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A Smart Aeroponic Chamber: Structure and Architecture for an Efficient Production and Resource Management / Grasso, Nicolo; Fasciolo, Benedetta; Awouda, Ahmed Mubarak Mekki; Bruno, Giulia - In: Hydroponics The Future of Sustainable Farming / Kumar N.. - ELETTRONICO. - New York : Springer Nature, 2024. - ISBN 9781071639924. - pp. 353-380 [10.1007/978-1-0716-3993-1_18] 1-gen-2024 Grasso, NicoloFasciolo, BenedettaAwouda, Ahmed Mubarak MekkiBruno, Giulia -
Convolutional Neural Network for Quality Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance in Resistance Spot Welding / Bruno, Giulia; Antal, Gabriel; Traini, Emiliano; De Maddis, Manuela (ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ROBOTICS BOOK SERIES). - In: Real-World Applications of AI InnovationELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2024. - ISBN 9798369342527. - pp. 307-330 [10.4018/979-8-3693-4252-7.ch015] 1-gen-2024 Bruno, GiuliaAntal, GabrielTraini, EmilianoDe Maddis, Manuela -
Cyber-Physical System Framework for Efficient Management of Indoor Farming Production / Awouda, Ahmed Mubarak Mekki; Fasciolo, Benedetta; Bruno, Giulia; Razza, Valentino (ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND GREEN TECHNOLOGIES BOOK SERIES). - In: Contemporary Developments in Agricultural Cyber- Physical SystemsELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2023. - ISBN 9781668478790. - pp. 66-86 [10.4018/978-1-6684-7879-0.ch004] 1-gen-2023 Awouda, Ahmed Mubarak MekkiFasciolo, BenedettaBruno, GiuliaRazza, Valentino Manuscript_Revised.pdfCyber-Physical-System-Framework-for-Efficient-Management-of-Indoor-Farming-Production.pdf
Human–Robot Collaboration in Industry: Threats and Opportunities / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia - In: Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems for Industry 4.0 / Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Goran D. Putnik, Maria Leonilde Rocha Varela. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : CRC Press, 2022. - ISBN 9781003123866. 1-gen-2022 Antonelli DarioBruno Giulia Chapter 4.pdfChapter 4.pdf
Building a Factory Knowledge Base / Bruno, Giulia; Traini, Emiliano; Faveto, Alberto; Lombardi, Franco - In: Driving Innovation and Productivity Through Sustainable AutomationSTAMPA. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2021. - ISBN 9781799858799. - pp. 50-75 [10.4018/978-1-7998-5879-9.ch003] 1-gen-2021 Bruno, GiuliaTraini, EmilianoFaveto, AlbertoLombardi, Franco -
Flexible reconfiguration of AVS/RS operations for improved integration with manufacturing processes / Bruno, Giulia; D'Antonio, Gianluca (PROCEDIA CIRP). - In: 6th CIRP Global Web Conference – Envisaging the future manufacturing, design, technologies and systems in innovation era (CIRPe 2018)ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Elsevier, 2018. - ISBN 978-151087569-2. - pp. 196-201 [10.1016/j.procir.2018.09.052] 1-gen-2018 Giulia BrunoGianluca D’Antonio -
A Virtual Supply Chain Architecture to Grant Product Transparency in Agribusiness / Bruno, Giulia - In: Driving Agribusiness with Technology Innovations / Tarnanidis T., Vlachopoulou M., Papathanasiou J.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2017. - ISBN 9781522521075. - pp. 20-38 [10.4018/978-1-5225-2107-5.ch002] 1-gen-2017 BRUNO, GIULIA -
Ontology-based framework to design a collaborative human-robotic workcell / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia - In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology / Afsarmanesh H.,Camarinha-Matos L.M.,Fornasiero R.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer New York LLC, 2017. - ISBN 9783319651507. - pp. 167-174 [10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_16] 1-gen-2017 ANTONELLI, DARIOBRUNO, GIULIA -
Product Configuration for Order Acquisition and Fulfillment / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia - In: Mass Customized Manufacturing - Theoretical Concepts and Practical ApproachesSTAMPA. - [s.l] : CRC Press, 2017. - ISBN 978-1-4987-5545-0. - pp. 167-192 [10.1201/9781315398983-9] 1-gen-2017 ANTONELLI, DARIOBRUNO, GIULIA -
Identification of Potential Clients, Providers, and Competitors in Supply Chain Networks / Bruno, Giulia - In: Handbook of Research on Information Management for Effective Logistics and Supply Chains / George L. Jamil, António L. Soares, Cláudio R. M. Pessoa. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2016. - ISBN 9781522509738. - pp. 89-106 [10.4018/978-1-5225-0973-8.ch005] 1-gen-2016 BRUNO, GIULIA -
