Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 31.328
NA - Nord America 28.580
AS - Asia 6.219
AF - Africa 194
SA - Sud America 151
OC - Oceania 28
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 27
Totale 66.527
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 28.228
IT - Italia 8.621
DE - Germania 5.997
GB - Regno Unito 5.993
FR - Francia 5.118
CN - Cina 2.664
UA - Ucraina 1.179
SG - Singapore 1.067
TR - Turchia 805
RU - Federazione Russa 703
IE - Irlanda 560
NL - Olanda 516
KR - Corea 460
SE - Svezia 451
BE - Belgio 403
FI - Finlandia 346
CH - Svizzera 328
CA - Canada 326
IN - India 311
BG - Bulgaria 244
AT - Austria 234
ID - Indonesia 142
JP - Giappone 137
MY - Malesia 125
JO - Giordania 123
ES - Italia 119
HK - Hong Kong 110
PK - Pakistan 87
BR - Brasile 72
IR - Iran 61
EU - Europa 57
RO - Romania 55
TW - Taiwan 49
SN - Senegal 45
VN - Vietnam 45
ZA - Sudafrica 45
PL - Polonia 41
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 39
DK - Danimarca 36
CL - Cile 34
IL - Israele 34
PT - Portogallo 27
MA - Marocco 25
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 23
AU - Australia 22
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 22
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 20
EE - Estonia 20
NG - Nigeria 20
GR - Grecia 19
MX - Messico 17
AR - Argentina 16
SA - Arabia Saudita 15
GH - Ghana 14
LT - Lituania 14
PE - Perù 14
EG - Egitto 13
HR - Croazia 13
NO - Norvegia 13
TH - Thailandia 12
HU - Ungheria 11
UZ - Uzbekistan 11
CO - Colombia 10
LU - Lussemburgo 9
LV - Lettonia 9
AL - Albania 8
BY - Bielorussia 8
KW - Kuwait 8
PH - Filippine 8
DZ - Algeria 7
TN - Tunisia 7
BD - Bangladesh 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
RE - Reunion 5
KE - Kenya 4
SC - Seychelles 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
CU - Cuba 3
GT - Guatemala 3
MD - Moldavia 3
NP - Nepal 3
UY - Uruguay 3
EC - Ecuador 2
IQ - Iraq 2
IS - Islanda 2
LB - Libano 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MT - Malta 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
RS - Serbia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
YE - Yemen 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AO - Angola 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BW - Botswana 1
BZ - Belize 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
Totale 66.519
Città #
Ashburn 6.999
Southend 5.310
Seattle 2.448
Turin 1.891
Fairfield 1.861
Chandler 1.395
Houston 1.242
Woodbridge 1.102
Torino 1.089
Boardman 1.061
Ann Arbor 1.049
Hangzhou 782
Singapore 773
Cambridge 737
Princeton 708
Wilmington 699
Beijing 593
Milan 558
Jacksonville 550
Dublin 508
Des Moines 485
San Ramon 451
Berlin 442
Fremont 435
Izmir 429
Santa Clara 385
San Francisco 346
Chicago 330
Buffalo 327
Brussels 320
Helsinki 313
Bern 279
Istanbul 236
Las Vegas 232
Zhengzhou 223
San Donato Milanese 215
Vienna 202
Shanghai 180
Mountain View 171
Loreto 157
Redwood City 151
Zaporozhye 151
Saint Petersburg 143
Monopoli 140
Baltimore 131
Jakarta 125
Bologna 123
Frankfurt 123
Pennsylvania Furnace 118
Council Bluffs 116
Lecce 116
Rome 113
Seoul 98
Overberg 97
San Diego 94
Amsterdam 91
Guangzhou 86
Paris 86
Falls Church 83
London 78
Staten Island 76
Norwalk 74
Toronto 71
Gilroy 69
Dearborn 67
Padua 67
Malatya 65
Washington 62
Austin 60
Comano 56
New York 56
San Jose 56
Cupertino 54
Shenzhen 54
Indiana 53
Bremen 50
Dallas 49
Osaka 48
Valfenera 47
Binasco 45
Moscow 44
Overland Park 44
Herkenbosch 40
Phoenix 40
Wuhan 40
Alba 39
Frankfurt am Main 39
Nürnberg 39
Muizenberg 38
Andover 37
Redmond 37
Ottawa 36
Cadoneghe 35
Islamabad 35
San Antonio 35
Nanjing 34
Verona 33
Bangalore 32
Menlo Park 32
Yubileyny 32
Totale 41.696
Nome #
Analyzing Air Pollution on the Urban Environment 1.219
Analysis of Twitter Data Using a Multiple-level Clustering Strategy 775
Analysis of Medical Pathways by means of Frequent Closed Sequences 678
NetCluster: A clustering-based framework to analyze internet passive measurements data 647
Analysis of diabetic patients through their examination history 642
An Efficient Itemset Mining Approach for Data Streams 596
Context-Aware User and Service Profiling by means of Generalized Association Rules 583
NetCluster: a Clustering-Based Framework for Internet Tomography 582
Energy Signature Analysis: Knowledge at Your Fingertips 559
SeLINA: a Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer 558
SeLeCT: Self-Learning Classifier for Internet Traffic 530
MAGMA network behavior classifier for malware traffic 529
Expressive generalized itemsets 521
Self-Learning Classifier for Internet traffic 516
Macroscopic view of malware in home networks 513
MeTA: Characterization of medical treatments at different abstraction levels 511
EnBay: A Novel Pattern-Based Bayesian Classifier 506
Hierarchical Learning for Fine Grained Internet Traffic Classification 505
Energy saving models for wireless sensor networks 501
Multi-document summarization based on the Yago ontology 499
Digging deep into weighted patient data through multiple-level patterns 498
Extraction of medical pathways from electronic patient records 494
Summarizing XML Data by Means of Association Rules 493
NEMICO: Mining network data through cloud-based data mining techniques 493
Characterizing network traffic by means of the NetMine framework 488
Combining semantics and social knowledge for news article summarization 486
Early prediction of the highest workload in incremental cardiopulmonary tests 485
GraphSum: discovering correlations among multiple terms for graph-based summarization 483
Network Connectivity Graph for Malicious Traffic Dissection 472
