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Short-term effects on emergency room access or hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases: methodology and results after three years of functioning of a waste-to-energy incinerator in Turin (Italy) / Gandini, M.; Farina, E.; Demaria, M.; Lorusso, B.; Crosetto, L.; Rowinski, M.; Ivaldi, C.; Cadum, E.; Bena, A.. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH. - ISSN 0960-3123. - STAMPA. - 32:5(2022), pp. 1164-1174. [10.1080/09603123.2020.1849579] 1-gen-2022 Gandini M. + Gandini-Short.pdf
Biomonitoring of the adult population living near the waste incinerator of Turin: Serum concentrations of {PCDDs}, {PCDFs}, and {PCBs} after three years from the plant start-up / Iamiceli, Al; Abate, V; Abballe, A; Bena, A; De Filippis, Sp; Dellatte, E; De Luca, S; Fulgenzi, Ar; Iacovella, N; Ingelido, Am; Ivaldi, C; Marra, V; Miniero, R; Valentini, S; Farina, E; Gandini, M; Orengia, M; Procopio, E; Salamina, G; De Felip, E. - In: CHEMOSPHERE. - ISSN 0045-6535. - STAMPA. - 272:(2021), p. 129882. [10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129882] 1-gen-2021 M GandiniM Orengia + Gandini-Biomonitoring.pdf
Biomonitoring of the adult population in the area of turin waste incinerator: Baseline levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites / Iamiceli, Anna Laura; Abate, Vittorio; Abballe, Annalisa; Bena, Antonella; De Filippis, Stefania; De Luca, Silvia; Fulgenzi, Anna Rita; Iacovella, Nicola; Ingelido, Anna Maria; Marra, Valentina; Miniero, Roberto; Farina, Elena; Gandini, Martina; Orengia, Manuela; De Felip, Elena. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. - ISSN 0013-9351. - STAMPA. - 181:(2020), p. 108903. [10.1016/j.envres.2019.108903] 1-gen-2020 Gandini, MartinaOrengia, Manuela + Gandini-Biomonitoring.pdf
The contribution of sleep to social inequalities in cardiovascular disorders: a multi-cohort study / Petrovic, Dusan; Haba-Rubio, Jos('(e)); de Mestral Vargas, Carlos; Kelly-Irving, Michelle; Vineis, Paolo; Kivimäki, Mika; Nyberg, Solja; Gandini, Martina; Bochud, Murielle; Vollenweider, Peter; D'Errico, Angelo; Barros, Henrique; Fraga, Silvia; Goldberg, Marcel; Zins, Marie; Steptoe, Andrew; Delpierre, Cyrille; Heinzer, Raphael; Carmeli, Cristian; Chadeau-Hyam, Marc; Stringhini and, Silvia. - In: CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH. - ISSN 0008-6363. - STAMPA. - 116:8(2020), pp. 1514-1524. [10.1093/cvr/cvz267] 1-gen-2020 Paolo VineisMartina Gandini + Gandini-TheContribution.pdf
Human biomonitoring health surveillance for metals near a waste-to-energy incinerator: The 1-year post-operam study / Ruggieri, F.; Alimonti, A.; Bena, A.; Pino, A.; Orengia, M.; Farina, E.; Salamina, G.; Procopio, E.; Gandini, M.; Cadum, E.; Bocca, B.. - In: CHEMOSPHERE. - ISSN 0045-6535. - STAMPA. - 225:(2019), pp. 839-848. [10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.041] 1-gen-2019 Gandini M. + Gandini-HumanBiomonitoring.pdffinal proof.pdf
LIFE Med Hiss: An innovative cohort design for public health / Gandini, M.; Scarinzi, C.; Bande, S.; Berti, G.; Ciancarella, L.; Costa, G.; Demaria, M.; Ghigo, S.; Marinacci, C.; Piersanti, A.; Sebastiani, G.; Cadum, E.. - In: METHODSX (AMSTERDAM). - ISSN 2215-0161. - STAMPA. - 6:(2019), pp. 82-91. [10.1016/j.mex.2018.12.007] 1-gen-2019 Gandini M. + Gandini-Life.pdf
