Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 103.026
NA - Nord America 97.869
AS - Asia 22.744
AF - Africa 345
SA - Sud America 321
OC - Oceania 87
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 51
Totale 224.443
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 97.196
DE - Germania 22.281
IT - Italia 20.117
FR - Francia 17.975
GB - Regno Unito 15.990
CN - Cina 13.468
UA - Ucraina 7.174
NL - Olanda 6.628
SG - Singapore 2.934
IE - Irlanda 2.822
SE - Svezia 2.693
TR - Turchia 2.605
RU - Federazione Russa 2.085
CH - Svizzera 1.733
KR - Corea 1.582
FI - Finlandia 1.159
CA - Canada 605
IN - India 377
IL - Israele 374
JP - Giappone 336
BE - Belgio 327
AT - Austria 315
HK - Hong Kong 286
ES - Italia 273
RO - Romania 259
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 216
JO - Giordania 173
EU - Europa 151
IR - Iran 147
BR - Brasile 144
ID - Indonesia 118
PL - Polonia 97
BG - Bulgaria 94
EG - Egitto 93
VN - Vietnam 93
CL - Cile 88
AU - Australia 81
HR - Croazia 76
PT - Portogallo 75
SN - Senegal 69
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 59
MX - Messico 58
MY - Malesia 57
SA - Arabia Saudita 57
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 53
EE - Estonia 52
RS - Serbia 45
BY - Bielorussia 44
GR - Grecia 44
TW - Taiwan 40
NG - Nigeria 39
LT - Lituania 38
TH - Thailandia 33
IQ - Iraq 30
NO - Norvegia 29
ZA - Sudafrica 29
AR - Argentina 27
UZ - Uzbekistan 24
DK - Danimarca 22
DZ - Algeria 22
PE - Perù 22
ET - Etiopia 20
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 19
CO - Colombia 18
PH - Filippine 17
AL - Albania 16
MA - Marocco 16
HU - Ungheria 15
CI - Costa d'Avorio 14
BD - Bangladesh 12
EC - Ecuador 12
KW - Kuwait 12
PK - Pakistan 8
LU - Lussemburgo 7
TN - Tunisia 7
BO - Bolivia 6
BW - Botswana 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
SC - Seychelles 6
SD - Sudan 6
KZ - Kazakistan 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
LV - Lettonia 5
CY - Cipro 4
GH - Ghana 4
MD - Moldavia 4
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 4
UG - Uganda 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 3
AO - Angola 3
KE - Kenya 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
VE - Venezuela 3
CR - Costa Rica 2
GE - Georgia 2
GT - Guatemala 2
KH - Cambogia 2
LB - Libano 2
SI - Slovenia 2
Totale 224.421
Città #
Ashburn 22.869
Southend 14.372
Des Moines 10.226
Beijing 9.500
Seattle 9.174
Fairfield 6.076
Herkenbosch 4.507
Chandler 3.837
Jacksonville 3.593
Princeton 3.524
Turin 3.187
Woodbridge 3.057
San Ramon 2.711
Houston 2.598
Dublin 2.509
Chicago 2.264
Wilmington 2.219
Ann Arbor 2.199
Izmir 2.149
Singapore 2.112
Berlin 2.101
Cambridge 2.096
Torino 1.965
Frankfurt 1.954
New York 1.848
Boardman 1.676
Bern 1.542
Santa Clara 1.372
San Donato Milanese 1.164
Helsinki 1.084
Milan 975
Zaporozhye 932
Katy 923
Pennsylvania Furnace 853
Baltimore 835
Bologna 821
Overberg 789
San Francisco 634
Amsterdam 624
Paris 537
Zhengzhou 533
Saint Petersburg 520
Shanghai 513
Monopoli 506
Padua 454
Mountain View 446
Hangzhou 407
Rome 381
Guangzhou 354
Redwood City 348
Council Bluffs 319
Brussels 302
Zhitomir 297
Vienna 295
Malatya 291
Buffalo 263
Toronto 257
San Diego 244
Valfenera 222
Seoul 206
London 198
Norwalk 193
Madrid 192
Nanjing 191
Melun 174
Fremont 171
Galati 153
Andover 150
Atlanta 146
Shenzhen 142
Washington 136
Falls Church 133
Modena 123
Naples 122
Cheyenne 118
Yubileyny 118
Rotterdam 116
Verona 114
Jakarta 101
Dearborn 99
Hong Kong 95
Lecce 92
Moscow 91
Palermo 87
Redmond 85
Lucca 83
Ningbo 77
Frankfurt am Main 75
Monza 75
Putian 74
Fort Worth 72
Los Angeles 72
Tokyo 70
Podenzano 67
Tianjin 65
Florence 62
Casalecchio Di Reno 60
Bremen 59
Las Vegas 59
Perugia 59
Totale 148.935
Nome #
Calcolo dei Telai Piani – Esempi ed Esercizi 1.690
L'effetto della deformazione di ingobbamento sul comportamento strutturale di edifici irrigiditi da mensole a sezione sottile aperta 692
Neutron emissions in brittle rocks during compression tests: Monotonic vs cyclic loading 642
A fractal model for simulating the formation of microcracks in the fracture process zone and a theoretical explanation of the size effect of the fracture energy of concrete – Discussion on a paper by X.H. Ji, S.Y.N. Chan and N.Q. Feng 623
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of the Syracuse Athena Temple: Scale Invariance in the Timing of Ruptures 619
Phenomenological approach to mechanical damage growth analysis 581
Cohesive Crack Model Description of Ductile to Brittle Size-scale Transition: Dimensional Analysis vs. Renormalization Group Theory 579
