Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 20.964
NA - Nord America 20.003
AS - Asia 5.777
SA - Sud America 419
AF - Africa 368
OC - Oceania 164
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
-- - ???statistics.table.value.continent.--??? 1
Totale 47.713
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 19.506
IT - Italia 6.384
DE - Germania 4.225
GB - Regno Unito 2.866
FR - Francia 2.773
CN - Cina 2.378
UA - Ucraina 1.002
SG - Singapore 917
SE - Svezia 615
CA - Canada 477
RU - Federazione Russa 448
IE - Irlanda 409
NL - Olanda 409
TR - Turchia 393
KR - Corea 387
CH - Svizzera 266
BG - Bulgaria 263
BR - Brasile 251
IN - India 244
BE - Belgio 200
MY - Malesia 199
FI - Finlandia 183
ID - Indonesia 171
ES - Italia 170
AU - Australia 141
HK - Hong Kong 130
IR - Iran 127
AT - Austria 120
PK - Pakistan 112
JO - Giordania 101
JP - Giappone 99
PL - Polonia 93
RO - Romania 90
KZ - Kazakistan 88
UZ - Uzbekistan 88
ZA - Sudafrica 82
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 58
PT - Portogallo 58
CO - Colombia 56
VN - Vietnam 56
SN - Senegal 55
CL - Cile 53
EU - Europa 52
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 48
EE - Estonia 47
NG - Nigeria 46
TH - Thailandia 44
TW - Taiwan 42
GR - Grecia 38
EG - Egitto 36
PH - Filippine 35
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 31
HR - Croazia 30
ET - Etiopia 29
KE - Kenya 28
IL - Israele 23
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 23
SA - Arabia Saudita 23
NO - Norvegia 19
PE - Perù 18
RS - Serbia 18
CY - Cipro 17
LT - Lituania 17
UG - Uganda 17
AL - Albania 14
DZ - Algeria 14
GY - Guiana 14
HU - Ungheria 12
SI - Slovenia 12
QA - Qatar 11
VE - Venezuela 11
DK - Danimarca 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
TN - Tunisia 9
EC - Ecuador 8
IQ - Iraq 8
KH - Cambogia 8
MX - Messico 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
AR - Argentina 7
BD - Bangladesh 7
MA - Marocco 7
TZ - Tanzania 7
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
BY - Bielorussia 5
ZW - Zimbabwe 5
AO - Angola 4
GH - Ghana 4
NP - Nepal 4
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 4
A1 - Anonimo 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
GE - Georgia 3
GM - Gambi 3
NA - Namibia 3
OM - Oman 3
AM - Armenia 2
BB - Barbados 2
Totale 47.673
Città #
Ashburn 4.229
Southend 1.942
Turin 1.673
Seattle 1.381
Houston 1.346
Fairfield 1.025
Chandler 794
Singapore 716
Beijing 648
Des Moines 502
Boardman 492
Woodbridge 492
Ann Arbor 483
Princeton 479
Hangzhou 458
Wilmington 446
Jacksonville 444
San Francisco 414
Milan 388
Torino 385
Dublin 377
Cambridge 354
San Ramon 314
Santa Clara 310
Berlin 295
Montréal 286
Buffalo 280
Munich 264
Sofia 251
Shanghai 245
Council Bluffs 241
Izmir 240
Mcallen 236
Chicago 233
Mountain View 190
Rome 188
Bern 172
Helsinki 158
San Donato Milanese 150
Zhengzhou 146
Brussels 143
Bologna 133
Jakarta 121
Redwood City 118
Saint Petersburg 118
Fremont 109
Vienna 103
Amsterdam 101
Gilroy 101
Frankfurt 100
Dearborn 93
Zaporozhye 93
Guangzhou 90
London 90
Austin 87
Wuhan 86
San Jose 84
Baltimore 83
Paris 82
Pennsylvania Furnace 78
Ottawa 72
Atlanta 71
Shenzhen 66
Overberg 62
Almaty 61
Nanjing 57
Piscataway 57
Hong Kong 53
Las Vegas 53
New York 53
Cupertino 52
Seoul 52
Istanbul 51
Norwalk 51
Monopoli 50
Toronto 49
Dallas 46
Dubai 44
Falls Church 44
San Diego 44
Indiana 42
L'Haÿ-les-Roses 42
San Antonio 42
Islamabad 41
Nürnberg 40
Malatya 39
Kuala Lumpur 38
Phoenix 38
Bremen 37
Washington 37
Brisbane 35
Delft 34
Padua 34
Yubileyny 32
Kiev 31
Putian 31
Bangalore 30
Trofarello 29
Frankfurt am Main 28
Hefei 28
Totale 27.476
Nome #
Current trends in Smart City initiatives: some stylised facts 2.879
A review of methodologies to assess urban freight initiatives 1.363
Earned Value-Based Performance Monitoring of Facility Construction Projects 1.070
A New Taxonomy of Smart City Projects 1.070
Smart City. Progetti di sviluppo e strumenti di finanziamento 1.067
An integrated approach to supply chain risk analysis 779
