Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.142
EU - Europa 11.658
AS - Asia 2.469
AF - Africa 61
SA - Sud America 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 28.392
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.078
GB - Regno Unito 2.974
DE - Germania 2.125
FR - Francia 1.788
IT - Italia 1.730
UA - Ucraina 933
CN - Cina 916
SG - Singapore 526
TR - Turchia 426
RU - Federazione Russa 359
SE - Svezia 357
NL - Olanda 337
IE - Irlanda 332
KR - Corea 245
CH - Svizzera 242
FI - Finlandia 139
BE - Belgio 112
JP - Giappone 78
JO - Giordania 66
AT - Austria 63
ID - Indonesia 60
CA - Canada 56
IN - India 56
HK - Hong Kong 42
BR - Brasile 34
RO - Romania 29
NG - Nigeria 27
ES - Italia 20
ZA - Sudafrica 19
TW - Taiwan 18
PK - Pakistan 17
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 16
CL - Cile 16
EU - Europa 14
VN - Vietnam 13
IL - Israele 12
GR - Grecia 11
HR - Croazia 10
MY - Malesia 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
IR - Iran 8
KZ - Kazakistan 8
SN - Senegal 7
MX - Messico 5
PL - Polonia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
GT - Guatemala 3
HU - Ungheria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
AU - Australia 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EE - Estonia 2
EG - Egitto 2
LV - Lettonia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BJ - Benin 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SD - Sudan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 28.392
Città #
Ashburn 3.518
Southend 2.680
Seattle 1.402
Fairfield 1.019
Chandler 662
Princeton 531
Woodbridge 502
Jacksonville 496
Houston 428
Wilmington 400
Cambridge 397
Ann Arbor 396
Singapore 379
Santa Clara 347
Berlin 332
Izmir 322
Dublin 316
Beijing 299
San Francisco 285
Boardman 267
Buffalo 253
San Ramon 250
Bern 230
Turin 180
Torino 168
San Donato Milanese 151
Des Moines 144
Helsinki 134
Herkenbosch 126
San Jose 125
Zaporozhye 113
Brussels 112
Zhengzhou 103
Pennsylvania Furnace 100
Council Bluffs 97
Shanghai 96
Overberg 93
Baltimore 88
Saint Petersburg 87
Chicago 79
Norwalk 76
Milan 63
Bologna 62
Jakarta 60
Vienna 59
Redwood City 58
Bremen 53
San Diego 50
Frankfurt 48
Monopoli 46
Malatya 45
Shenzhen 43
Mountain View 40
London 39
Alessandria 38
Istanbul 38
San Antonio 35
Falls Church 34
Hangzhou 34
Las Vegas 33
Padua 33
Amsterdam 32
Fremont 32
Toronto 31
Austin 28
Dearborn 27
Paris 27
Bangalore 26
Clearwater 25
Fujian 25
Indiana 25
New York 25
Seoul 25
Katsina 24
Osaka 24
Phoenix 23
Rome 23
Galati 22
Andover 21
Frankfurt Am Main 21
Washington 21
Guangzhou 19
Redmond 19
Moscow 18
Muizenberg 18
Yubileyny 18
Melun 17
Xian 17
Dallas 16
Riva 16
Piscataway 14
Roncadelle 14
Tokyo 14
Atlanta 13
Miami 13
Nanjing 13
Cupertino 12
Henderson 12
Montréal 12
Novosibirsk 12
Totale 19.488
Nome #
The Wiener-Hopf method in electromagnetics 433
A Laplace transform technique for wedge shaped isorefractive regions 413
Size-Independent Cylindrical Resonator Half-Filled With DNG Metamaterial and Excited by a Line Source 412
The Wiener-Hopf solution of the isotropic penetrable wedge problem: diffraction and total field 411
Wiener-Hopf solution for impenetrable wedges at skew incidence 405
Cylindrical Resonator Sectorally Filled With DNG Metamaterial and Excited by a Line Source 394
Cylindrical resonators partially filled with a DNG metamaterial sector 389
Fredholm factorization of Wiener-Hopf scalar and matrix kernels 386
Cylindrical resonator filled with four alternating sectors of DPS and DNG materials 380
Diffraction on two opposite parallel PEC half-planes at skew incident 379
Wiener-Hopf formulation of an unaligned PEC wedge over a stratification 361
On the solution of the double Wiener-Hopf equation involved in the quarter plane problem 356
Susceptibility analysis of complex systems 347
Wiener-Hopf solution for an unaligned PEC wedge over a dielectric substrate 345
Arbitrarily Oriented Perfectly Conducting Wedge over a Dielectric Half-Space: Diffraction and Total Far Field 335
The Wiener-Hopf Formulation of the Penetrable Wedge Problem. Part III: The skew incidence case 331
Fredholm Factorization for Wedge Problems 326
The Wiener-Hopf technique for impenetrable wedge problems 320
Analysis of coupled angular regions in spectral domain 310
The Wiener-Hopf method applied to dielectric angular regions: The wedge 294
Diffraction by an imperfect half plane in a bianisotropic medium 294
Electromagnetic pulse interaction with multiconductor transmission lines 290
Spectral Properties of Wedge Problems 284
The Wiener-Hopf method applied to multiple angular region problems: The penetrable wedge case 283
A GTD Analysis of discontinuities in rectangular waveguides 274
Alternative representation of dyadic Green's functions for circular cylindrical cavities with applications to the EMC characterization of space station modules 264
An introduction of the generalized Wiener-Hopf technique for coupled angular and planar regions 264
Wiener-Hopf Solution for the junction between a smooth and a corrugated cylindrical waveguide 261
A new Technique for the determination of modal characteristics of optical waveguides 260
Boundary formulation of propagation problems in guiding structures for integrated optics 252
Line source Green's function in a ferrite 248
Size-independent cylindrical resonator half-filled with DNG metamaterial 248
Le Schiere autofocalizzanti come antenne di bordo per satelliti per telecomunicazioni 247
Spectral theory of transmission lines in presence of external electromagnetic sources 246
New analytical and numerical models of electromagnetic scattering and diffraction - RESULTS OF PRIN PROJECTMM09327718 244
