Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia
Hazard mapping over wastewater treatment plant as point critical infrastructures using a multi-hazard, multi-scale approach
2025 Castiglione, M.; Beringheli, G.; Fabio Corsino, S.; Torregrossa, M.; Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Demichela, M.; Barresi, A.
“Multi-risk NaTech vulnerability indicator: A step further”
2025 Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela
A territorial view of the infrastructure resilience
2024 CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela
Ageing in Process Industry: Identification of Material Degradation from Past Accidents Analysis
2024 Vitale, Morena; Shi, Huxiao; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela
Hydric erosion in touristic beaches influenced by extreme rainfall events: case contribution of the pluvial drainage of the Ancon Hotel, Cuba
2024 Gutiérrez Benítez, Omar; Castro Rodriguez, David Javier
Insights into the vulnerability of industrial infrastructure against lightning strikes applied to the Italian context
2024 Castro Rodriguez, David J.; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela
Material degradation and NaTech risk: a bidirectional relationship
2024 Vitale, Morena; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela
Material degradation in process industry: past accident analysis
2024 Vitale, Morena; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Demichela, Micaela; Barresi, Antonello
Modelling Industrial Vulnerabilities to NaTech: Methodological Contributions from Historical Lightning Triggered Analysis
2024 CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Mietkiewicz, Joseph; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Demichela, Micaela; Barresi, Antonello A.
Modelling Industrial Vulnerabilities within a Multi-hazard Framework for the Resilience of the Territories
Modelling vulnerabilities of industrial infrastructures: A multi-risk comprehensive approach
2024 Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.
NaTech triggered by lightning: Novel insights from past events in the process industry
2024 CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Mietkiewicz, Joseph; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela
Spatial vulnerability characterization between industrial infrastructure and territory using a multi-hazard, multi-scale approach
2024 Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Demichela, M.; Barresi, A. A.; Torregrossa, M; Castiglione, M.; Corsino, S. F.; Beringheli, G.
Spatial vulnerability characterization in case of mutual impact of industrial infrastructure and territory
2024 CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela
Bench-Scale Biopile Hydrocarbons Removal Optimization Using the Response Surface Methodology and Simultaneous Optimization
2023 Gutiérrez-Benítez, Omar; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Manuel Serrano-Suárez, Víctor; Casals-Pérez, Enmanuel; Rabassa-Rabassa, Dayana; Rafael Núñez-Moreira, Roberto; Ortiz-Guilarte, Eudalys; Victoria Iglesias-Rodríguez, María
Dataset of NaTech events triggered by lightning within the Process Industry
2023 Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Tufano, C.; Vitale, M.; Mietkiewicz, J.; Baldissone, G.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.
Implementation of a Natech Vulnerability Index in a Seveso Plant
2023 Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Pilone, Eleonora; Camuncoli, Gianfranco; Demichela, Micaela
Metodología para la evaluación energética de la estación de evaporación de ingenios azucareros / Methodology for the energy evaluation of the sugar mill evaporation station
2023 Gutiérrez-Benítez, Omar; Hernández-Fundora, Henry Rafael; Castro RodrIguez, David Javier
Sustainability of process industry: The elements of Natech events triggered by lightnings
2023 Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Tufano, C.; Vitale, M.; Mietkiewicz, J.; Baldissone, G.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.
Vulnerability Scenario Characterization in an Industrial Context using a Natech Indicator and a Territorial Multi-risk Approach
2023 Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Demichela, Micaela; Beltramino, Simone; Scalas, Mattia; Brunetta, Grazia; Barresi, Antonello A.
