Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.317
NA - Nord America 8.010
AS - Asia 2.034
SA - Sud America 77
AF - Africa 21
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 20.465
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.942
GB - Regno Unito 3.799
IT - Italia 1.784
DE - Germania 1.615
FR - Francia 868
SG - Singapore 598
CN - Cina 552
IE - Irlanda 467
TR - Turchia 380
UA - Ucraina 378
RU - Federazione Russa 295
CH - Svizzera 274
KR - Corea 247
SE - Svezia 209
NL - Olanda 186
AT - Austria 166
FI - Finlandia 121
CA - Canada 66
BR - Brasile 63
HK - Hong Kong 55
ID - Indonesia 54
BE - Belgio 31
JP - Giappone 31
ES - Italia 27
IL - Israele 23
IN - India 22
MY - Malesia 21
PT - Portogallo 16
BG - Bulgaria 15
CI - Costa d'Avorio 15
RO - Romania 13
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 11
IR - Iran 11
HR - Croazia 9
JO - Giordania 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
AR - Argentina 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
NO - Norvegia 6
TW - Taiwan 6
VN - Vietnam 6
EU - Europa 5
PL - Polonia 5
GR - Grecia 4
AU - Australia 3
CL - Cile 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
DK - Danimarca 2
IQ - Iraq 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
RS - Serbia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SN - Senegal 2
TG - Togo 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
QA - Qatar 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 20.465
Città #
Southend 3.680
Ashburn 1.470
Princeton 815
Chandler 657
Seattle 623
Berlin 487
Dublin 461
Singapore 415
Jacksonville 367
Ann Arbor 348
Izmir 343
Fairfield 342
Boardman 316
San Donato Milanese 266
Bern 258
Beijing 249
Santa Clara 214
Wilmington 198
Turin 168
Woodbridge 160
Vienna 150
Council Bluffs 128
Milan 128
Houston 118
Helsinki 107
Cambridge 106
San Ramon 91
Munich 82
Redmond 72
Falls Church 71
Herkenbosch 68
Des Moines 57
Jakarta 51
Overberg 47
Zaporozhye 47
Pennsylvania Furnace 46
Baltimore 45
Chicago 41
Torino 37
Bologna 36
Hong Kong 36
Padua 34
New York 32
Washington 31
Yubileyny 31
Norwalk 29
Brussels 26
Frankfurt 26
Guangzhou 26
Zhengzhou 26
Montréal 25
Redwood City 25
Shanghai 25
San Diego 24
Toronto 24
Istanbul 22
Lucca 22
Paris 22
Naples 20
Ningbo 20
Borgosesia 19
Buffalo 19
Lake Forest 19
Monopoli 19
Andover 18
Hangzhou 18
Tel Aviv 18
Amsterdam 16
Abidjan 15
London 15
Mountain View 15
Nanjing 15
Lappeenranta 14
Rome 14
Galatina 13
Sofia 13
Frankfurt am Main 12
Fremont 12
Hanover 12
Los Angeles 12
Saint Petersburg 12
Malatya 11
Modena 11
Pavia 11
São Paulo 11
Verona 11
Wenzhou 11
Atlanta 10
Lecce 10
Moscow 10
Nuremberg 10
Sanming 10
Taranto 10
Victoria 10
Galati 9
Katy 9
Novosibirsk 9
Port D'andratx 9
Mumbai 8
Palermo 8
Totale 14.399
Nome #
Contact with friction between beams in 3-D Space 276
Analisi computazionale della meccanica del contatto di gusci in grandi spostamenti e rotazioni 265
A unified interface constitutive law for the study of fracture and contact problems in heterogeneous materials 247
A fast error check for structural analysis using the virtual force principle 243
On the reliability of microscopical contact models 243
Real contact mechanisms and finite element formulation - a coupled thermomechanical approach 242
A numerical model for thermomechanical contact based on microscopic interface laws 241
Cusp-catastrophe interpretation of the stick-slip behaviour of rough surfaces 238
On contact between three-dimensional beams undergoing large deflections 238
On the resolution dependence of micromechanical contact models 230
A method for solving contact problems 229
The effect of contact on the decohesion of laminated beams with multiple microcracks 229
Application of augmented lagrangian techniques for nonlinear constitutive laws in contact interfaces 226
Theoretical and numerical investigation on internal instability phenomena in composite materials 219
A superlinear convergent augmented lagrangian procedure for contact problems 218
Contact mechanics of microscopically rough surfaces with graded elasticity 218
On augmented lagrangian algorithms for thermomechanical contact problems with friction 217
A computational study of interfacial debonding damage in fibrous composite materials 214
Frictional heating in contact mechanics – a methodology to deal with high temperature gradients 213
Nonlinear analysis of thermal stresses in mass concrete castings 209
A segment-to-segment contact strategy 209
Modeling a Multistrand SC Cable with an Electrical DC Lumped Network 208
Stress distribution in optical-fiber ribbons 207
A numerical model for the analysis of decohesion at bi-material interfaces with random properties 206
Linear elastic fracture mechanics approach to plate end debonding in rectilinear and curved plated beams 203
Modelling of cutting tools-soil interactions – Part I: Contact behaviour 198
Problemi termomeccanici di contatto - aspetti fisici e computazionali 197
Constitutive laws for normal stiffness and thermal resistance on contact element 195
Computational contact mechanics 190
Thermomechanical contact - a rigorous but simple numerical approach 188
A comparison of the mechanical behavior of microscopical contact models 185
Metodi numerici per il calcolo dei campi termici di dighe in calcestruzzo 183
Prediction of real contact area for interfacial debonding damage in fibrous composite materials 181
Snap-back and snap-through instabilities due to contact loss in the stick-slip motion of rough surfaces 176
Snap-back instability in micro-structured composites and its connection with superplasticity 171
Reliability of Micromechanical Contact Models: a Still Open Issue 169
Contact mechanics of functionally graded rough surfaces 160
A numerical method for coupled electro-mechanical contact problems 159
Numerical simulation of wear-mechanisms maps 154
An algorithm for generation of shape functions in Serendipity elements, Engineering Computations 154
