Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
Heritage and Climate Injustice
2025 Dinler, Mesut
Metadata and Linked Open Data in Digital Heritage for Decolonization
2024 Dinler, Mesut
Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s historic peninsula: musealization and urban conservation
2024 Dinler, Mesut
Tourism-Led Development in the Cold War Era: Historic City as a Resource for the ‘Third World’
2024 Dinler, Mesut
Approaches to Historic City for the Favor of Internationalization During the Nationalist Contest of Interwar Period
2023 Dinler, Mesut
Tangible Absence: Architectural History of Armenian Presence in Anatolia
2023 Dinler, Mesut
A Political Framework for Understanding Heritage Dynamics in Turkey (1950-1980)
2022 Dinler, Mesut
A Resources Ecosystem for digital and heritage-led holistic knowledge in rural regeneration
2022 Tamborrino, Rosa; Patti, Edoardo; Aliberti, Alessandro; Dinler, Mesut; Orlando, Matteo; de Luca, Claudia; Tondelli, Simona; Barrientos, Francisco; Martin, John; Cunha, Luís F. M.; Stam, Andries; Nales, Aad; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Amirzada, Zahra; Pavlova, Irina
Başka Bir Dünyanın Geçmişi: Kentsel Hafızada Resmi Olmayan Miras Süreçlerini Aramak
2022 Dinler, Mesut
Damming the past: Interplay between landscape heritage and water management
2022 Dinler, Mesut
Digital Humanities for Recording and Representing the Multicultural Urban History of Balat, Istanbul (1894-1950)
2022 Dinler, Mesut
Engaging Users in Resource Ecosystem Building for Local Heritage-Led Knowledge
2022 Tamborrino, Rosa Rita Maria; Dinler, M.; Patti, E.; Aliberti, A.; Orlando, M.; De Luca, C.; Tondelli, S.; Amirzada, Z.; Pavlova, I.
Il progetto MNEMONIC: dialoghi interdisciplinari per un atlante italiano di resilienza culturale
2022 Dinler, Mesut; Salizzoni, Emma
MNEMONIC: atlante digitale della memoria del presente. Il patrimonio culturale e naturale nell’Italia in lockdown
2022 Tamborrino, Rosa Rita Maria; BONINI BARALDI, Sara; Chiusano, SILVIA ANNA; Cuneo, Cristina; Longhi, Andrea; Rinaldi, BIANCA MARIA; Salizzoni, EMMA PAOLA GERMANA; Dinler, Mesut; Mezzalama, GIULIA MARIA; Aliakbari, Farzaneh; Urgese, Gianvito; Aliberti, Alessandro
