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Automatic Management of N×N Photonic Switch Powered by Machine Learning in Software-defined Optical Transport / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - In: IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF THE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY. - ISSN 2644-125X. - ELETTRONICO. - 2:(2021), pp. 1-1. [10.1109/OJCOMS.2021.3085678] 1-gen-2021 Khan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoMasood, Muhammad UmarBardella, PaoloCarena, AndreaCurri, Vittorio + J_IEEE_OJCS_Automatic_Management_of_N_N____VF_29052021 (2).pdfOJCOMS3085678 (1).pdf
Automatic design of NxN integrated Benes optical switch / Tunesi, Lorenzo; Giannuzzi, Giuseppe; Khan, Ihtesham; Patel, Jigesh K.; Ghillino, Enrico; Curri, Vittorio; Carena, Andrea; Bardella, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno PHOTONIC WEST 2021) [10.1117/12.2578834]. 1-gen-2021 Tunesi, LorenzoGiannuzzi, GiuseppeKhan, IhteshamCurri, VittorioCarena, AndreaBardella, Paolo + 1169110 (1).pdfSPIE_2021_Automatic_design_of_NxN_integrated_Benes_optical_switch.pdf
Machine Learning Driven Model for Software Management of Photonics Switching Systems / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) tenutosi a Madrid, Spain nel 7-11 Dec. 2021) [10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685878]. 1-gen-2021 Khan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoMasood, Muhammad UmarBardella, PaoloCarena, AndreaCurri, Vittorio + Machine_Learning_Driven_Model_for_Software_Management_of_Photonics_Switching_Systems.pdfC_Globecom_Softwarized_and_Autonomous_Management____V1_12052021.pdf
Modeling Off-line Routing and Spectrum Allocation Problem in Elastic Optical Network / Alam, Shahzad; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Khan, Ihtesham; Ahmad, Arsalan; Ghafoor, Salman; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021), pp. 1-6. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE) tenutosi a Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia nel 12-13 June 2021) [10.1109/ICECCE52056.2021.9514112]. 1-gen-2021 Masood, Muhammad UmarKhan, IhteshamCurri, Vittorio + Modeling_Off-line_Routing_and_Spectrum_Allocation_Problem_in_Elastic_Optical_Network.pdfC_ICECCE_2021_Modeling_Off_line_Routing_and_Spectrum______VF_04042021_submitted.pdf
Convolutional neural network for quality of transmission prediction of unestablished lightpaths / Usmani, Fehmida; Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ahmad, Arsalan; Shahzad, Muhammad; Curri, Vittorio. - In: MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. - ISSN 0895-2477. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). [10.1002/mop.32996] 1-gen-2021 Khan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCurri, Vittorio + mop.32996.pdfJ_Convolutional_Neural_Network_for_Quality_of_Transmission_Prediction_of_Unestablished_Lightpaths_04042021__Copy_ (2).pdf
Lightpath QoT Computation in Optical NetworksAssisted by Transfer Learning / Khan, Ihtesham; Bilal, Muhammad; Masood, Muhammad; D'Amico, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - In: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING. - ISSN 1943-0620. - ELETTRONICO. - 13:4(2021), pp. b72-b82. [10.1364/JOCN.409538] 1-gen-2021 Khan, Ihteshammasood, muhammadD'Amico, AndreaCurri, Vittorio + 409538.pdfKhan-Lightpath.pdf
Machine Learning Assisted Management of Photonic Switching Systems / Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, MUHAMMAD UMAR; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittori. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno (CLEO) conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics tenutosi a San Jose nel 9–14 May 2021) [10.1364/CLEO_AT.2021.JTu3A.32]. 1-gen-2021 KHAN, IHTESHAMMASOOD, MUHAMMAD UMARTUNESI, LORENZOBARDELLA, PAOLOCARENA, ANDREACURRI, VITTORI CLEO_AT-2021-JTu3A.32.pdfC_CLEO_2021_Machine_Learning_Assisted_Management____V1_02032021 (1).pdf
Modular and scalable photonic integrated multi-band wavelength-selective switch / Tunesi, Lorenzo; Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Curri, Vittorio; Carena, Andrea; Bardella, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 116-118. (Intervento presentato al convegno European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) tenutosi a Milano, Italy nel 4-6 May, 2022). 1-gen-2022 Tunesi, LorenzoKhan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCurri, VittorioCarena, AndreaBardella, Paolo + LORENZO.pdf
