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Algorithm-Aided Design and Analysis for the Comparative Models Study of Heinz Isler’s Shells / Pellegrino, M.; Sardone, L.; Rosso, M. M.; Gozzi, V.; Chiaia, B.. - 437:(2024), pp. 512-521. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2nd Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures, IWSS 2023 tenutosi a Turin (Ita) nel 26-28 June 2023) [10.1007/978-3-031-44328-2_53]. 1-gen-2024 Sardone L.Rosso M. M.Gozzi V.Chiaia B. + EDITORIAL_LAURA.pdfIWSS23_Pellegrino_et_al_ID_1058.pdf
Computational Design Methods Comparison for the Optimization of Variable Section Continuous Beams / Sardone, L.; Sotiropoulos, S.. - 70:(2024), pp. 373-378. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment, MetroLivEnv 2024 tenutosi a Chania (grc) nel 12-14 June 2024) [10.1109/MetroLivEnv60384.2024.10615563]. 1-gen-2024 Sardone L.Sotiropoulos S. Paper Title (use style_ paper title).pdfComputational Design Methods Comparison for the Optimization of Variable Section Continuous Beams.pdf
GENERATIVE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT FOR SEISMIC RETROFIT OF EXISTING RC BUILDINGS: THE RESUME PROJECT / Sardone, L.; Beltrami, M. V.; Domaneschi, M.; Villa, V.; Cucuzza, R.; Marano, G. C.; Bogdanovic, A.; Bojadjieva, J; Rakicevic, Z.; Sesov, V.; Formisano, A.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024). (Intervento presentato al convegno 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024) tenutosi a Milan (Ita) nel June 30th to July 5th, 2024). 1-gen-2024 Sardone, L.Domaneschi M.VIlla V.Cucuzza, R.Marano, G. C. + 2_WCEE_Sardone et al..pdf
Generative Design Process and Optimization of Geodesic Dome with Variable Frequency / Sardone, L.; Rosso, M. M.; Melchiorre, J.; Pellegrino, M.. - STAMPA. - 437:(2024), pp. 289-298. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2nd Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures, IWSS 2023 tenutosi a Torino (Ita) nel 26 June 2023 through 28 June 2023) [10.1007/978-3-031-44328-2_30]. 1-gen-2024 Sardone L.Rosso M. M.Melchiorre J. + IWSS23_Sardone_et_al_GeoDomes_ID_1031.pdfGenerative Design Process and Optimization of Geodesic Dome with Variable Frequency2.pdf
Nondimensional Shape Optimization of Nonprismatic Beams with Sinusoidal Lateral Profile / DE BIAGI, Valerio; Reggio, Anna; Rosso, MARCO MARTINO; Sardone, Laura. - In: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. - ISSN 0733-9445. - 150:1(2024). [10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-12493] 1-gen-2024 Valerio De BiagiAnna ReggioMarco Martino RossoLaura Sardone Non_dimensional_optimal_variable_section_beam.pdfde-biagi-et-al-2023-nondimensional-shape-optimization-of-nonprismatic-beams-with-sinusoidal-lateral-profile.pdf
Numerical Covariance Evaluation for Linear Structures Subject to Non-Stationary Random Inputs / Domaneschi, M.; Cucuzza, R.; Sardone, L.; Lopez, S. L.; Movahedi, M.; Marano, G. C.. - In: COMPUTATION. - ISSN 2079-3197. - ELETTRONICO. - 12:3(2024). [10.3390/computation12030050] 1-gen-2024 Domaneschi M.Cucuzza R.Sardone L.Marano G. C. + computation-12-00050.pdf
Pro­get­ta­zio­ne ar­chi­tet­to­ni­ca e ana­li­si as­si­sti­ta da al­go­rit­mi ge­ne­ra­ti­vi / Sardone, Laura. - In: ARCHI. - ISSN 1422-5417. - ELETTRONICO. - 4:(2024), pp. 26-29. 1-gen-2024 Sardone, Laura 0_LS_archi_2024_004 (2)-compresso.pdf
Algorithm-Aided Design for Composite Bridges / Boretti, Valentina; Sardone, Laura; Alberto Bohórquez Graterón, Luis; Masera, Davide; Marano, GIUSEPPE CARLO; Domaneschi, Marco. - In: BUILDINGS. - ISSN 2075-5309. - 13:4(2023), pp. 1-17. [10.3390/buildings13040865] 1-gen-2023 Laura SardoneDavide MaseraGiuseppe Carlo MaranoMarco Domaneschi + Algorithm-Aided Design for Composite Bridges.pdf
Intelligent Structural Damage Detection with MEMS-Like Sensors Noisy Data / Melchiorre, Jonathan; Sardone, Laura; Rosso, MARCO MARTINO; Aloisio, Angelo. - 689 LNNS:(2023), pp. 631-642. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems, ICCIS 2022 tenutosi a Delhi (India) nel 19-20 December, 2022) [10.1007/978-981-99-2322-9_48]. 1-gen-2023 Jonathan MelchiorreLaura SardoneMarco Martino Rosso + ICCIS_2022___Noise_analysis_SHM_rev1.pdf541478_1_En_48_Chapter_Author_melchiorre.pdf
DAMAGING CONFIGURATIONS IN ARCH STRUCTURES WITH VARIABLE CURVATURE AND TAPERED CROSS-SECTION / Melchiorre, J.; Manuello, A.; Sardone, L.; Marano, G. C.. - 400:(2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics: Pursuing the Infinite Potential of Computational Mechanics, WCCM-APCOM 2022 tenutosi a Yokohama, Japan nel 31 July – 5 August 2022) [10.23967/wccm-apcom.2022.035]. 1-gen-2022 Melchiorre J.Manuello A.Sardone L.Marano G. C. Damaging Configurations in Arch Structures with Variable Curvature and Tapered Cross-section.pdf
