Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 15.760
NA - Nord America 11.764
AS - Asia 2.719
SA - Sud America 142
AF - Africa 112
OC - Oceania 108
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 30.620
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.316
GB - Regno Unito 4.193
IT - Italia 3.827
DE - Germania 3.572
FR - Francia 1.685
CN - Cina 922
UA - Ucraina 428
CA - Canada 427
SG - Singapore 404
SE - Svezia 336
RU - Federazione Russa 299
NL - Olanda 298
HK - Hong Kong 295
TR - Turchia 234
IE - Irlanda 211
KR - Corea 188
IN - India 148
BE - Belgio 141
FI - Finlandia 125
CH - Svizzera 124
AU - Australia 102
BR - Brasile 100
JO - Giordania 90
ID - Indonesia 88
AT - Austria 81
JP - Giappone 77
ES - Italia 60
PL - Polonia 55
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 53
MY - Malesia 51
TH - Thailandia 40
ZA - Sudafrica 40
IL - Israele 38
EU - Europa 34
BG - Bulgaria 31
RO - Romania 31
VN - Vietnam 30
GR - Grecia 27
PK - Pakistan 27
LU - Lussemburgo 26
PT - Portogallo 25
IR - Iran 21
MA - Marocco 16
CL - Cile 15
DK - Danimarca 15
DZ - Algeria 15
SA - Arabia Saudita 15
UZ - Uzbekistan 15
NO - Norvegia 14
LB - Libano 13
EG - Egitto 11
TW - Taiwan 11
MX - Messico 10
PE - Perù 10
BD - Bangladesh 9
SN - Senegal 8
EC - Ecuador 7
HR - Croazia 7
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 6
CY - Cipro 6
HU - Ungheria 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
EE - Estonia 5
ET - Etiopia 5
RS - Serbia 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
BY - Bielorussia 4
IQ - Iraq 4
MN - Mongolia 4
AR - Argentina 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
GH - Ghana 3
KW - Kuwait 3
MT - Malta 3
PA - Panama 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
SV - El Salvador 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BO - Bolivia 2
CO - Colombia 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
LT - Lituania 2
LY - Libia 2
MK - Macedonia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PH - Filippine 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 2
UY - Uruguay 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AN - Antille olandesi 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BT - Bhutan 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
Totale 30.613
Città #
Southend 3.526
Ashburn 2.232
Turin 877
Seattle 737
Fairfield 692
Milan 622
Chandler 585
Boardman 446
Houston 411
Ann Arbor 392
Torino 373
Woodbridge 358
Munich 357
Wilmington 327
Montréal 300
Singapore 285
San Francisco 284
Santa Clara 275
Cambridge 270
Princeton 262
Buffalo 232
Central District 216
Mcallen 213
Des Moines 207
Jacksonville 203
Dublin 193
Beijing 189
Berlin 173
San Ramon 171
Garching 136
Council Bluffs 130
Brussels 128
Izmir 115
San Jose 112
Fremont 109
Helsinki 106
Rome 105
Chicago 102
Saint Petersburg 100
Hangzhou 83
Bern 80
Shanghai 78
Istanbul 76
Jakarta 75
San Donato Milanese 72
Amsterdam 71
Mountain View 70
Seoul 65
Vienna 63
Guangzhou 54
Dallas 51
Redwood City 51
Zaporozhye 50
Padua 49
Phoenix 49
Austin 48
Frankfurt 48
London 48
Wuhan 46
Baltimore 42
Bremen 40
Paris 40
San Diego 40
Monopoli 38
Toronto 38
Merlino 35
Pennsylvania Furnace 35
Kraków 33
Norwalk 33
Bangalore 31
Sofia 31
Zhengzhou 31
New York 30
Bozeman 29
Falls Church 29
Xiamen 29
Bousson 28
Clearwater 28
Kowloon 28
Bologna 27
Overberg 27
Indiana 26
Frankfurt am Main 25
Malatya 25
Cupertino 24
Hamburg 24
Muizenberg 24
Ottawa 24
Las Vegas 23
Los Angeles 23
Shenzhen 23
Bari 22
Dong Ket 22
Bochum 21
Jerusalem 20
Osaka 20
Putian 20
Atlanta 19
Borgosesia 19
Genova 19
Totale 18.923
Nome #
Blockchain for the Internet of Things: a Systematic Literature Review 1.903
Fast Feedback Cycles in Empirical Software Engineering Research 1.470
Classification of Language Interactions 857
Profiling Power Consumption on Desktop Computer Systems 788
Definition, implementation and validation of energy code smells: an exploratory study on an embedded system 728
Linked Data approach for selection process automation in Systematic Reviews 728
Peer to Peer for Privacy and Decentralization in the Internet of Things 687
Energy Efficiency in the ICT - Profiling Power Consumption in Desktop Computer Systems 633
Assessing The Impact Of Automatic Static Analysis On Software Quality 619
Semantic Enrichment for Recommendation of Primary Studies in a Systematic Literature Review 602
A Case Study on Effectively Identifying Technical Debt 581
A Comparative Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Models using defects data of Closed and Open Source Software 577
Open Data Quality Measurement Framework: Definition and Application to Open Government Data 572
A model-based approach to language integration 553
Using the ISO/IEC 9126 product quality model to classify defects : a Controlled Experiment 541
OpenCoesione and Monithon - a Transparency Effort 532
An Empirical Validation of FindBugs Issues Related to Defects 530
Comparing Four Approaches for Technical Debt Identification 529
An Exploratory Empirical Assessment of Italian Open Government Data Quality With an eye to enabling linked open data 508
Preserving the Benefits of Open Government Data by Measuring and Improving Their Quality: An Empirical Study 504
Understanding Green Software Development: A Conceptual Framework 491
The Green Lab: Experimentation in Software Energy Efficiency 477
A Recommender System for Telecom Users: Experimental Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms 475
On The Impact of Passive Voice Requirements on Domain Modelling 466
Introducing Energy Efficiency into SQALE 464
Monitoring IT Power Consumption in a Research Center: Seven Facts 457
Investigating Automatic Static Analysis Results to Identify Quality Problems: an Inductive Study 453
Organizing the Technical Debt Landscape 436
Investigating Technical Debt Folklore - Shedding some light on technical debt opinion 428