Radiation by arbitrary sources in anisotropic stratified media 233
Scattering by a PEC wedge on a dielectric 222
A New Technique for the Determination of Modal Characteristic of Optical WaveguidesRadio Science , vol.12 , July-August 1977, pp.625-633. 221
Radiation of arbitrary sources in anisotropic stratified media 215
Analysis of planar wire-mesh shields, loaded by general anisotropic and/or chiral stratified structure. II 214
Book Review: EMC Analysis methods and computational Models by Tesche,Ianoz and Karlsson,Wiley New York 212
Two new methods for wedge problems 210
Radiation from a ferrite slab excited by a line source 207
Diffraction of a plane wave by a strip grating 206
Low frequency diffraction by a planar junction of a metallic and a wire-mesh halfplane 203
Closed-Form Solution for a line source at the edge of an isorefractive wedge 202
Boundary Formulation of propagation problems in guiding structures for integrated optics 202
Spectral Theory of a semi-infinite transmission line over a ground plane 200
Dyadic Green's function in bounded media 200
Scattering at a Junction of Two Waveguides with Different Surface Impedances 199
EMC prediction model of a single wire transmission line crossing a circular aperture in a planar screen 198
Radiation from a line source shielded by a confocal elliptic layer of DNG metamaterial 196
Rotating Waves in the Laplace Domain for Angular Regions 195
Analysis of diffraction by three semi-infinite planes using the Wiener-Hopf method 194
The Wiener-Hopf technique for impenetrable wedges having arbitrary aperture angle 193
A spectral technique for the steady state analysis of switched distributed networks 193
Fattorizzazione di kernel Wiener-Hopf 187
Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations for Wedge problems involving arbitrary linear media 186
Analysis of planar wire-mesh shields, loaded by general anisotropic and/or chiral stratified structure 185
Comments on Scattering at aunction of two waveguides with different surface impedances 183
New analytical approach for computing DC unipolar corona losses 182
On the scattering by a quarter-plane 182
Electromagnetic Fields for Perfectly Electrical Conducting Wedge over Stratified Media: Part I 182
Wiener-Hopf Solution for the Radiation from a Cylindrical Truncated Waveguide with Anisotropic Boundary Conditions on the WallsRadio Science 181
Integral equation technique for waveguide filled with ferrite 181
Elettrostatica in mezzi anisotropi 179
On the solution of two coupled Wiener-Hopf equations 179
On the solution of vector Wiener-Hopf equations occurring in scattering problems 177
Alternative representation of dyadic Green's functions for circular cylindrical cavities 176
Scattering by a penetrable wedge structure 176
A note on the generalized Luneberg lenses 172
Introduzione alla Teoria geometrica della diffrazione 172
The Wiener-Hopf formulation of the dielectric wedge problem.Part II 172
Wiener-Hopf formulation for wedge problems 171
Magnetostatica in mezzi anisotropi 168
The Wiener-Hopf technique for the diffraction by a wedge having arbitrary aperture angle 168
Low frequency electromagnetic penetration of loaded apertures: a canonical case 167
Equivalent circuit representation of a transmission line crossing a circular aperture in a semi-infinite metallic screen 167
Complete radiation pattern of parabolic reflectors, including the effect of a loaded rim 166
Slope diffraction coefficients for the half-planes with two face impedences 166
The impedance wedge diffraction at skew incidence 163
Wave propagation in stratified multifluid plasma 161
Waveguides of arbitrary cross-section filled by ferrite 160
On the factorization of W-H Matrices in problems solvable wiyh Hurd's Method 159
Guide d’onda corrugata di sezione arbitraria: curve di dispersione con il metodo dei momenti 157
Coupling of two semi-infinite circular waveguides with anisotropic surface admittance 154
Accoppiamento modale nello spettro continuo per strutture guidanti 153
Approximate Diffraction coefficients for the right-angled penetrable wedges 152
Radio wave propagation below an anisotropic stratified ionosphere 152
Cylindrical Resonators Partially Filled with DNG Metamaterial 152
The Wiener-Hopf formulation of the dielectric wedge problem.Part I 150
Wave propagation in a bianisotropic medium 150
Strutture guidanti per ottica integrata: curve di dispersione con il metodo dei momenti 150
Analysis of the electromagnetic behviour of an infinite slot aperture through Wiener-Hopf technique 148
Corrugated Horns: Computed analysis of imput impedance properties and mode excitation 148
Isorefractive wedge 144
New Expressions of Dyaduc Green's functions in uniform waveguides with perfectly conducting walls 143
Wiener-Hopf solutin for the radiation from a cylindrical truncated waveguide with anisotropic boundary conditions on the walls 143
Boundary formulation of propagation and coupling problems in integrated optics 141
Totale 22.848
Categoria #
all - tutte 77.375
article - articoli 36.358
book - libri 2.243
conference - conferenze 38.524
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 250
Totale 154.750

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.969 0 0 0 0 0 396 414 440 381 180 95 63
2020/20212.489 328 292 119 274 108 255 102 187 241 264 193 126
2021/20222.238 114 157 28 84 153 184 82 89 200 221 442 484
2022/20232.777 244 449 53 178 363 343 294 148 270 18 158 259
2023/2024845 51 99 32 33 49 85 20 22 17 198 124 115
2024/20251.697 31 692 143 399 304 128 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 28.750