SPARAVIGNA, Amelia Carolina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 62.982
NA - Nord America 49.751
AS - Asia 12.646
SA - Sud America 568
AF - Africa 307
OC - Oceania 74
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 21
GeoIP Country Edition - ???statistics.table.value.continent.GeoIP Country Edition??? 2
Totale 126.351
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 49.015
IT - Italia 23.724
DE - Germania 10.973
FR - Francia 8.396
GB - Regno Unito 8.321
CN - Cina 5.104
UA - Ucraina 3.362
SG - Singapore 2.804
RU - Federazione Russa 1.805
IE - Irlanda 1.451
KR - Corea 1.107
TR - Turchia 981
NL - Olanda 847
CH - Svizzera 841
SE - Svezia 793
CA - Canada 607
FI - Finlandia 541
JP - Giappone 519
ID - Indonesia 514
BR - Brasile 374
BE - Belgio 353
IN - India 299
VN - Vietnam 279
ES - Italia 217
HK - Hong Kong 212
PL - Polonia 186
RO - Romania 183
IL - Israele 167
TW - Taiwan 164
BG - Bulgaria 160
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 131
AT - Austria 129
MX - Messico 93
PT - Portogallo 79
IR - Iran 75
GR - Grecia 72
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 71
MY - Malesia 67
EU - Europa 64
CI - Costa d'Avorio 60
ZA - Sudafrica 58
PH - Filippine 57
HR - Croazia 52
MD - Moldavia 48
AU - Australia 47
HU - Ungheria 46
PK - Pakistan 42
TH - Thailandia 41
UY - Uruguay 39
CL - Cile 34
SN - Senegal 34
EG - Egitto 33
CO - Colombia 32
AR - Argentina 30
DK - Danimarca 30
SA - Arabia Saudita 27
UZ - Uzbekistan 26
MA - Marocco 25
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 25
EC - Ecuador 24
LT - Lituania 23
PE - Perù 23
NG - Nigeria 22
RS - Serbia 22
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 21
NO - Norvegia 17
BY - Bielorussia 16
DZ - Algeria 16
JO - Giordania 16
IQ - Iraq 14
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 13
KZ - Kazakistan 12
BD - Bangladesh 10
BJ - Benin 10
LK - Sri Lanka 10
BW - Botswana 9
LB - Libano 9
TN - Tunisia 9
VE - Venezuela 9
AW - Aruba 8
LV - Lettonia 8
MK - Macedonia 8
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
EE - Estonia 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
ME - Montenegro 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 5
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 5
GE - Georgia 5
GT - Guatemala 5
MN - Mongolia 5
NP - Nepal 5
QA - Qatar 5
SD - Sudan 5
SI - Slovenia 5
AL - Albania 4
BH - Bahrain 4
CY - Cipro 4
KE - Kenya 4
MU - Mauritius 4
Totale 126.284
Città #
Ashburn 13.909
Southend 6.402
Seattle 4.036
Turin 3.890
Princeton 1.931
Mountain View 1.854
Fairfield 1.798
Milan 1.680
Chandler 1.591
Jacksonville 1.534
San Francisco 1.493
Des Moines 1.376
Dublin 1.301
Boardman 1.250
Torino 1.168
Berlin 1.148
Ann Arbor 1.144
Singapore 1.141
San Ramon 1.090
Houston 1.080
Beijing 1.026
Woodbridge 993
Wilmington 821
Frankfurt 758
Izmir 738
Bern 724
Cambridge 715
San Donato Milanese 629
Shanghai 500
Helsinki 477
Zhengzhou 470
Jakarta 463
Santa Clara 418
Saint Petersburg 406
Chicago 400
Council Bluffs 383
Guangzhou 379
Rome 363
Buffalo 349
Baltimore 337
Zaporozhye 324
Brussels 313
Putian 309
Pennsylvania Furnace 304
San Jose 299
Austin 296
Shenzhen 295
Redwood City 283
Hangzhou 274
Wenzhou 260
Cuneo 248
Overberg 238
Dong Ket 234
Osaka 212
Bologna 197
New York 196
Montréal 195
Atlanta 182
Indiana 168
Fuzhou 165
Toronto 162
Paris 154
Seongnam 151
Mcallen 149
Moscow 144
Milwaukee 142
Seoul 141
Dallas 139
San Diego 134
London 133
Sofia 132
Munich 129
Piossasco 124
Andover 119
Nürnberg 116
Cupertino 115
Monopoli 112
Amsterdam 111
Wuhan 105
Vigliano Biellese 104
Padua 103
Galati 101
Melun 101
Lecce 100
San Antonio 100
Washington 100
Los Angeles 99
Menlo Park 99
Nanjing 97
Almese 93
Norwalk 93
