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Citazione Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Model Driven Service Creation for IT-Telecom Services / M., Belaunde; Falcarin, Paolo; J. P. A., Almeida - In: Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design, Implementation and Emergent Applications / AA VV. - [s.l] : IGI-Global, In corso di stampa. In corso di stampa FALCARIN, PAOLO + -
A meta-model for software protections and reverse engineering attacks / Basile, Cataldo; Canavese, Daniele; Regano, Leonardo; Falcarin, Paolo; De Sutter, Bjorn. - In: THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. - ISSN 0164-1212. - STAMPA. - 150:(2019), pp. 3-21. [10.1016/j.jss.2018.12.025] 1-gen-2019 Basile, CataldoCanavese, DanieleRegano, LeonardoFalcarin, Paolo + metamodel.pdfkbdata.pdf1-s2.0-S0164121218302838-main.pdf
Understanding the behaviour of hackers while performing attack tasks in a professional setting and in a public challenge / Ceccato, Mariano; Tonella, Paolo; Basile, Cataldo; Falcarin, Paolo; Torchiano, Marco; Coppens, Bart; De Sutter, Bjorn. - In: EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1382-3256. - STAMPA. - 24:1(2019), pp. 240-286. [10.1007/s10664-018-9625-6] 1-gen-2019 Basile, CataldoFalcarin, PaoloTorchiano, Marco + 10.1007_s10664-018-9625-6.pdf
How Professional Hackers Understand Protected Code while Performing Attack Tasks / Mariano, Ceccato; Paolo, Tonella; Basile, Cataldo; Bart, Coppens; Bjorn, De Sutter; Falcarin, Paolo; Torchiano, Marco. - STAMPA. - (2017), pp. 154-164. (Intervento presentato al convegno ICPC 2017: 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension tenutosi a Bueno Aires (Argentina) nel 22-23 Maggio) [10.1109/ICPC.2017.2]. 1-gen-2017 BASILE, CATALDOFALCARIN, PAOLOTORCHIANO, MARCO + -
A family of experiments to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of source code obfuscation techniques / Mariano, Ceccato; Massimiliano Di, Penta; Falcarin, Paolo; Filippo, Ricca; Torchiano, Marco; Paolo, Tonella. - In: EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1382-3256. - 19:4(2014), pp. 1040-1074. [10.1007/s10664-013-9248-x] 1-gen-2014 FALCARIN, PAOLOTORCHIANO, MARCO + -
Emergency situations supported by Context-Aware and application streaming technologies / MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE; Falcarin, Paolo; Ardito, Luca; RODRIGUEZ ROCHA, Oscar; Morisio, Maurizio; Pistillo, F.; Giovanelli, F.. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING. - ISSN 1743-8225. - ELETTRONICO. - 13:2(2013), pp. 120-131. [10.1504/IJAHUC.2013.054176] 1-gen-2013 MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPEFALCARIN, PAOLOARDITO, LUCARODRIGUEZ ROCHA, OSCARMORISIO, MAURIZIO + -
gLCB: An Energy Aware Context Broker / Ardito, Luca; Torchiano, Marco; Marengo, M.; Falcarin, Paolo. - In: SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING. - ISSN 2210-5379. - STAMPA. - 3:(2013), pp. 18-26. [10.1016/j.suscom.2012.10.005] 1-gen-2013 ARDITO, LUCATORCHIANO, MARCOFALCARIN, PAOLO + SUSCOM_53.pdf
A Recommender System for Telecom Users: Experimental Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms / Falcarin, Paolo; Vetro', Antonio; Yu, Jian; Islam, S.. - STAMPA. - (2011), pp. 81-85. (Intervento presentato al convegno Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on tenutosi a London (UK) nel September 1 and 2, 2011) [10.1109/ CIS.2011.6169139]. 1-gen-2011 FALCARIN, PAOLOVETRO', ANTONIOYU, JIAN + Recommender-v2.pdf
Exploiting code mobility for dynamic binary obfuscation / Falcarin, Paolo; DI CARLO, Stefano; Cabutto, Alessandro; Garazzino, Nicola; Barberis, Davide. - STAMPA. - (2011), pp. 114-120. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS) tenutosi a London, UK nel 21-23 Feb. 2011) [10.1109/WorldCIS17046.2011.5749894]. 1-gen-2011 FALCARIN, PAOLODI CARLO, STEFANOCABUTTO, ALESSANDROGARAZZINO, NICOLABARBERIS, DAVIDE 2011-WorldCIS-Mobility.pdf2011-WorldCIS-Mobility-AuthorVersion.pdf
