Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.903
EU - Europa 2.881
AS - Asia 926
AF - Africa 64
SA - Sud America 52
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 6.828
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.762
IT - Italia 1.033
GB - Regno Unito 546
DE - Germania 525
SG - Singapore 372
CN - Cina 320
IE - Irlanda 210
CA - Canada 137
RU - Federazione Russa 122
NL - Olanda 105
BE - Belgio 100
FR - Francia 77
SE - Svezia 59
CI - Costa d'Avorio 45
BR - Brasile 44
IN - India 41
ID - Indonesia 38
TR - Turchia 28
VN - Vietnam 28
MY - Malesia 26
HK - Hong Kong 25
FI - Finlandia 22
UA - Ucraina 21
BG - Bulgaria 16
KR - Corea 12
IR - Iran 11
GR - Grecia 8
RO - Romania 8
ES - Italia 7
JO - Giordania 7
CH - Svizzera 6
NG - Nigeria 5
AT - Austria 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
JP - Giappone 4
ZW - Zimbabwe 4
IQ - Iraq 3
LT - Lituania 3
BO - Bolivia 2
CL - Cile 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EG - Egitto 2
IL - Israele 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PA - Panama 2
PE - Perù 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BB - Barbados 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CG - Congo 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
GH - Ghana 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
RS - Serbia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 6.828
Città #
Chandler 451
Southend 354
Princeton 340
Singapore 284
Turin 219
Berlin 214
Houston 210
Boardman 199
Dublin 197
Santa Clara 141
Munich 134
Ann Arbor 119
Montréal 103
Rotterdam 96
Mcallen 95
Beijing 94
Brussels 92
Council Bluffs 92
San Donato Milanese 87
Milan 62
Ashburn 58
Wilmington 57
Falls Church 55
Florence 54
Abidjan 45
Torino 40
Jakarta 38
New York 38
Miami 37
Woodbridge 34
Frankfurt am Main 32
Dong Ket 28
Cambridge 27
Istanbul 24
Chicago 22
Nuremberg 22
Washington 22
Sacramento 21
Rome 20
Sofia 16
Guangzhou 14
Helsinki 14
Norwalk 14
Toronto 14
West Lafayette 14
Fairfield 13
Krefeld 12
Piscataway 12
Redmond 12
Bologna 11
Chennai 11
Bengaluru 10
Genoa 10
Monteforte d'Alpone 10
Nürnberg 10
Bad Bellingen 9
Brescia 9
Redwood City 9
Shanghai 9
Tappahannock 9
Victoria 9
Changsha 8
London 8
Prato 8
Yubileyny 8
Anaheim 7
Castrovillari 7
Lappeenranta 7
New Delhi 7
Putignano 7
Valencia 7
Amsterdam 6
Athens 6
Clifton 6
Lake Forest 6
Menlo Park 6
Ottawa 6
Villafranca Padovana 6
Villastellone 6
Lagos 5
Madison 5
Soverato Marina 5
São Paulo 5
Toulouse 5
Écully 5
Alessandria 4
Andover 4
Borgosesia 4
Castagnaro 4
Chengdu 4
Collegno 4
Crema 4
Ferrara 4
Genova 4
Hangzhou 4
Moscow 4
Padova 4
Paris 4
Pocapaglia 4
Zanjan 4
Totale 4.720
Nome #
On the CFD Analysis of a Stratified Taylor-Couette System Dedicated to the Fabrication of Nanosensors 467
Combustion Characterization in a Diffusive Gas Turbine Burner for Hydrogen-Compliant Applications 240
CFD Study for Assessment of Axial Thrust Balance in Centrifugal Multistage Pumps 180
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of the Aero-Thermal Impact of Different Feeding Geometries for Internal Cooling in Lifetime Extension Processes for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines 162
Redesign of the TG20 Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine to Increase Turbine Inlet Temperature and Global Efficiency 152
Effects of Inflow Condition on RANS and LES Predictions of the Flow around a High-Rise Building 129
Analysis of the Cooling Performance of a Cylindrical Hole Designed for the Suction Side of the LS89 Vane under Transitional Conditions 120
Modelling Aspects in the Simulation of the Diffusive Flame in A Bluff-Body Geometry 119
Editorial: Pressure Gain Combustion technologies for a Greener propulsion 111
Geometrical Uncertainty in Turbomachinery: Tip Gap and Fillet Radius 99
Numerical Analysis of a Flow Control System for High-Pressure Turbine Vanes Subject to Highly Oscillating Inflow Conditions 99
Heat Recovery for a Textile Stenter: CFD Analysis of Air Curtain Benefits 95
Development of a CFD Procedure for the Axial Thrust Evaluation in Multistage Centrifugal Pumps 92
Evaluation of NOx Emissions Associated to Non-Premixed Combustion of H2/Natural Gas Blends in a 40MW Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine 91
Effect of self-sustained pulsation of coolant flow on adiabatic effectiveness and net heat flux reduction on a flat plate 87
Role of Inflow Turbulence and Surrounding Buildings on Large Eddy Simulations of Urban Wind Energy 82
