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Volitional muscle activation intensifies neuronal processing of proprioceptive afference in the primary sensorimotor cortex: an EEG study / Giangrande, Alessandra; Cerone, Giacinto Luigi; Botter, Alberto; Piitulainen, Harri. - In: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 0022-3077. - ELETTRONICO. - 131:1(2024), pp. 28-37. [10.1152/jn.00340.2023] 1-gen-2024 Giangrande, AlessandraCerone, Giacinto LuigiBotter, Alberto + Giangrande_Volitional muscle activation intensifies neuronal processing of proprioceptive afference in the primary sensorimotor cortex an EEG study.pdfAcceptedmanuscript_clean.pdf
A real-time and convex model for the estimation of muscle force from surface electromyographic signals in the upper and lower limbs / Shirzadi, M; Marateb, Hr; Rojas-Martinez, M; Mansourian, M; Botter, A; dos Anjos, Fv; Vieira, Tm; Mananas, Ma. - In: FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 1664-042X. - ELETTRONICO. - 14:(2023). [10.3389/fphys.2023.1098225] 1-gen-2023 Botter, AVieira, TM + fphys-14-1098225.pdf
Effect of Periodic Voluntary Interventions on Trapezius Activation and Fatigue During Light Upper Limb Activity / Kim, D.; Nicoletti, C.; Soedirdjo, S. D. H.; Baghi, R.; Garcia, M. -G.; Laubli, T.; Wild, P.; Botter, A.; Martin, B. J.. - In: HUMAN FACTORS. - ISSN 0018-7208. - ELETTRONICO. - 65:7(2023), pp. 1491-1505. [10.1177/00187208211050723] 1-gen-2023 Soedirdjo S. D. H.Botter A. + TrapeziusFinal.pdf00187208211050723.pdf
The Sensitivity of Bipolar Electromyograms to Muscle Excitation Scales With the Inter-Electrode Distance / Vieira, Taian M; Cerone, Giacinto Luigi; Botter, Alberto; Watanabe, Kohei; Vigotsky, Andrew D. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1534-4320. - STAMPA. - 31:(2023), pp. 4245-4255. [10.1109/TNSRE.2023.3325132] 1-gen-2023 Vieira, Taian MCerone, Giacinto LuigiBotter, Alberto + Vieira_et_al_2023-IEEETNSR_compressed.pdf
Design and validation of a wireless Body Sensor Network for integrated EEG and HD-sEMG acquisitions / Cerone, G. L.; Giangrande, A.; Ghislieri, M.; Gazzoni, M.; Piitulainen, H.; Botter, A.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1534-4320. - STAMPA. - 30:(2022), pp. 61-71. [10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3140220] 1-gen-2022 Cerone G. L.Giangrande A.Ghislieri M.Gazzoni M.Botter A. + TNSRE3140220_final.pdf
DXA-Based Detection of Low Muscle Mass Using the Total Body Muscularity Assessment Index (TB-MAXI): A New Index with Cutoff Values from the NHANES 1999–2004 / Minetto, M. A.; Ballatore, M. G.; Botter, A.; Busso, C.; Pietrobelli, A.; Tabacco, A.. - In: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. - ISSN 2077-0383. - ELETTRONICO. - 11:3(2022), pp. 603-614. [10.3390/jcm11030603] 1-gen-2022 Minetto M. A.Ballatore M. G.Botter A.Tabacco A. + jcm-11-00603_compressed.pdf
Endurance-exercise training adaptations in spinal motoneurones: potential functional relevance to locomotor output and assessment in humans / Power, Kevin E; Lockyer, Evan J; Botter, Alberto; Vieira, Taian; Button, Duane C. - In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 1439-6319. - STAMPA. - (2022). [10.1007/s00421-022-04918-2] 1-gen-2022 Botter, AlbertoVieira, Taian + Power2022_Article_Endurance-exerciseTrainingAdap.pdfEJAP_Review Manuscript_preprint.pdf
Modulations in motor unit discharge are related to changes in fascicle length during isometric contractions / Martinez-Valdes, E; Negro, F; Botter, A; Pincheira, Pa; Cerone, Gl; Falla, D; Lichtwark, Ga; Cresswell, Ag. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 8750-7587. - STAMPA. - 133:5(2022), pp. 1136-1148. [10.1152/japplphysiol.00758.2021] 1-gen-2022 Botter, ACerone, GL + japplphysiol.00758.2021.pdf
Physical and electrophysiological motor unit characteristics are revealed with simultaneous high-density electromyography and ultrafast ultrasound imaging / Carbonaro, Marco; Meiburger, Kristen M; Seoni, Silvia; Hodson-Tole, Emma F; Vieira, Taian; Botter, Alberto. - In: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. - ISSN 2045-2322. - ELETTRONICO. - 12:1(2022), p. 8855. [10.1038/s41598-022-12999-4] 1-gen-2022 Carbonaro, MarcoMeiburger, Kristen MSeoni, SilviaVieira, TaianBotter, Alberto + s41598-022-12999-4.pdf
Design and Characterization of a Textile Electrode System for the Detection of High-Density sEMG / Cerone, G. L.; Botter, A.; Vieira, T.; Gazzoni, M.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1534-4320. - ELETTRONICO. - 29:(2021), pp. 1110-1119. [10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3086860] 1-gen-2021 Cerone G. L.Botter A.Vieira T.Gazzoni M. 09447715.pdf
