Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
Accessibilità e inclusione nei campus universitari tra rigenerazione urbana e recupero di ex siti industriali
2024 Savio, Lorenzo; Marzi, Tanja
Modern metal framed glazed façades refurbishment: conservation in the energy and ecological transition
2023 Marzi, Tanja; Savio, Lorenzo
Synergic Authorship: The role of Building Companies in Milanese Modernism, 1930-1960
2023 Savio, Lorenzo
A sustainable model for a stable for cattle breeding
2022 Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca
2022 Savio, Lorenzo; Pennacchio, Roberto; Patrucco, Alessia; Manni, Valentino; Bosia, Daniela.
Water security: the “new normality” of informal settlements. Nature-Based Solutions as sustainable mitigation and adaptation strategies
2022 Munoz Veloza, Monica Alexandra; Dadati, Maria Caterina; Giordano, Roberto; Savio, Lorenzo
Architecture in the second half of the 20th century: forms of expression and the “environmental issue”
2019 Bosia, Daniela; Canella, Gentucca; Marzi, Tanja; Savio, Lorenzo
Smart furniture and smart city
2018 Ciaramella, A.; Bellintani, S.; Savio, L.; Carbonaro, C.; Pagani, R.; Pennacchio, R.; Peretti, G.; Thiebat, F.
Age-friendly cities: spazio pubblico e spazio privato - Age-friendly cities: public and private space
2017 Bosia, Daniela; Zhang, Yu; Thiebat, Francesca; Savio, Lorenzo
Conservation and restoration of the traditional architectural heritage of villages: monitoring some results of the PSR (Rural Development Programmes) 2007-13 of the Piedmont Region, in view of new actions.
2017 Savio, Lorenzo; Bosia, Daniela
Fitness: Sheep-wool and Hemp Sustainable Insulation Panels
2017 Pennacchio, Roberto; Savio, Lorenzo; Bosia, Daniela; Thiebat, Francesca; Piccablotto, Gabriele; Patrucco, Alessia; Fantucci, Stefano
Improving Accessibility for all, il caso studio delle terme Reali di Valdieri
2017 Bosia, Daniela; Cocina, Grazia; Savio, Lorenzo; Pennacchio, Roberto
Comunicare i criteri di sostenibilità per le strutture di allevamento dei bovini
2016 Bosia, Daniela; Thiebat, Francesca; Merlo, Pietro; Savio, Lorenzo
2016 Pagani, Roberto; Carbonaro, Corrado; Savio, Lorenzo
Dal governo del progetto all'evidenza degli esiti: il Villaggio Olimpico di Torino 2006 - From the management of the project, to the evidence of the results: the Olympic Village of Turin 2006
2016 Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo
Efficienza in quartiere
2015 Pagani, Roberto; Carbonaro, Corrado; Savio, Lorenzo
La stalla sostenibille
2015 Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca
Sheep Wool for Sustainable Architecture
2015 Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca; Patrucco, Alessia; Fantucci, Stefano; Piccablotto, Gabriele; Marino, Donatella
Actions and tools for the conservation and valorisation of rural architecture and landscape
2014 Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo
Tactics and Strategy for the SEAP - Action Plan for Sustainable Energy. The city of Alessandria as a case study
2014 Savio, Lorenzo
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Accessibilità e inclusione nei campus universitari tra rigenerazione urbana e recupero di ex siti industriali / Savio, Lorenzo; Marzi, Tanja. - In: PATRIMONIO INDUSTRIALE. - ISSN 2037-2353. - STAMPA. - 26:(2024), pp. 140-141. | 1-gen-2024 | Savio, LorenzoMarzi, Tanja | PATRIMONIO INDUSTRIALE 26_Marzi-Savio.pdf |
