GRIVA, Giovanni Battista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.403
EU - Europa 10.459
AS - Asia 2.051
AF - Africa 250
SA - Sud America 46
OC - Oceania 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 25.220
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.352
IT - Italia 2.128
GB - Regno Unito 2.124
DE - Germania 1.954
FR - Francia 1.445
UA - Ucraina 947
CN - Cina 714
RU - Federazione Russa 472
TR - Turchia 355
SG - Singapore 307
IE - Irlanda 261
NL - Olanda 234
KR - Corea 224
CH - Svizzera 219
SE - Svezia 199
FI - Finlandia 165
CI - Costa d'Avorio 149
IN - India 112
IR - Iran 61
JP - Giappone 59
EG - Egitto 45
JO - Giordania 43
RO - Romania 40
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 38
AT - Austria 38
CA - Canada 38
BE - Belgio 35
EU - Europa 32
BR - Brasile 31
HK - Hong Kong 26
MY - Malesia 26
PL - Polonia 23
MD - Moldavia 22
IL - Israele 20
DZ - Algeria 19
ES - Italia 17
ZA - Sudafrica 17
TW - Taiwan 16
PK - Pakistan 14
TH - Thailandia 14
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
BG - Bulgaria 13
ID - Indonesia 13
SN - Senegal 13
VN - Vietnam 13
MX - Messico 11
CL - Cile 10
HU - Ungheria 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
PH - Filippine 8
BY - Bielorussia 7
AU - Australia 5
IQ - Iraq 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
PT - Portogallo 5
RS - Serbia 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AR - Argentina 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
NG - Nigeria 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TN - Tunisia 3
EE - Estonia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
KN - Saint Kitts e Nevis 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MR - Mauritania 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
QA - Qatar 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
VG - Isole Vergini Britanniche 1
Totale 25.220
Città #
Ashburn 3.275
Southend 1.922
Seattle 1.731
Fairfield 904
Woodbridge 500
Jacksonville 468
Chandler 458
Princeton 443
Cambridge 387
Wilmington 359
Houston 355
Des Moines 341
Frankfurt 286
Izmir 281
Ann Arbor 275
Berlin 262
Dublin 252
Boardman 231
Chicago 226
Beijing 223
San Ramon 222
Singapore 216
Bern 206
Bologna 198
Torino 195
Turin 180
Santa Clara 177
Abidjan 149
San Donato Milanese 139
Helsinki 137
Shanghai 125
Pennsylvania Furnace 121
Baltimore 120
Overberg 120
Milan 119
Zaporozhye 102
Zhengzhou 102
Monopoli 101
Padua 99
Saint Petersburg 92
Hangzhou 85
Council Bluffs 75
Mountain View 71
Amsterdam 58
San Diego 57
Moscow 50
Redwood City 49
Norwalk 44
Guangzhou 41
Modena 40
Cairo 37
Vienna 34
Brussels 33
Malatya 32
Atlanta 28
Buffalo 28
Fremont 28
London 27
Melun 27
Bremen 26
Istanbul 26
Lappeenranta 26
Washington 24
Toronto 23
Andover 22
Ningbo 22
Chisinau 19
San Francisco 18
Chennai 16
Rome 16
Dearborn 15
Kiev 15
Santa Maria Di Licodia 15
Las Vegas 14
Milano 14
Tel Aviv 14
Verona 14
Bangalore 12
Borgosesia 12
Catania 12
Erlangen 12
Frankfurt am Main 12
Hong Kong 12
New York 12
Falls Church 11
Naples 11
Paris 11
Bucharest 10
Dnepropetrovsk 10
Genova 10
Miami 10
Monmouth Junction 10
Shenzhen 10
Charleston 9
Karlsruhe 9
Muizenberg 9
Nanjing 9
Yubileyny 9
Alba 8
Amiens 8
Totale 17.520
Nome #
Digital Current-Control Schemes 553
A direct-drive solution for Hydrogen supplied all-electric airplane 491
Direct torque control for dual three-phase induction motor drives 458
Maximum Efficiency per Torque Direct Flux Vector Control of Induction Motor Drives 367
ZVS-ZCS full-bridge DC-DC converter for voltage step-up in fuel cell distributed generation systems 322
Vector Control of Dual-Three-Phase Induction-Motor Drives Using Two Current Sensors 320
Current control strategy for power conditioners using sinusoidal signal integrators in synchronous reference frame 304
Performance Comparison of Frequency Selective Current Controllers for Three-Phase Active Power Filters 279
New Control Strategy for Hybrid Power Filters Using Sinusoidal Signal Integrators for Current Reference Generation 259
"A New Direct Torque Control Scheme for Induction Motors using Linear State Feedback" 257
New Control Scheme for Single-Phase ActivePower Filters 255
Unified direct-flux vector control of induction motor drives with maximum torque per ampere operation 247
"Neural Networks Applied for Induction Motor Speed Sensorless Estimation" 244
Zero-Speed Tacho-Less I.M. Torque Control: Simply a Matter of Stator Voltage Integration 243