Patrimonio per la Pace in un Mondo Pieno di Conflitti
2022 Dinler, Mesut
Barriers and Opportunities of Cultural Heritage in Energy Transition
2021 Dinler, Mesut
Boiling Frog: Establishing Authority over Historic Areas under Emergency
2021 Dinler, M.
Counter-Mapping through Digital Tools as an Approach to Urban History: Investigating the Spatial Condition of Activism
2021 Dinler, Mesut
Everyone Has a Past: Selective Heritage Definitions in National Contexts
2021 Dinler, Mesut
Intervista con Catherine D’Ignazio: Data Feminism nella storia urbana e nel patrimonio
2021 Dinler, Mesut
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Heritage and Climate Injustice / Dinler, Mesut. - ELETTRONICO. - The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict:(2025), pp. 1-8. [10.1007/978-3-030-61493-5_53-1] | 1-gen-2025 | Dinler, Mesut | - |
Metadata and Linked Open Data in Digital Heritage for Decolonization / Dinler, Mesut. - ELETTRONICO. - The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict:(2024), pp. 1-9. [10.1007/978-3-030-61493-5_52-1] | 1-gen-2024 | Dinler, Mesut | - |
Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s historic peninsula: musealization and urban conservation / Dinler, Mesut. - In: PLANNING PERSPECTIVES. - ISSN 0266-5433. - (2024), pp. 1-3. [10.1080/02665433.2023.2294188] | 1-gen-2024 | Dinler, Mesut | Sultanahmet Istanbul s historic peninsula musealization and urban conservation.pdf |
Tourism-Led Development in the Cold War Era: Historic City as a Resource for the ‘Third World’ / Dinler, Mesut. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 79-87. (Intervento presentato al convegno The Historical City 2023 tenutosi a Bologna nel 2023) [10.1007/978-3-031-71473-3_11]. | 1-gen-2024 | Dinler, Mesut | - |
Approaches to Historic City for the Favor of Internationalization During the Nationalist Contest of Interwar Period / Dinler, Mesut. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 1123-1125. (Intervento presentato al convegno X Congresso AISU tenutosi a Torino). | 1-gen-2023 | dinler | Proceedings_Torino2022.pdf |
Tangible Absence: Architectural History of Armenian Presence in Anatolia / Dinler, Mesut. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 1-7. (Intervento presentato al convegno CIRICE 2023 tenutosi a Napoli). | 1-gen-2023 | dinler | DINLER_L’immagine della città tra longitudinalità e trasversalità.pdf |
A Political Framework for Understanding Heritage Dynamics in Turkey (1950-1980) / Dinler, Mesut. - In: URBAN HISTORY. - ISSN 1469-8706. - 49:2(2022), pp. 364-382. [10.1017/S096392682100016X] | 1-gen-2022 | Dinler | UHY-AR-2020-0012.R1_Proof_hi.pdf |
A Resources Ecosystem for digital and heritage-led holistic knowledge in rural regeneration / Tamborrino, Rosa; Patti, Edoardo; Aliberti, Alessandro; Dinler, Mesut; Orlando, Matteo; de Luca, Claudia; Tondelli, Simona; Barrientos, Francisco; Martin, John; Cunha, Luís F. M.; Stam, Andries; Nales, Aad; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Amirzada, Zahra; Pavlova, Irina. - In: JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. - ISSN 1778-3674. - STAMPA. - 57:(2022), pp. 265-275. [10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.012] | 1-gen-2022 | Rosa TamborrinoEdoardo PattiAlessandro AlibertiMesut DinlerMatteo Orlando + | 1-s2.0-S1296207422001510-main.pdf |
Başka Bir Dünyanın Geçmişi: Kentsel Hafızada Resmi Olmayan Miras Süreçlerini Aramak / Dinler, Mesut. - In: DOSYA. - ISSN 1309-0704. - ELETTRONICO. - 51:(2022), pp. 47-55. | 1-gen-2022 | Dinler | Baska_Bir_Du_nyanin_Gecmisi_Kentsel_Haf.pdf |
Damming the past: Interplay between landscape heritage and water management / Dinler, Mesut - In: Landscape as Heritage: International Critical Perspectives / Pettenati G.. - Londra : Routledge, 2022. - ISBN 9781003195238. - pp. 159-170 | 1-gen-2022 | DINLER | 9781032049342_proofs_1-175-186.pdf |