Modern metal framed glazed façades refurbishment: conservation in the energy and ecological transition / Marzi, Tanja; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: IN SITU. - ISSN 1630-7305. - ELETTRONICO. - 49:(2023). | 1-gen-2023 | Tanja MarziLorenzo Savio | insitu-37183.pdf; insitu-37240.pdf |
Synergic Authorship: The role of Building Companies in Milanese Modernism, 1930-1960 / Savio, Lorenzo. - In: OASE. - ISSN 0169-6238. - STAMPA. - 113:(2023), pp. 78-88. | 1-gen-2023 | Savio, Lorenzo | scansione articolo oase_L.pdf |
A sustainable model for a stable for cattle breeding / Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca. - In: ARCHALP. - ISSN 2039-1730. - ELETTRONICO. - 08:(2022), pp. 107-113. [10.30682/aa2208n] | 1-gen-2022 | Bosia, DanielaSavio, LorenzoThiebat, Francesca | [d] 2-127 Archalp8_compressed_lorenzo.pdf |
NATURAL FIBRE INSULATION MATERIALS: USE OF TEXTILE AND AGRI-FOOD WASTE IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY PERSPECTIVE / Savio, Lorenzo; Pennacchio, Roberto; Patrucco, Alessia; Manni, Valentino; Bosia, Daniela.. - In: MATERIALS CIRCULAR ECONOMY. - ISSN 2524-8154. - ELETTRONICO. - 4:(2022), pp. 1-13. [10.1007/s42824-021-00043-1] | 1-gen-2022 | Savio, LorenzoPennacchio, RobertoPatrucco, AlessiaManni, ValentinoBosia, Daniela. | NATURAL FIBRE INSULATION MATERIALS_figures.pdf; Savio2022_Article_NaturalFibreInsulationMaterial.pdf |
Water security: the “new normality” of informal settlements. Nature-Based Solutions as sustainable mitigation and adaptation strategies / Munoz Veloza, Monica Alexandra; Dadati, Maria Caterina; Giordano, Roberto; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: VITRUVIO. - ISSN 2444-9091. - ELETTRONICO. - 7:1(2022), pp. 62-77. [10.4995/vitruvioijats.2022.17437] | 1-gen-2022 | Munoz Veloza, Monica AlexandraDadati, Maria CaterinaGiordano, RobertoSavio, Lorenzo | Vitruvio_7-1_17437.pdf |
Architecture in the second half of the 20th century: forms of expression and the “environmental issue” / Bosia, Daniela; Canella, Gentucca; Marzi, Tanja; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: TEMA. - ISSN 2421-4574. - ELETTRONICO. - 2:(2019), pp. 14-28. [10.17410/tema.v5i2.223] | 1-gen-2019 | Daniela BosiaGentucca CanellaTanja MarziLorenzo Savio | document.pdf |
Smart furniture and smart city / Ciaramella, A.; Bellintani, S.; Savio, L.; Carbonaro, C.; Pagani, R.; Pennacchio, R.; Peretti, G.; Thiebat, F.. - In: IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1757-8981. - ELETTRONICO. - 365:(2018). [10.1088/1757-899X/365/2/022012] | 1-gen-2018 | Savio L.Carbonaro C.Pagani R.Pennacchio R.Peretti G.Thiebat F. + | Ciaramella_2018_IOP_Conf_Sci_Eng_365_022012.pdf |
Age-friendly cities: spazio pubblico e spazio privato - Age-friendly cities: public and private space / Bosia, Daniela; Zhang, Yu; Thiebat, Francesca; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: TECHNE. - ISSN 2239-0243. - 14:(2017), pp. 321-329. [10.13128/Techne-20834] | 1-gen-2017 | Bosia, DanielaZhang, YuThiebat, FrancescaSavio, Lorenzo | 20834-46937-2-PB.pdf |
Conservation and restoration of the traditional architectural heritage of villages: monitoring some results of the PSR (Rural Development Programmes) 2007-13 of the Piedmont Region, in view of new actions / Savio, Lorenzo; Bosia, Daniela. - In: TERRITORIO ITALIA. - ISSN 2240-7707. - STAMPA. - 2:(2017), pp. 107-125. [10.14609/Ti-2-17-5e] | 1-gen-2017 | lorenzo saviodaniela bosia | TERRITORIO ITALIA 2-2017_SAVIO.pdf; Conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico tradizionale dei villaggi_5 Savio_ITA.pdf |
