell'Anna -
An application of the Life Satisfaction Approach (LSA) to value the Land Consumption and Ecosystem Services / Bravi, Marina; Bottero, Marta; Dell'Anna, Federico. - In: JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY. - ISSN 1868-7865. - ELETTRONICO. - 15:(2024), pp. 2988-3013. [10.1007/s13132-023-01150-x] 1-gen-2024 Marina BraviMarta BotteroFederico Dell'Anna Bravietal_2023_AAM.pdfs13132-023-01150-x.pdf
An Integrated Framework to Support Adaptive Reuse Urban Design: a Case Study in the City of Taranto (Italy) / Berta, Mauro; Bottero, Marta; Dell'Anna, Federico; Morgese, Vito. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - STAMPA. - 171:(2024), pp. 5-20. [10.19199/2024.171.1121-9041.005] 1-gen-2024 Mauro BertaMarta BotteroFederico Dell'AnnaVito Morgese 42_Bertaetal_2024_GEAM.pdf
Geo-NLP Insights: Unveiling Residential Real Estate Trends Through Textual Analysis / Bottero, Marta; Dell'Anna, Federico; Monaci, Sara; Persico, Simone. - STAMPA. - 14821:(2024), pp. 163-175. (Intervento presentato al convegno 24th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2024) tenutosi a Hanoi, Vietnam) [10.1007/978-3-031-65308-7_12]. 1-gen-2024 Bottero, MartaDell'Anna, FedericoMonaci, SaraPersico, Simone 978-3-031-65308-7_12.pdf
Multicriteria-decision support for master plan scheduling: urban regeneration of an industrial area in Northern Italy / Dell’Anna, Federico; Berta, Mauro; Bottero, Marta; Mallia, Gloria; Morgese, Vito. - In: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS. - ISSN 0144-6193. - ELETTRONICO. - 42:5(2024), pp. 476-501. [10.1080/01446193.2024.2327066] 1-gen-2024 Federico Dell’AnnaMauro BertaMarta BotteroVito Morgese + 33_DellAnna_et_al_CME_2024.pdf
Planning Sustainable and Resilient Cities: The Role of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) / Mondini, Giulio; Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta; Caprioli, Caterina; Datola, Giulia; Dell’Anna, Federico (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Science of Valuations / Giuffrida S., Trovato M.R., Rosato P., Fattinnanzi E., Oppio A., Chiodo S.. - STAMPA. - Cham : Springer, 2024. - ISBN 9783031537080. - pp. 199-212 [10.1007/978-3-031-53709-7_14] 1-gen-2024 Mondini, GiulioAssumma, VanessaBottero, MartaCaprioli, CaterinaDatola, GiuliaDell’Anna, Federico 34_Mondinietal_2024.pdf
Understanding the Value of Retail Accessibility in Private Housing Markets: A Study from Turin, Italy / Del Nibletto, Marco; Zotteri, Giulio; Bottero, Marta; Dell'Anna, Federico. - In: HABITAT INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 0197-3975. - (2024). 1-gen-2024 Del Nibletto, MarcoZotteri, GiulioBottero, MartaDell'Anna, Federico HABITATINT-D-24-00587_R1.pdf
A Contingent Valuation-Based Method to Valuate Ecosystem Services for a Proactive Planning and Management of Cork Oak Forests in Sardinia (Italy) / LA RICCIA, Luigi; Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta; Dell'Anna, Federico; Voghera, Angioletta. - In: SUSTAINABILITY. - ISSN 2071-1050. - ELETTRONICO. - 15:10(2023), pp. 1-28. [10.3390/su15107986] 1-gen-2023 Luigi La RicciaVanessa AssummaMarta BotteroFEDERICO DELL'ANNAAngioletta Voghera sustainability-15-07986-with-cover.pdf
An ELECTRE TRI B-Based Decision Framework to Support the Energy Project Manager in Dealing with Retrofit Processes at District Scale / Dell'Anna, Federico. - In: SUSTAINABILITY. - ISSN 2071-1050. - ELETTRONICO. - 15:1250(2023), pp. 1-16. [10.3390/su15021250] 1-gen-2023 federico dell'anna sustainability-15-01250.pdf
An Evaluation Model to Support Strategic Urban Planning in Italy: The Application of Community Impact Evaluation / Cavana, Giulio; Dell’Anna, Federico. - 14108:(2023), pp. 528-542. (Intervento presentato al convegno ICCSA 2023: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops tenutosi a Athens, Greece nel July 3–6, 2023) [10.1007/978-3-031-37117-2_36]. 1-gen-2023 Cavana, GiulioDell’Anna, Federico Cavana&Dell'Anna_ICCSA23.pdf
Combining energy dynamic simulation and multi-criteria analysis for supporting investment decisions on smart shading devices in office buildings / Pinto, Maria Cristina; Crespi, Giulia; Dell'Anna, Federico; Becchio, Cristina. - In: APPLIED ENERGY. - ISSN 0306-2619. - ELETTRONICO. - 332:(2023), pp. 1-15. [10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120470] 1-gen-2023 Pinto, Maria CristinaCrespi, GiuliaDell'Anna, FedericoBecchio, Cristina Pintoetal_2023_APEN.pdfManuscript_Pintoetal_AAM.pdf
