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Recurrent Neural Networks for Soil Moisture Prediction Leveraging Soil Matric Potential Data / Dilillo, Nicola; Marceddu, Antonio Costantino; Barezzi, Mattia; Garlando, Umberto; Ferrero, Renato. - (In corso di stampa). (Intervento presentato al convegno AgriFood Electronics (CAFE), IEEE Conference on Agrifood Electronics tenutosi a Xanthi (GR) nel 26-28 September 2024). In corso di stampa Dilillo, NicolaMarceddu, Antonio CostantinoBarezzi, MattiaGarlando, UmbertoFerrero, Renato CAFE_NN_SWP_prediction-2.pdf
Secure Intermittent Computing with ARM TrustZone on the Cortex-M / Chiavassa, Pietro; Gandino, Filippo; Ferrero, Renato; Muehlberg, Jan Tobias. - (2024), pp. 160-168. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2024 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW) SysTEX 2024 - 7th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution tenutosi a Vienna (AT) nel 08-12 July 2024) [10.1109/EuroSPW61312.2024.00022]. 1-gen-2024 Chiavassa,PietroGandino,FilippoFerrero,Renato + 2024-systex-intermittent.pdfSecure_Intermittent_Computing_with_ARM_TrustZone_on_the_Cortex-M.pdf
A Quantum Adaptation to Roll Truly Random Dice in Role Playing Games / Marceddu, ANTONIO COSTANTINO; Dilillo, Nicola; Russo, Marco; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 1-4. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) tenutosi a Boston (USA) nel 21-24 Agosto 2023) [10.1109/CoG57401.2023.10333196]. 1-gen-2023 Antonio Costantino MarcedduNicola DililloMarco RussoRenato FerreroBartolomeo Montrucchio A_Quantum_Adaptation_to_Roll_Truly_Random_Dice_in_Role_Playing_Games.pdf2023___IEEE_Conference_on_Games.pdf
Investigation on wireless communication for sensors in IoT cold chain / Dilillo, Nicola; Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 89-93. (Intervento presentato al convegno AgriFood Electronics (CAFE), IEEE Conference on Agrifood Electronics tenutosi a Torino, Italy nel 25-27 September 2023) [10.1109/CAFE58535.2023.10291686]. 1-gen-2023 Dilillo, NicolaFerrero, RenatoGandino, FilippoRebaudengo, Maurizio Investigation_on_Wireless_Communication_for_Sensors_in_IoT_Cold_Chain.pdfcafe2023-1.pdf
Mask and respirator detection: analysis and potential solutions for a frequently ill-conditioned problem / Marceddu, ANTONIO COSTANTINO; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1056-1061. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) tenutosi a Online nel 27 June - 1 July 2022) [10.1109/COMPSAC54236.2022.00165]. 1-gen-2022 Antonio Costantino MarcedduRenato FerreroBartolomeo Montrucchio Mask_and_respirator_detection_analysis_and_potential_solutions_for_a_frequently_ill-conditioned_problem.pdfCamera+Ready.pdf
Degree Distribution of Wireless Networks for Mobile IoT Applications / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo. - STAMPA. - 1:(2019), pp. 876-881. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) tenutosi a Milwaukee, WI, USA nel 15-19 luglio 2019) [10.1109/COMPSAC.2019.00128]. 1-gen-2019 Ferrero, RenatoGandino, Filippo -
Evaluation of Throughput of TDMA Anti-Collision Protocols in Static and Mobile RFID Networks / Ferrero, Renato. - ELETTRONICO. - (2019), pp. 1-7. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) tenutosi a Split, Croatia nel 18-21 giugno 2019) [10.23919/SpliTech.2019.8783206]. 1-gen-2019 Ferrero, Renato -
Ubiquitous fridge with natural language interaction / Ferrero, Renato; GHAZI VAKILI, Mohammad; Giusto, Edoardo; Guerrera, Mauro; Randazzo, Vincenzo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2019), pp. 404-409. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA) tenutosi a Pisa (Italia) nel 25-27 Settembre 2019) [10.1109/RFID-TA.2019.8892025]. 1-gen-2019 Renato FerreroMohammad Ghazi VakiliEdoardo GiustoGUERRERA, MAUROVincenzo Randazzo -
Analysis of random geometric graph for wireless network configuration / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo. - STAMPA. - (2018), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking tenutosi a Toyama, Japan nel October 3-5, 2017) [10.23919/ICMU.2017.8330075]. 1-gen-2018 Renato FerreroFilippo Gandino Analysis of Random Geometric Graph for Wireless Network Configuration.pdf
Effect of mobility on RFID reader-to-reader interference / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo. - STAMPA. - (2018), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2018 6th International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID) tenutosi a Brno, Czech Republic nel 11-12 settembre 2018) [10.1109/EURFID.2018.8611709]. 1-gen-2018 Renato FerreroFilippo Gandino -