Risk perception in the population living near the Turin municipal solid waste incineration plant: Survey results before start-up and communication strategies / Bena, A.; Gandini, M.; Cadum, E.; Procopio, E.; Salamina, G.; Orengia, M.; Farina, E.. - In: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. - ISSN 1471-2458. - ELETTRONICO. - 19:483(2019), pp. 1-9. [10.1186/s12889-019-6808-z] 1-gen-2019 Gandini M. + Gandini-Risk.pdf
Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: A multi-cohort analysis / Fiorito, G.; Mccrory, C.; Robinson, O.; Carmeli, C.; Rosales, C. O.; Zhang, Y.; Colicino, E.; Dugue, P. -A.; Artaud, F.; Mckay, G. J.; Jeong, A.; Mishra, P. P.; Nost, T. H.; Krogh, V.; Panico, S.; Sacerdote, C.; Tumino, R.; Palli, D.; Matullo, G.; Guarrera, S.; Gandini, M.; Bochud, M.; Dermitzakis, E.; Muka, T.; Schwartz, J.; Vokonas, P. S.; Just, A.; Hodge, A. M.; Giles, G. G.; Southey, M. C.; Hurme, M. A.; Young, I.; Mcknight, A. J.; Kunze, S.; Waldenberger, M.; Peters, A.; Schwettmann, L.; Lund, E.; Baccarelli, A.; Milne, R. L.; Kenny, R. A.; Elbaz, A.; Brenner, H.; Kee, F.; Voortman, T.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Lehtimaki, T.; Elliot, P.; Stringhini, S.; Vineis, P.; Polidoro, S.; Alberts, J.; Alenius, H.; Avendano, M.; Baltar, V.; Bartley, M.; Barros, H.; Bellone, M.; Berger, E.; Blane, D.; Candiani, G.; Carra, L.; Castagne, R.; Chadeau-Hyam, M.; Cima, S.; Clavel-Chapelon, F.; Costa, G.; Courtin, E.; Delpierre, C.; D'Errico, A.; Dermitzakis, M.; Elovainio, M.; Elliott, P.; Fagherazzi, G.; Fraga, S.; Gares, V.; Gerbouin-Rerolle, P.; Goldberg, M.; Greco, D.; Guessous, I.; Haba-Rubio, J.; Heinzer, R.; Hodge, A.; Joost, S.; Karimi, M.; Kelly-Irving, M.; Kahonen, M.; Karisola, P.; Khenissi, L.; Kivimaki, M.; Laine, J.; Lang, T.; Laurent, A.; Layte, R.; Lepage, B.; Lorsch, D.; Macguire, F.; Machell, G.; Mackenbach, J.; Marmot, M.; de Mestral, C.; Miller, C.; Muennig, P.; Nusselder, W.; Petrovic, D.; Pilapil, L.; Preisig, M.; Pulkki-Raback, L.; Raitakari, O.; Ribeiro, A. I.; Ricceri, F.; Recalcati, P.; Reinhard, E.; Valverde, J. R.; Saba, S.; Santegoets, F.; Satolli, R.; Simmons, T.; Severi, G.; Shipley, M. J.; Tabak, A.; Terhi, V.; Tieulent, J.; Vaccarella, S.; Vigna-Taglianti, F.; Vollenweider, P.; Vuilleumier, N.; Zins, M.. - In: AGING. - ISSN 1945-4589. - ELETTRONICO. - 11:7(2019), pp. 2045-2070. [10.18632/aging.101900] 1-gen-2019 Gandini M.Vineis P. + Gandini-Socioeconomic.pdf
Long term effect of air pollution on incident hospital admissions: Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study within LIFE MED HISS project / Gandini, M.; Scarinzi, C.; Bande, S.; Berti, G.; Carna, P.; Ciancarella, L.; Costa, G.; Demaria, M.; Ghigo, S.; Piersanti, A.; Rowinski, M.; Spadea, T.; Stroscia, M.; Cadum, E.. - In: ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 0160-4120. - STAMPA. - 121:(2018), pp. 1087-1097. [10.1016/j.envint.2018.10.020] 1-gen-2018 Gandini M. + Gandini-Long.pdf
Human biomonitoring of metals in adults living near a waste-to-energy incinerator in ante-operam phase: Focus on reference values and health-based assessments / Bocca, B.; Bena, A.; Pino, A.; D'Aversa, J.; Orengia, M.; Farina, E.; Salamina, G.; Procopio, E.; Chiusolo, M.; Gandini, M.; Cadum, E.; Musmeci, L.; Alimonti, A.. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. - ISSN 0013-9351. - STAMPA. - 148:(2016), pp. 338-350. [10.1016/j.envres.2016.04.013] 1-gen-2016 Gandini M. + Gandini-Human.pdf
Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in the Mediterranean Basin: Results from the MED-PARTICLES project / Karanasiou, Angeliki; Querol, Xavier; Alastuey, Andres; Perez, Noemi; Pey, Jorge; Perrino, Cinzia; Berti, Giovanna; Gandini, Martina; Poluzzi, Vanes; Ferrari, Silvia; de la Rosa, Jesus; Pascal, Mathilde; Samoli, Evangelia; Kelessis, Apostolos; Sunyer, Jordi; Alessandrini, Ester; Stafoggia, Massimo; Forastiere, Francesco. - In: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. - ISSN 0048-9697. - STAMPA. - 488-489:1(2014), pp. 297-315. [10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.096] 1-gen-2014 Gandini, Martina + Gandini-Particulate.pdf
Which specific causes of death are associated with short term exposure to fine and coarse particles in Southern Europe? Results from the MED-PARTICLES project / Samoli, Evangelia; Stafoggia, Massimo; Rodopoulou, Sophia; Ostro, Bart; Alessandrini, Ester; Basagaña, Xavier; Diaz, Julio; Faustini, Annunziata; Gandini, Martina; Karanasiou, Angeliki; Kelessish, Apostolos; Le Tetre, Alain; Linares, Cristina; Ranzi, Andrea; Scarinzi, Cecilia; Katsouyanni, Klea; Forastiere, Francesco. - In: ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 0160-4120. - STAMPA. - 67:(2014), pp. 54-61. [10.1016/j.envint.2014.02.013] 1-gen-2014 Gandini, Martina + Gandini-Which.pdf
Variability of the manufacturing process in the GPS framework: a case study / DE MADDIS, Manuela; Gandini, M. - In: Product Lifecycle Management Geometric Variations / Giordano M., Mathieu L., Villeneuve F.. - STAMPA. - London UK and Hoboken USA : ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons inc., 2013. - ISBN  978-184821276-3. - pp. 371-384 [10.1002/9781118557921.ch21] 1-gen-2013 DE MADDIS, MANUELAGandini, M. -
A comparison of nonparametric estimators of survival under left-truncation and right-censoring motivated by a case study / Gasparini, Mauro; Gandini, Martina. - In: STATISTICA. - ISSN 0390-590X. - LXXI:3(2011), pp. 391-406. 1-gen-2011 GASPARINI, MauroGANDINI, MARTINA -
Blind separation of manufacturing variability with independent component analysis: a convolutive approach / Gandini, Martina; Lombardi, Franco; Vaccarino, Francesco. - In: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. - ISSN 0957-4174. - STAMPA. - 38:8(2011), pp. 9939-9946. [10.1016/j.eswa.2011.02.036] 1-gen-2011 GANDINI, MARTINALOMBARDI, FRANCOVACCARINO, FRANCESCO -
Analysis of influence of Verification strategy on Roundness error Evaluation / DE MADDIS, Manuela; Gandini, Martina; Ricci, Francesco; Ruffa, Suela. - (2010). (Intervento presentato al convegno 7-th CIRP ICME Conference tenutosi a Capri nel 23-25 June 2010). 1-gen-2010 DE MADDIS, MANUELAGANDINI, MARTINARICCI, FRANCESCORUFFA, SUELA -
Discrimination of hidden information in measurement results / Chiabert, Paolo; DE MADDIS, Manuela; Gandini, Martina. - (2009). (Intervento presentato al convegno Management of Technology. Step to Sustainable Production- MOTSP2009 tenutosi a Sibenik, Croatia nel 10-12 June 2009). 1-gen-2009 CHIABERT, PaoloDE MADDIS, MANUELAGANDINI, MARTINA -
A DoE approach for sensitivity analysis of a shape partitioning algorithm / Gandini, Martina; Ruffa, Suela. - (2008), pp. 1-8. (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 08 tenutosi a Haifa, Israel nel ISRAEL 7-9 JULY 2008). 1-gen-2008 GANDINI, MARTINARUFFA, SUELA -
Effects of Static and Low-Frequency Alternating Magnetic Fields on the Ionic Electrolytic Currents of Glutamic Acid Aqueous Solutions / Alberto, Diego; Busso, L; Crotti, G; Gandini, Martina; Garfagnini, R; Giudici, P; Gnesi, I; Manta, Fabrizio; Piragino, G.. - In: ELECTROMAGNETIC BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. - ISSN 1536-8378. - 27:(2008), pp. 25-39. [10.180/15368370701878788] 1-gen-2008 ALBERTO, DIEGOGANDINI, MARTINAMANTA, FABRIZIO + -