Combining Revealed and Stated Preferences to design a new urban park in a metropolitan area of North-Western Italy / Bottero, M.; Bravi, M.; Caprioli, C.; Dell'Anna, F.. - In: ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. - ISSN 0304-3800. - ELETTRONICO. - 483:(2023). [10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110436] 1-gen-2023 Bottero M.Bravi M.Caprioli C.Dell'Anna F. Caprioli-Combining.pdf
Feasibility analysis of the application of building automation and control system and their interaction with occupant behavior / Bottero, Marta; Cavana, Giulio; Dell’Anna, Federico. - In: ENERGY EFFICIENCY. - ISSN 1570-646X. - ELETTRONICO. - 16:8(2023), pp. 1-26. [10.1007/s12053-023-10158-w] 1-gen-2023 Bottero, MartaCavana, GiulioDell’Anna, Federico Feasibility-analysis-of-the-application-of-building-automation-and-control-system-and-their-interaction-with-occupant-behaviorEnergy-Efficiency.pdf
Renewable Energy Sources and Ecosystem Services: Measuring the Impacts of Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic Panels / Caprioli, Caterina; Dell’Anna, Federico; Fiermonte, Francesco (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE). - In: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops / Gervasi O., Murgante B., Rocha A. M. A. C. , Garau C., Scorza F., Karaca Y., Torre C.M.. - ELETTRONICO. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-031-37116-5. - pp. 429-443 [10.1007/978-3-031-37117-2_29] 1-gen-2023 Caterina CaprioliFederico Dell’AnnaFrancesco Fiermonte ICCSA2023_PV.pdf
Supporting sustainability projects at neighbourhood scale: Green visions for the San Salvario district in Turin guided by a combined assessment framework / Dell’Anna, Federico; Pederiva, Giulia; Vergerio, Giulia; Becchio, Cristina; Bottero, Marta. - In: JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. - ISSN 0959-6526. - STAMPA. - 384:(2023), p. 135460. [10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135460] 1-gen-2023 Dell’Anna, FedericoVergerio, GiuliaBecchio, CristinaBottero, Marta + DellAnnaetal_JCP_2023.pdf
The ground-mounted photovoltaic panel in the Piedmont region / Caprioli, C.; Dell'Anna, F.; Fiermonte, F.; &, ; Mutani, G.. - (2023). [10.5281/zenodo.10277192] 1-gen-2023 Caprioli C.Dell'Anna F.Fiermonte F.Mutani, G. +
The value of urban parks in the city of Turin: an application of the Geographically Weighted Regression / Bottero, M.; Bragolusi, P.; Bravi, M.; D'Alpaos, C.; Dell'Anna, F.. - In: VALORI E VALUTAZIONI. - ISSN 2036-2404. - STAMPA. - 2023:34(2023), pp. 71-87. [10.48264/vvsiev-20233406] 1-gen-2023 Bottero M.Bravi M.Dell'Anna F. + -
A choice experiment for testing the energy-efficiency mortgage as a tool for promoting sustainable finance / Dell'Anna, Federico; Marmolejo-Duarte, Carlos; Bravi, Marina; Bottero, MARTA CARLA. - In: ENERGY EFFICIENCY. - ISSN 1570-646X. - STAMPA. - 15:27(2022), pp. 1-22. [10.1007/s12053-022-10035-y] 1-gen-2022 Federico Dell'AnnaMarina BraviMarta Bottero + 30_DellAnna2022_Article_AChoiceExperimentForTestingThe.pdf
A Multi-dimensional Decision Support System for Choosing Solar Shading Devices in Office Buildings / Pinto, MARIA CRISTINA; Crespi, Giulia; Dell'Anna, Federico; Becchio, Cristina. - STAMPA. - (2022), pp. 1742-1751. (Intervento presentato al convegno INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives) [10.1007/978-3-031-06825-6_168]. 1-gen-2022 Pinto Maria CristinaCrespi GiuliaDell'Anna FedericoBecchio Cristina Pintoelal_NMP22_AAM.pdfPintoetal_AMulti-dimDSS_NMP22.pdf
A Multicriteria and Multi-domain Model to Support the Comprehensive Assessment of Building Performance / Vergerio, Giulia; Cavana, Giulio; Dell’Anna, Federico; Becchio, Cristina; Viazzo, Sara; Bottero, Marta. - STAMPA. - (2022), pp. 1752-1761. (Intervento presentato al convegno INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives) [10.1007/978-3-031-06825-6_169]. 1-gen-2022 Giulia VergerioGiulio CavanaFederico Dell’AnnaCristina BecchioSara ViazzoMarta Bottero Vergerioetal_NMP22_AAM.pdfVergerio et al_A MulticriteriaAndMulti-domain.pdf