Taipei 90
Redmond 89
Roncadelle 88
Yubileyny 86
Fremont 85
Vienna 84
Ningbo 83
Hong Kong 76
Castellamonte 73
Totale 71.613
Nome #
Su una datazione archeoastronomica recentemente proposta per la fondazione di Augusta Taurinorum, l'odierna Torino 4.552
Giovanni de la Fontana, engineer and magician 1.305
Using Geographic Information Systems to Increment the Knowledge of Cultural Landscapes 1.284
The geoglyphs of Titicaca 1.174
Gimp Retinex for Enhancing Images from Microscopes 937
Discussion of the De Generatione Sonorum, a treatise on sound and phonetics by Robert Grosseteste 830
Ancient Egyptian Seals and Scarabs 748
La fondazione di Torino come Augusta Taurinorum e la datazione della colonia romana 694
Gabrio Piola e il suo Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalieri 656
From Rome to the Antipodes: The Medieval Form of the World 640
Esercizi di Termodinamica 635
Robert Grosseteste and the Colours 592
Robert Grosseteste: the geometry to solve the complexity of the world 583
The Generation of Sounds According to Robert Grosseteste 562
An Image Processing Approach Based on Gnu Image Manipulation Program Gimp to the Panoramic Radiography 551
On the Rainbow, a Robert Grosseteste's Treatise on Optics 550
Analysis of a Play by Means of CHAPLIN, the Characters and Places Interaction Network Software 541
Robert Grosseteste and the Four Elements 508
Robert Grosseteste and his Treatise on Lines, Angles and Figures of the Propagation of Light 505
The structure of the distortion free-energy density in nematics: second-order elasticity and surface terms 499
The Ten Spheres of Al-Farabi: A Medieval Cosmology 498
The Creation of the World in the Sefer Yetzirah 490
De Calore Solis, a Treatise on Heat by Robert Grosseteste 486
A Mathematical Study of a Symbol: the Vesica Piscis of Sacred Geometry 484
Il Sole, la Luna ed Ottaviano Augusto - Simboli Vari e Riferimenti Astronomici 482
FISICA II: Esercizi e prove d'esame, Progetto Leonardo, Societa' editrice Esculapio 471
Some Notes on Ancient Concrete 467
Physics in Carnacki’s Investigations: the Role of New Scientific Discoveries in Literature 462
L’equazione di Boltzmann per la conducibilità termica fononica nell’approssimazione dei tempi di rilassamento 462
An Example of Military Engineering in 16th Century: The Star Fort of Turin 462
The Rhone Caesar 458
Per studiare Fisica - Dimensioni, Misura, Vettori, Cinematica 453
Japanese Kofun in Maps given by a Spaceborne Digital Elevation Model based on Multiple Satellite Data Sets 448
Sessile Axisymmetric Drops in Microgravity Conditions 427
The Gardens of Taj Mahal and the Sun 427
Applications of Polypyrrole/Polyester Textiles: A Review 427
Angolo di direzione ed azimut del decumano massimo di Augusta Taurinorum 425
Sunrise and Sunset Azimuths in the Planning of Ancient Chinese Towns 418
Static splay-stripes in a hybrid aligned nematic layer 418
On Social Networks in Plays and Novels 416
Lollio e la Clades Lolliana 413
Thermal Conductivity of Zincblende Crystals 411
Some Notes on the Gresham’s Law of Money Circulation 406
A Case Study of Moving Sand Dunes: The Barchans of the Kharga Oasis 406
Faience: the ceramic technology of ancient Egypt 403
Using Time Series and Graphs in the Analysis of Dante's Divine Comedy 401
Peruvian Transverse Dunes in the Google Earth Images 400
A Study of Moving Sand Dunes by Means of Satellite Images 400
On the solar orientation of Ales Stenar site 399
Measuring the Speed of Sound Using Oscilloscope and Buzzers 395
Solar Azimuths in the Planning of a Nur Jahan’s Charbagh 393
The Science of al-Biruni 389
Robert Grosseteste's Thought on Light and Form of the World 389