A self-tuning, closed-loop flux observer for sensorless torque control of standard induction machines 240
Performance evaluation of a direct torque controlled drive in the continuous PWM-square wave transition region 240
Dual Inverter-Fed Traction Drive with DC Sources Power Balancing Based on Synchronized PWM 237
Design of current controllers for active power filters using naslin polynomial technique 237
Single-phase grid-connected distributed generation system with Maximum Power Tracking 237
Stator resistance tuning in a stator-flux field-oriented drive using an instantaneous hybrid flux estimator 236
A New Graphic Method for Stability Analysis of Speed Sensorless F.O. Controlled Induction Motor Drives Working at Low Speed in Regenerative Mode 236
Direct torque control for dual-three phase induction motor drives 234
Dual Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters with Synchronized PWM for Photovoltaic Installations 232
A self-tuning closed-loop flux observer for sensorless torque control of standard induction machines 230
Maximum Efficiency per Torque Direct Flux Vector Control of Induction Motor Drives 226
General Adaptation Law for MRAS High Performance Sensorless Induction Motor Drives 221
Analysis and Comparison of Basic Schemes of Synchronized PWM for Dual Inverter-Fed Drives 220
Dual inverters with synchronized PWM for grid-connected photovoltaic systems 217
Methods of voltage synchronization in multiphase power conversion systems 216
Synchronous PWM control of dual neutral-clampedconverters for electric vehicle drive 216
How to Evaluate IGBT Losses on Inductive Load from Data Sheet Parameters 215
Complete Analysis and Comparative Study of Digital Modulation Techniques for Dual Three-Phase AC Motor Drives 214
Shunt Active Power Filter Implementation for Induction Heating Applications 214
Synchronously Modulated Cascaded Neutral-Clamped Converters for Photovoltaic Application 213
Chaos rejection and optimal dynamic response for boost converter using SPEA multi-objectiveoptimization approach 212
Flexible PWM control of three-level inverters for fuel cell/battery supplied aeromobile drive 211
Different PWM Modulation Techniques Indexes Performance Evaluation 210
Universal Field Oriented Controller Based on Air Gap Flux Sensing via Third Harmonic Stator Voltage 210
Fuel-cell based on-board system with differentswitching frequencies of modulated inverters 209
Comparison of Different Schemes without Shaft Sensors for Field Oriented Control Drives 208
Performance evaluation of a direct torque controlled drive in the continuous PWM-square wave transition region 207
Stator resistance tuning in a stator flux field oriented drive using an instantaneous hybrid flux estimator 207
Universal Field Oriented Controller with Indirect Speed Sensing Based on the Saturation Third Harmonic Voltage 206
Multi-objective optimum design of passive filters using SPEA and NSGA-II algorithms 205
Combined synchronized PWM for dual neutral-clamped converters for asymmetrical split-phase traction drive 205
Vector Control of Dual-Three Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Two Current Sensors 205
Speed Sensorless Field-Oriented Control of Induction Machines Using Current Harmonic Spectral Estimation 203
Improved Control Scheme for Three Phase PWM AC/DC Converter under Unbalanced Voltage Dips Conditions 202
Performance Comparison of DSP-based Current Controllers for Three-Phase Active Power Filters 200
Optimization of fuzzy-like Luenberger observer for high speed sensorless induction motor drives using genetic algorithms 200
Design of a speed regulator for induction motor drives based on model reference robust control 197
Shunt Active Power Filter Implementation for Induction Heating Applications 197
Optimal design of high performance repetitivecontroller for shunt active filters using Strength Pareto multi-objective optimization approach 194
Wide Speed Range DTC Drive Performance with New Flux Weakening Control 193
A new CAD System For Evaluating the IGBT Losses in Motor Drives Applications 193
Improved Current Control Strategy for Power Conditioners Using Sinusoidal Signal Integrators in Synchronous Reference Frame 192
A comparison of different modulation techniques 192
A new discrete current vector regulator for torque controlled induction motor drives 192
Optimal unified power quality conditioner withimproved compensation performance underdistorted voltages 190
"Plastic" Axial Flux Machines: Design and Prototyping of a Multi-Disc PM Synchronous Motor for Aircraft Applications 189