Particulate matter monitoring in mixed indoor/outdoor industrial applications: a case study / Giusto, Edoardo; Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio; Zhang, Mingyang. - ELETTRONICO. - 1:(2018), pp. 838-844. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) tenutosi a Torino (Italy) nel 04 - 07 September, 2018) [10.1109/ETFA.2018.8502644]. 1-gen-2018 GIUSTO, EDOARDORenato FerreroFilippo GandinoBartolomeo MontrucchioMaurizio RebaudengoZHANG, MINGYANG -
Urban Dust Monitoring From Ground Level to Last Floor / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo; Hemmatpour, Masoud; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - STAMPA. - (2018), pp. 1-4. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2017 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU) tenutosi a Toyama, Japan nel October 3-5, 2017) [10.23919/ICMU.2017.8330072]. 1-gen-2018 FERRERO, RENATOGANDINO, FILIPPOHEMMATPOUR, MASOUDMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio -
A baseline walking dataset exploiting accelerometer and gyroscope for fall prediction and prevention systems / Hemmatpour, Masoud; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - STAMPA. - (2017), pp. 81-85. (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks tenutosi a Torino nel December 15–16, 2016) [10.4108/eai.15-12-2016.2267646]. 1-gen-2017 HEMMATPOUR, MASOUDFERRERO, RENATOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio A baseline walking dataset exploiting accelerometer and gyroscope for fall prediction and prevention systems.pdf
A neural network model based on co-occurrence matrix for fall prediction / Hemmatpour, Masoud; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2017), pp. 241-248. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare tenutosi a MILANO nel NOVEMBER 14–16, 2016) [10.1007/978-3-319-58877-3_32]. 1-gen-2017 HEMMATPOUR, MASOUDFERRERO, RENATOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio -
Eigenwalk: a Novel Feature for Walk Classification and Fall Prediction / Hemmatpour, Masoud; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2017), pp. 86-90. (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks tenutosi a Torino nel December 15–16, 2016) [10.4108/eai.15-12-2016.2267645]. 1-gen-2017 HEMMATPOUR, MASOUDFERRERO, RENATOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio 3068615.3068637.pdf
Polynomial classification model for real-time fall prediction system / Hemmatpour, Masoud; Karimshoushtari, Milad; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio; Novara, Carlo. - ELETTRONICO. - 1:(2017), pp. 973-978. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) tenutosi a Torino nel 4-8 June 2017) [10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.189]. 1-gen-2017 HEMMATPOUR, MASOUDKARIMSHOUSHTARI, MILADFERRERO, RENATOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, MaurizioNOVARA, Carlo FerreroRenato-Polynomial.pdf
Analysis and optimization of synchronization algorithms for multicore architectures / Hemmatpour, Masoud; Ferrero, Renato; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno 1st International Workshop on Resilience in Nanoelectronics Systems (RENS'16) tenutosi a Tallin, Estonia nel 28-29 September 2016). 1-gen-2016 HEMMATPOUR, MASOUDFERRERO, RENATOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio Analysis and optimization of Synchronization Algorithms for Multicore Architectures.pdf
Exploiting accelerometers to estimate displacement / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo; Hemmatpour, Masoud; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno 2016 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) tenutosi a Bar (Montenegro) nel 12-16 giugno 2016). 1-gen-2016 FERRERO, RENATOGANDINO, FILIPPOHEMMATPOUR, MASOUDMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio -
A novel simulator for RFID reader-to-reader anti-collision protocols / Ferrero, Renato; Gandino, Filippo; Montrucchio, Bartolomeo; Rebaudengo, Maurizio; Zhang, Linchao. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 2015 International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID) tenutosi a Rosenheim (Germania) nel 22-23 Ottobre 2015). 1-gen-2015 FERRERO, RENATOGANDINO, FILIPPOMONTRUCCHIO, BARTOLOMEOREBAUDENGO, MaurizioZHANG, LINCHAO -
An innovative parallel fuzzy scheme for low-power consumption in IEEE 802.11 devices / Collotta, M.; Tirrito, S.; Ferrero, Renato; Rebaudengo, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015), pp. 908-913. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) tenutosi a Cambridge (UK) nel 22-24 Luglio 2015) [10.1109/INDIN.2015.7281856]. 1-gen-2015 FERRERO, RENATOREBAUDENGO, Maurizio + -