A Procedure for Cutting Guides Design in Maxillofacial Surgery: A Case-Study
2019 Ulrich, L.; Baldassarre, F.; Marcolin, F.; Moos, S.; Tornincasa, S.; Vezzetti, E.; Speranza, D.; Ramieri, G.; Zavattero, E.
Three-dimensional face analysis via new geometrical descriptors
2017 Marcolin, Federica; Violante, MARIA GRAZIA; Moos, Sandro; Vezzetti, Enrico; Tornincasa, Stefano; Dagnes, Nicole; Speranza, Domenico
Tolerances and uncertainties effects on interference fit of automotive steel wheels
2017 Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Brino, Marco
A preliminary study on Cleft Lip Pathology trough 3D Geometrical Analysis
2016 Moos, Sandro; Marcolin, Federica; Tornincasa, Stefano; Vezzetti, Enrico; Violante, MARIA GRAZIA; Speranza, Domenico
Facial Landmarks for Forensic Skull-Based 3D Face Reconstruction: A Literature Review
2016 Vezzetti, Enrico; Marcolin, Federica; Tornincasa, Stefano; Moos, Sandro; Violante, Maria Grazia; Dagnes, Nicole; Monno, Giuseppe; Uva, Antonio Emmanuele; Fiorentino, Michele
From preliminary design to prototyping and validation of energy harvester for shoes
2015 Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco; Manca, Nicolo'; Repetto, Maurizio; Tornincasa, Stefano
Detection of Stress-Stiffening Effect on Automotive Components
2014 Bonisoli, Elvio; Marcuccio, Gabriele; Tornincasa, Stefano
Investigation of Crossing and Veering Phenomena in an Isogeometric Analysis Framework
2014 Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Kerfriden, Pierre; Brino, Marco
Geometrical and dimensional uncertainties effects quantification for stress/strain field characterization
2013 Marcuccio, Gabriele; Mottershead, J. E.; Bonisoli, Elvio; Tornincasa, Stefano; Patelli, E.
Robust optimization of magneto-mechanical energy harvesters for shoes
2013 Tornincasa, Stefano; Repetto, Maurizio; Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco
Electromechanical energy scavenger for automotive tires
2011 Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Moos, Sandro; DI MONACO, Francesco; Repetto, Maurizio; Freschi, Fabio
Nonlinear dynamics of an electro-mechanical energy scavenger
2011 Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco; Moos, Sandro; Repetto, Maurizio; Freschi, Fabio
Multi-body versus block-oriented approach in suspension dynamics of a military tracked tank
2009 Velardocchia, Mauro; Rondinelli, Enzo; Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio
Le tecniche di fabbricazione per strati: stato dell'arte, prospettive e applicazioni in campo medicale
1998 Ippolito, R.; Iuliano, Luca; Settineri, Luca; Tornincasa, Stefano
Modelling of robotized lay up of CFC panels in aerospace industry: Technological and Economical aspects
1992 Ippolito, R.; Pandolfi, M.; Tornincasa, Stefano
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
A Procedure for Cutting Guides Design in Maxillofacial Surgery: A Case-Study / Ulrich, L.; Baldassarre, F.; Marcolin, F.; Moos, S.; Tornincasa, S.; Vezzetti, E.; Speranza, D.; Ramieri, G.; Zavattero, E. (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING). - In: Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II[s.l] : springer, 2019. - ISBN 9783030123468. - pp. 301-310 [10.1007/978-3-030-12346-8_30] | 1-gen-2019 | L. UlrichF. MarcolinS. MoosS. TornincasaE. Vezzetti + | A procedure for cutting guides design in maxillofacial surgery a case-study.pdf |
Three-dimensional face analysis via new geometrical descriptors / Marcolin, Federica; Violante, MARIA GRAZIA; Moos, Sandro; Vezzetti, Enrico; Tornincasa, Stefano; Dagnes, Nicole; Speranza, Domenico - In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering[s.l] : Springer Heidelberg, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-319-45780-2. - pp. 747-756 [10.1007/978-3-319-45781-9_75] | 1-gen-2017 | MARCOLIN, FEDERICAVIOLANTE, MARIA GRAZIAMOOS, SANDROVEZZETTI, ENRICOTORNINCASA, STEFANODAGNES, NICOLE + | - |
Tolerances and uncertainties effects on interference fit of automotive steel wheels / Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Brino, Marco - In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering / Tornincasa, Stefano. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer Heidelberg, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-319-45780-2. - pp. 665-674 [10.1007/978-3-319-45781-9_67] | 1-gen-2017 | Tornincasa, StefanoBonisoli, ElvioBrino, Marco | - |
A preliminary study on Cleft Lip Pathology trough 3D Geometrical Analysis / Moos, Sandro; Marcolin, Federica; Tornincasa, Stefano; Vezzetti, Enrico; Violante, MARIA GRAZIA; Speranza, Domenico - In: Research in Interactive DesignSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2016. - ISBN 978-3-319-26119-5. - pp. 297-300 | 1-gen-2016 | MOOS, SANDROMARCOLIN, FEDERICATORNINCASA, STEFANOVEZZETTI, EnricoVIOLANTE, MARIA GRAZIA + | - |