Aerothermal Analysis of Suction Side Film Cooling in a High-Pressure Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade 81
Numerical Characterization of the Performance Curve of a Regenerative Pump-as-Turbine 81
Numerical Characterization of the Performance Curve of a Regenerative Pump-As-Turbine 80
Uncertainty Quantification of the Effects of Blade Damage on the Actual Energy Production of Modern Wind Turbines 79
On the Wind Energy Resource Above High-Rise Buildings 75
A Comparative Study of RANS, URANS and NLES Approaches for Flow Prediction in Pin Fin Array 74
Cooling Water Injection and Monitoring System to Efficiently Prevent Fouling in Centrifugal Compressors 74
RANS Prediction of Losses and Transition Onset in a High-Speed Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade 70
Evaluation of Nox Emissions Associated to Non-Premixed Combustion of H2/Natural Gas Blends in a 40 MW Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine 66
Uncertainty Quantification of Non-Dimensional Parameters for a Film Cooling Configuration in Supersonic Conditions 66
Development of a One-Dimensional Model for the Prediction of Leakage Flows in Regenerative Pumps 66
Characterization Of a Premixed Gas Turbine Injector for Light-Duty and Low Emissions Applications 64
Film Cooling Modeling in a Turbine Working under the Unsteady Exhaust Flow of Pulsed Detonation Combustion 63
Uncertainty Quantification in CFD: The Matrix of Knowledge 63
Aero-Thermal Study of the Unsteady Flow Field in a Transonic Gas Turbine with Inlet Temperature Distortions 62
Design of a Non-Reactive Warm Rig with Real Lean-Premix Combustor Swirlers and Film-Cooled First Stage Nozzles 61
Unsteady Heat Transfer Topics in Gas Turbine Stages Simulations 60
Hybrid LES/RANS Methods for Turbomachinery Flows: Application of SAS to a Premixed Combustor 60
Numerical Prediction of Cavitation Inception in Centrifugal Impellers 60
Numerical Analysis and Design of New Exhaust Section Downstream of Constant Volume Combustor 58
Thermo-Hydrodynamic Analysis of Plain and Tilting Pad Bearings 57
Implementation of Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions in a Finite Volume Unstructured Solver for the Study of Turbine Cascades 56
Clocking effects of inlet Non-Uniformities in a fully cooled highpressure vane: A conjugate heat transfer analysis 56
Turbulence and Transition Modeling in Transonic Turbine Stages 55
Stochastic Variation of the Aero-Thermal Flow Field in a Cooled High-Pressure Transonic Vane Configuration 54
Numerical Investigation of the Unsteady Flows in a Transonic Axial Flow Turbine With Temperature Distortions 54
On the Effect of an Aggressive Inlet Swirl Profile on the Aero-thermal Performance of a Cooled Vane 54
Film Cooling Performance in a Transonic High-Pressure Vane: Decoupled Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis 54
Modelling Strategies for the Prediction of Hot Streak Generation in Lean Burn Aeroengine Combustors 54
Analysis of Combustor/Vane Interaction with Decoupled and Loosely Coupled Approaches 53
Effects of realistic inflow conditions on the aero-thermal performance of a film-cooled vane 53
Development of a One-Dimensional Model for the Prediction of Leakage Flows in Rotating Cavities Under Non-Uniform Tangential Pressure Distribution 53
On the Assessment of an Unstructured Finite-Volume DES/LES Solver for Turbomachinery Applications 53
Development of 1D Model of Constant-Volume Combustor and Numerical Analysis of the Exhaust Nozzle 52
Numerical Evaluation of the Effects of the Rotating Cavities on the Axial Thrust Evaluation in Centrifugal Pumps 52
Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Variations of Renewable Fuels 52
Clocking effects of inlet nonuniformities in a fully cooled high-pressure vane: A conjugate heat transfer analysis 52
Uncertainty Quantification in Hydrodynamic Bearings 52
Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aircraft Engines 51
Autonomous Uncertainty Quantification for Discontinuous Models using Multivariate Padè Approximations 50
Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling of the Aerothermal Field in an Annular Hot Streak Generator for the Study of Combustor–Turbine Interaction 50
Analysis on the effect of a non-uniform inlet profile on heat transfer and fluid flow in turbine stages 50
Aerothermal Study of the Unsteady Flow Field in a Transonic Gas Turbine With Inlet Temperature Distortions 49
Aerodynamic Characterization of Conical Diffusers for Radial Turboexpanders Under Realistic Inlet Conditions 47
Development and Assessment of CFD Unstructured Solver from U-RANS to LES 47