QoT- Estimation Assisted by Transfer learning in Extended C-band Network Operating on 400ZR / Usmani, Fehmida; Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ahmad, Arsalan; Shahzad, Muhammad; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1-2. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM) tenutosi a Cabo San Lucas, Mexico nel 11-13 July 2022) [10.1109/SUM53465.2022.9858280]. 1-gen-2022 Usmani, FehmidaKhan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCurri, Vittorio + QoT-_Estimation_Assisted_by_Transfer_learning_in_Extended_C-band_Network_Operating_on_400ZR.pdfIEEE_Summer_Topicals_2022_QoT_Estimation_Assisted_by_Transfer_learning_in_Extended_C_band_Network_Operating_on_400ZR_21022022 (1).pdf
Networking Analysis of Photonics Integrated Multiband WSS Based ROADM Architecture / Masood, MUHAMMAD UMAR; Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Bruno, Correia; SADEGHI YAMCHI, Rasoul; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) tenutosi a Split, Croatia nel 22-24 September 2022) [10.23919/SoftCOM55329.2022.9911234]. 1-gen-2022 Muhammad Umar MasoodIhtesham KhanLorenzo TunesiBruno CorreiaRasoul SadeghiPaolo BardellaAndrea CarenaVittorio Curri + C_SoftCOM_Networking_Analysis_of__Photonics_Integrated_Multiband_WSS_Based_ROADM_Architecture_18052022.pdfNetworking_Analysis_of_Photonics_Integrated_Multiband_WSS_Based_ROADM_Architecture.pdf
Machine Learning aided characterization of multi-stage integrated ring resonator filters / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, MUHAMMAD UMAR; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022 tenutosi a Maastricht,Limburg Netherlands nel 24–28 July 2022). 1-gen-2022 Ihtesham KhanLorenzo TunesiMuhammad Umar MasoodPaolo BardellaAndrea CarenaVittorio Curri + IPRSN-2022-IM3B.4.pdfC_CLEO_2022_Machine_Learning_Assisted_Design___V1_29112021_2.pdf
Modular Photonic-Integrated Device for Multi-Band Wavelength-Selective Switching / Tunesi, Lorenzo; Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio; Bardella, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1-3. (Intervento presentato al convegno OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) tenutosi a Toyama, Japan nel 03-06 July 2022) [10.23919/OECC/PSC53152.2022.9850062]. 1-gen-2022 Tunesi, LorenzoKhan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCarena, AndreaCurri, VittorioBardella, Paolo + Modular_Photonic-Integrated_Device_for_Multi-Band_Wavelength-Selective_Switching.pdfModular_Photonic-Integrated_Device_for_Multi-Band_Wavelength-Selective_Switching_2.pdf
Novel Design and Operation of Photonic- integrated WSS for Ultra-wideband Applications / Tunesi, Lorenzo; Khan, Ihtesham; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Carena, Andrea; Bardella, Paolo; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1-2. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM) tenutosi a Cabo San Lucas, Mexico nel 11-13 July 2022) [10.1109/SUM53465.2022.9858267]. 1-gen-2022 Tunesi, LorenzoKhan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCarena, AndreaBardella, PaoloCurri, Vittorio + Novel_Design_and_Operation_of_Photonic-_integrated_WSS_for_Ultra-wideband_Applications.pdfIEEE_Summer_2021__Device.pdf
Autonomous Data-driven Model for Extraction of VCSEL Circuit-level Parameters / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Curri, Vittorio; Carena, Andrea; Bardella, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1530-1533. (Intervento presentato al convegno Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) tenutosi a Shenzhen, China nel 05-08 November 2022) [10.1109/ACP55869.2022.10088942]. 1-gen-2022 Khan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoMasood, Muhammad UmarCurri, VittorioCarena, AndreaBardella, Paolo + Autonomous_Data-driven_Model_for_Extraction_of_VCSEL_Circuit-level_Parameters.pdfC_ACP_Autonomous_Data_driven_Model_for_Extraction_of_VCSEL_Circuit_level_Parameters_02082022 (1).pdf
