Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 16.164
NA - Nord America 13.962
AS - Asia 2.402
SA - Sud America 66
AF - Africa 32
OC - Oceania 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 32.657
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.507
IT - Italia 4.394
DE - Germania 3.161
GB - Regno Unito 2.893
FR - Francia 2.495
UA - Ucraina 967
CN - Cina 862
SG - Singapore 488
CA - Canada 422
IE - Irlanda 422
NL - Olanda 406
TR - Turchia 372
CH - Svizzera 305
SE - Svezia 258
KR - Corea 244
FI - Finlandia 175
RU - Federazione Russa 166
AT - Austria 103
BE - Belgio 100
JO - Giordania 95
JP - Giappone 71
EU - Europa 70
IN - India 70
IR - Iran 56
ES - Italia 52
HK - Hong Kong 44
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 35
MY - Malesia 35
MX - Messico 33
HR - Croazia 32
PT - Portogallo 25
BR - Brasile 23
CL - Cile 22
AU - Australia 20
IL - Israele 15
RO - Romania 15
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 14
PK - Pakistan 13
AR - Argentina 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
BG - Bulgaria 10
DK - Danimarca 10
PL - Polonia 10
CO - Colombia 7
EE - Estonia 7
TW - Taiwan 7
LT - Lituania 6
PH - Filippine 6
EG - Egitto 5
ID - Indonesia 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
VN - Vietnam 5
HU - Ungheria 4
LY - Libia 4
NG - Nigeria 4
SN - Senegal 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
AL - Albania 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
CY - Cipro 3
DZ - Algeria 3
GR - Grecia 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MT - Malta 3
MU - Mauritius 3
TH - Thailandia 3
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MK - Macedonia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GH - Ghana 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PE - Perù 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 32.657
Città #
Ashburn 3.816
Southend 2.340
Seattle 1.438
Fairfield 770
Chandler 756
Turin 690
Princeton 671
Jacksonville 522
Berlin 412
Dublin 400
Houston 393
Woodbridge 370
Ann Arbor 365
Torino 353
Montréal 339
Singapore 339
Boardman 334
San Ramon 318
Munich 316
Izmir 293
Mcallen 287
Wilmington 284
Cambridge 259
Chicago 249
Bern 248
Beijing 247
Frankfurt 237
San Donato Milanese 176
Helsinki 159
Milan 152
New York 145
Bologna 139
Zaporozhye 137
Rotterdam 135
Baltimore 105
Pennsylvania Furnace 96
Zhengzhou 94
Overberg 93
Brussels 92
Imst 85
Rome 85
Shanghai 83
Monopoli 80
Council Bluffs 73
Herkenbosch 66
Mountain View 64
Guangzhou 63
Hangzhou 62
Falls Church 61
Saint Petersburg 58
Padua 57
Santa Clara 57
Valfenera 55
Washington 50
Toronto 45
Redwood City 44
Brescia 42
Florence 42
Malatya 40
Menlo Park 38
San Diego 38
Valdagno 37
Naples 32
Norwalk 32
London 31
Modena 31
Amsterdam 28
Atlanta 27
Melun 27
Dearborn 26
Parma 25
Piscataway 25
Redmond 23
San Francisco 23
Bari 22
Des Moines 22
Nanjing 21
Ningbo 21
San Mateo 21
Monza 20
Andover 19
Buffalo 19
Shenzhen 17
Zagreb 17
Lecce 16
Paris 16
Verona 16
Istanbul 15
Moscow 15
Sendai 15
Catania 14
Mumbai 14
Podenzano 14
San Antonio 14
La Jolla 13
Wuhan 13
Madrid 12
Palermo 12
Zurich 12
Collegno 11
Totale 20.645
Nome #
A new strategy to reduce the environmental impact of FRC 700
Valutazione della vulnerabilità degli sbarramenti al rischio sismico - Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des barrages vis-à-vis de l’aléa sismique 392
Behaviour of R/C elements in bending and tension: the problem of minimum reinforcement ratio 376
Flexural Deformability of Reinforced Concrete Beams 357
Defining the crack pattern of RC beams through the golden section 351
Mechanical Model for Failure of Compressed Concrete in Reinforced Concrete Beams 344
Equivalent Confinement in HPFRCC Columns Measured by Triaxial Test 338
Ductilityof fiber-reinforcedself-consolidatingconcreteundermulti-axial compression 317
A mechanical model for compressed concrete in R/C beams 311
Calcestruzzi con armatura tradizionale e fibre d'acciaio nei rivestimenti di gallerie 298
Combining fiber-reinforced concrete with traditional reinforcement in tunnel linings 297
A chemo-mechanical model of lime hydration in concrete structures 290
Eco-mechanical index for structural concrete 284
Le strutture realizzate con calcestruzzo geopolimerico 282
Energy-Based Study of Structures Under Accidental Damage 282
A Cohesive Interface Model for the Pullout of Inclined Steel Fibers in Cementitious Matrixes 278
A simplified approach for the evaluation of old concrete strength 276
I domini di interazione di archi in muratura soggetti ad elevate temperature 262
The use of wool as fiber-reinforcement in cement-based mortar 261
Analogies in fracture mechanics of concrete, rock and ice 256
Fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete slabs for the maintenance of the Soleri Viaduct 255
Fiber volume fraction and ductility index of concrete beams 254
Eco-mechanical performances of cement-based materials: An application to self-consolidating concrete 253
A Systemic Approach to Concrete Constructions 241
The work of fracture in the eco-mechanical performances of structural concrete 236
Golden ratio in the crack pattern of reinforced concrete structures 235
L’impatto ambientale del calcestruzzo - Applicazione dell’analisi eco-meccanica ad una struttura in calcestruzzo armato. 232
Piastre prefabbricate in conglomerato cementizio leggero fibrorinforzato 229
Strains in steel bars of reinforced concrete elements subjected to repeated loads 229
The ductile behavior of high performance concrete in compression 227
Application of fiber reinforced concrete in tunnel linings 226
Size effect of compressed concrete in four point bending RC beams 226