MULTI-BODY ROPE APPROACH FOR THE FORM-FINDING OF SHAPE OPTIMIZED GRID SHELL STRUCTURES / Manuello Bertetto, A.; Melchiorre, J.; Sardone, L.; Marano, G. C.. - 400:(2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics: Pursuing the Infinite Potential of Computational Mechanics, WCCM-APCOM 2022 tenutosi a Yokohama, Japan nel 31 July – 5 August 2022) [10.23967/wccm-apcom.2022.075]. 1-gen-2022 Manuello Bertetto A.Melchiorre J.Sardone L.Marano G. C. Multi-body Rope Approach for the Form-Finding of Shape Optimized Grid Shell Structures.pdf
Optimisation-driven design in the architectural, engineering and construction industry / Frangedaki, E.; Sardone, L.; Marano, G. C.; Lagaros, N. D.. - In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS. - ISSN 0965-0911. - 176:12(2022), pp. 998-1009. [10.1680/jstbu.22.00032] 1-gen-2022 Sardone L.Marano G. C. + frangedaki-et-al-2023-optimisation-driven-design-in-the-architectural-engineering-and-construction-industry.pdfOptimization Driven Design in Architectural, Engineering and Construction.pdf
Performative Structural Design Optimization: Generative Algorithm for a Preliminary Study of a Voided Beam / Sardone, Laura; Fiore, Alessandra; Manuello, Amedeo; Greco, Rita. - In: APPLIED SCIENCES. - ISSN 2076-3417. - ELETTRONICO. - 12:17(2022), pp. 1-22. [10.3390/app12178663] 1-gen-2022 Sardone, LauraManuello, Amedeo + 6_Performative_Structural_Design_Optimization_Genera.pdf
Algorithm-aided structural-optimization strategies for the design of variable cross-section beams / Sardone, Laura; Fiore, Alessandra; Greco, Rita; Moccia, Carlo; Lagaros, Nikos D.; De Tommasi, Domenico. - (2021), pp. 485-492. (Intervento presentato al convegno fib Conceptual Design of Structures tenutosi a Attisholz-Areal- Switzerland) [10.35789/FIB.PROC.0055.2021.CDSYMP.P059]. 1-gen-2021 Laura Sardone + CDS21_proceedings-Copia.pdf
Computational design of comparative models and geometrically constrained optimization of a multi domain variable section beam based on Timoshenko model / Sardone, Laura; Rosso, Marco M.; Cucuzza, Raffaele; Greco, Rita; Marano, GIUSEPPE CARLO. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 207-223. (Intervento presentato al convegno 14th International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control tenutosi a Athens (GR) nel 28-30 June 2021) [10.7712/140121.7961.18535]. 1-gen-2021 Laura SardoneMarco M. RossoRaffaele CucuzzaGiuseppe Carlo Marano + 7_EG21_18535.pdf
Design Optimization of Tree-Shaped Structural Systems and Sustainable Architecture Using Bamboo and Earthen Materials / Frangedaki, Evangelia; Sardone, Laura; Lagaros, Nikos. - In: JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1076-0431. - ELETTRONICO. - 27:4(2021). [10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000492] 1-gen-2021 Sardone, Laura + 07. ASCE_2021 (segnata importante).pdfGetFileAttachment.pdf
A preliminary study on a variable section beam through Algorithm-Aided Design: A way to connect architectural shape and structural optimization / Sardone, L.; Greco, R.; Fiore, A.; Moccia, C.; Tommasi, D. D.; Lagaros, N. D.. - In: PROCEDIA MANUFACTURING. - ISSN 2351-9789. - ELETTRONICO. - 44:(2020), pp. 497-504. (Intervento presentato al convegno The 1st International Conference on Optimization-Driven Architectural Design (OPTARCH 2019) tenutosi a Amman (Jordan) nel 5 November 2019 through 7 November 2019) [10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.264]. 1-gen-2020 Sardone L. + 09. Scopus_2020_AAD (segnata importante).pdf
Series solution of beams with variable cross-section / De Biagi, V.; Chiaia, B.; Marano, G. C.; Fiore, A.; Greco, R.; Sardone, L.; Cucuzza, R.; Cascella, G. L.; Spinelli, M.; Lagaros, N. D.. - In: PROCEDIA MANUFACTURING. - ISSN 2351-9789. - 44:(2020), pp. 489-496. (Intervento presentato al convegno The 1st International Conference on Optimization-Driven Architectural Design (OPTARCH 2019)) [10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.265]. 1-gen-2020 De Biagi V.Chiaia B.Marano G. C.Sardone L.Cucuzza R. + De Biagi_Series solution of beams with variable cross-section.pdf
Volume optimization of end-clamped arches / Trentadue, F.; Fiore, A.; Greco, R.; Marano, G. C.; de Marco, G.; Sardone, L.; Lagaros, N. D.. - In: HORMIGÓN Y ACERO. - ISSN 0439-5689. - 71:292(2020), pp. 71-76. [10.33586/hya.2019.2888] 1-gen-2020 Marano G. C.Sardone L. + 11. HormigonyAcero_2020_Optimización de volumen.pdf