Atmospheric plasma treatments in converting and textile industries. 388
Elasticity Tensors in Nematic Liquid Crystals 388
Carbon-Arc Light as the Electric Light of 1870 387
Phonons in conventional and auxetic honeycomb lattices 387
Graph Visualization Software for Networks of Characters in Plays 386
Per studiare Fisica - Momento angolare e corpi rigidi 386
An ancient rangefinder for teaching surveying methods 385
Hybrid aligned nematics and second order elasticity 385
Magnetic Compasses and Chinese Architectures 381
Thermal diffusivity and Biot number: a new experimental method 376
The Boltzmann Equation of Phonon Thermal Transport Solved In the Relaxation Time Approximation – I – Theory 375
The Symmetries of the Icons on Ancient Seals 370
The Vitruvius' Tale of Archimedes and the Golden Crown 368
Polypyrrole Coated PET Fabrics for Thermal Applications 367
Role of grain boundaries as phonon diffraction gratings in the theory of thermal conductivity 366
The Shrinking Toshka Lakes in the Google Earth Images 365
Paper-based Metamaterials: Honeycomb and Auxetic Structures 365
Kaniadakis Entropy and Images 363
Image Processing for the Enhancement of Satellite Imagery 359
James Fergason, a Pioneer in Advancing of Liquid Crystal Technology 358
Measuring the Thermal Diffusivity in a Student Laboratory 357
La grande congiunzione planetaria nel segno dei Pesci del 1524 357
Thermal diffusivity and conductivity in low-conducting materials: a new technique 356
Experiments on Radioactivity in a Student Laboratory 355
The GNU Image Manipulation Program applied to study the sand dunes 354
Lattice thermal conductivity in cubic silicon carbide 352
Thermal diffusivity of solids with low expansion coefficient: a dilatometric technique 352
Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Emissions in Atmosphere: Trends and Recurrence Plots 346
Solstices at the Hardknott Roman Fort 345
Carlo Promis e l’antica Torino 342
Observations on the Orientation of Some Mughal Gardens 342
The Light Linking Dante Alighieri to Robert Grosseteste 341
Japanese Temple Geometry: A Digital Sangaku About a Regular Pentagon and the Golden Ratio 341
Flexoelectricity in Nematics Confined to Cylindrical Geometry 336
Remote archaeoastronomical analysis of the town-planning of the Roman Aosta 336
Tsallis Entropy In Bi-level And Multi-level Image Thresholding 336
Some Features of Liquid Crystalline Oxadiazoles 333
Thermal diffusivity in low conducting solids: a capacitive method 333
Thermal diffusivity and thermal expansion in high-conducting materials: a capacitance method 331
Ancient Technologies: The Egyptian Sintered-Quartz Ceramics 330
The Merowe Dam on the Nile 329
Quasistatic domains in planar nematic liquid crystals around the dielectric inversion point 329
Musei virtuali, immagini reali 328
Some Notes on Boltzmann and Landauer Phonon Thermal Transport at Nanoscale 328
Light, heat and sound in Robert Grosseteste's Physics 327
X-ray investigation of new isomeric oxadiazoles 325
Totale 49.325
Categoria #
all - tutte 347.703
article - articoli 200.875
book - libri 13.708
conference - conferenze 39.734
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 86.207
patent - brevetti 608
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 6.507
Totale 695.342

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.062 629 547 496
2020/202113.301 1.276 1.089 352 837 558 901 1.176 1.519 1.641 1.780 1.355 817
2021/202210.998 596 546 342 929 330 1.118 1.267 614 535 698 1.684 2.339
2022/202311.139 1.166 1.577 186 564 1.190 1.357 1.846 418 987 134 821 893
2023/20245.121 224 496 259 476 315 315 543 612 326 302 550 703
2024/20258.601 343 1.952 844 1.548 730 563 636 1.075 910 0 0 0
Totale 128.171