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A wearable multi-sensor system for real world gait analysis / Salis, F.; Bertuletti, S.; Scott, K.; Caruso, M.; Bonci, T.; Buckley, E.; Della Croce, U.; Mazza, C.; Cereatti, A.. - ELETTRONICO. - 2021:(2021), pp. 7020-7023. (Intervento presentato al convegno Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) tenutosi a Mexico nel 1-5 Nov. 2021) [10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9630392]. 1-gen-2021 S. BertulettiM. CarusoA. Cereatti + Salis 2021 EMBC A_wearable_multi-sensor_system_for_real_world_gait_analysis.pdfSalis et al EMBC review v1.2.pdf
An optimal procedure for stride length estimation using foot-mounted magneto-inertial measurement units / Rossanigo, R.; Caruso, M.; Salis, F.; Bertuletti, S.; Croce, U. D.; Cereatti, A.. - (2021), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2021 tenutosi a Lausanne, Switzerland nel 23-25 June 2021) [10.1109/MeMeA52024.2021.9478604]. 1-gen-2021 Rossanigo R.Caruso M.Bertuletti S.Cereatti A. + Rossanigo_et_al_MeMeA(2021).pdfCaruso-AnOptimal.pdf
DoMoMEA: A Home-Based Telerehabilitation System for Stroke Patients / Zedda, A.; Gusai, E.; Caruso, M.; Bertuletti, S.; Baldazzi, G.; Spanu, S.; Riboni, D.; Pibiri, A.; Monticone, M.; Cereatti, A.; Pani, D.. - 2020-:(2020), pp. 5773-5776. (Intervento presentato al convegno 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2020 tenutosi a can nel 2020) [10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9175742]. 1-gen-2020 Caruso M.Bertuletti S.Cereatti A. + Cereatti-DoMoMEA.pdf
Inter-leg Distance Measurement as a Tool for Accurate Step Counting in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis / Bertuletti, S; Salis, F; Cereatti, A; Angelini, L; Buckley, E; Nair, Kps; Mazza, C; Della Croce, U. - 2019:(2019), pp. 6413-6417. (Intervento presentato al convegno 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2019 tenutosi a deu nel 2019) [10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857353]. 1-gen-2019 Bertuletti, SCereatti, AMazza C + Cereatti-Inter-leg.pdf
Indoor distance estimated from Bluetooth Low Energy signal strength: Comparison of regression models / Bertuletti, S; Cereatti, A; Della Croce, U.; Caldara, M.; Galizzi, M.. - (2016), pp. 506-510. (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2016 tenutosi a Museo Diocesano, Piazza Duomo, Via Etnea, 8, ita nel 2016) [10.1109/SAS.2016.7479899]. 1-gen-2016 Bertuletti, SCereatti, A + Cereatti-Indoor.pdf