Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.926
NA - Nord America 4.373
AS - Asia 1.341
SA - Sud America 52
AF - Africa 33
OC - Oceania 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 11.736
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.313
IT - Italia 2.497
GB - Regno Unito 1.290
DE - Germania 481
FR - Francia 458
CN - Cina 371
SG - Singapore 336
UA - Ucraina 186
IE - Irlanda 179
TR - Turchia 173
BE - Belgio 155
NL - Olanda 138
KR - Corea 97
SE - Svezia 96
CH - Svizzera 93
RU - Federazione Russa 86
IN - India 69
HK - Hong Kong 66
AT - Austria 49
ID - Indonesia 49
CA - Canada 48
ES - Italia 45
JP - Giappone 43
FI - Finlandia 39
BR - Brasile 32
IR - Iran 32
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 25
MY - Malesia 24
JO - Giordania 23
RO - Romania 23
TW - Taiwan 22
BG - Bulgaria 18
MX - Messico 12
PT - Portogallo 11
PL - Polonia 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
HR - Croazia 9
IL - Israele 9
GR - Grecia 8
UY - Uruguay 8
NO - Norvegia 7
AU - Australia 6
PK - Pakistan 6
VN - Vietnam 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
EC - Ecuador 5
EU - Europa 5
KE - Kenya 5
TN - Tunisia 4
AL - Albania 3
CL - Cile 3
ET - Etiopia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
SI - Slovenia 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CY - Cipro 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
IQ - Iraq 2
LB - Libano 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LT - Lituania 2
MA - Marocco 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
SM - San Marino 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AR - Argentina 1
BJ - Benin 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CO - Colombia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
PH - Filippine 1
RE - Reunion 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 11.736
Città #
Southend 1.167
Turin 653
Ashburn 479
Chandler 405
Torino 276
Fairfield 263
Houston 248
Singapore 243
Seattle 242
Boardman 204
Princeton 195
Santa Clara 169
Ann Arbor 152
Dublin 144
Brussels 142
Woodbridge 142
San Ramon 138
Berlin 127
Milan 127
Wilmington 108
Beijing 87
Istanbul 82
Izmir 82
Cambridge 80
Council Bluffs 68
Des Moines 68
Jacksonville 67
Bern 61
Las Vegas 61
San Donato Milanese 50
Jakarta 46
Vienna 45
Amsterdam 43
Redwood City 37
Guangzhou 36
Redmond 36
Valdagno 36
Rome 33
New York 32
Staten Island 31
Helsinki 30
Verona 25
Menlo Park 23
Amstelveen 22
Frankfurt am Main 21
Shanghai 21
Zhengzhou 21
Piscataway 20
Grugliasco 19
London 19
Yubileyny 19
Bologna 18
Hong Kong 18
Seoul 18
Washington 18
Barcelona 17
Los Angeles 17
Mountain View 17
Toronto 17
Chicago 16
Falls Church 16
Hangzhou 16
Munich 16
San Antonio 15
San Mauro Torinese 15
Herkenbosch 14
Padova 14
Asti 13
Fremont 13
Fuzhou 13
San Francisco 13
Buffalo 12
Collegno 12
Galati 12
Palermo 12
Paris 12
Taipei 12
Zurich 12
Miami 11
Nanjing 11
Naples 11
Sofia 11
Dearborn 10
Monza 10
Mumbai 10
Norwalk 10
San Sebastián de los Reyes 10
Taranto 10
Andover 9
Bari 9
Borgaro Torinese 9
Montréal 9
Saarbrücken 9
Shenzhen 9
Tehran 9
Zaporozhye 9
Baltimore 8
Montevideo 8
Overberg 8
Passo Fundo 8
Totale 7.551
Nome #
Designing Logic Tensor Networks for Visual Sudoku puzzle classification 425
Performance of a fully automatic lesion detection system for breast DCE-MRI 368
Data mining for better healthcare: A path towards automated data analysis? 309
A neural network approach to unsupervised segmentation of single-channel MR images 296
Optimization of Computer Aided Detection systems: an evolutionary approach 275
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. From Theory to Clinical Practice 274
Bridging the gap between mesoscopic and macroscopic models: the case of multicellular tumor spheroids 254
A fully automatic lesion detection method for DCE-MRI fat-suppressed breast images 254
Computer-Aided Diagnosis for X-ray Imaging 240
Building trust in autonomous vehicles: Role of virtual reality driving simulators in HMI design 237
Methods for neural-network-based segmentation of magnetic resonance images 234
Immersive virtual reality-based interfaces for character animation 232
Towards a Model of Local and Collective Mechanisms in Multicellular Tumor Spheroids Growth 224
Mammographic density: Comparison of visual assessment with fully automatic calculation on a multivendor dataset 214
Breast cancer: Computer-aided detection with digital breast tomosynthesis 205
Feature Matching-based Approaches to Improve the Robustness of Android Visual GUI Testing 203
Probing LLMs for logical reasoning 203
iNNvestigate-GUI - Explaining neural networks through an interactive visualization tool 202
A genetic algorithm approach to the exploration of parameter space in mesoscopic multicellular tumor spheroid models 193
A fully automatic algorithm for segmentation of the breasts in DCE-MR images 191
Design of an integrated, patient-based clinical database system based on the CEN/TC251 'VITAL' ENV standard 190
Bridging the gap between Natural and Medical Images through Deep Colorization 186
Characteristics of false positive findings in CT Colonography CAD: A comparison of two fecal tagging regimens 184
Computer aided detection of polyps in virtual colonoscopy with Sameday faecal tagging 182
Registration, lesion detection, and discrimination for breast dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 180
Comparing state-of-the-art and emerging augmented reality interfaces for autonomous vehicle-to-pedestrian communication 180
Faster-LTN: a neuro-symbolic, end-to-end object detection architecture 176
Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance: A Methodology Primer 175
Comparing CT colonography and flexible sigmoidoscopy: A randomised trial within a population-based screening programme 173