Scaling in temporal occurrence of quasi-rigid-body vibration pulses due to macrofractures 552
Anisotropic linear elastic properties of fractal-like composites 551
Energy emissions from fracture of concrete: Acoustic, electromagnetic, piezonuclear 547
Lateral load effects on tall shear wall structures of different height 527
Brittle Materials and Stress Concentrations: are they able to withstand? 475
Acoustic Emission and fracture energy dissipation in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending tests 459
The Sacred Mountain of Varallo in Italy: Seismic risk assessment by Acoustic Emission and structural numerical models 452
Open and closed shear-walls in high-rise structural systems: Static and dynamic analysis 412
Self-similarity of waiting times in fracture systems 411
Scaling laws and fractality in the framework of a phenomenological approach 406
AE monitoring and structural modelization of the Asinelli Tower in Bologna 381
Mechanical characterization and AE of translucent self-compacting concrete plates in bending 379
Stability assessment of masonry arches by evolutionary fracturing process analysis 372
Electromagnetic and neutron emissions from brittle rocksfailure: Experimental evidence and geological implications 371
Piezonuclear neutrons from earthquakes as a hypothesis for the image formation and the radiocarbon dating of the Turin Shroud 371
Acoustic and electromagnetic emissions in rocks under compression 371
Acoustic emission of the SyracuseAthena temple: timescale invariancefrom microcracking to earthquake 366
A coupled stress and energy criterion within finite fracture mechanics 363
Absorbed vs. released energy in the cracking process of heterogeneous materials under compression 352
Finite fracture mechanics: a coupled stress and energy failure criterion 351
Acoustic emission monitoring of Italian historical buildings and the case study of the Athena temple in Syracuse 347
Analytical Stress Intensity Factors for cracks at blunted V-notches 346
Wave propagation in nonlocal elastic continua modelled by a fractional calculus approach 345
Scaling laws and renormalization groups for strength and toughness of disordered materials 345
Numerical simulation of AE activity in quasi-brittle materials under compression 343
The use of fractional calculus to model the experimental creep-recovery behavior of modified bituminous binders 343
GeV plasmons and spalling neutrons from crushing of iron-rich natural rocks 334
A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to the asymptotic behaviour of U-notched structures 330
Experimental and numerical fracture modelling of a gravity dam 329
A coupled FFM model to interpret fracture toughness values for brittle materials 328
The sacred mountain of varallo renaissance complex in Italy: Damage analysis of decorated surfaces and structural supports 326
Critical behaviour in concrete structures and damage localization by acoustic emission 323
3D vs. 2D modelling of cracking and plasticity in polycrystalline materials 321
Frequency-dependent neutron emissions during fatigue tests on iron-rich natural rocks 321
The phenomenon of neutron emission from earthquakes 319
Creep behaviour in reinforced masonry walls interpreted by Acoustic Emission 319
Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics 319
Neutron emissions and compositional changes at the compression failure of iron-rich natural rocks 316
Correlated fracture precursors in rocks and cement-based materials under stress 316
Historical brick-masonry subjected to double flat-jack test: Acoustic Emissions and scale effects on cracking density 314
Size dependence of strength and fracture properties of brick masonry walls 312
Mathematical modelling of the mechanics of core drilling in geomaterials 312
A disordered microstructure material model based on fractal geometry and fractional calculus 311
Calcolo delle Strutture Isostatiche 309
An indirect evidence of piezonuclear fission reactions: Geomechanical and geochemical evolution in the Earth’s Crust 308
Scaling and Correlation of Time Recurrence in Fracture Systems 308
Scaling in damage by electrical resistance measurements: an application to the terracotta statues of the Sacred Mountain of Varallo Renaissance Complex (Italy) 308
Signal frequency distribution and natural-time analyses from acoustic emission monitoring of an arched structure in the Castle of Racconigi 307
Damage Assessment in Syracuse Limestone Specimens by Frequency Analysis of Elastic Emissions 307
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis on rock samples subjected to piezonuclear tests 306