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Hazard mapping over wastewater treatment plant as point critical infrastructures using a multi-hazard, multi-scale approach / Castiglione, M.; Beringheli, G.; Fabio Corsino, S.; Torregrossa, M.; Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Demichela, M.; Barresi, A.. - ELETTRONICO. - 4:(2025), pp. 72-80. (Intervento presentato al convegno 14th IWA Specialized Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (LWWTP2024) tenutosi a Budapest nel 8-12 September 2024) [10.22618/TP.EI.20254.116009]. | 1-gen-2025 | Castro Rodriguez D. J.Demichela M.Barresi A. + | 2025_14 IWA_selected_Castiglione_cover.pdf |
“Multi-risk NaTech vulnerability indicator: A step further” / Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela. - In: JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES. - ISSN 0950-4230. - STAMPA. - 95:(2025), pp. 1-14. [10.1016/j.jlp.2025.105588] | 1-gen-2025 | Castro Rodriguez, David JavierBarresi, Antonello A.Demichela, Micaela | 2025_JLPPI_95_Multi-risk_NaTech.pdf |
A territorial view of the infrastructure resilience / CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela - In: Resilience assessment: Methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures / Kopustinskas, V., Foretic, H. and Asensio Bermejo, I.. - ELETTRONICO. - Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2024. - ISBN 978-92-68-20482-5. - pp. 133-139 [10.2760/2808748] | 1-gen-2024 | Castro Rodriguez David javierBarresi AntonelloDemichela Micaela | JRC139101_01_Demichela.pdf |
Ageing in Process Industry: Identification of Material Degradation from Past Accidents Analysis / Vitale, Morena; Shi, Huxiao; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela. - ELETTRONICO. - 58:(2024), pp. 568-573. (Intervento presentato al convegno 12th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 2024) tenutosi a Ferrara (IT) nel 4-7 June 2024) [10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.279]. | 1-gen-2024 | Morena,VitaleHuxiao,ShiDavid Javier, Castro RodriguezAntonello,BarresiMicaela,Demichela. | 1-s2.0-S240589632400363X-main.pdf; safeprocess2024_cover.pdf |
Hydric erosion in touristic beaches influenced by extreme rainfall events: case contribution of the pluvial drainage of the Ancon Hotel, Cuba / Gutiérrez Benítez, Omar; Castro Rodriguez, David Javier. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 194-205. (Intervento presentato al convegno 61st ESReDA Seminar tenutosi a Turin (ITA) nel 22-23 September 2022) [10.2760/4847612]. | 1-gen-2024 | Castro Rodriguez, David Javier + | Castro and Gutierrez_ ESREDA_2024_1.pdf |
Insights into the vulnerability of industrial infrastructure against lightning strikes applied to the Italian context / Castro Rodriguez, David J.; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. - ISSN 2283-9216. - ELETTRONICO. - 111:(2024), pp. 595-600. [10.3303/CET24111100] | 1-gen-2024 | David J. Castro RodriguezMorena VitaleGabriele BaldissoneAntonello A. BarresiMicaela Demichela | 100.pdf |
Material degradation and NaTech risk: a bidirectional relationship / Vitale, Morena; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello; Demichela, Micaela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 34-34. (Intervento presentato al convegno Natech 2024: 8th International Symposium on Natural Hazard-Triggered Technological Accidents tenutosi a Trondheim (Norway) nel 1-2 July 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | Morena, VitaleDavid Javier, Castro RodriguezAntonello, BarresiMicaela, Demichela. | Natech2024_Proc_34_Vitale_cover.pdf |
Material degradation in process industry: past accident analysis / Vitale, Morena; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Demichela, Micaela; Barresi, Antonello. - STAMPA. - 2:(2024), pp. 53-54. (Intervento presentato al convegno ESREL 2024 - The 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference tenutosi a Cracow (Pol) nel 23-27 June 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | Morena, VitaleDavid Javier, Castro RodriguezMicaela, DemichelaAntonello, Barresi. | 2024_ESREL_Vitale_cover.pdf |
Modelling Industrial Vulnerabilities to NaTech: Methodological Contributions from Historical Lightning Triggered Analysis / CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Mietkiewicz, Joseph; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Demichela, Micaela; Barresi, Antonello A.. - ELETTRONICO. - 1:(2024), pp. 17-18. (Intervento presentato al convegno 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2024) tenutosi a Cracow (Pol) nel 23-27 June 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | David Javier Castro RodriguezMorena VitaleGabriele BaldissoneMicaela DemichelaAntonello A. Barresi + | 2024_ESREL_Castro_cover.pdf |
Modelling Industrial Vulnerabilities within a Multi-hazard Framework for the Resilience of the Territories / CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER. - (2024 Nov 06), pp. 1-215. | 6-nov-2024 | CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER | conv_09-09-24_thesis phd_castro_ after revisions.pdf; conv_abstract thesis_dj -castro rodriguez-09-09-24.pdf |