Combination of Growth Model and Earned Schedule to Forecast Project Cost at Completion 756
Factors Influencing the Equity Share of Build-Operate-Transfer Projects 650
The Role of Maintenance and Facility Management in Logistics: A Literature Review 625
E-Grocery Supply Chain Management Enabled by Mobile Tools 614
Dynamic Management of Risk Contingency in Complex Design-Build Projects 602
An earned schedule-based regression model to improve cost estimate at completion 596
A Framework to Use Public-Private Partnership for Smart City Projects 589
Using System Dynamics to Assess the Impact of RFID Technology on Retail Operations 568
Using System Dynamics in warehouse management: a fast fashion case-study 549
Analysing the Diffusion of a Mobile Service Supporting the E-grocery Supply Chain 548
Risk management for sustainable restoration of immovable cultural heritage, part 1: PRM framework 548
Defining the Role of the Smart-City Manager: An Analysis of Responsibilities and Skills 528
Cost and Schedule Monitoring of Industrial Building Projects : Case Study 515
Risk and Value in Privately Financed Health care Projects 511
Factor influencing Logistics Service Providers Efficiency’ in Urban Distribution Systems 510
Analysing the Determinants of Logistics Service Provider Efficiency in Urban Distribution 509
Risk Analysis in Construction Projects: A Practical Selection Methodology 495
Assessing the Smartness of Buildings 482
A decision-making approach for investigating the potential effects of near sourcing on supply chain 480
Using the private finance initiative for energy efficiency projects at the urban scale 478
A review of quantitative analysis techniques for construction project risk management 468
The diffusion mechanisms of dynamic ridesharing services 449
How do smart building projects define and deliver value? A classification of business modelling characteristics to support design and development 438
Assessing Value for Money in PFI Projects: A Comparative Study of Practices in the UK and Italy 432
Construction Risk Taxonomy: An International Convergence of Academic and Industry Perspectives 432
A Framework Methodology for Selection of Risk Analysis Techniques in Construction Projects 429
A Survey on Usage and Diffusion of Project Risk Management Techniques and Software Tools in the Construction Industry 425
A Review on the Integration of Supply Chain Management and Industrial Cluster 414
Digital Dashboards for Smart City Governance: a Case Project to Develop an Urban Safety Indicator Model 414
Levers of logistics service providers’ efficiency in urban distribution 406
Smart communities inside local governments: a pie in the sky? 404
Assessing City Logistics projects: a business-oriented approach 404
Modeling the effectiveness of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving sales performance in fashion retail outlets 403
Public Financing into Build-Operate-Transfer Hospital Projects in Italy 397
Business Modeling of a City Logistics ICT Platform 395
Classification and benchmark of City Logistics measures: an empirical analysis 395
Risk-Adjusted Contingency Management in Construction Projects 389
The influence of risk on the equity share of build-operate-transfer projects 385
The Smart Home Services Diffusion Process: A System Dynamics Model 375
Risk factors influencing the debt leverage of project financing initiatives in the energy industry 373
Project Risk Management for Sustainable Building Repair & Maintenance in Developing Countries 372
null 355
The Impact of Near Sourcing on Global Dynamic Supply Chains: A Case Study 347
Analyzing the diffusion of a multi-side ICT platform for urban logistics services: A System Dynamics approach 339
Project Finance in Italian Hospital Projects 338
Influence of Environmental Risk on the Financial Structure of Oil and Gas Projects 332
Combination of a Nonlinear Regression Model and Earned Schedule to Forecast a Project Final Cost 331
Optimising the e-grocery supply chain with a mobile service 329