Synchronised Space-Vector Modulation for Six-Phase Automotive Drive with Controlled Switching Frequency 188
High Performance Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drives for Industry Applications 187
Adaptive Predictive Speed Controller for Induction Motor Drives 186
Nash Genetic Algorithm based optimal design ofhysteresis inverters for active power filteringapplications 185
Universal Field Oriented Controller Based on Air Gap Flux Sensing via Third Harmonic Stator Voltage 185
A Systematic Design Method for Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller for Brushless DC Motor Drives 184
Six-Phase Drives with Combined Synchronised Space-vector Modulation 184
Iron Losses Analysis with Different Supply Techniques in High Poles Number Induction Motors for Automotive Applications 184
A nonstandard control strategy for active power filters for unbalanced conditions of the power mains 182
Self Tuning Fuzzy Logic Current Control for High Performance Induction Motor Drives 182
Advanced Research and Education in Electrical Drives by Using Digital Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation 180
A Unitary Approach to Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Field Oriented Drives Based on Various Model Reference Schemes 179
Comparison of Different Schemes without Shaft Sensors for Field Oriented Control Drives 178
Simulation of Processes in Synchronized Cascaded Inverters for Photovoltaic Application 176
A Comparison of Different Modulation Tecniques 174
Combined Synchronised PWM for Symmetrical plit-Phase Drives with low Switching Frequency 172
Field-oriented Control of Dual Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives using a Luenberger Flux Converter 171
Two fault tolerant control strategies for shunt active power filter systems 171
'Evaluation of a High Performance Induction Motor Drive Using Direct Torque Control' 170
IFO Control Performance Considering Parameters Detuning and Rotor Speed Error 170
High speed sensorless fuzzy-like Luenberger observer 170
"Plastic" Electric Motors: Design and Prototyping of an Axial Flux Machine 169
A Non Standard Control Strategy for Active Power Filters under Unbalanced Conditions of the Power Mains 169
Improved Luenberger Stator Flux Observer for High Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drives 168
Azionamenti Elettrici I 167
Synchronous undermodulation control modes of system with three PWM converters 167
Practical improvement of a simple V-I flux estimator for sensorless FO controllers operating in the low speed region 166
A Fault Tolerant Active Power Filter Systems by Using Compensation Strategies on the Power Converter Topology 164
Synchronized Overmodulation Techniques for Symmetrical Dual Three-Phase Converters 164
Analysis of Abnormal Harmonics in Converter Applications 163
On-line identification of mechanical parameters and load torque in induction machine field oriented drives 163
Stability Analysis of Luenberger Observers for Speed Sensorless High Performance Spindle Drives 162
Wide Range Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drives with Rotor Resistance Adaptation 162
"Design of a Fuzzy Logic Speed Controler for Brushless DC Motor Drives" 161
Neural Network Flux Estimator for Universal Field Oriented (UFO) Controllers 160
Comparison of Techniques for Speed and Position Estimation in Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives 159
Traction System Electromechanical Models for Electric Vehicles 158
On-line identification of mechanical parameters and load torque in field-oriented induction motor drives 157
Hybrid Traction Drive with Symmetrical Split-Phase Motor Controlled by Synchronized PWM 156
Neutral-point-clamped inverters with hybrid PWMfor symmetrical six-phase motor drive 156
Totale 21.208
Categoria #
all - tutte 75.244
article - articoli 15.936
book - libri 534
conference - conferenze 57.506
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.268
Totale 150.488

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.223 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 373 341 153 84 49
2020/20211.873 293 247 111 247 87 190 67 150 117 170 123 71
2021/20221.142 98 82 11 19 45 93 40 45 34 88 219 368
2022/20232.292 219 345 18 107 196 281 471 98 207 23 90 237
2023/2024713 26 79 21 88 143 81 24 45 27 9 68 102
2024/20251.167 51 312 109 243 142 267 43 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.279