Gli operatori statico e cinematico per le lastre a doppia curvatura: dualità in base al principio dei lavori virtuali 305
Crack deflection in brittle materials by Finite Fracture Mechanics 305
The effect of the warping deformation on the structural behaviour of thin-walled open section shear walls 304
Conceptual Design of Tall and Unconventionally Shaped Structures: A Handy Analytical Method 304
Acoustic emission monitoring of medieval towers considered as sensitive earthquake receptors 303
Il modello della fessura coesiva in trazione e compressione per la valutazione della duttilità degli elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo armato 302
Experimental and numerical analysis of a two-span model masonry arch bridge subjected to pier scour 301
Acoustic emission monitoring of frescos degradation in a XVIIth Century chapel of the "Sacred Mountain of Varallo" (Italy) 300
A generalized Paris' law for fatigue crack growth. 299
Fracture Mechanics Test Methods for Concrete 298
A fractional viscoelastic approach to model the rheological behavior of bituminous binders 298
The effect of scale and criticality in rock slope stability 298
Acoustic Emission and Damage Analysis of Decorated Surface Structural Supports 297
A unified mathematical formulation for the asymptotic analysis of singular elastic andelectromagnetic fields 296
Numerical evaluation of generalized stress-intensity factors in multi-layered composites 296
Acoustic and electromagnetic emissions as precursor phenomena in failure processes 296
Three point bending test in brittle materials; Three point bending test in quasi-brittle materials; Double cantilever beam test in brittle materials 295
Fracture Assessment in Concrete Structures 295
Acoustic emission wireless monitoring of structures 292
Structural analysis of high-rise buildings under horizontal loads: A study on the Intesa Sanpaolo Tower in Turin 292
Characterization and mechanical modeling of the abrasion properties of sintered tools with embedded hard particles 292
AE monitoring of the Syracuse Athena Temple: Scale invariance in the timing of ruptures 291
Influence of damage in the acoustic emission parameters 290
The Sacred Mountain of Varallo in Italy: Seismic risk assessment by Acoustic Emission and structural numerical models 290
The problem of the critical angle for edge and center V-notched structures 290
Piezonuclear neutron emissions from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 290
Three-dimensional fractal analysis of concrete fracture at the meso-level 289
Is the Shroud of Turin in relation to the Old Jerusalem historical earthquake? 289
Scienza delle Costruzioni – Temi d’esame 1987-1992 288
AE monitoring and numerical simulation of a two-span model masonry arch bridge subjected to pier scour 288
A cohesive crack model coupled with damage for interface fatigue problems 288
Embrittlement and decrease of apparent strength in large-sized concrete structures 287
Evolution of the Fracturing Process in Masonry Arches 287
Fractal analysis of damage detected in concrete structural elements under loading 287
A new explanation for size effects on the flexural strength of concrete 286
The nominal tensile strength of disordered materials: a statistical fracture mechanics approach 286
AE monitoring and structural modeling of the Asinelli Tower in Bologna 286
Piezonuclear evidences from tensile and compression tests on steel 286
Analysis of High-Frequency Vibrational Modes Through Laser Pulses 286
Is the shroud of turin in relation to the old jerusalem historical earthquake? 286
Reliable onset time determination and source location of acoustic emissions in concrete structures 285
Correlation between acoustic and other forms of energy emissions from fracture phenomena 285
A fractional calculus approach to the description of stress and strain localization in fractal media 284
Totale 36.159
Categoria #
all - tutte 581.578
article - articoli 265.021
book - libri 20.742
conference - conferenze 254.570
curatela - curatele 7.753
other - altro 7.409
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 26.083
Totale 1.163.156

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202011.206 0 0 0 0 0 2.011 1.372 2.937 2.341 1.348 791 406
2020/202114.957 2.342 1.883 581 1.780 651 1.593 748 1.082 714 1.824 1.164 595
2021/20229.724 770 721 156 481 253 606 456 339 272 732 1.784 3.154
2022/202326.845 1.699 2.865 257 1.068 1.472 2.400 11.311 967 2.050 162 727 1.867
2023/20244.295 323 437 220 177 453 384 199 245 163 194 426 1.074
2024/20258.279 373 3.148 1.089 1.748 1.223 698 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 225.424