Multiple cracking and strain hardening in fiber-reinforced concrete under uniaxial tension 225
Evaluation of crack width in FRC structures and application to tunnel linings 221
Retrofit and conservation of historical concrete buildings in Turin (Italy) 217
Strain Compatibility between HPFRCC and Steel Reinforcement 215
Evaluation of minimum reinforcement ratio in FRC members and application to tunnel linings 214
The assessment of concrete strength of existing Italian infrastructures 214
Crushing Failure in Hollow Cylinders Made of Quasi-Brittle Materials 213
Sismabeton: a new frontier for ductile concrete 213
Effect of Bar Diameter on the Behavior of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Beams 212
Calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati nei rivestimenti di galleria: nuove opportunità di calcolo ed eliminazione delle armature tradizionali 212
The ductile behavior of HPFRCC in compression 212
A Practical Equation for the Elastic Modulus of Concrete 210
I calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati nei rivestimenti di gallerie 209
Fiber volume fraction and ductility index in fiber-reinforced concrete round determined panels 209
Modelling the CaO hydration in expansive concrete 209
Stress-strain relationship for steel fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete under multiaxial compression 208
Tailoring Hybrid Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites 206
Crack Patterns in Reinforced and Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures 206
Bond-slip e meccanica della frattura nelle membrature di c.a. soggette a carichi ciclici 201
Ecological and mechanical assessment of lightweight fiber-reinforced concrete made with rubber or expanded clay aggregates 201
Designing Cast-in-Situ FRC Tunnel Linings 201
Effect of Bond-Slip on the Crack Bridging Capacity of Steel Fibers in Cement-Based Composites 199
Minimum reinforcement and fiber contribution in tunnel linings: the Italian experience 199
Comparing multi-scale cracking mechanisms in man-made composites and natural materials 198
Size Effect in Crack Spacing of Quasi-brittle Materials 198
Crack profile in RC, R/FRCC and R/HPFRCC members in tension 197
Dam failures 197
Concrete plates made with fiber-reinforced concrete containing end-of-life rubber 196
Unified Approach for Minimum Reinforcement of Concrete Beams 194
Analogies in the fracture mechanisms of concrete and ice 192
Tension stiffening range in FRC elements 190
Crack Widths in Reinforced Cement-Based Structures 188
Optimal calculation of reinforcement in tunnel segmental lining 187
A cohesive model for fiber-reinforced composites 187
Size effect on fracture toughness of snow 187
Brittle vs. ductile behavior of concrete beams reinforced with steel rebars and fibers 186
Effetti scala e duttilità in elementi monodimensionali inflessi di conglomerato armato 184
A study on R/C tension members under repeated load 184
Eco-mechanical performances of reinforced concrete 183
New eco-mechanical index for concrete structures 183
Energy-based study of structures under accidental damage 181
Eco-mechanical index for structural concrete 179
Fiber reinforced concrete for massive structures: the case of Craviale tunnel 178
Calcestruzzi con armatura tradizionale e fibre d'acciaio nei rivestimenti di gallerie 177
Bond-slip relationship for smooth steel reinforcement 177
Behaviour of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Beams by Means of Fracture Mechanics and Bond-Slip 176
Sul comportamento di elementi semplicemente tesi in conglomerato cementizio armato placcati 176
I conglomerati fibrorinforzati nei rivestimenti di galleria 175
Deformabilità, a breve termine, nell'esercizio, di travi inflesse in conglomerato armato 175
Size effect of compressed concrete in four point bending RC beams 174
Maximum Bending Moment and Ductility of R/HPFRCC beams 174
Un modello analitico per lo studio di elementi tesi in c.a.: il problema della cosiddetta armatura minima 173
The spalling failure around deep excavations in rock masses 173
Sull'ampiezza delle fessure, in fase di esercizio, in elementi di conglomerato armato inflessi 172
Bond-Slip and concrete fracture in RC members subjected to cyclic actions 171
Post-Peak Behavior of Cement-Based Materials in Compression 169
The role of HPFRCC in compression on the post-peak response of structural members 169
Eco-mechanical analysis of two lightweight fiber-reinforced cement-based composites 168
Minimum Reinforcement in FRC Members 167
Efficiency index for fiber-reinforced concrete lining at ultimate limit state 167
Sulla duttilità di elementi inflessi in conglomerato armato 166
Post-peak response of confined SCC 166
Control of cracking in cast-in-situ FRC tunnel linings 166
Minimum reinforcement in FRC members: the case of tunnel linings 165
Size Effect of Compressed Concrete in the Ultimate Limit States of RC Elements 165
Constitutive relationships 164
Verifica di archi e volte in muratura soggetti ad incendio 164
Totale 22.883
Categoria #
all - tutte 88.230
article - articoli 35.122
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 46.154
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 971
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.983
Totale 176.460

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.073 0 0 0 429 498 304 282 518 477 251 162 152
2020/20212.828 430 355 150 266 187 289 105 208 169 376 225 68
2021/20221.805 98 113 137 94 55 94 70 75 78 65 297 629
2022/20233.422 531 583 85 195 341 451 240 129 367 38 145 317
2023/20241.288 72 92 81 90 98 202 39 88 65 105 104 252
2024/20251.159 119 716 225 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 32.937