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Anti-Collision Systems in Tunnelling: some Preliminary Tests Outcome on Effectiveness and OS&H in a System Quality Approach / Pentimalli, Salvatore; Nebbia, Rebecca; Patrucco, Mario; Pira, Enrico; Sorlini, Achille. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS 2022 Underground solutions for a world in change tenutosi a Copenhagen, Denmark nel 2 - 8 September 2022). 1-gen-2022 Nebbia, RebeccaPatrucco, MarioPira, EnricoSorlini, Achille + Anti -Collision Systems in Tunne lling some Preliminary Test s Outcome on.pdf
Occupational Health and Safety aspects / Sorlini, Achille; Patrucco, Mario; Pentimalli, Salvatore; Nebbia, Rebecca; Todaro, Carmine - In: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works: Volume 1ELETTRONICO. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022. - ISBN 9781032187723. - pp. 119-138 [10.1201/9781003256175-6] 1-gen-2022 mario patruccorebecca nebbiacarmine todaro + -
Results of the implementation of a virtual control approach to improve the effectiveness and quality of Safety and Health inspections at workplaces / Pira, Enrico; Patrucco, Mario; Nebbia, Rebecca; Pineri, Paolo; Graziano, Davide; Godono, Alessandro; Gullino, Attilia. - In: GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA DEL LAVORO ED ERGONOMIA. - ISSN 1592-7830. - STAMPA. - 44:(2022), pp. 41-50. 1-gen-2022 PIRA, EnricoPATRUCCO, MarioNEBBIA, RebeccaGRAZIANO, DavideGODONO, Alessandro + GIMLE 2022-1 (1)-2.pdf
Anti-collision systems in tunneling to improve effectiveness and safety in a system-quality approach: A review of the state of the art / Patrucco, M.; Pira, E.; Pentimalli, S.; Nebbia, R.; Sorlini, A.. - In: INFRASTRUCTURES. - ISSN 2412-3811. - 6:3(2021), p. 42. [10.3390/infrastructures6030042] 1-gen-2021 Patrucco M.Nebbia R. + infrastructures-06-00042-v4.pdf
Discussion on Possible Approaches for the Management of Pollutants in Tunneling in Rock Formations Containing Asbestos Minerals / Pentimalli, Salvatore; Nebbia, Rebecca; Sorlini, Achille; Pira, Enrico; Patrucco, Mario. - (2021), pp. 1054-1061. (Intervento presentato al convegno 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021) tenutosi a Angers, France nel 19 – 23 September 2021) [10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_281-cd]. 1-gen-2021 Rebecca NebbiaMario Patrucco + 281.pdf
Excavation mécanique dans des formations rocheuses susceptibles de contenir de l'amiante: tests préliminaires et résultats des respirateurs à ventilation assistée THP3 dans la galerie de reconnaissance de La Maddalena du projet Tunnel Euralpin Lyon – Turin / Sorlini, Achile; Patrucco, Mario; Pira, Enrico; Nebbia, Rebecca; Garzaro, Giacomo. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno XVIème Congrès international de l’association française des tunnels et de l’espace souterrain, AFTES 2020 posposte à AFTES 2021 tenutosi a Paris nel 6-8 Septembre 2021). 1-gen-2021 Mario PatruccoRebecca Nebbia + AFTES00292_Sorlini.pdf
Measurement of respirable crystalline silica concentration by X-ray diffraction: Evaluation of metrological performances / Nebbia, R.; Genta, G.; Zuliani, P.; Patrucco, M.; Pira, E.; Galetto, M.. - In: MEASUREMENT. - ISSN 0263-2241. - ELETTRONICO. - 183:(2021). [10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109839] 1-gen-2021 Nebbia R.Genta G.Patrucco M.Galetto M. + Measurement - Nebbia et al - 2021.pdf
Safe Management of Stone Balconies: an Overview / Manzone, Giuseppe; Patrucco, Mario; Nebbia, Rebecca. - ELETTRONICO. - (2020). (Intervento presentato al convegno 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference tenutosi a Venice nel 1-5 November 2020) [10.3850/978-981-14-8593-0_3989-cd]. 1-gen-2020 Giuseppe ManzoneMario PatruccoNebbia Rebecca 3989.pdf
