Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture  


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Role of Integrated Approaches in Water Resources Management: Antofagasta Region, Chile / Tiwari, Ashwani; Suozzi, Enrico; Silva, Carlos; De Maio, Marina; Zanetti, Mariachiara. - In: SUSTAINABILITY. - ISSN 2071-1050. - 13:3(2021), p. 1297. [10.3390/su13031297] 1-gen-2021 Tiwari, AshwaniSuozzi, EnricoDe Maio, MarinaZanetti, Mariachiara + sustainability-13-01297.pdf
An integrated multivariate statistical analysis and hydrogeochemical approaches to identify the major factors governing the chemistry of water resources in a mountain region of northwest Italy / Pisciotta, Antonino; Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES. - ISSN 0891-2556. - (2019), pp. 1-19. [10.1007/s13146-018-0452-z] 1-gen-2019 Ashwani Kumar TiwariMarina De Maio + -
Assessment of groundwater geochemistry and diffusion of hexavalent chromium contamination in an industrial town of Italy / Tiwari, A. K.; Orioli, Simone; De Maio, M.. - In: JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY. - ISSN 0169-7722. - 225:(2019), p. 103503. [10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.103503] 1-gen-2019 Tiwari A. K.ORIOLI, SIMONEDe Maio M. -
Evaluation of groundwater salinization and pollution level on Favignana Island, Italy / Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar; Pisciotta, Antonino; De Maio, Marina. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. - ISSN 0269-7491. - STAMPA. - 249:(2019), pp. 969-981. [10.1016/j.envpol.2019.03.016] 1-gen-2019 Tiwari, Ashwani KumarDe Maio, Marina + Ashwani_GW_Favignana Island.pdf
Assessment of Sulphate and Iron Contamination and Seasonal Variations in the Water Resources of a Damodar Valley Coalfield, India: A Case Study / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. - ISSN 1432-0800. - (2018), pp. 271-279. [10.1007/s00128-017-2240-1] 1-gen-2018 Ashwani Kumar TiwariMarina De Maio -
Assessment of risk to human health due to intake of chromium in the groundwater of the Aosta Valley region, Italy / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT. - ISSN 1080-7039. - ELETTRONICO. - 10.1080/10807039.2017.1308813:(2017). [10.1080/10807039.2017.1308813] 1-gen-2017 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARDE MAIO, MARINA -
Evaluation of hydrogeochemical processes and groundwater quality for suitability of drinking and irrigation purposes: a case study in the Aosta Valley region, Italy / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; Ghione, Raffaella; DE MAIO, Marina; Lavy, Muriel. - In: ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES. - ISSN 1866-7511. - ELETTRONICO. - 10.1007/s12517-017-3031-z:(2017). [10.1007/s12517-017-3031-z] 1-gen-2017 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARGHIONE, RAFFAELLADE MAIO, MARINALAVY, MURIEL -
Evaluation of Metal Contamination in the Groundwater of the Aosta Valley Region, Italy / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; DE MAIO, Marina; Amanzio, Gianpiero. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. - ISSN 1735-6865. - ELETTRONICO. - DOI 10.1007/s41742-017-0027-1:(2017). [10.1007/s41742-017-0027-1] 1-gen-2017 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARDE MAIO, MARINAAMANZIO, GIANPIERO -
Groundwater-level risk assessment by using statistical and geographic information system (GIS) techniques: a case study in the Aosta Valley region, Italy / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; Nota, Nicole; Marchionatti, Federico; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: GEOMATICS, NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK. - ISSN 1947-5705. - ELETTRONICO. - 10.1080/19475705.2017.1337655:(2017). [10.1080/19475705.2017.1337655] 1-gen-2017 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARNOTA, NICOLEMARCHIONATTI, FEDERICODE MAIO, MARINA -
Topographic Maps of Mount Etna’s Summit Craters, updated to December 2015 / Neri, Marco; DE MAIO, Marina; Crepaldi, Stefano; Suozzi, Enrico; Lavy, Muriel; Marchionatti, Federico; Calvari, Sonia; Buongiorno, Maria Fabrizia. - In: JOURNAL OF MAPS. - ISSN 1744-5647. - ELETTRONICO. - 13:2, 674–683(2017). [10.1080/17445647.2017.1352041] 1-gen-2017 DE MAIO, MARINACREPALDI, STEFANOSUOZZI, ENRICOLAVY, MURIELMARCHIONATTI, FEDERICO + Paper Topographic Maps of Mount Etna s Summit Craters updated to December 2015.pdf