Design of a Programmable and Modular Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator Integrated into a Wireless Body Sensor Network / Cerone, G. L.; Giangrande, A.; Vieira, T.; Pisaturo, D.; Ionescu, M.; Gazzoni, M.; Botter, A.. - In: IEEE ACCESS. - ISSN 2169-3536. - ELETTRONICO. - 9:(2021), pp. 163284-163296. [10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3133096] 1-gen-2021 Cerone G. L.Giangrande A.Vieira T.Gazzoni M.Botter A. + Design_of_a_Programmable_and_Modular_Neuromuscular_Electrical_Stimulator_Integrated_Into_a_Wireless_Body_Sensor_Network.pdf
Dynamic surface electromyography using stretchable screen-printed textile electrodes / Spanu, A.; Botter, A.; Zedda, A.; Cerone, G. L.; Bonfiglio, A.; Pani, D.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1534-4320. - STAMPA. - 29:(2021), pp. 1661-1668. [10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3104972] 1-gen-2021 Botter A.Cerone G. L. + Dynamic_Surface_Electromyography_Using_Stretchable_Screen-Printed_Textile_Electrodes.pdf
Electrodes' Configuration Influences the Agreement between Surface EMG and B-Mode Ultrasound Detection of Motor Unit Fasciculation / Botter, A.; Vieira, T.; Carbonaro, M.; Cerone, G. L.; Hodson-Tole, E. F.. - In: IEEE ACCESS. - ISSN 2169-3536. - ELETTRONICO. - 9:(2021), pp. 98110-98120. [10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3094665] 1-gen-2021 Botter A.Vieira T.Carbonaro M.Cerone G. L. + Electrodes_Configuration_Influences_the_Agreement_Between_Surface_EMG_and_B-Mode_Ultrasound_Detection_of_Motor_Unit_Fasciculation.pdf
The Accurate Assessment of Muscle Excitation Requires the Detection of Multiple Surface Electromyograms / Vieira, T. M.; Botter, A.. - In: EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS. - ISSN 0091-6331. - STAMPA. - 49:1(2021), pp. 23-34. [10.1249/JES.0000000000000240] 1-gen-2021 Vieira T. M.Botter A. Manuscript_CompleteDraft_ESSR.docxVieira_and_Botter_2021-ESSR.pdf
The M waves of the biceps brachii have a stationary (shoulder-like) component in the first phase: Implications and recommendations for M-wave analysis / Rodriguez-Falces, J.; Botter, A.; Vieira, T.; Place, N.. - In: PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT. - ISSN 0967-3334. - STAMPA. - 42:1(2021), p. 015007. [10.1088/1361-6579/abb791] 1-gen-2021 Botter A.Vieira T. + Rodriguez-Falces_2021_Physiol._Meas._42_015007.pdfRodriguez falcez_PrePrint.pdf
A Survey on the Use and Barriers of Surface Electromyography in Neurorehabilitation / Manca, A.; Cereatti, A.; Bar-On, L.; Botter, A.; Della Croce, U.; Knaflitz, M.; Maffiuletti, N. A.; Mazzoli, D.; Merlo, A.; Roatta, S.; Turolla, A.; Deriu, F.. - In: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. - ISSN 1664-2295. - ELETTRONICO. - 11:(2020), p. 573616. [10.3389/fneur.2020.573616] 1-gen-2020 Cereatti A.Botter A.Knaflitz M. + Manca et al 2020.pdf
Architectural changes in superficial and deep compartments of the tibialis anterior during electrical stimulation over different sites / Carbonaro, M.; Seynnes, O.; Maffiuletti, N. A.; Busso, C.; Minetto, M. A.; Botter, A.. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1534-4320. - STAMPA. - 28:11(2020), pp. 2557-2565. [10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3027037] 1-gen-2020 Carbonaro M.Botter A. + Carbonaro et al._2020_Architectural changes in superficial and deep compartments of the tibialis anterior during electrical stimulation.pdfTNSRE-2020-00357_Accepted.pdf
Characterization of the stimulation output of four devices for focal muscle vibration / Botter, A.; Cerone, G. L.; Saggini, R.; Massazza, G.; Minetto, M. A.. - In: MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS. - ISSN 1350-4533. - STAMPA. - 85:(2020), pp. 97-103. [10.1016/j.medengphy.2020.10.002] 1-gen-2020 Botter A.Cerone G. L. + Botter_et_al_MEP_final.pdfBotter et al. preprint.doc
Contraction level, but not force direction or wrist position, affects the spatial distribution of motor unit recruitment in the biceps brachii muscle / Borzelli, D.; Gazzoni, M.; Botter, A.; Gastaldi, L.; D'Avella, A.; Vieira, T. M.. - In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 1439-6319. - STAMPA. - 120:4(2020), pp. 853-860. [10.1007/s00421-020-04324-6] 1-gen-2020 Gazzoni M.Botter A.Gastaldi L.Vieira T. M. + Borzelli_et_al-2020-European_Journal_of_Applied_Physiology.pdfBorzelli et al EJAP 2019_reviewed wF_submitted.pdf
Force control during submaximal isometric contractions is associated with walking performance in persons with multiple sclerosis / Davis, L. A.; Alenazy, M. S.; Almuklass, A. M.; Feeney, D. F.; Vieira, T.; Botter, A.; Enoka, R. M.. - In: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. - ISSN 0022-3077. - STAMPA. - 123:6(2020), pp. 2191-2200. [10.1152/jn.00085.2020] 1-gen-2020 Vieira T.Botter A. + Davis_et_al-2020_JNP.pdf133101_2_art_file_3455122_q971bv.pdf