Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 22.458
NA - Nord America 19.528
AS - Asia 4.930
AF - Africa 155
SA - Sud America 151
OC - Oceania 28
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
Totale 47.267
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 19.303
IT - Italia 7.292
GB - Regno Unito 4.106
DE - Germania 3.977
FR - Francia 3.158
CN - Cina 2.145
SG - Singapore 884
UA - Ucraina 778
TR - Turchia 571
IE - Irlanda 406
RU - Federazione Russa 388
BE - Belgio 341
NL - Olanda 319
KR - Corea 311
FI - Finlandia 266
SE - Svezia 265
CH - Svizzera 233
IN - India 226
BG - Bulgaria 221
CA - Canada 202
AT - Austria 198
ES - Italia 138
JO - Giordania 115
ID - Indonesia 110
HK - Hong Kong 104
JP - Giappone 97
MY - Malesia 85
PK - Pakistan 71
BR - Brasile 68
RO - Romania 49
EU - Europa 40
IR - Iran 40
TW - Taiwan 39
VN - Vietnam 39
ZA - Sudafrica 38
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 34
CL - Cile 31
PT - Portogallo 29
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 27
PL - Polonia 27
AU - Australia 23
IL - Israele 23
SN - Senegal 23
GR - Grecia 21
HU - Ungheria 20
MA - Marocco 20
DK - Danimarca 19
HR - Croazia 19
AR - Argentina 18
PE - Perù 17
EG - Egitto 16
MX - Messico 16
NG - Nigeria 16
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 16
UZ - Uzbekistan 15
BD - Bangladesh 13
TH - Thailandia 13
EE - Estonia 12
DZ - Algeria 11
NO - Norvegia 10
PH - Filippine 10
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
UY - Uruguay 10
TN - Tunisia 9
KW - Kuwait 8
LT - Lituania 8
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
AL - Albania 6
CO - Colombia 6
LV - Lettonia 5
GH - Ghana 4
KE - Kenya 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
LB - Libano 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
OM - Oman 4
ET - Etiopia 3
GT - Guatemala 3
MT - Malta 3
RE - Reunion 3
RS - Serbia 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CU - Cuba 2
CY - Cipro 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NP - Nepal 2
PA - Panama 2
QA - Qatar 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AO - Angola 1
BW - Botswana 1
CK - Cook, isole 1
EC - Ecuador 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 47.265
Città #
Ashburn 4.155
Southend 3.607
Turin 1.764
Seattle 1.524
Fairfield 1.230
Chandler 1.146
Torino 999
Houston 800
Ann Arbor 758
Woodbridge 730
Hangzhou 709
Singapore 671
Boardman 644
Princeton 533
Santa Clara 511
Cambridge 479
Milan 468
Wilmington 457
Beijing 424
Dublin 365
Jacksonville 356
Berlin 333
San Ramon 300
Des Moines 299
Brussels 287
Izmir 279
San Francisco 248
Buffalo 233
Fremont 231
Council Bluffs 204
Helsinki 197
Zhengzhou 195
Bern 184
Vienna 182
Istanbul 174
Chicago 165
Las Vegas 165
San Donato Milanese 144
Rome 135
Shanghai 129
Mountain View 109
Frankfurt 107
Jakarta 103
Zaporozhye 96
Seoul 95
Redwood City 86
Redmond 79
Dearborn 75
Monopoli 75
Falls Church 72
Baltimore 71
Bologna 70
Loreto 67
Saint Petersburg 66
Lappeenranta 65
Amsterdam 64
Pennsylvania Furnace 64
San Diego 63
Norwalk 61
Paris 61
Guangzhou 56
Toronto 55
Staten Island 53
Gilroy 49
London 49
Lecce 46
Valfenera 45
Malatya 42
Overberg 41
New York 40
Aydin 39
Frankfurt am Main 39
Washington 39
Comano 38
Shenzhen 37
Sofia 36
Cupertino 35
Nanjing 35
Padua 35
Andover 34
Austin 34
Dallas 34
Osaka 34
San Antonio 32
Yubileyny 31
Bremen 30
Montréal 30
Muizenberg 29
Hong Kong 28
Indiana 28
Phoenix 28
Varese 28
San Jose 27
Alba 26
Atlanta 25
Ottawa 25
Wuhan 24
Cadoneghe 23
Dong Ket 23
Hebei 23
Totale 29.368
Nome #
Analyzing Air Pollution on the Urban Environment 1.224
Analysis of Twitter Data Using a Multiple-level Clustering Strategy 782
NetCluster: A clustering-based framework to analyze internet passive measurements data 649
Analysis of diabetic patients through their examination history 645
An Efficient Itemset Mining Approach for Data Streams 597
Context-Aware User and Service Profiling by means of Generalized Association Rules 585
NetCluster: a Clustering-Based Framework for Internet Tomography 583
Energy Signature Analysis: Knowledge at Your Fingertips 560
SeLINA: a Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer 559
Expressive generalized itemsets 523
MeTA: Characterization of medical treatments at different abstraction levels 513
Energy saving models for wireless sensor networks 503
Digging deep into weighted patient data through multiple-level patterns 501
NEMICO: Mining network data through cloud-based data mining techniques 495
Characterizing network traffic by means of the NetMine framework 492
Early prediction of the highest workload in incremental cardiopulmonary tests 486
Fault detection analysis of building energy consumption using Data Mining techniques 483
Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings through innovative data analytics technologies 481
Twitter data analysis by means of Strong Flipping Generalized Itemsets 464
Monitoring the citizens’ perception on urban security in Smart City environments 461
CAS-MINE: Providing personalized services in context-aware applications by means of generalized rules. 445
Discovering profitable stocks for intraday trading 440
Generalized association rule mining with constraints 440
Network Digest analysis by means of association rules 436
Modeling correlations among air pollution-related data through generalized association rules 428
Predicting critical conditions in bicycle sharing systems 426
Frequent Itemsets Mining for Big Data: A Comparative Analysis 418
Enhancing energy awareness through the analysis of thermal energy consumption 411
Exploiting clustering algorithms in a multiple-level fashion: A comparative study in the medical care scenario 409
All in a twitter: Self-tuning strategies for a deeper understanding of a crisis tweet collection 408