Trailing Edge Shock Modulation by Pulsating Coolant Ejection 47
On the Development of an Efficient Regenerative Compressor 47
An Autonomous Uncertainty Quantification Method for the Digital Age: Transonic Flow Simulations using Multivariate Padè Approximations 46
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the NPSHR Curve of an Industrial Centrifugal Pump 46
Numerical Analysis and Design of New Exhaust Section Downstream of Constant Volume Combustor 44
Analysis on the Effect of a Nonuniform Inlet Profile on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Turbine Stages 44
Development of a Phase Lag Approach for the Numerical Evaluation of Unsteady Flows 43
Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling of the Aero-Thermal Field in an Annular Hot Streak Generator for the Study of Combustor-Turbine Interaction 43
Numerical Evaluation of the Unsteady Flow Field Generated by the Inlet Temperature Distortions in a Gas Turbine 43
Evaluation of Film Cooling Adiabatic Effectiveness and Net Heat Flux Reduction on a Flat Plate Using Scale-Adaptive Simulation and Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation Approaches 41
A CFD-Based Procedure for Evaluating the Residual Axial Thrust in Multistage Centrifugal Pumps 41
An Efficient Iterative Coupled Model for the Study of the Insurgence of the Morton Effect in Tilting Pad Journal Bearings 41
Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling of a Hot Streak Generator Oriented to the Study of Combustor-Turbine Interaction 40
Simulation of Combustor/NGV Interaction Using Coupled RANS Solvers: Validation and Application to a Realistic Test Case 40
On the ground-vehicle induced flows and obstacle interaction for energy harvesting purposes 40
On the Implementation of a Phase Lag Approach for Multi-Row Simulations 39
Investigation of End-Wall Film Cooling Configuration Performances in a Linear Cascade 39
Methodology for the Residual Axial Thrust Evaluation in Multistage Centrifugal Pumps 39
Uncertainty Quantification: A Stochastic Method for Heat Transfer Prediction using LES 39
Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils 38
One-Dimensional Prediction and Three-Dimensional CFD Simulation of the Fluid Dynamics of Regenerative Pumps 38
Unsteady Flows and Component Interaction in Turbomachinery 37
Influence of Slot Blowing Operating Parameters on Shock-Induced Separation in a Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade 37
On the use of LES in the Aero-Thermal Analysis of Internal Cooling Systems 37
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Film Cooled High-Pressure Turbine Vane Under Realistic Combustor Exit Flow Conditions 37
Heat Transfer Prediction of Film Cooling in Supersonic Flow 37
Numerical Analysis of Combustor/Vane Interaction 36
Investigation of High Pressure Turbine Endwall Film Cooling Performance under Realistic Inlet Conditions 36
Implementation of a high-order spatial discretization into a finite volume solver: Applications to turbomachinery test cases using an eddy-viscosity turbulence closure 36
Dynamical Chemical Etching for Fabrication of Optical Fibre Nanotips 35
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on The Influence of Trailing Edge Bleeding on the Aerodynamics of a NGV Cascade 35
Enhanced Numerical Simulation of High Resolution Wind Field and Pollutants Dispersion 35
Numerical Prediction of Cavitation in Pumps 34
Numerical Heat Transfer Analysis of a Test Section with Film Cooling - Shock Wave Interaction 34
Unsteady Investigation of the Aero-Thermal Flow Field in a HP Gas Turbine 34
Film Cooling and Shock Interaction: An Uncertainty Quantification Analysis With Transonic Flows 33
Energy Analysis of Pulsating Coolant Ejection 33
Pulsating Trailing Edge Coolant Blowing in a High-Pressure Supersonic Turbine to Control Shock Waves 33
Totale 6.534
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.583
article - articoli 11.586
book - libri 195
conference - conferenze 13.592
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 210
Totale 51.166

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020416 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 120 93 20 126 56
2020/2021917 149 128 108 59 55 71 52 30 30 160 28 47
2021/2022856 31 5 22 23 49 31 10 31 56 52 104 442
2022/20231.562 133 277 34 176 202 229 89 105 199 16 53 49
2023/2024868 48 97 54 69 92 85 78 61 65 64 66 89
2024/20251.618 102 630 208 298 211 103 66 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.048