Comparing algorithms for aggressive driving event detection based on vehicle motion data 171
A Genetic Algorithms' approach to the exploration of parameter space in mesoscopic Multicellular Tumour Spheroid models 169
PROTOtypical Logic Tensor Networks (PROTO-LTN) for Zero Shot Learning 169
Comparison of three different iodine-based bowel regimens for CT colonography 168
Enhanced Unsupervised Segmentation of Multispectral Magnetic Resonance Images 163
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and CT Colonography Screening: Patients' Experience with and Factors for Undergoing Screening-Insight from the Proteus Colon Trial 162
An automatic computer vision pipeline for the in-line monitoring of freeze-drying processes 162
Estimating Remaining Useful Life: A Data-Driven Methodology for the White Goods Industry 160
SoccER: Computer graphics meets sports analytics for soccer event recognition 159
Adaptive remapping procedure for electronic cleansing of fecal tagging CT Colonography images 156
Automatic detection of canonical image orientation by convolutional neural networks 153
Evaluation of computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems 151
Benchmarking unsupervised near-duplicate image detection 148
Detecting drift in deep learning: A methodology primer 147
Slicing and dicing soccer: automatic detection of complex events from spatio-temporal data 133
L-TReiD: Logic Tensor Transformer for Re-Identification 131
Breast mass detection with faster R-CNN: On the feasibility of learning from noisy annotations 127
Stress detection in computer users from keyboard and mouse dynamics 126
A deep learning approach for efficient registration of dual view mammography 125
Fuzzy Logic Visual Network (FLVN): A neuro-symbolic approach for visual features matching 123
Object tracking through residual and dense LSTMs 117
Bent & Broken Bicycles: Leveraging synthetic data for damaged object re-identification 112
Mammography classification with multi-view deep learning techniques: investigating graph and transformer-based architectures 112
Toward a Realistic Benchmark for Out-of-Distribution Detection 110
Data Augmentation for medical imaging: a Systematic Literature Review 108
On the Use of Causal Models to Build Better Datasets 106
ESRA: A Neuro-Symbolic Relation Transformer for Autonomous Driving 104
On the Fault Tolerance of Self-Supervised Training in Convolutional Neural Networks 104
HOLMES: HOLonym-MEronym based Semantic inspection for Convolutional Image Classifiers 101
Applicazione di tecniche di computer vision al monitoraggio in tempo reale del processo di liofilizzazione. 98
Using Temporal Convolutional Networks to estimate ball possession in soccer games 96
Computer-based self-training for CT colonography with and without CAD 87
Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Frontiers in Computing for Next-Generation Healthcare Systems 86
Method and system for the automatic recognition of lesions in a set of breast magnetic resonance images 84
Current Status and Future Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Magnetic Resonance Breast Imaging 79
AI-enhanced diagnosis of challenging lesions in breast MRI: a methodology and application primer 79
Harnessing Foundation Models for Image Anonymization 76
Analyzing the performance of Deep Learning-based techniques for Human Pose Estimation 74
Inverse problems and genetic algorithms 73
Enhancing Neuro-Symbolic Integration with Focal Loss: A Study on Logic Tensor Networks 71
Self-supervised and semi-supervised learning for road condition estimation from distributed road-side cameras 70
Drift Detection for Black Box Deep Learning Models 70
Extracolonic Findings at CT Colonography: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 68
A randomised controlled trial of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis versus Digital Mammography as primary screening tests: screening results over subsequent episodes of the Proteus Donna study 67
Artificial Intelligence in Consumer Electronics 66
MIXO: Mixture of experts-based visual odometry for multicamera autonomous systems 63
Method of classification of tagged material in a set of tomographic images of colorectal region 63
AAPM Task Group Report 273: Recommendations on Best Practices for AI and Machine Learning for Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging 49
Artificial intelligence in medicine: mitigating risks and maximizing benefits via quality assurance, quality control, and acceptance testing 45
Deep learning-based algorithm for postoperative glioblastoma MRI segmentation: a promising new tool for tumor burden assessment 41
For a semiotic AI: Bridging computer vision and visual semiotics for computational observation of large scale facial image archives 39
Best Practices for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging 26
EASTERN project: Earth observation models for weather event mitigation 26
γ-Razor: Hardness-Aware Dataset Pruning for Efficient Neural Network Training 17
Totale 12.323
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.358
article - articoli 15.607
book - libri 585
conference - conferenze 13.843
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 731
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.592
Totale 66.716

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020831 0 0 0 0 0 178 161 129 154 102 60 47
2020/20211.425 173 142 74 185 114 99 93 106 142 130 102 65
2021/20221.518 135 115 108 98 151 99 85 84 80 147 169 247
2022/20231.806 120 232 64 190 141 262 172 79 164 36 179 167
2023/20241.675 172 117 191 139 143 163 77 55 115 107 183 213
2024/20251.959 272 494 338 570 253 32 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.323