PaMPa-HD: A Parallel MapReduce-Based Frequent Pattern Miner for High-Dimensional Data 405
SaFe-NeC: A scalable and flexible system for network data characterization 404
Misleading Generalized Itemset discovery 398
Exploiting Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Building Performance 396
Self-tuning techniques for large scale cluster analysis on textual data collections 393
Semi-automatic knowledge extraction to enrich open linked data 387
Misleading generalized itemset mining in the cloud 380
SEARUM: a cloud-based SErvice for Association RUle Mining 379
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, 17th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2013, Genoa, Italy, September 1-4, 2013. Proceedings II 379
Discovering air quality patterns in urban environments 379
A Parallel MapReduce Algorithm to Efficiently Support Itemset Mining on High Dimensional Data 373
Twitter data laid almost bare: An insightful exploratory analyser 370
SAPhyRA: Stream Analysis for Physiological Risk Assessment 365
Predicting large scale fine grain energy consumption 359
A Clustering-Based Approach to Analyse Examinations for Diabetic Patients 355
Characterizing Thermal Energy Consumption through Exploratory Data Mining Algorithms 355
MGI-Cloud: discovery of misleading generalized itemsets 354
P-Mine: Parallel itemset mining on large datasets 350
Diversità è Eccellenza. Bilancio di Genere 2020 - Politecnico di Torino 346
Scalable out-of-core itemset mining 339
Real-time analysis of physiological data to support medical applications 337
Data Mining in Databases: Languages and Indices 335
Ubiquitous risk analysis of physiological data 329
Supporting the analysis of urban data through NOSQL technologies 322
Real-time Individuation of Global Unsafe Anomalies and Alarm Activation 321
Association Rule Mining as a Cloud-Based Service 320
Modeling a Sensor Network by means of Clustering 318
Internationalization services for small and medium enterprises: a case study 318
Real-time and Mobile Physiological Data Analysis 316
Discovering higher level correlations from XML data 314
Data-driven strategies for predictive maintenance: Lesson learned from an automotive use case 314
Data mining for better healthcare: A path towards automated data analysis? 310
Network traffic analysis by means of Misleading Generalized Itemsets 308
Exploring energy certificates of buildings through unsupervised data mining techniques 305
Frequent Weighted Itemset Mining from Gene Expression Data 303
A Persistent HY-Tree to Efficiently Support Itemset Mining on Large Datasets 302
Wireless Sensor Network Design for Energy-Efficient Monitoring 301
Discovering users with similar internet access performance through cluster analysis 296
Predicting cardiopulmonary response to incremental exercise test 295
Energy-aware models for sensor network data acquisition. 294
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems - ADBIS 2016 Short Papers and Workshops, BigDap, DCSA, DC, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28-31, 2016, Proceedings 293
IGUANA: Individuation of Global Unsafe ANomalies and Alarm activation 291
Support driven opportunistic aggregation for generalized itemset extraction 287
NEtwork Digest analysis driven by association rule discoverers 276
Reducing the search space in ontology alignment using clustering techniques and topic identification 276
Optimization of Computer Aided Detection systems: an evolutionary approach 276
Array-Tree: A persistent data structure to compactly store frequent itemset 271
Internet Technologies to Support SMEs’ Growth in New Markets 267
null 267
Index Support for Frequent Itemset Mining in a Relational DBMS. 260
IMine: Index Support for Itemset Mining 259
Soft real-time view management 259
Semi-Automatic Ontology Construction by Exploiting Functional Dependencies and Association Rules 259
Predicting the highest workload in cardiopulmonary test. 259
Generalized association rules to support Network Digest analysis 257
E-MIMIC: Empowering Multilingual Inclusive Communication 253
Supporting stock trading in multiple foreign markets: a multilingual news summarization approach 250
Intelligent Acquisition Techniques for Sensor Network Data 249
Data miners' little helper: data transformation activity cues for cluster analysis on document collections 247
Constrained itemset mining on a sequence of incoming data blocks 247
Community-contributed media collections: Knowledge at our fingertips 246
Compactly storing frequent itemsets 236
Indexing Evolving Databases for Itemset Mining 235
Itemset Mining on Indexed Data Blocks 233
Black-Box Model Explained Through an Assessment of Its Interpretable Features 229
DSLE: A Smart Platform for Designing Data Science Competitions 228
Generalized Association Rules to Support Context-aware User and Service Profiling 225
Useful ToPIC: Self-tuning strategies to enhance Latent Dirichlet Allocation 221
Exploring energy performance certificates through visualization 218
Index Support for Mining Data Streams in a Relational DBMS 217
Totale 37.162
Categoria #
all - tutte 108.134
article - articoli 36.181
book - libri 1.109
conference - conferenze 55.433
curatela - curatele 2.393
other - altro 769
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 12.249
Totale 216.268

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.959 0 0 0 0 0 712 488 566 575 245 232 141
2020/20213.901 445 425 140 345 189 294 219 313 305 714 320 192
2021/20224.023 208 241 210 271 283 325 170 219 257 526 560 753
2022/20234.446 372 637 174 486 462 549 473 270 448 63 226 286
2023/20242.686 126 290 274 160 212 308 106 124 107 231 301 447
2024/20253.813 601 664 385 1.096 607 460 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 48.009