Broadening JAIN-SLEE with a Service Description Language and Asynchronous Web Services / Falcarin, Paolo; Claudio, Venezia; MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE - In: Web Services Research for Emerging Applications: Discoveries and Trends / AUTORI VARI. - [s.l] : IGI-Global, 2010. - ISBN 9781615206841. - pp. 442-464 1-gen-2010 FALCARIN, PAOLOMEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE + -
Dynamic context-aware business process: a rule-based approach supported by pattern identification / MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE; Falcarin, Paolo; Morisio, Maurizio; Dai, Jia. - (2010), pp. 470-474. (Intervento presentato al convegno SAC-10, 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing tenutosi a Sierre (CHE) nel March 22-26, 2010) [10.1145/1774088.1774186]. 1-gen-2010 MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPEFALCARIN, PAOLOMORISIO, MAURIZIODAI, JIA -
Leveraging Context-Awareness for Personalization in a User Generated Services Platform / LAURENT WALTER, Goix; Luca, Lamorte; Jian, Yu; Falcarin, Paolo; Isabel, Ordas; ALVARO MARTINEZ, Reol; Carlos, Baladron; Ruben, Trapero; JOSE M., DEL ALAMO; Michele, Stecca - In: Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies / EDS. MICHAEL SHENG; JIAN YU; SCHAHRAM DUSTDAR. - [s.l] : Chapman and Hall /CRC, 2010. - ISBN 9781439809853. 1-gen-2010 FALCARIN, PAOLO + -
Software Engineering Exercises / Morisio, Maurizio; Falcarin, Paolo; Vetro', Antonio. - STAMPA. - (2010). 1-gen-2010 MORISIO, MAURIZIOFALCARIN, PAOLOVETRO', ANTONIO -
Towards an Efficient Context-Aware System: Problems and Suggestions to Reduce Energy Consumption in Mobile Devices / MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE; Ardito, Luca; Morisio, Maurizio; Falcarin, Paolo. - ELETTRONICO. - Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business, (ICMB 2010):(2010), pp. 510-514. (Intervento presentato al convegno 9th International Conference on Mobile Business and the 9th Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB/GMR 2010) tenutosi a Athens nel June 2010) [10.1109/ICMB-GMR.2010.3]. 1-gen-2010 MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPEARDITO, LUCAMORISIO, MAURIZIOFALCARIN, PAOLO 05494822.pdf
A User-centric Mobile Service Creation Approach Converging Telco and IT Services / Jian, Yu; Falcarin, Paolo; JOSE M., DEL ALAMO; Juergen, Sienel; QUAN Z., Sheng; MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE. - (2009). (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Conference on Mobile Business(ICMB 2009) tenutosi a Dalian(China) nel June 27-28, 2009). 1-gen-2009 FALCARIN, PAOLOMEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE + -
A Web-Based Application to Verify Open Mobile Alliance Device Management Specifications / MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPE; Falcarin, Paolo; Morisio, Maurizio. - (2009). (Intervento presentato al convegno VALID 2009 tenutosi a Porto, Portugal nel Settembre 20-25). 1-gen-2009 MEJIA BERNAL, JOSE FELIPEFALCARIN, PAOLOMORISIO, MAURIZIO -
First International Workshop on Telecom Service Oriented Architectures(TSOA-07) (Introduction). In Service-OrientedComputing - ICSOC 2007 WorkshopsVienna, Austria, September 17, 2007 / Falcarin, Paolo; Mariano, Belaunde. - LNCS 4907:(2009), pp. 246-247. [10.1007/978-3-540-93851-4] 1-gen-2009 FALCARIN, PAOLO + -
Personalized Service Creation and Provision forthe Mobile Web / QUAN Z., Sheng; Jian, Yu; JOSE M., DEL ALAMO; Falcarin, Paolo - In: Weaving Services, Location, and People on the World Wide Web / IRWIN KING AND RICARDO BAEZA-YATES ED.. - BERLIN HEIDELBERG : Springer, 2009. - ISBN 9783642005695. - pp. 99-121 1-gen-2009 FALCARIN, PAOLO + -
Service Composition Quality Evaluation in SPICE Platform / Falcarin, Paolo - In: High Assurance Services Computing / J. DONG; R PAUL; L.J. ZHANG EDS.. - [s.l] : Springer, 2009. - ISBN 9780387876573. - pp. 89-102 [10.1007/978-0-387-87658-0_5] 1-gen-2009 FALCARIN, PAOLO -
The Effectiveness of Source Code Obfuscation: an Experimental Assessment / Mariano, Ceccato; MASSIMILIANO DI, Penta; Jasvir, Nagra; Falcarin, Paolo; Filippo, Ricca; Torchiano, Marco; Paolo, Tonella. - (2009), pp. 178-187. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension tenutosi a Vancouver, Canada nel 17-19, May) [10.1109/ICPC.2009.5090041]. 1-gen-2009 FALCARIN, PAOLOTORCHIANO, MARCO + -