A conceptual framework for evaluating City Logistics business models 325
Comparing Performance of Construction Projects Delivered through Different Delivery Methods 322
Nonlinear cost estimates at completion adjusted with risk contingency 317
Critical issues in Smart Buildings 311
Understanding the Diffusion of a Mobile Application for Supply Chain Management: A System Dynamics Approach 305
OpenBIM methods and tools for schedule and cost management 303
Earned value and cost contingency management: A framework model for risk adjusted cost forecasting 303
Design Thinking Applied to Data Storage Innovation: A Case Study 300
Stakeholders' roles for Business Modelling in a City Logistics ecosystem: towards a conceptual model 300
Project Management for Facility Constructions 293
Cost Estimate at Completion Methods in Construction Projects 293
Integrating risk in project cost forecasting 285
Using System Dynamics to Understand Project Performance 281
Current Italian Trends and Analysis for Innovations in Contracting 276
Strategic factors affecting warehouse maintenance costs 275
A Feasibility Study of Best Value in Italy 270
Evaluating the Impact of Smart City Initiatives - The Torino Living Lab Experience 270
System Dynamics Group Modeling: An Educational Perspective 265
Relationship between logistic service and maintenance costs of warehouses 261
“Wise Things”: When smart objects stimulate reflection. 254
Forecasting the Diffusion of a Mobile Service for Freight Distribution 253
An integrated multi-agent/system dynamics model for the assessment of City Logistics project 245
Dispense didattiche del corso di III livello "Analisi di Performance nei Sistemi Complessi" 243
System Dynamics Modelling to Study the Diffusion of a Supply Chain Management Mobile Application 243
Digital Dashboards for Smart City Governance 240
Earned schedule formulation using nonlinear cost estimates at completion 236
Strategie per la complessità della logistica territoriale. Caso-studio: modelli di simulazione per la questione del "porto secco" 234
Building Smart Communities in Local Governments 233
Using System Dynamics to assess the benefits of RFID technology in retail 232
Using Project Financing to Develop Constructed Facilities in Italy 227
System Dinamics Simulation : an Application to Regional Logistics Policy Making 226
Curare documentare manutenere. 20 anni di raccolta sistematica di esiti di cantieri per il recupero e il restauro, Updating. Progredire nella ricerca 223
Education and Simulation of Best Value in an International Academic Setting: A Case Study 221
Project Management Theory Book 219
Aligning construction project participants on appropriate contracting arrangements 206
Process and system for automatically managing procedures, activities and workflows in the construction industry 197
Digital Piemonte: A Study in Transforming Regional Mobility with Information and Integration. 195
Improving the accuracy of project estimates at completion using the Gompertz function 194
Gestione della manutenzione 190
Poli logistici Regionali e Sviluppo Industriale 189
Simulating Regional Logistics: the North-Western Italy Case-Study 189
Analysis and trends of city logistics projects in Europe 188
Project Dynamics 179
Totale 42.241
Categoria #
all - tutte 103.551
article - articoli 50.324
book - libri 3.678
conference - conferenze 42.465
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.148
patent - brevetti 558
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.378
Totale 207.102

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.891 0 0 0 0 0 658 603 539 490 251 200 150
2020/20213.271 339 309 181 297 257 336 199 249 137 511 230 226
2021/20222.956 194 180 77 160 170 264 247 150 350 222 430 512
2022/20233.891 316 505 96 346 410 417 652 178 389 79 220 283
2023/20242.364 130 189 149 92 168 277 132 132 158 132 307 498
2024/20253.294 343 644 404 1.089 475 339 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 48.314