Analisi degli infortuni lavoro correlati a fini di prevenzione: un approccio evoluto di indagine sulla catena degli eventi / Patrucco, M.; Pentimalli, S.; Cigna, C.; Tisi, M.. - 6:(2019), pp. 21-33. [10.13135/2532-392X/2079] 1-gen-2019 M. Patrucco + CCCP stampato.pdf
Manuale Parte Teorica del Corso per Attestazione di Conseguimento della Capacità Tecnica Prevista All’art. 8, 4° c. legge 18 Aprile 1975, N. 110. (Diploma di Idoneità al Maneggio delle Armi) / Patrucco, M.; Zapparoli, T.. - 1:(2019), pp. 1-54. 1-gen-2019 M. Patrucco + -
Occupational Risk Assessment and Management in workplaces with possible presence of Asbestos Containing Materials: the substantial contribution of Image Analysis / Cina, A.; Fargione, P.; Patrucco, M.; Pira, E.. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - 2:(2019), pp. 47-55. 1-gen-2019 A. CinaP. FargioneM. PatruccoE. Pira an imm.pdf
The role of the airborne asbestos fibers measurement in the classification of working environments: the case of Large Public Facilities / Fargione, P.; Nebbia, R.; Patrucco, M.. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - 1:(2019), pp. 55-62. 1-gen-2019 Fargione P.Nebbia R.Patrucco M. ripresa 1 stampato.pdf
Tips on Occupational Safety and Health – OS&H / Patrucco, M.; Nebbia, R.. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - 1:(2019), pp. 63-64. 1-gen-2019 M. PatruccoR. Nebbia ropresa 1 - stampato tips.pdf
Tips on Occupational Safety and Health – OS&H / Patrucco, M.; Decillis, E.. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - 2:(2019), pp. 61-64. 1-gen-2019 M. Patrucco + last tips.pdf
An experience of University Education on Occupational Safety and Health at Politecnico di Torino / De Cillis, E.; Fargione, P.; Maida, L.; Patrucco, M.. - STAMPA. - (2018), pp. 283-289. (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS AT WORK (WOS 2017) tenutosi a Prague nel 3 - 6 October 2017). 1-gen-2018 E. De CillisP. FargioneL. MaidaM. Patrucco -
Computer-assisted technique for airborne dust sampling data representativeness and worker's exposure assessment - CAT-ReADS / Bisio, P.; Fargione, P.; Luzzi, R.; Maida, L.; Nebbia, R.; Patrucco, M.. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - STAMPA. - 154:(2018), pp. 97-105. 1-gen-2018 Fargione P.Maida L.Nebbia R.Patrucco M. + GEAM 154 cat reads.pdf
Education: an essential tool for the dissemination of the Culture of Safety / DE CILLIS, Elisabetta; Demichela, Micaela; Fargione, Paolo; Maida, LUISA MARIA TERESA; Nebbia, Rebecca; Patrucco, Mario. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. - ISSN 2283-9216. - ELETTRONICO. - 67:(2018), pp. 313-318. [10.3303/CET1867053] 1-gen-2018 Elisabetta De CillisMicaela DemichelaPaolo FargioneLuisa MaidaRebecca NebbiaMario Patrucco 053.pdf
Present and future contribution of geophysics to the Prevention through Design and quality management approaches for tunneling operations / De Cillis, E.; Fargione, P.; Maida, L.; Patrucco, M.; Sambuelli, L.. - In: FIRST BREAK. - ISSN 0263-5046. - ELETTRONICO. - 36:10(2018), pp. 35-41. [10.3997/1365-2397.2018005] 1-gen-2018 E. De CillisP. FargioneL. MaidaM. PatruccoL. Sambuelli -
Presentazione del Numero speciale dedicato alla Sicurezza e Salute del Lavoro (OS&H) / Patrucco, Mario; Sorlini, Achille; Losè, Maurizioteppati. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - STAMPA. - 154:2(2018), pp. 5-9. 1-gen-2018 Patrucco, Mario + GEAM 154 presentaz.pdf
The possible contribution of a well-tested Occupational Risk Assessment and Management technique to counter the recent unexpected rise in the work related accidents / Borchiellini, Romano; De Cillis, Elisabetta; Fargione, Paolo; Maida, Luisa; Patrucco, Mario; Nebbia, Rebecca. - STAMPA. - (2018), pp. 90-92. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Symposyum on Occupational Safety and Hygiene - SHO2018 tenutosi a Guimaraes nel 26-27/03/2018). 1-gen-2018 Borchiellini, RomanoDe Cillis, ElisabettaFargione, PaoloMaida, LuisaPatrucco, MarioNEBBIA, REBECCA -