Query Based Iterative Learning Approach for Lightpath Deployment in Optical Networks / Usmani, Fehmida; Khan, Ihtesham; Tariq, Hafsa; Shahzad, Muhammad; Ahmad, Arsalan; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1253-1257. (Intervento presentato al convegno Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) tenutosi a Shenzhen, China nel 05-08 November 2022) [10.1109/ACP55869.2022.10089006]. 1-gen-2022 Usmani, FehmidaKhan, IhteshamCurri, Vittorio + Query_Based_Iterative_Learning_Approach_for_Lightpath_Deployment_in_Optical_Networks.pdfC_ACP_2022_Query_Based_Iterative_Learning_Approach_for_Lightpath_Deployment_in_Optical_Networks_31082022.pdf
Performance Analysis of Transfer-learning Approaches for QoT Estimation of Network Operating with 400ZR / Usmani, Fehmida; Khan, Ihtesham; Tariq, Hafsa; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Shahzad, Muhammad; Ahmad, Arsalan; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 1238-1242. (Intervento presentato al convegno Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) tenutosi a Shenzhen, China nel 05-08 November 2022) [10.1109/ACP55869.2022.10088462]. 1-gen-2022 Usmani, FehmidaKhan, IhteshamMasood, Muhammad UmarCurri, Vittorio + Performance_Analysis_of_Transfer-learning_Approaches_for_QoT_Estimation_of_Network_Operating_with_400ZR.pdfC_ACP_2022_Performance_Analysis_of_Transfer_learning_Approaches_for_QoT_Estimation_of__Network_Operating_with_400ZR_02082022 (1).pdf
Performance evaluation of data-driven techniques for the softwarized and agnostic management of an N×N photonic switch / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - In: OPTICS CONTINUUM. - ISSN 2770-0208. - ELETTRONICO. - 1:1(2022), pp. 1-15. [10.1364/OPTCON.428567] 1-gen-2022 Khan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoMasood, Muhammad UmarBardella, PaoloCarena, AndreaCurri, Vittorio + Optical1.pdfJ_OSA_CONTINUUM_Performance__Evaluation_of_Data_Driven_Techniques_for_Softwarized_and_Agnostic_Management_of_NxN_V1_02032021 (1).pdf
Network Performance of ROADM Architecture Enabled by Novel Wideband-integrated WSS / Masood, Muhammad Umar; Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Correia, Bruno; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 2945-2950. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) tenutosi a Rio de Janeiro, Brazil nel 04-08 December 2022) [10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10001201]. 1-gen-2022 Masood, Muhammad UmarKhan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoCorreia, BrunoBardella, PaoloCarena, AndreaCurri, Vittorio + C_GLOBECOM_Network_Performance_of_ROADM_Architecture_Enabled_by_Novel_Wideband_integrated_WSS_08042022.pdfNetwork_Performance_of_ROADM_Architecture_Enabled_by_Novel_Wideband-integrated_WSS.pdf
Multi-labeled Random-forest Enabled Softwarized Management for Photonics Switching Systems / Khan, Ihtesham; Ajmal, Noor Ul Huda; Tariq, Hafsa; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, Muhammad Umar; Ghillino, Enrico; Bardella, Paolo; Carena, Andrea; Ahmad, Arsalan; Curri, Vittorio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022), pp. 498-502. (Intervento presentato al convegno Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) tenutosi a Shenzhen, China nel 05-08 November 2022) [10.1109/ACP55869.2022.10089124]. 1-gen-2022 Khan, IhteshamTunesi, LorenzoMasood, Muhammad UmarBardella, PaoloCarena, AndreaAhmad, ArsalanCurri, Vittorio + Multi-labeled_Random-forest_Enabled_Softwarized_Management_for_Photonics_Switching_Systems.pdfC_ACP_Photonics_Integrated_Multiband_WSS_Based_ROADM_Architecture__A_Networking_Analysis_18072022.pdf
Machine Learning-based Model for Defining Circuit-level Parameters of VCSEL / Khan, Ihtesham; Tunesi, Lorenzo; Masood, MUHAMMAD UMAR; Ghillino, Enrico; Curri, Vittorio; Carena, Andrea; Bardella, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2022). (Intervento presentato al convegno International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) tenutosi a Split, Croatia nel 22-24 September 2022) [10.23919/SoftCOM55329.2022.9911489]. 1-gen-2022 Ihtesham KhanLorenzo TunesiMuhammad Umar MasoodVittorio CurriAndrea CarenaPaolo Bardella + Machine_Learning-based_Model_for_Defining_Circuit-level_Parameters_of_VCSEL.pdfC_SoftCOM_Machine_Learning_based_Model_for_Defining_Circuit_level_Parameters_of_VCSEL_17062022 (4).pdf
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