Product Knowledge Management in Small Manufacturing Enterprises / Bruno, Giulia - In: Knowledge Management Initiatives and Strategies in Small and Medium Enterprises / A. Bencsik. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2016. - ISBN 9781522516422. - pp. 157-179 [10.4018/978-1-5225-1642-2.ch008] 1-gen-2016 BRUNO, GIULIA -
Application of process mining and semantic structuring towards a lean healthcare network / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia - In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology / Camarinha-Matos L.M, Bénaben F., Picard W.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2015. - ISBN 9783319241401. - pp. 497-508 [10.1007/978-3-319-24141-8_46] 1-gen-2015 ANTONELLI, DARIOBRUNO, GIULIA -
Exploitation of a semantic platform to store and reuse PLM knowledge / Bruno, Giulia; Antonelli, Dario; Roman, Korf; Joachim, Lentes; Nikolas, Zimmermann - In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World / Bernard Grabot, Bruno Vallespir, Samuel Gomes, Abdelaziz Bouras, Dimitris Kiritsis. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. - ISBN 9783662447383. - pp. 59-66 [10.1007/978-3-662-44739-0_8] 1-gen-2014 BRUNO, GIULIAANTONELLI, DARIO + -
Healthcare network modeling and analysis / Bruno, Giulia; Antonelli, Dario - In: Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments / Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. - ISBN 9783662447444. - pp. 691-698 [10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_68] 1-gen-2014 BRUNO, GIULIAANTONELLI, DARIO -
Spread of Evaluation Measures for Microarray Clustering / Bruno, Giulia; Fiori, Alessandro - In: Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining, and Postprocessing of Biological Data / Mourad Elloumi, Albert Y. Zomaya. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Wiley, 2014. - ISBN 9781118132739. - pp. 569-590 1-gen-2014 BRUNO, GIULIAFIORI, ALESSANDRO -
Conditions for Effective Collaboration in SME Networks Based on Graph Model / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia; Taurino, Teresa; Villa, Agostino - In: Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication TechnologySTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. - ISBN 9783642405426. - pp. 129-136 [10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_14] 1-gen-2013 ANTONELLI, DARIOBRUNO, GIULIATAURINO, TERESAVILLA, AGOSTINO -
Full exploitation of Product Lifecycle Management by integrating static and dynamic viewpoints / Antonelli, Dario; Bruno, Giulia; A., Schwichtenberg; Villa, Agostino - In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and ServicesSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. - ISBN 9783642403613. - pp. 176-183 [10.1007/978-3-642-40361-3_23] 1-gen-2013 ANTONELLI, DARIOBRUNO, GIULIAVILLA, AGOSTINO + -
Gestire i dati del Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime: una proposta di organizzazione con software open source / Bruno, Giulia; Monaco, Cristina - In: Spazio Transfrontaliero Marittime Mercantour. La diversità naturale e culturale al centro dello sviluppo sostenibile e integrato del territorio / Valle M.. - STAMPA. - Torino : Celid, 2013. - ISBN 9788867890033. - pp. 37-41 1-gen-2013 BRUNO, GIULIAMONACO, CRISTINA -
Semi-automatic knowledge extraction to enrich open linked data / Baralis, ELENA MARIA; Bruno, Giulia; Cerquitelli, Tania; Chiusano, SILVIA ANNA; Fiori, Alessandro; Grand, Alberto - In: Cases on Open-Linked Data and Semantic Web Applications / Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Robert Tennyson, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2013. - ISBN 9781466628274. - pp. 156-180 [10.4018/978-1-4666-2827-4.ch008] 1-gen-2013 BARALIS, ELENA MARIABRUNO, GIULIACERQUITELLI, TANIACHIUSANO, SILVIA ANNAFIORI, ALESSANDROGRAND, ALBERTO -
Studio della cartografia storica e analisi delle banche dati: una proposta di interpretazione del territorio transfrontaliero Marittime-Mercantour / Bruno, Giulia; Gasca, Emanuela; Monaco, Cristina - In: Nuove frontiere della ricerca per i territori alpini / Federica Corrado, Elena di Bella, Valentina Porcellana. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : FRANCO ANGELI, 2013. - ISBN 9788820479084. - pp. 259-275 1-gen-2013 BRUNO, GIULIAGASCA, EMANUELAMONACO, CRISTINA -