Digital Humanities for Recording and Representing the Multicultural Urban History of Balat, Istanbul (1894-1950) / Dinler, Mesut - In: Balat: Living Together / Amiryan T.. - STAMPA. - Yerevan : CSN Lab, 2022. - ISBN 978-9939-1-1501-6. - pp. 174-208 | 1-gen-2022 | Dinler | Dinler_Balat_PDF_compressed.pdf |
Engaging Users in Resource Ecosystem Building for Local Heritage-Led Knowledge / Tamborrino, Rosa Rita Maria; Dinler, M.; Patti, E.; Aliberti, A.; Orlando, M.; De Luca, C.; Tondelli, S.; Amirzada, Z.; Pavlova, I.. - In: SUSTAINABILITY. - ISSN 2071-1050. - ELETTRONICO. - 14:8(2022), p. 4575. [10.3390/su14084575] | 1-gen-2022 | Rosa TamborrinoDinler M.Patti, E.Aliberti, A.Orlando, M. + | Engaging Users in Resource Ecosystem Building for Local Heritage-Led Knowledge - sustainability-14-04575.pdf |
Il progetto MNEMONIC: dialoghi interdisciplinari per un atlante italiano di resilienza culturale / Dinler, Mesut; Salizzoni, Emma. - In: ATTI E RASSEGNA TECNICA. - ISSN 0004-7287. - ELETTRONICO. - LXXVI:1-2-3(2022), pp. 155-157. | 1-gen-2022 | Dinler,MesutSalizzoni,Emma | A_RT_LXXVI-dinler-salizzoni.pdf |
MNEMONIC: atlante digitale della memoria del presente. Il patrimonio culturale e naturale nell’Italia in lockdown / Tamborrino, Rosa Rita Maria; BONINI BARALDI, Sara; Chiusano, SILVIA ANNA; Cuneo, Cristina; Longhi, Andrea; Rinaldi, BIANCA MARIA; Salizzoni, EMMA PAOLA GERMANA; Dinler, Mesut; Mezzalama, GIULIA MARIA; Aliakbari, Farzaneh; Urgese, Gianvito; Aliberti, Alessandro - In: Il valore del patrimonio. Studi per Giulio Mondini / Bottero M., Devoti C.. - STAMPA. - Sesto Fiorentino : All’Insegna del Giglio s.a.s, 2022. - ISBN 9788892851573. - pp. 203-212 [10.36153/heredium03-022] | 1-gen-2022 | ROSA TAMBORRINOSARA BONINI BARALDISILVIA CHIUSANOCRISTINA CUNEOANDREA LONGHIBIANCA MARIA RINALDIEMMA SALIZZONIMESUT DINLERGIULIA MEZZALAMAFARZANEH ALIAKBARIGIANVITO URGESEALESSANDRO ALIBERTI | Tamborrino_mnemonic.pdf |
Patrimonio per la Pace in un Mondo Pieno di Conflitti / Dinler, Mesut. - In: RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO. - ISSN 1724-9686. - STAMPA. - Special Issue:1(2022), pp. 472-477. | 1-gen-2022 | Dinler | Dinler_RA_2022.pdf |
Barriers and Opportunities of Cultural Heritage in Energy Transition / Dinler, Mesut - In: Needs and Barriers of Prosumerism in the Energy Transition Era / Ruggeri, Lucia. - Madrid : Dykinson, 2021. - ISBN 978-84-1377-381-0. - pp. 72-76 | 1-gen-2021 | Dinler | ebooks_9788413773810_978-84-1377-381-0.pdf |
Boiling Frog: Establishing Authority over Historic Areas under Emergency / Dinler, M. - In: Architectures of Emergency in Turkey Heritage, Displacement and Catastrophe[s.l] : I.B. Tauris, 2021. - ISBN 9781788319911. | 1-gen-2021 | DINLER M. | 8_Mesut Dinler.docx |
Counter-Mapping through Digital Tools as an Approach to Urban History: Investigating the Spatial Condition of Activism / Dinler, Mesut. - In: SUSTAINABILITY. - ISSN 2071-1050. - ELETTRONICO. - 13:16(2021), pp. 1-17. [10.3390/su13168904] | 1-gen-2021 | Dinler, Mesut | sustainability-13-08904(1).pdf |
Everyone Has a Past: Selective Heritage Definitions in National Contexts / Dinler, Mesut. - STAMPA. - La Citta Palinsesto Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessita dei contesti urbani storici Tomo II - Rappresentazione, conoscenza, conservazione:(2021), pp. 909-914. (Intervento presentato al convegno CIRICE 20_21 La Città Palinsesto IX CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca sull’iconografia della città europea tenutosi a Online nel 10-12 giugno 2021). | 1-gen-2021 | dinler | 249-Book Manuscript-1452-1-10-20210609_Dinler.pdf |
Intervista con Catherine D’Ignazio: Data Feminism nella storia urbana e nel patrimonio / Dinler, Mesut. - In: @ DIGITCULT. - ISSN 2531-5994. - ELETTRONICO. - 6:1(2021), pp. 1-8. | 1-gen-2021 | Dinler | 193-1-951-2-10-20211014(1).pdf |