Analisi dei dati di monitoraggio delle sorgenti mediante un approccio in dominio di tempo e frequenza: il caso studio della sorgente Mascognaz (Valle d’Aosta) / Amanzio, Gianpiero; Marchionatti, Fedrico; Lavy, Muriel; Ghione, Raffaella; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - ELETTRONICO. - 147:Anno LIII(2016), pp. 5-12. 1-gen-2016 AMANZIO, GIANPIEROLAVY, MURIELDE MAIO, MARINA + Amanzio geam_147.pdf
Analisi delle colate detritiche mediante un modello geomorfometrico su base GIS. Il caso studio del Monte Zerbion (NE Valle d’Aosta) / Lavy, Muriel; Amanzio, Gianpiero; Ghione, Raffaella; Crepaldi, Stefano; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA. - ISSN 1121-9041. - STAMPA. - 148:Anno LIII(2016), pp. 43-52. 1-gen-2016 LAVY, MURIELAMANZIO, GIANPIEROGHIONE, RAFFAELLACREPALDI, STEFANODE MAIO, MARINA 05 lavy 148.pdf
Estimation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Groundwater and Development of a Heavy Metal Pollution Index by Using GIS Technique / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; Singh, Prasoon Kumar; Singh, Abhay Kumar; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. - ISSN 0007-4861. - ELETTRONICO. - (2016), pp. 1-8. [10.1007/s00128-016-1750-6] 1-gen-2016 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARDE MAIO, MARINA + Estimation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Groundwater.pdf
Evaluation of aquifer vulnerability in a coal mining of India by using GIS-based DRASTIC model / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; Singh, Prasoon Kumar; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES. - ISSN 1866-7511. - STAMPA. - 9:6(2016). [10.1007/s12517-016-2456-0] 1-gen-2016 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARDE MAIO, MARINA + -
Groundwater vulnerability assessment based on calculation of chloride travel time through the unsaturated zone on the area of the Upper Kama potassium salt deposit / Fetisova, N. F.; Fetisov, V. V.; DE MAIO, Marina; Zektser, I. S.. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. - ISSN 1866-6280. - STAMPA. - 75:8(2016). [10.1007/s12665-016-5496-6] 1-gen-2016 DE MAIO, MARINA + -
Hydrogeochemical characterization and groundwater quality assessment in a coal mining area, India / Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR; DE MAIO, Marina; Singh, Prasoon Kumar; Singh, Abhay Kumar. - In: ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES. - ISSN 1866-7511. - 9:3(2016). [10.1007/s12517-015-2209-5] 1-gen-2016 TIWARI, ASHWANI KUMARDE MAIO, MARINA + -
Evaluation of Surface Water Quality by Using GIS and a Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HPI) Model in a Coal Mining Area, India / Prasoon Kumar, Singh; Mukesh Kumar, Mahato; DE MAIO, Marina; Tiwari, ASHWANI KUMAR. - In: BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. - ISSN 1432-0800. - STAMPA. - 95(3):(2015), pp. 304-310. [10.1007/s00128-015-1558-9] 1-gen-2015 DE MAIO, MARINATIWARI, ASHWANI KUMAR + Evaluation of Surface Water Quality.pdf
Influence of wet-dry cycles on the temporal infiltration dynamic in temperate rice paddies / Zhao, Ye; DE MAIO, Marina; Vidotto, Francesco; Sacco, Dario. - In: SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH. - ISSN 0167-1987. - STAMPA. - 154:(2015), pp. 14-21. [10.1016/j.still.2015.06.009] 1-gen-2015 ZHAO, YEDE MAIO, MARINA + -
Recession hydrographs and time series analysis of springs monitoring data: application on porous and shallow aquifers in mountain areas (Aosta Valley) / LO RUSSO, Stefano; Amanzio, Gianpiero; Ghione, Raffaella; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. - ISSN 1866-6280. - 73:11(2015), pp. 7415-7434. [10.1007/s12665-014-3916-z] 1-gen-2015 LO RUSSO, STEFANOAMANZIO, GIANPIEROGHIONE, RAFFAELLADE MAIO, MARINA 2015 - htl115832582941_Environmental Earth Science_Aosta Valley.pdf2015 - Recession htl115832582941_Environmental Earth Science_Aosta Valley rid.pdf
L’integrazione di tecniche geomatiche per l’interpretazione multi-temporale delle variazioni di volume delle superfici di cava / Lingua, Andrea Maria; Dabove, Paolo; Maschio, Paolo Felice; DE MAIO, Marina. - In: BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FOTOGRAMMETRIA E TOPOGRAFIA. - ISSN 1721-971X. - STAMPA. - 1:(2014), pp. 61-71. 1-gen-2014 LINGUA, Andrea MariaDABOVE, PAOLOMASCHIO, Paolo FeliceDE MAIO, MARINA -