Majority Classification by Means of Association Rules 470
YouLighter: An Unsupervised Methodology to Unveil YouTube CDN Changes 464
Predicting Your Next Stop-over from Location-based Social Network Data with Recurrent Neural Networks 451
CAS-MINE: Providing personalized services in context-aware applications by means of generalized rules. 443
Generalized association rule mining with constraints 439
Discovering profitable stocks for intraday trading 438
YouLighter: A Cognitive Approach to Unveil YouTube CDN and Changes 435
Network Digest analysis by means of association rules 435
Experimental validation of a massive educational service in a blended learning environment 435
Scaling associative classification for very large datasets 424
Towards Feasible Topology Formation Algorithms for Bluetooth-based WPANS 423
Analysis of diagnostic pathways for colon cancer 418
Frequent Itemsets Mining for Big Data: A Comparative Analysis 416
An intelligent database system application: The design of EMS 415
SQL versus NoSQL Databases for Geospatial Applications 413
PaWI: Parallel Weighted Itemset Mining by means of MapReduce 412
Measuring gene similarity by means of the classification distance 411
Enhancing energy awareness through the analysis of thermal energy consumption 410
Declarative specification of constraint maintenance 409
LAS: a software platform to support oncological data management 405
Incremental Refinement of Mining Queries 402
Design of active rule applications: Issues and approaches 401
SaFe-NeC: A scalable and flexible system for network data characterization 401
PaMPa-HD: A Parallel MapReduce-Based Frequent Pattern Miner for High-Dimensional Data 401
Exploiting Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Building Performance 395
Using delta relations to optimize condition evaluation in active databases 392
A spectral analysis of crimes in San Francisco 389
Semi-automatic knowledge extraction to enrich open linked data 385
Misleading generalized itemset mining in the cloud 379
Improved rule analysis by means of triggering and activation graphs 379
SEARUM: a cloud-based SErvice for Association RUle Mining 378
WEB-BI: Business Intelligence and Regenerative Medicine 377
Run-time detection of non-terminating active rule systems 377
Simplified Hybrid Optical MOdel for RWL Threshold Current Optimization 377
A Parallel MapReduce Algorithm to Efficiently Support Itemset Mining on High Dimensional Data 365
SAPhyRA: Stream Analysis for Physiological Risk Assessment 364
MGI-Cloud: discovery of misleading generalized itemsets 353
Learning from summaries: supporting e-learning activities by means of document summarization 351
I-prune: Item selection for associative classification 350
P-Mine: Parallel itemset mining on large datasets 349
Test-driven summarization: combining formative assessment with teaching document summarization 346
Educational video services in universities: a systematic effectiveness analysis 345
The Painter's Feature Selection for Gene Expression Data 341
Scalable out-of-core itemset mining 338
Real-time analysis of physiological data to support medical applications 334
Data Mining in Databases: Languages and Indices 334
A Lazy Approach to Associative classification 330
Ubiquitous risk analysis of physiological data 328
Data Mining Techniques for Effective Flow-based Analysis of Multi-Gigabit Network Traffic 325
Extraction of Constraints from Biological Data 323
Real-time Individuation of Global Unsafe Anomalies and Alarm Activation 320
Association Rule Mining as a Cloud-Based Service 319
Modeling a Sensor Network by means of Clustering 317
PatTexSum : A pattern-based text summarizer 317
Real-time and Mobile Physiological Data Analysis 314
Poli2Sum@ CL-SciSumm-19: Identify, Classify, and Summarize Cited Text Spans by means of Ensembles of Supervised Models 311
Data mining for better healthcare: A path towards automated data analysis? 308
Performance Evaluation of Rule Execution Semanctics in Active databases 307
Multi-document summarization exploiting frequent itemsets 307
Data-driven strategies for predictive maintenance: Lesson learned from an automotive use case 307
Network traffic analysis by means of Misleading Generalized Itemsets 306
Generation and evaluation of summaries of academic teaching materials 304
Frequent Weighted Itemset Mining from Gene Expression Data 302
Compact Representations of Sequential Classification Rules 301
A Persistent HY-Tree to Efficiently Support Itemset Mining on Large Datasets 301
Identifying collaborations among researchers: a pattern-based approach 301
Wireless Sensor Network Design for Energy-Efficient Monitoring 300
Gene-Markers Representation for Microarray Data Integration 296
Applying Sequential Rules to Protein Localization Prediction 296
Predicting cardiopulmonary response to incremental exercise test 294
Energy-aware models for sensor network data acquisition. 293
Totale 42.258
Categoria #
all - tutte 152.994
article - articoli 48.803
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 91.565
curatela - curatele 485
other - altro 790
patent - brevetti 914
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 10.437
Totale 305.988

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.462 0 0 0 0 0 1.152 686 793 881 378 352 220
2020/20215.744 627 622 367 506 409 498 259 528 435 711 468 314
2021/20224.544 305 375 219 215 360 350 260 236 255 476 662 831
2022/20235.684 436 809 220 510 590 691 725 288 603 92 316 404
2023/20242.913 160 333 261 151 173 317 119 190 123 164 375 547
2024/20253.911 635 870 455 1.277 647 27 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 67.305