Facial Landmarks for Forensic Skull-Based 3D Face Reconstruction: A Literature Review / Vezzetti, Enrico; Marcolin, Federica; Tornincasa, Stefano; Moos, Sandro; Violante, Maria Grazia; Dagnes, Nicole; Monno, Giuseppe; Uva, Antonio Emmanuele; Fiorentino, Michele (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science[s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2016. - ISBN 978-3-319-40620-6. - pp. 172-180 | 1-gen-2016 | Vezzetti, EnricoMarcolin, FedericaTornincasa, StefanoMoos, SandroViolante, Maria GraziaDagnes, Nicole + | - |
From preliminary design to prototyping and validation of energy harvester for shoes / Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco; Manca, Nicolo'; Repetto, Maurizio; Tornincasa, Stefano (CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS SERIES). - In: Shock & Vibration, Aircraft/Aerospace, and Energy Harvesting: Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Volume 9 / Alfred Wicks. - STAMPA. - New York : Springer New York LLC, 2015. - ISBN 9783319152325. - pp. 1-10 [10.1007/978-3-319-15233-2_1] | 1-gen-2015 | BONISOLI, ElvioDI MONACO, FRANCESCOMANCA, NICOLO'REPETTO, MAURIZIOTORNINCASA, STEFANO | - |
Detection of Stress-Stiffening Effect on Automotive Components / Bonisoli, Elvio; Marcuccio, Gabriele; Tornincasa, Stefano - In: Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics SeriesSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2014. - ISBN 978-3-319-04551-1. - pp. 335-343 [10.1007/978-3-319-04552-8_33] | 1-gen-2014 | BONISOLI, ElvioMARCUCCIO, GABRIELETORNINCASA, STEFANO | - |
Investigation of Crossing and Veering Phenomena in an Isogeometric Analysis Framework / Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Kerfriden, Pierre; Brino, Marco - In: Topics in Modal Analysis II, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics SeriesSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2014. - ISBN 978-3-319-04773-7. - pp. 361-376 [10.1007/978-3-319-04774-4_34] | 1-gen-2014 | TORNINCASA, STEFANOBONISOLI, ElvioBRINO, MARCO + | - |
Geometrical and dimensional uncertainties effects quantification for stress/strain field characterization / Marcuccio, Gabriele; Mottershead, J. E.; Bonisoli, Elvio; Tornincasa, Stefano; Patelli, E. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONSSTAMPA. - Milano : AIDIC, 2013. - ISBN 9788895608242. - pp. 1099-1104 [10.3303/cet1333184] | 1-gen-2013 | MARCUCCIO, GABRIELEBONISOLI, ElvioTORNINCASA, Stefano + | - |
Robust optimization of magneto-mechanical energy harvesters for shoes / Tornincasa, Stefano; Repetto, Maurizio; Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco - In: Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics SeriesSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2013. - ISBN 9781461465454. - pp. 571-576 [10.1007/978-1-4614-6546-1_60] | 1-gen-2013 | TORNINCASA, STEFANOREPETTO, MAURIZIOBONISOLI, ElvioDI MONACO, FRANCESCO | - |
Electromechanical energy scavenger for automotive tires / Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; Moos, Sandro; DI MONACO, Francesco; Repetto, Maurizio; Freschi, Fabio - In: SAE book: Tire and Wheel Technology 2011STAMPA. - [s.l], 2011. - ISBN 9780768047356. - pp. 1-10 | 1-gen-2011 | TORNINCASA, StefanoBONISOLI, ElvioMOOS, SANDRODI MONACO, FRANCESCOREPETTO, MAURIZIOFRESCHI, FABIO | - |
Nonlinear dynamics of an electro-mechanical energy scavenger / Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio; DI MONACO, Francesco; Moos, Sandro; Repetto, Maurizio; Freschi, Fabio - In: Modal Analysis TopicsSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2011. - ISBN 9781441992987. - pp. 339-349 [10.1007/978-1-4419-9299-4_30] | 1-gen-2011 | TORNINCASA, StefanoBONISOLI, ElvioDI MONACO, FRANCESCOMOOS, SANDROREPETTO, MAURIZIOFRESCHI, FABIO | - |
Multi-body versus block-oriented approach in suspension dynamics of a military tracked tank / Velardocchia, Mauro; Rondinelli, Enzo; Tornincasa, Stefano; Bonisoli, Elvio - In: SAE book: Tire and Wheel Technology and Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation / AA.VV.. - [s.l], 2009. - ISBN 9780768021172. - pp. 1-11 | 1-gen-2009 | VELARDOCCHIA, MauroRONDINELLI, ENZOTORNINCASA, StefanoBONISOLI, Elvio | - |
Le tecniche di fabbricazione per strati: stato dell'arte, prospettive e applicazioni in campo medicale / Ippolito, R.; Iuliano, Luca; Settineri, Luca; Tornincasa, Stefano - In: Tecnologie 3D in Medicina / S.D. Bianchi, G. Ramieri. - STAMPA. - Napoli : Guido Gnocchi Editore, 1998. - ISBN 8879472062. - pp. 11-18 | 1-gen-1998 | IULIANO, LucaSETTINERI, LucaTORNINCASA, Stefano + | - |
Modelling of robotized lay up of CFC panels in aerospace industry: Technological and Economical aspects / Ippolito, R.; Pandolfi, M.; Tornincasa, Stefano - In: Engineering Systems with IntelligenceSTAMPA. - [s.l] : SPRINGER, 1992. - pp. 575-583 [10.1007/978-94-011-2560-4_66] | 1-gen-1992 | TORNINCASA, Stefano + | - |