Analysis of the electrical DC properties of a multistrand superconducting cable 153
Softening and snap-back instability in superplastic deformation 152
Contact of microscopically rough surfaces with graded elasticity 144
Theoretical and numerical investigation on internal instability phenomena in composite materials 139
Improved Conceptual Design of the Beamline for the DTT Neutral Beam Injector 137
Electro-mechanical problems in superconductiong coils 136
Divertor Tokamak Test facility project: status of design and implementation 129
Modeling explosive events using the CESE method 127
Constitutive laws for rock 122
Environmental effects modelling in thermal analysis of large concrete castings, Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology 114
A large deformation frictional contact formulation using NURBS-based isogeometric analysis 95
Thermal-hydraulic and mechanical analysis of the Beam Line Components for the DTT Neutral Beam Injector 93
Modeling of mixed-mode debonding in the peel test applied to superficial reinforcements 92
Archaeometric analysis of patinas of the outdoor copper statue Sant'Oronzo (Lecce, Italy) preparatory to the restoration 92
Coupled cohesive zone models for mixed-mode fracture: a comparative study 90
Isogeometric large deformation frictionless contact using T-splines 90
Cohesive zone modelling of interfacial stresses in plated beams 86
A mortar formulation for 3D large deformation contact using NURBS-based isogeometric analysis and the augmented Lagrangian method 86
Numerical study on the dynamic behavior of masonry columns and arches on buttresses with the discrete element method 86
L’umidità di risalita capillare negli edifici in pietra leccese: fenomeni di degrado fisico-chimico indotti sulle murature e casi applicativi del sistema elettrofisico a neutralizzazione di carica in edifici storici a Lecce 85
Mu2e Technical design report 83
Micropolar Asymptotic Homogenization for Periodic Cauchy Materials 79
Letter of Intent from the 
Fourth Detector (“4th”) Collaboration at the International Linear Collider, INFN Lecce Internal Report, 2009. 78
A comparison of the mechanical behavior of microscopical contact models 76
The contact patch test for linear contact pressure distributions 76
A non-local fractional-order interface mechanical model 75
Guida all’uso delle risorse informatiche 73
T-spline-based isogeometric cohesive zone modeling of interface debonding 72
Analisi degli effetti tensionali indotti da incendio su strutture tridimensionali di acciaio ricoperte con materiale isolante 71
A T-spline-based approach for interface debonding using cohesive zone models 71
Un nuovo metodo per la generazione automatica diretta delle funzioni di forma per elementi serendipity rettangolari 71
Isogeometric analysis of 3D large deformation frictional contact problems and comparison with Lagrange and Bézier interpolations 71
T-spline-based isogeometric treatment of mixed-mode debonding 70
T-splines discretizations for large deformation contact problems 70
A statistics based fire risk assessment methodology to support decisions in building life-cycle management 70
La resistività come indizio di microfratturazioni in situazioni di stress: un modello numerico basato sugli elementi finiti 69
Piezoelectric strain sensors with auxetic microstructure 68
FEM structural analysis of Mu2E particle detector’s calorimeter 68
On fast augmentation of penalty-based contact 68
A T-Spline-based isogeometric approach to cohesive zone modeling 67
Analisi con modelli tridimensionali del contatto non lineare, fra anelli di supporto dei circuiti poloidali, e volta toroidale della macchina RFX 66
Il restauro delle murature e le nuove tecniche di indagine: edifici storici del Salento 66
Point-to-segment contact geometry revisited 66
Static and dynamic analyses of the elevation structure of a 2x8m optical telescope, 3rd Report, Meeting Tucson, January 17-19, 1988 66
Characterization of hybrid piezoelectric nanogenerators through asymptotic homogenization 66
Static and dynamic analyses of the elevation structure of a 2x8m optical telescope, 2nd Report 65
Analysis of mechanical behaviour of strands in multistage cable in conduit superconductors, Intermediate report NET contract 862, Padova, Italy, 1997. 65
Columbus Project - Phase 1 Report, Columbus project Council report, R.I. Istituto di Scienza e Tecnica delle Costruzioni, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy, 1988. 65
A force control method for contact problems with large penetrations 64
Modelling of the carburizing and nitriding processes 64
Fractional operators in non-linear stress-strain relations of metals 64
Structural study of the Columbus Telescope 64
A dynamic homogenization approach for modelling hybrid piezoelectric nanogenerators 63
A coupled contact and decohesion analysis of laminated beams 63
Topological optimization procedure for civil steel frame design 62
MEG Upgrade Proposal 62
Environmental effects modelling in thermal analysis of large concrete castings 61
Isogeometric treatment of multi-patch contact and debonding problems including local refinement with T-splines 61
Isogeometric treatment of frictional contact and mixed mode debonding problems 61
Bytes And Sciences 60
Totale 13.316
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.984
article - articoli 27.743
book - libri 1.724
conference - conferenze 31.044
curatela - curatele 413
other - altro 4.216
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.844
Totale 137.968

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 395 345 98 260 14
2020/20211.780 354 254 34 448 25 107 23 58 244 114 73 46
2021/20221.551 58 106 3 39 22 52 30 53 50 82 235 821
2022/20232.952 337 601 36 188 234 477 273 116 226 36 139 289
2023/20241.053 65 163 54 74 87 86 30 69 46 73 72 234
2024/20252.337 38 667 159 386 220 268 476 123 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.805