Modelling vulnerabilities of industrial infrastructures: A multi-risk comprehensive approach / Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.. - (2024). (Intervento presentato al convegno DISAT Research Days “Enjoy the Science” tenutosi a Torino, Italy nel 13-14 November 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | Castro Rodriguez D. J.Barresi A. A.Demichela M. | DISAT Research day_D Castro_Poster A 0.pdf |
NaTech triggered by lightning: Novel insights from past events in the process industry / CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Mietkiewicz, Joseph; Vitale, Morena; Baldissone, Gabriele; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela. - In: HELIYON. - ISSN 2405-8440. - ELETTRONICO. - 10:11(2024), pp. 1-24. [10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31610] | 1-gen-2024 | David Javier Castro RodriguezMorena VitaleGabriele BaldissoneAntonello A. BarresiMicaela Demichela + | PIIS2405844024076412.pdf |
Spatial vulnerability characterization between industrial infrastructure and territory using a multi-hazard, multi-scale approach / Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Demichela, M.; Barresi, A. A.; Torregrossa, M; Castiglione, M.; Corsino, S. F.; Beringheli, G.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 235-236. (Intervento presentato al convegno RETURN Dissemination Workshop tenutosi a Torino, Italy nel 1-2 february 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | Castro Rodriguez D. J.Demichela M.Barresi A. A. + | Castro_Return_abstract_2024.pdf; Castro Rodriguez_Spatial vulnerability_return_poster_6-8.pdf |
Spatial vulnerability characterization in case of mutual impact of industrial infrastructure and territory / CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Barresi, Antonello A.; Demichela, Micaela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2024), pp. 45-46. (Intervento presentato al convegno Natech 2024: 8th International Symposium on Natural Hazard-Triggered Technological Accidents tenutosi a Trondheim nel 1-2 July 2024). | 1-gen-2024 | David Javier Castro RodriguezAntonello A. BarresiMicaela Demichela | Natech2024_Proceedings.pdf; Natech2024_Proc_46_Castro_cover.pdf |
Bench-Scale Biopile Hydrocarbons Removal Optimization Using the Response Surface Methodology and Simultaneous Optimization / Gutiérrez-Benítez, Omar; CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, DAVID JAVIER; Manuel Serrano-Suárez, Víctor; Casals-Pérez, Enmanuel; Rabassa-Rabassa, Dayana; Rafael Núñez-Moreira, Roberto; Ortiz-Guilarte, Eudalys; Victoria Iglesias-Rodríguez, María. - In: INGENIERÍA E INVESTIGACIÓN. - ISSN 0120-5609. - ELETTRONICO. - 43:2(2023), pp. 1-11. [10.15446/ing.investig.97848] | 1-gen-2023 | David Javier Castro Rodriguez + | RIIv43n2Art_97848+RV2.pdf |
Dataset of NaTech events triggered by lightning within the Process Industry / Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Tufano, C.; Vitale, M.; Mietkiewicz, J.; Baldissone, G.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.. - (2023). [10.17632/fff64w3rzn.1] | 1-gen-2023 | Castro Rodriguez D. J.Tufano C.Vitale M.Baldissone G.Barresi A. A.Demichela M. + | - |
Implementation of a Natech Vulnerability Index in a Seveso Plant / Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Pilone, Eleonora; Camuncoli, Gianfranco; Demichela, Micaela. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. - ISSN 2283-9216. - ELETTRONICO. - 100:(2023), pp. 43-48. [10.3303/CET23100008] | 1-gen-2023 | Castro Rodriguez, David JavierPilone, EleonoraCamuncoli, GianfrancoDemichela, Micaela | 008.pdf |
Metodología para la evaluación energética de la estación de evaporación de ingenios azucareros / Methodology for the energy evaluation of the sugar mill evaporation station / Gutiérrez-Benítez, Omar; Hernández-Fundora, Henry Rafael; Castro RodrIguez, David Javier. - In: TECNOLOGÍA QUÍMICA. - ISSN 2224-6185. - 43:2(2023), pp. 255-274. | 1-gen-2023 | Castro RodrIguez, David Javier + | RTQ ingenios AZUCAREROS.pdf |
Sustainability of process industry: The elements of Natech events triggered by lightnings / Castro Rodriguez, D. J.; Tufano, C.; Vitale, M.; Mietkiewicz, J.; Baldissone, G.; Barresi, A. A.; Demichela, M.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno “Climate Action – Adaptation” tenutosi a Torino nel 13 October 2023). | 1-gen-2023 | Castro Rodriguez D. J.Tufano C.Vitale M.Baldissone G.Barresi A. A.Demichela M. + | Lightning Natech events DC_DISAT_PCA.pdf |
Vulnerability Scenario Characterization in an Industrial Context using a Natech Indicator and a Territorial Multi-risk Approach / Castro Rodriguez, David Javier; Demichela, Micaela; Beltramino, Simone; Scalas, Mattia; Brunetta, Grazia; Barresi, Antonello A.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2023), pp. 2181-2188. (Intervento presentato al convegno The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023) tenutosi a Southampton, UK nel 3 – 8 September 2023) [10.3850/978-981-18-8071-1_P187-cd]. | 1-gen-2023 | Castro Rodriguez, David JavierDemichela, MicaelaBeltramino, SimoneScalas, MattiaBrunetta, GraziaBarresi, Antonello A. | ESREL2023_ESREL2023_Paper_only_187 (3).pdf; ESREL-P187.pdf |