An Exploratory Study on Technology Transfer in Software Engineering 416
Using Automatic Static Analysis to Identify Technical Debt 414
In Quest for Proper Mediums for Technology Transfer in Software Engineering 411
On the Benefits and Barriers when adopting Software Modelling and Model Driven Techniques - An external, differentiated replication 381
Comparing reuse practices in two large software-producing companies 381
Selecting the Best Reliability Model to Predict Residual Defects in Open Source Software 379
In Quest for Requirements Engineering Oracles: Dependent Variables and Measurements for (good) RE 379
Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Automatic Static Analysis Issues on Time Efficiency 370
Software Engineering Exercises 354
Assessing the Precision of FindBugs bymining Java Projects developed at a University 354
Exploratory testing as a source of testing technical debt 347
Removing Barriers to Transparency: a Case Study on the Use of Semantic Technologies to Tackle Procurement Data Inconsistency 334
Bridging the Gap: SE Technology Transfer into Practice - Study Design and Preliminary Results 326
Language Interaction and Quality Issues: An Exploratory Study 326
Energy Profiler Framework 310
JORUM: Repository for discovering and sharing OER for HE, Further Educations and Skills 297
Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Contemporary Problems, Causes, and effects in Practice 278
Using Technical Debt Data in Decision Making: Potential Decision Approaches 251
Technology Transfer Concepts 243
AI: from rational agents to socially responsible agents 223
Identifying Risks in Datasets for Automated Decision–Making 223
Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Automatic Static Analysis on Code Quality 218
The Invisible Power of Fairness. How Machine Learning Shapes Democracy 205
The CLoTH Simulator for HTLC Payment Networks with Introductory Lightning Network Performance Results 201
Modeling the semantics of data sources with graph neural networks 198
Training Neural Language Models with SPARQL queries forSemi-Automatic Semantic Mapping 195
Ethical and Socially-Aware Data Labels 189
Status quo in requirements engineering: A theory and a global family of surveys 169
A data quality approach to the identification of discrimination risk in automated decision making systems 166
Combining data analytics and developers feedback for identifying reasons of inaccurate estimations in agile software development 160
Combining Data Analytics with Team Feedback to Improve the Estimation Process in Agile Software Development 159
CLoTH: A Lightning Network Simulator 158
SeMi: A SEmantic Modeling machIne to build Knowledge Graphs with graph neural networks 156
Hubs, Rebalancing and Service Providers in the Lightning Network 149
Detecting discriminatory risk through data annotation based on Bayesian inferences 146
null 140
Reproducibility Package for 'Identifying risks in datasets for automated decision–making' 139
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: a Fair-Distributive Model 134
On the Integration of Knowledge Graphs into Deep Learning Models for a More Comprehensible AI—Three Challenges for Future Research 133
The Geranium Platform: A KG-Based System for Academic Publications 132
Reproducibility Package for 'A Data Quality Approach to the Identification of Discrimination Risk in Automated Decision Making Systems' 129
Detecting Discrimination Risk in Automated Decision-Making Systems with Balance Measures on Input Data 128
Understanding automated and human-based technical debt identification approaches-a two-phase study 116
Integrating SQuARE data quality model with ISO 31000 risk management to measure and mitigate software bias 115
Metrics for Identifying Bias in Datasets 112
Medication adherence to tyrosine Kinase inhibitors: 2-year analysis of medication adherence to imatinib treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia and correlation with the depth of molecular response 103
Imbalanced data as risk factor of discriminating automated decisions: a measurement-based approach 96
Measuring Imbalance on Intersectional Protected Attributes and on Target Variable to Forecast Unfair Classifications 84
Facial Analysis Systems and Down Syndrome 82
Detecting Risk of Biased Output with Balance Measures 78
Identifying Imbalance Thresholds in Input Data to Achieve Desired Levels of Algorithmic Fairness 76
Testing software for non-discrimination: an updated and extended audit in the Italian car insurance domain 62
Teaching Scrum with a focus on compliance assessment 54
Appendix for "Identifying Imbalance Thresholds in Input Data to Achieve Desired Levels of Algorithmic Fairness" 53
Il Metaverso non esiste (ancora) 41
Personal Data Transfers to Non-EEA Domains: A Tool for Citizens and An Analysis on Italian Public Administration Websites 37
L’intelligenza Artificiale tra funzionalità ed etica 36
MINOS: A tool to analyze HTTP requests for compliance to GDPR 28
Towards Named Entity Disambiguation with Graph Embeddings 19
Analyzing technical debt management in an industrial project: diffuseness and actual remediation time of SonarQube issues 18
Totale 31.099
Categoria #
all - tutte 66.064
article - articoli 14.774
book - libri 2.150
conference - conferenze 41.572
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 3.445
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.262
Totale 130.267

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.692 0 0 0 0 0 0 278 409 396 201 277 131
2020/20212.983 406 256 152 278 188 284 229 176 184 363 238 229
2021/20222.763 160 164 131 214 238 234 256 119 154 289 454 350
2022/20232.641 207 318 179 272 257 268 320 105 302 53 204 156
2023/20241.621 82 156 128 88 99 309 87 128 79 108 163 194
2024/20251.884 107 343 220 511 314 277 112 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 31.099