Fitness: Sheep-wool and Hemp Sustainable Insulation Panels / Pennacchio, Roberto; Savio, Lorenzo; Bosia, Daniela; Thiebat, Francesca; Piccablotto, Gabriele; Patrucco, Alessia; Fantucci, Stefano. - In: ENERGY PROCEDIA. - ISSN 1876-6102. - ELETTRONICO. - 111:(2017), pp. 287-297. [10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.030] | 1-gen-2017 | PENNACCHIO, ROBERTOSAVIO, LORENZOBOSIA, DANIELATHIEBAT, FRANCESCAPICCABLOTTO, GABRIELEPATRUCCO, ALESSIAFANTUCCI, STEFANO | 1-s2.0-S1876610217300528-main.pdf |
Improving Accessibility for all, il caso studio delle terme Reali di Valdieri / Bosia, Daniela; Cocina, Grazia; Savio, Lorenzo; Pennacchio, Roberto. - In: ARCHALP. - ISSN 2039-1730. - ELETTRONICO. - ArchAlp magazine n° 14,:(2017), pp. 98-101. | 1-gen-2017 | Bosia, DanielaCocina, GraziaSavio, LorenzoPennacchio, Roberto | ArchAlp-14-3-Bosia et al.pdf |
Comunicare i criteri di sostenibilità per le strutture di allevamento dei bovini / Bosia, Daniela; Thiebat, Francesca; Merlo, Pietro; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: ARCHALP. - ISSN 2039-1730. - 11/2016:(2016), pp. 53-54. | 1-gen-2016 | BOSIA, DANIELATHIEBAT, FRANCESCAMERLO, PIETROSAVIO, LORENZO | - |
CONCERTO AL PIANO: A SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEMONSTRATION PROJECT / Pagani, Roberto; Carbonaro, Corrado; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: NEWDIST. - ISSN 2283-8791. - ELETTRONICO. - Special Issue July 2016:(2016), pp. 459-468. | 1-gen-2016 | PAGANI, ROBERTOCARBONARO, CORRADOSAVIO, LORENZO | SAVIO_New Dist.pdf |
Dal governo del progetto all'evidenza degli esiti: il Villaggio Olimpico di Torino 2006 - From the management of the project, to the evidence of the results: the Olympic Village of Turin 2006 / Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: TECHNE. - ISSN 2239-0243. - 12:(2016), pp. 137-143. [10.13128/Techne-19345] | 1-gen-2016 | BOSIA, DANIELASAVIO, LORENZO | 19345-39450-1-PB.pdf |
Efficienza in quartiere / Pagani, Roberto; Carbonaro, Corrado; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: QUALENERGIA. - ISSN 1590-0193. - STAMPA. - Anno XII:N. 4 / 2015(2015), pp. 96-103. | 1-gen-2015 | PAGANI, ROBERTOCARBONARO, CORRADOSAVIO, LORENZO | - |
La stalla sostenibille / Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca. - In: ARCHALP. - ISSN 2039-1730. - 10:(2015), pp. 21-23. | 1-gen-2015 | BOSIA, DANIELASAVIO, LORENZOTHIEBAT, FRANCESCA | ArchAlp_10_bosia savio thiebat.pdf |
Sheep Wool for Sustainable Architecture / Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo; Thiebat, Francesca; Patrucco, Alessia; Fantucci, Stefano; Piccablotto, Gabriele; Marino, Donatella. - In: ENERGY PROCEDIA. - ISSN 1876-6102. - 78:(2015), pp. 315-320. [10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.650] | 1-gen-2015 | BOSIA, DANIELASAVIO, LORENZOTHIEBAT, FRANCESCAPATRUCCO, ALESSIAFANTUCCI, STEFANOPICCABLOTTO, GABRIELEMARINO, Donatella | 1-s2.0-S1876610215023826-main.pdf |
Actions and tools for the conservation and valorisation of rural architecture and landscape / Bosia, Daniela; Savio, Lorenzo. - In: TECHNE. - ISSN 2239-0243. - STAMPA. - (2014), pp. 87-93. [10.13128/Techne-14536] | 1-gen-2014 | BOSIA, DANIELASAVIO, LORENZO | - |
Tactics and Strategy for the SEAP - Action Plan for Sustainable Energy. The city of Alessandria as a case study / Savio, Lorenzo. - In: TECHNE. - ISSN 2239-0243. - STAMPA. - (2014), pp. 130-136. [10.13128/Techne-15067] | 1-gen-2014 | SAVIO, LORENZO | - |